LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’


“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard … it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.”

The Los Angeles Times editorial board published a blistering review of President Donald Trump’s first months in office on Monday.

“It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters,” the board wrote. “Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.”

Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ― the board said it was the president who poses the greatest threat to America.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.”

Over the next three days, the board will release three more pieces focusing on Trump’s lack of respect for the rule of law, his lack of regard for truth and facts and his willingness to recklessly perpetrate conspiracy theories and racist memes.

Head over to the LA Times website to read the entire editorial.

LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

It Took Years For A Majority Of Americans To Disapprove Of The President. It Took Trump Barely More Than A Week.

Amen! The man-child is a total disaster - a train wreck. Actually, I think many of us who watched him closely during the campaign had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Along with the obvious incompetence - it's mainly his pathological lying that blows my mind. My mind is further blown by one-third of Americans still believing him. We'll be lucky to live through it.

LMFAO this is a riot what day is today?damn 4 months later and the LA times still crying about Trump.


They waited--now everyone knows that there is an em

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard … it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.”

The Los Angeles Times editorial board published a blistering review of President Donald Trump’s first months in office on Monday.

“It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters,” the board wrote. “Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.”

Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ― the board said it was the president who poses the greatest threat to America.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.”

Over the next three days, the board will release three more pieces focusing on Trump’s lack of respect for the rule of law, his lack of regard for truth and facts and his willingness to recklessly perpetrate conspiracy theories and racist memes.

Head over to the LA Times website to read the entire editorial.

LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

It Took Years For A Majority Of Americans To Disapprove Of The President. It Took Trump Barely More Than A Week.

Amen! The man-child is a total disaster - a train wreck. Actually, I think many of us who watched him closely during the campaign had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Along with the obvious incompetence - it's mainly his pathological lying that blows my mind. My mind is further blown by one-third of Americans still believing him. We'll be lucky to live through it.

LMFAO this is a riot what day is today?damn 4 months later and the LA times still crying about Trump.


Well they waited for 2 months--and it's fairly obviously there is an emotionally unstable MALE drama QUEEN in the Oval office. He is abject FAILURE a total LOOSER.


And you forgot to mention he is doing his job perfectly...

Drive the left insane.


So you think that Trump's only job is to drive the left insane?

I thought he was elected to run the country.

Driving the left insane is part of Best Practices for running a country.
But in the end it doesn't matter what you think. WE know why we elected him.

Sent from my iPhone using

That's interesting why did you elect Trump?
LMFAO this is a riot what day is today?damn 4 months later and the LA times still crying about Trump.


They waited--now everyone knows that there is an em
LMFAO this is a riot what day is today?damn 4 months later and the LA times still crying about Trump.


Well they waited for 2 months--and it's fairly obviously there is an emotionally unstable MALE drama QUEEN in the Oval office. He is abject FAILURE a total LOOSER.


And you forgot to mention he is doing his job perfectly...

Drive the left insane.


So you think that Trump's only job is to drive the left insane?

I thought he was elected to run the country.

Driving the left insane is part of Best Practices for running a country.
But in the end it doesn't matter what you think. WE know why we elected him.

Sent from my iPhone using

That's interesting why did you elect Trump?

It's pretty simple - scotus pick,immigration laws, protection of constitution ,protection of 2nd amendment ,increased military spending ,re evaluation of gov spending, less gov spending in general and de funding programs such as PP, pro choice pres and vp,re formulating foreign trade deals to be mutually beneficial and not unfair to the US, He actually is naming threats and taking action to defeat terrorism unlike obama who wouldn't even say the name of the group and provided Iran with funds, bringing jobs back that were shipped overseas. Freedom of speech, he is someone that actually calls out the biast media which has become a huge problem, he isn't a globalist like Hilary who wants to take in mass refugees, not enforce immigration laws,allow sanctuary cities to continue to break federal law. Trump wants to evaluate immigration policies and decide who comes in by whether they will benefit or hurt the US economically or culturally etc. hmmm let's see there are so many reasons why people voted for Trump beyond those above but ill start out with those

Anyone else feel free to comment or contribute to why they voted for trump

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard … it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.”

