LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

Will the hardcore Left ever understand or admit that it played a role in putting this man in office?

No, it sure won't.
Do we need to even read past this...

"“Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck.
Even after considering Trump’s dismal policy choices ― from ramping up deportations to peddling a health care plan that would leave millions uninsured to planning the erection of a wall along the Mexico border ―"

Nothing prepared you for....fulfilling openly stated campaign promises which got him elected? Sheesh the sad state of the media.

One promise he did break. I'm not tired of winning yet.
Hey failing LA Times, you are fake news! The Donald won the election! Get over it and stop being MSM/democrat douchebags!
Will the hardcore Left ever understand or admit that it played a role in putting this man in office?

No, it sure won't.

Because it's not true. What you call the 'hardcore left' wanted Bernie Sanders as their candidate.

Now if Bernie had been nominated and then got beaten by Trump, then you might have a point.
I can see Lefty is Sucking a lot of Obama's Cock

Putin hacked the election?

Any votes get altered at the polling stations, Lefty?


Did Hillary Clinton win the popular vote?


Did Putin engage in Surveillance against Trump?

Nope but the Dems did!

Was it Putin leaking classified information gathered from illegal surveillance to the media?

Nope, it was the DNC.

Was it Putin that Illegaly released President Trump's tax returns?

Nope, it was The Dems

Was it Putin who hired thugs To Stage Fake protests and assault Trump supporters?

Nope, that was Hillary Clinton and her Brownshirts!

Was it Putin who unmasked protected citizens who committed No Crimes during surveillance of President Trump and his team?

Nope, it was Obama and his Administration.

Was it Putin who called Americans, basement dwellers, uneducated red necks, dirty coal miners, lazy taco bowls, super predators, and a basket of Irredeemable

Nope, that was Hillary Clinton!

Was it Putin who stole Debate Questions that ultimately ended up get two consecutive heads of his party fired only to be hired by his party's Candidate?

Nope, the DNC did that!

Was it Putin who DID RIG his party's primary to favor Hillary Clinton?

Nope The DNC did that!

Was it Putin who illegally had a secret State Department server and then Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails from it when she was asked to let The FBI look at it?

Nope, that was Hillary Clinton!

Just say this with me, Lefty.

Podesta Brothers & Clinton Cash!

Obama Bin Lying & Hillary Rotten Clinton!
Trump's steady decline in popularity/approval is largely attributable to his losing among men:


He's is systemically dismantling and destroying the GOP's gender advantage.
Will the hardcore Left ever understand or admit that it played a role in putting this man in office? No, it sure won't.
Because it's not true. What you call the 'hardcore left' wanted Bernie Sanders as their candidate. Now if Bernie had been nominated and then got beaten by Trump, then you might have a point.
As if Bernie is the only lefty saying this.

Right on cue, thanks.
Will the hardcore Left ever understand or admit that it played a role in putting this man in office? No, it sure won't.
Because it's not true. What you call the 'hardcore left' wanted Bernie Sanders as their candidate. Now if Bernie had been nominated and then got beaten by Trump, then you might have a point.
As if Bernie is the only lefty saying this.

Right on cue, thanks.

Trump only won because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. Why are you blaming her nomination on what I assume you mean to be the liberal wing of the Democratic party?
Will the hardcore Left ever understand or admit that it played a role in putting this man in office? No, it sure won't.
Because it's not true. What you call the 'hardcore left' wanted Bernie Sanders as their candidate. Now if Bernie had been nominated and then got beaten by Trump, then you might have a point.
As if Bernie is the only lefty saying this. Right on cue, thanks..
Trump only won because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate. Why are you blaming her nomination on what I assume you mean to be the liberal wing of the Democratic party?
For the same reasons many Democrats feel the same way.

Look it up.

It's not my job to educate you.
The fact is that he made bold promises that no establishment candidate could or would make. He is trying to go forward with these promises to the chagrin of those who somehow believe that America only consist of a couple of states.

This is nothing more than outrage. Where has been this outrage for the debt doubling in 8 years? This alone has placed massive pressure on the government and is a National Security threat. Where was the outrage of a half trillion trade deficit with the greatest military and economic threat in the world, in China?