The Los Angeles Times editorial board published a blistering review of President Donald Trump’s first months in office on Monday.

“It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters,” the board wrote. “Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.”

Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ― the board said it was the president who poses the greatest threat to America.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.”

Over the next three days, the board will release three more pieces focusing on Trump’s lack of respect for the rule of law, his lack of regard for truth and facts and his willingness to recklessly perpetrate conspiracy theories and racist memes.

Head over to the LA Times website to read the entire editorial.

LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

It Took Years For A Majority Of Americans To Disapprove Of The President. It Took Trump Barely More Than A Week.

Amen! The man-child is a total disaster - a train wreck. Actually, I think many of us who watched him closely during the campaign had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Along with the obvious incompetence - it's mainly his pathological lying that blows my mind. My mind is further blown by one-third of Americans still believing him. He is in way over his head - and we'll be lucky to live through it. The danger is further compounded by him being surrounded by more idiots with no government experience - and no diplomacy skills.

Glad to see comedy central has not lost its humorous hyperbole.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard … it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.”

The Los Angeles Times editorial board published a blistering review of President Donald Trump’s first months in office on Monday.

“It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters,” the board wrote. “Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.”

Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ― the board said it was the president who poses the greatest threat to America.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.”

Over the next three days, the board will release three more pieces focusing on Trump’s lack of respect for the rule of law, his lack of regard for truth and facts and his willingness to recklessly perpetrate conspiracy theories and racist memes.

Head over to the LA Times website to read the entire editorial.

LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

It Took Years For A Majority Of Americans To Disapprove Of The President. It Took Trump Barely More Than A Week.

Amen! The man-child is a total disaster - a train wreck. Actually, I think many of us who watched him closely during the campaign had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Along with the obvious incompetence - it's mainly his pathological lying that blows my mind. My mind is further blown by one-third of Americans still believing him. He is in way over his head - and we'll be lucky to live through it. The danger is further compounded by him being surrounded by more idiots with no government experience - and no diplomacy skills.
But at least with DJ Trump we will be getting good SCOTUS nominations out of him.

With Hillary the SCOTUS would have become Communist and irreparably damaged.

And ACA has survived so far at least.

No--Niel Gorsuch is a nominee that Democrats already voted for. Here they are. This was in 2006 when Democrats owned the Senate and they could have easily said NO to Gorsuch. They voted for him because they like him. In fact Gorsuch went to school with Barack Obama.


Democrat Yes votes on Gorsuch in 2006--a G.W. Bush appointee.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Democrats are just putting on a show right now--because Republicans blocked Obama's last nominee- and that's what they're actually stating. It's not that they don't approve of Niel Gorsuch.

Really the only people who are disappointed with this pick are Evangelical Republicans who have been promised that Trump would pick a Judge that would overturn Roe v Wade. Well that's sure as hell not going to happen with Gorsuch--LOL During the confirmation hearing Gorsuch stated Roe V Wade is precedent in the Constitution.
Gorsuch -
It's pretty simple - scotus pick,immigration laws, protection of constitution ,protection of 2nd amendment ,increased military spending ,re evaluation of gov spending, less gov spending in general and de funding programs such as PP, pro choice pres and vp,re formulating foreign trade deals to be mutually beneficial and not unfair to the US, He actually is naming threats and taking action to defeat terrorism unlike obama who wouldn't even say the name of the group and provided Iran with funds, bringing jobs back that were shipped overseas. Freedom of speech, he is someone that actually calls out the biast media which has become a huge problem, he isn't a globalist like Hilary who wants to take in mass refugees, not enforce immigration laws,allow sanctuary cities to continue to break federal law. Trump wants to evaluate immigration policies and decide who comes in by whether they will benefit or hurt the US economically or culturally etc. hmmm let's see there are so many reasons why people voted for Trump beyond those above but ill start out with those