Where was the outrage of 11 million illegal immigrants? NAFTA allowing the theft of jobs? America being allowed to be beaten in every corner of the world?

Winners don't whine about fair outcomes. They roll up their sleeves and work hard to help the nation succeed. My thought is that patriotism is a scary thought for some and some don't have a patriotic bone in their bodies.

Well then I would suggest Trump roll up his sleeves and he can start with his own spending.

"President Donald Trump has faced his fair share of criticism since taking office, but now his adult children have come under fire for their recent spring break trip to the ski and snowboard haven of Aspen, Colorado.

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump were all spotted in Aspen during a mid-March weekend, drawing reaction from both residents in Aspen and observers on social media.

According to The Aspen Times, the Trump family arrived in Aspen with a cohort of Secret Service agents for their protection. A recent report by The Aspen Times found the Secret Service signed a contract for more than $12,000 for ski equipment rentals and clothing for the duration of the Trump family vacation."

Now just imagine the cost with lodging, food & ski lift tickets for a 100 security agents--LOL

Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Now we also have Trumps frequent trips (9 times,) within 2 months, to the Southern Whitehouse every weekend at his resort at Mar a Lago costing the taxpayers 700K per trip. While Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to $200K per year. Now that's the "Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

In one single month Trump and family have cost the taxpayers $11 MILLION dollars in travel alone, almost as much as the Obama's did in a year. Like Trumps sons going to Dubia to open up that new golf course of theirs.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

And it's just great, because Ivanka can make all these travel plans right from the White House, as apparently they have given her an office there--which will require a secretary and staff also.
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance
The fact is that he made bold promises that no establishment candidate could or would make. He is trying to go forward with these promises to the chagrin of those who somehow believe that America only consist of a couple of states.

This is nothing more than outrage. Where has been this outrage for the debt doubling in 8 years? This alone has placed massive pressure on the government and is a National Security threat. Where was the outrage of a half trillion trade deficit with the greatest military and economic threat in the world, in China?

Where was the outrage of 11 million illegal immigrants? NAFTA allowing the theft of jobs? America being allowed to be beaten in every corner of the world?

Winners don't whine about fair outcomes. They roll up their sleeves and work hard to help the nation succeed. My thought is that patriotism is a scary thought for some and some don't have a patriotic bone in their bodies.

Well then I would suggest Trump roll up his sleeves and he can start with his own spending.

"President Donald Trump has faced his fair share of criticism since taking office, but now his adult children have come under fire for their recent spring break trip to the ski and snowboard haven of Aspen, Colorado.

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump were all spotted in Aspen during a mid-March weekend, drawing reaction from both residents in Aspen and observers on social media.

According to The Aspen Times, the Trump family arrived in Aspen with a cohort of Secret Service agents for their protection. A recent report by The Aspen Times found the Secret Service signed a contract for more than $12,000 for ski equipment rentals and clothing for the duration of the Trump family vacation."

Now just imagine the cost with lodging, food & ski lift tickets for a 100 security agents--LOL

Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Now we also have Trumps frequent trips (9 times,) within 2 months, to the Southern Whitehouse every weekend at his resort at Mar a Lago costing the taxpayers 700K per trip. While Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to $200K per year. Now that's the "Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

In one single month Trump and family have cost the taxpayers $11 MILLION dollars in travel alone, almost as much as the Obama's did in a year. Like Trumps sons going to Dubia to open up that new golf course of theirs.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

And it's just great, because Ivanka can make all these travel plans right from the White House, as apparently they have given her an office there--which will require a secretary and staff also.
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance

Amazingly, libs were silent when O went on hundreds of vacations and cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions. This is quite funny watching libs jump up on the pedestal and scream like banshees when they were doing this for 8 years. Lol.
The fact is that he made bold promises that no establishment candidate could or would make. He is trying to go forward with these promises to the chagrin of those who somehow believe that America only consist of a couple of states.

This is nothing more than outrage. Where has been this outrage for the debt doubling in 8 years? This alone has placed massive pressure on the government and is a National Security threat. Where was the outrage of a half trillion trade deficit with the greatest military and economic threat in the world, in China?

Where was the outrage of 11 million illegal immigrants? NAFTA allowing the theft of jobs? America being allowed to be beaten in every corner of the world?