Anyone else feel free to comment or contribute to why they voted for trump

My vote for him was a vote against a corrupt oligarchy who see Americans the enemy. A smirking elite who demanded Trump disown the voters who already felt disenfranchised. A vote against globalists who between a fomented revolt in Ukraine and their Arab Spring saw 300,000 die. Against a corruption we all knew existed in a race baiting, gender dividing anti human family party whose alignment with media moguls meant they thought it would stay hidden and opposition stay muted by lack of least before Wikileaks.
But mostly it was Donald Trump choosing Americans over the horde of immigrants brought in to outvote them. Hillary thought Syrian Muslims should decide the next president. Trump thought I should.
Brexit was the same rejection of the elites I believe. Their rich media corporations and politicians even used the same tactics such as demanding Candidates pick the voters rather than vice versa. It's a way to disenfranchise the natives. A collusion to ignore certain blocks of voters. Until we refused to be ignored.

It's pretty simple - scotus pick,immigration laws, protection of constitution ,protection of 2nd amendment ,increased military spending ,re evaluation of gov spending, less gov spending in general and de funding programs such as PP, pro choice pres and vp,re formulating foreign trade deals to be mutually beneficial and not unfair to the US, He actually is naming threats and taking action to defeat terrorism unlike obama who wouldn't even say the name of the group and provided Iran with funds, bringing jobs back that were shipped overseas. Freedom of speech, he is someone that actually calls out the biast media which has become a huge problem, he isn't a globalist like Hilary who wants to take in mass refugees, not enforce immigration laws,allow sanctuary cities to continue to break federal law. Trump wants to evaluate immigration policies and decide who comes in by whether they will benefit or hurt the US economically or culturally etc. hmmm let's see there are so many reasons why people voted for Trump beyond those above but ill start out with those

Anyone else feel free to comment or contribute to why they voted for trump

My vote for him was a vote against a corrupt oligarchy who see Americans the enemy. A smirking elite who demanded Trump disown the voters who already felt disenfranchised. A vote against globalists who between a fomented revolt in Ukraine and their Arab Spring saw 300,000 die. Against a corruption we all knew existed in a race baiting, gender dividing anti human family party whose alignment with media moguls meant they thought it would stay hidden and opposition stay muted by lack of least before Wikileaks.
But mostly it was Donald Trump choosing Americans over the horde of immigrants brought in to outvote them. Hillary thought Syrian Muslims should decide the next president. Trump thought I should.

Yes I agree when you basically said what I think Donald Trump chose the American people to be his number one priority and responsibility above foreign interests. What I don't understand is why anti trumpers and leftists think that this is a bad thing .We need a President that will protect our country and not put us at further risks
Yes I agree when you basically said what I think Donald Trump chose the American people to be his number one priority and responsibility above foreign interests. What I don't understand is why anti trumpers and leftists think that this is a bad thing .We need a President that will protect our country and not put us at further risks

They think it's a bad thing because they are globalists and Marxists. Your destruction is required before they can remake humanity into the new Marxist Man of the Future.
So go ahead liberals. Get Another celebrity skank to promise blow jobs for votes. Attack a huge swathe of voters by calling them names again. Condescend to them by explaining why their religion, culture and laws are backwards.
Next election you'll be blaming New Guinean headhunters for your defeat. But deep down you'll know.
Yes I agree when you basically said what I think Donald Trump chose the American people to be his number one priority and responsibility above foreign interests. What I don't understand is why anti trumpers and leftists think that this is a bad thing .We need a President that will protect our country and not put us at further risks

They think it's a bad thing because they are globalists and Marxists. Your destruction is required before they can remake humanity into the new Marxist Man of the Future.

Yeah I get that and people like me and you that are informed about the layers of current politics Understand that the democrats are fighting so hard to impeach Trump because his way threatens their world globalist socialist agenda but I don't think the average civilian is aware of the larger picture and the true democrats motivations and reasons why they are acting as they are(fighting trump in anyway they can)

But how can those people that don't understand this come to realize that Trumps nationalism agenda is better and safer for our country than the democratic new world order agenda..