Winners don't whine about fair outcomes. They roll up their sleeves and work hard to help the nation succeed. My thought is that patriotism is a scary thought for some and some don't have a patriotic bone in their bodies.

Well then I would suggest Trump roll up his sleeves and he can start with his own spending.

"President Donald Trump has faced his fair share of criticism since taking office, but now his adult children have come under fire for their recent spring break trip to the ski and snowboard haven of Aspen, Colorado.

Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump were all spotted in Aspen during a mid-March weekend, drawing reaction from both residents in Aspen and observers on social media.

According to The Aspen Times, the Trump family arrived in Aspen with a cohort of Secret Service agents for their protection. A recent report by The Aspen Times found the Secret Service signed a contract for more than $12,000 for ski equipment rentals and clothing for the duration of the Trump family vacation."

Now just imagine the cost with lodging, food & ski lift tickets for a 100 security agents--LOL

Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

Now we also have Trumps frequent trips (9 times,) within 2 months, to the Southern Whitehouse every weekend at his resort at Mar a Lago costing the taxpayers 700K per trip. While Mar a Lago just doubled it's membership fees to $200K per year. Now that's the "Art of the Deal."
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000

In one single month Trump and family have cost the taxpayers $11 MILLION dollars in travel alone, almost as much as the Obama's did in a year. Like Trumps sons going to Dubia to open up that new golf course of theirs.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

And it's just great, because Ivanka can make all these travel plans right from the White House, as apparently they have given her an office there--which will require a secretary and staff also.
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance

Amazingly, libs were silent when O went on hundreds of vacations and cost the taxpayers hundreds of millions. This is quite funny watching libs jump up on the pedestal and scream like banshees when they were doing this for 8 years. Lol.

You have elected a President that is using the White House to expand the Trump Empire around the world, and in one single month the Trump's have outspent Obama's yearly travel budget (that you used to scream about.) So I find it kind of interesting that you're not concerned about it now. Every weekend trip down to what Trump refers to the (Southern White House) he spends more than the yearly Presidential salary


It's the Los Angeles Times. They give the paper away. I had an unwanted delivery, called them up and said I considered it litter. Come clean it up.

And they did.
Will the hardcore Left ever understand or admit that it played a role in putting this man in office? No, it sure won't.
Because it's not true. What you call the 'hardcore left' wanted Bernie Sanders as their candidate. Now if Bernie had been nominated and then got beaten by Trump, then you might have a point.
As if Bernie is the only lefty saying this.

Right on cue, thanks.

Trump only won because Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate.

Smartest thing (and maybe the only smart thing) you've said on this board.
I'm looking for his third immigrant blocking EO, with corresponding federal court declaration of its unconstitutionality. I may, or may not, have to wait until he first fails again to repeal Obamacare, jail Hillary, build a wall, or convince Congress to increase the national debt by one trillion dollars.

Maybe you should concern yourself with the 63 billion dollars and 52 million man hours he's saved the economy in compliance costs doing away with destructive maobama regulations, and more to come. Oh and don't forget the superior SCOTUS nomination that will be confirmed this week. Not bad for a couple of months on the job.

Niel Gorsuch is someone Hillary Clinton would have nominated. After all Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Diane Fienstein all voted for him as a district court judge under G.W. Bush--LOL


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

? Clinton would have nominated Garland, Obama's pick.

Not voting against someone is not even close to the same thing as nominating them.
Nothing prepared us ?

The entire campaign was about what disaster Trump would be.

And still enough people chose him to get him elected.

You really think they are shocked at this or the left wing's baboon like responses ?

Is the L.A. time stupid ?
I'm looking for his third immigrant blocking EO, with corresponding federal court declaration of its unconstitutionality. I may, or may not, have to wait until he first fails again to repeal Obamacare, jail Hillary, build a wall, or convince Congress to increase the national debt by one trillion dollars.

Maybe you should concern yourself with the 63 billion dollars and 52 million man hours he's saved the economy in compliance costs doing away with destructive maobama regulations, and more to come. Oh and don't forget the superior SCOTUS nomination that will be confirmed this week. Not bad for a couple of months on the job.

Well, it is true that Trump has successfully allowed coal mining companies to dump tailings into clean streams, so, yes, not everything he has done has been shot down.

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