I know a few people that were anti trumpers and voted for Hilary but now are big Trump supporters. I asked them what caused this change.. They said that they were so shocked and confused about why so many people voted for Trump that they started to look for sources and interviews explaining the things they liked about Trumps policies and why they were voting for him. They also did a policy comparison between the official Hilary campaign proposed policies and Trumps. They told me after all types of research like this they learned facts and opinions that they hadn't heard or considered before .they then became pro trump..

How many people I wonder are out there that
1.voted for Hilary but are now Trump supporters
2.voted for Trump that are no longer currently in support of him

Thoughts from anyone welcome

Additional questions

Do anti trumpers understand Hilary and Obamas globalism agenda?

And if anyone from the left understands Hilary's global ideas/policies why do you think globalismis better than Trumps nationalism agenda and policies?
Last edited:
Well, it is true that Trump has successfully allowed coal mining companies to dump tailings into clean streams, so, yes, not everything he has done has been shot down.

Maybe you should do some research before you start typing. I say this because you just lied. They weren't dumping tailings in streams before the Dec 2016 rule and they're not doing it now. The rule established unneeded additional buffers in an attempt to stop mining all together in many areas. It was just another volley in your dear leaders war on US energy. If it were really important he would have done it 8 years earlier and not waited till he was on his way out the door. He most likely knew it would never withstand a court challenge.

Now, Tex. Either he signed an EO that allows coal mine companies to pollute, or he signed an EO that was not necessary. Your choice....

Once again your ignorance is showing.
1. No one signed an EO.
2. The maobama regulation was unnecessary.
3. Congress passed a bill to void the regulation because it was unnecessary and made mining impossible in some areas.
4. Trump signed the bill into law.

Now you can thank me for making you a bit less ignorant.

No, but I do admire your spin. Trump repealed an "unnecessary regulation" that was making it impossible to mine for what reason? Could it be that it was impossible to mine because the pollution that would have resulted from that mining was prohibited, and now such pollution is no longer prohibited, thereby making such mining possible? :eusa_dance:

Why don't you try educating yourself, you don't seem to listen very well to others, consider yourself expelled.

You say, "po-tay-to", I say, "pa ta to", but the bottom line to me is this. I live less than 1/2 mile from a copper mine which separates the heavy metals from the tailings with acid. Now, this is not a little copper mine. This is the third largest open pit copper mine in the US, and the acidic heavy metals are blooming underground to our water supply aquifer a little more, every year. At the present rate, our water supply will no longer be safe in 75 years. To fight that, we are building an aquifer for water from the Colorado River, but we are last in line when that water runs short. The people in my community have been fighting the mine to force them to take further environmental precautions with the acid for decades, and have been losing for decades. As a result of Trump's action, they are no longer prohibited from dumping their tailings in arroyos where rain more quickly leaches these toxic chemicals and metals into our groundwater recharge tanks.

Did President Trump Make It Legal to Dump Coal Mining Waste Into Streams?

So, no, Tex, you have not taught me anything. But, let me teach you a little something about environmental irresponsibility, in your own state. The single most toxic place in America, right in your own state of OK:

America's 10 worst man-made environmental disasters
It's pretty simple - scotus pick,immigration laws, protection of constitution ,protection of 2nd amendment ,increased military spending ,re evaluation of gov spending, less gov spending in general and de funding programs such as PP, pro choice pres and vp,re formulating foreign trade deals to be mutually beneficial and not unfair to the US, He actually is naming threats and taking action to defeat terrorism unlike obama who wouldn't even say the name of the group and provided Iran with funds, bringing jobs back that were shipped overseas. Freedom of speech, he is someone that actually calls out the biast media which has become a huge problem, he isn't a globalist like Hilary who wants to take in mass refugees, not enforce immigration laws,allow sanctuary cities to continue to break federal law. Trump wants to evaluate immigration policies and decide who comes in by whether they will benefit or hurt the US economically or culturally etc. hmmm let's see there are so many reasons why people voted for Trump beyond those above but ill start out with those

Anyone else feel free to comment or contribute to why they voted for trump

My vote for him was a vote against a corrupt oligarchy who see Americans the enemy. A smirking elite who demanded Trump disown the voters who already felt disenfranchised. A vote against globalists who between a fomented revolt in Ukraine and their Arab Spring saw 300,000 die. Against a corruption we all knew existed in a race baiting, gender dividing anti human family party whose alignment with media moguls meant they thought it would stay hidden and opposition stay muted by lack of least before Wikileaks.
But mostly it was Donald Trump choosing Americans over the horde of immigrants brought in to outvote them. Hillary thought Syrian Muslims should decide the next president. Trump thought I should.

A vote for Trump is a vote against globalists?


“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard … it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation.”

The Los Angeles Times editorial board published a blistering review of President Donald Trump’s first months in office on Monday.

“It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters,” the board wrote. “Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.”

Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ― the board said it was the president who poses the greatest threat to America.

“He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.”

Over the next three days, the board will release three more pieces focusing on Trump’s lack of respect for the rule of law, his lack of regard for truth and facts and his willingness to recklessly perpetrate conspiracy theories and racist memes.

Head over to the LA Times website to read the entire editorial.

LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

It Took Years For A Majority Of Americans To Disapprove Of The President. It Took Trump Barely More Than A Week.

Amen! The man-child is a total disaster - a train wreck. Actually, I think many of us who watched him closely during the campaign had a pretty good idea of what to expect. Along with the obvious incompetence - it's mainly his pathological lying that blows my mind. My mind is further blown by one-third of Americans still believing him. He is in way over his head - and we'll be lucky to live through it. The danger is further compounded by him being surrounded by more idiots with no government experience - and no diplomacy skills.
The same could be said of that bitch Clinton.
It's pretty simple - scotus pick,immigration laws, protection of constitution ,protection of 2nd amendment ,increased military spending ,re evaluation of gov spending, less gov spending in general and de funding programs such as PP, pro choice pres and vp,re formulating foreign trade deals to be mutually beneficial and not unfair to the US, He actually is naming threats and taking action to defeat terrorism unlike obama who wouldn't even say the name of the group and provided Iran with funds, bringing jobs back that were shipped overseas. Freedom of speech, he is someone that actually calls out the biast media which has become a huge problem, he isn't a globalist like Hilary who wants to take in mass refugees, not enforce immigration laws,allow sanctuary cities to continue to break federal law. Trump wants to evaluate immigration policies and decide who comes in by whether they will benefit or hurt the US economically or culturally etc. hmmm let's see there are so many reasons why people voted for Trump beyond those above but ill start out with those

Anyone else feel free to comment or contribute to why they voted for trump

My vote for him was a vote against a corrupt oligarchy who see Americans the enemy. A smirking elite who demanded Trump disown the voters who already felt disenfranchised. A vote against globalists who between a fomented revolt in Ukraine and their Arab Spring saw 300,000 die. Against a corruption we all knew existed in a race baiting, gender dividing anti human family party whose alignment with media moguls meant they thought it would stay hidden and opposition stay muted by lack of least before Wikileaks.
But mostly it was Donald Trump choosing Americans over the horde of immigrants brought in to outvote them. Hillary thought Syrian Muslims should decide the next president. Trump thought I should.

A vote for Trump is a vote against globalists?

Yes , what's your opinion?
I'm sure that Trump was not aware of this. He was probably busy making deals with the Saudi's for a trump hotel, or maybe buying another golf course in Scotland, or maybe in Russia making a deal to put his label on, and import vodka, from there:

People Are Really Enjoying This Image Showing Donald Trump's Clothing Made In Mexico


Or, maybe he was out buying another Rolls Royce from Britain:
5 of Donald Trump’s Favorite Cars

Of course, he could have been helping his daughter with her business:

Donald Trump calls to 'buy American' but Ivanka's clothing line is made in China
Maybe you should do some research before you start typing. I say this because you just lied. They weren't dumping tailings in streams before the Dec 2016 rule and they're not doing it now. The rule established unneeded additional buffers in an attempt to stop mining all together in many areas. It was just another volley in your dear leaders war on US energy. If it were really important he would have done it 8 years earlier and not waited till he was on his way out the door. He most likely knew it would never withstand a court challenge.

Now, Tex. Either he signed an EO that allows coal mine companies to pollute, or he signed an EO that was not necessary. Your choice....

Once again your ignorance is showing.
1. No one signed an EO.
2. The maobama regulation was unnecessary.
3. Congress passed a bill to void the regulation because it was unnecessary and made mining impossible in some areas.
4. Trump signed the bill into law.

Now you can thank me for making you a bit less ignorant.

No, but I do admire your spin. Trump repealed an "unnecessary regulation" that was making it impossible to mine for what reason? Could it be that it was impossible to mine because the pollution that would have resulted from that mining was prohibited, and now such pollution is no longer prohibited, thereby making such mining possible? :eusa_dance:

Why don't you try educating yourself, you don't seem to listen very well to others, consider yourself expelled.

You say, "po-tay-to", I say, "pa ta to", but the bottom line to me is this. I live less than 1/2 mile from a copper mine which separates the heavy metals from the tailings with acid. Now, this is not a little copper mine. This is the third largest open pit copper mine in the US, and the acidic heavy metals are blooming underground to our water supply aquifer a little more, every year. At the present rate, our water supply will no longer be safe in 75 years. To fight that, we are building an aquifer for water from the Colorado River, but we are last in line when that water runs short. The people in my community have been fighting the mine to force them to take further environmental precautions with the acid for decades, and have been losing for decades. As a result of Trump's action, they are no longer prohibited from dumping their tailings in arroyos where rain more quickly leaches these toxic chemicals and metals into our groundwater recharge tanks.

Did President Trump Make It Legal to Dump Coal Mining Waste Into Streams?

So, no, Tex, you have not taught me anything. But, let me teach you a little something about environmental irresponsibility, in your own state. The single most toxic place in America, right in your own state of OK:

America's 10 worst man-made environmental disasters

OK I have a question for you why do you keep living in disaster areas First Louisiana and now this?


Now, Tex. Either he signed an EO that allows coal mine companies to pollute, or he signed an EO that was not necessary. Your choice....

Once again your ignorance is showing.
1. No one signed an EO.
2. The maobama regulation was unnecessary.
3. Congress passed a bill to void the regulation because it was unnecessary and made mining impossible in some areas.
4. Trump signed the bill into law.

Now you can thank me for making you a bit less ignorant.

No, but I do admire your spin. Trump repealed an "unnecessary regulation" that was making it impossible to mine for what reason? Could it be that it was impossible to mine because the pollution that would have resulted from that mining was prohibited, and now such pollution is no longer prohibited, thereby making such mining possible? :eusa_dance:

Why don't you try educating yourself, you don't seem to listen very well to others, consider yourself expelled.

You say, "po-tay-to", I say, "pa ta to", but the bottom line to me is this. I live less than 1/2 mile from a copper mine which separates the heavy metals from the tailings with acid. Now, this is not a little copper mine. This is the third largest open pit copper mine in the US, and the acidic heavy metals are blooming underground to our water supply aquifer a little more, every year. At the present rate, our water supply will no longer be safe in 75 years. To fight that, we are building an aquifer for water from the Colorado River, but we are last in line when that water runs short. The people in my community have been fighting the mine to force them to take further environmental precautions with the acid for decades, and have been losing for decades. As a result of Trump's action, they are no longer prohibited from dumping their tailings in arroyos where rain more quickly leaches these toxic chemicals and metals into our groundwater recharge tanks.

Did President Trump Make It Legal to Dump Coal Mining Waste Into Streams?

So, no, Tex, you have not taught me anything. But, let me teach you a little something about environmental irresponsibility, in your own state. The single most toxic place in America, right in your own state of OK:

America's 10 worst man-made environmental disasters

OK I have a question for you why do you keep living in disaster areas First Louisiana and now this?



You think that Katrina was a joking matter, Bear?

I worked for this hospital;

It never reopened after Katrina. I read posts from assholes like you who condemned the people who did not leave the city before the storm. All of us who worked at the hospital had signed a contract that in the event of a hurricane, we would be fired if we did not report to the hospital with a sleeping bag in the event of a hurricane. I was one the post hurricane watch, which meant that I was to report after the hurricane had passed. Well, that never happened, because the place never reopened. But the people who were there during the hurricane watch were coping with dealing with patients in a 23 story hospital with no electricity, no elevators, no air conditioning, and no functioning respirator machines. They took turns for days hand pumping comatose patients with oxygen. They made do with no lights, no sanitation, not even functioning toilets or water, other than bottled. They were heros.

Go ahead and LOL, Bear. I have been dealing with assholes like you all my life. Nothing people like you say surprises me anymore.
Once again your ignorance is showing.
1. No one signed an EO.
2. The maobama regulation was unnecessary.
3. Congress passed a bill to void the regulation because it was unnecessary and made mining impossible in some areas.
4. Trump signed the bill into law.

Now you can thank me for making you a bit less ignorant.

No, but I do admire your spin. Trump repealed an "unnecessary regulation" that was making it impossible to mine for what reason? Could it be that it was impossible to mine because the pollution that would have resulted from that mining was prohibited, and now such pollution is no longer prohibited, thereby making such mining possible? :eusa_dance:

Why don't you try educating yourself, you don't seem to listen very well to others, consider yourself expelled.

You say, "po-tay-to", I say, "pa ta to", but the bottom line to me is this. I live less than 1/2 mile from a copper mine which separates the heavy metals from the tailings with acid. Now, this is not a little copper mine. This is the third largest open pit copper mine in the US, and the acidic heavy metals are blooming underground to our water supply aquifer a little more, every year. At the present rate, our water supply will no longer be safe in 75 years. To fight that, we are building an aquifer for water from the Colorado River, but we are last in line when that water runs short. The people in my community have been fighting the mine to force them to take further environmental precautions with the acid for decades, and have been losing for decades. As a result of Trump's action, they are no longer prohibited from dumping their tailings in arroyos where rain more quickly leaches these toxic chemicals and metals into our groundwater recharge tanks.

Did President Trump Make It Legal to Dump Coal Mining Waste Into Streams?

So, no, Tex, you have not taught me anything. But, let me teach you a little something about environmental irresponsibility, in your own state. The single most toxic place in America, right in your own state of OK:

America's 10 worst man-made environmental disasters

OK I have a question for you why do you keep living in disaster areas First Louisiana and now this?



You think that Katrina was a joking matter, Bear?

I worked for this hospital;

It never reopened after Katrina. I read posts from assholes like you who condemned the people who did not leave the city before the storm. All of us who worked at the hospital had signed a contract that in the event of a hurricane, we would be fired if we did not report to the hospital with a sleeping bag in the event of a hurricane. I was one the post hurricane watch, which meant that I was to report after the hurricane had passed. Well, that never happened, because the place never reopened. But the people who were there during the hurricane watch were coping with dealing with patients in a 23 story hospital with no electricity, no elevators, no air conditioning, and no functioning respirator machines. They took turns for days hand pumping comatose patients with oxygen. They made do with no lights, no sanitation, not even functioning toilets or water, other than bottled. They were heros.

Go ahead and LOL, Bear. I have been dealing with assholes like you all my life. Nothing people like you say surprises me anymore.

Take a chill pill, you never answered my question why do you keep moving to disaster areas? I picked my place perfectly, I left the nuke target near O'Hara airport, tornado weather high taxes Illinois . To the Upstate of low cost of living South Carolina, which I am protected by the mountains from tornado's and far enough in land from the hurricanes

Me smart you dumb


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