LATimes: ‘Nothing Prepared Us For The Magnitude Of This Train Wreck’

The poor conservative snowflakes immediately wail "why is the media so biased? Why don't they treat drumpf like other presidents?"

Because derps, this is what journalists are supposed to do. Expose criminals and conmen that get elected and expose them in the clearest way possible. This phoney 'fair and balanced' crap is a phoney meme vomited out by Fox News who are the most unfair and unbalanced fake news outlet there is.

Buck up snowflakes, the media is doing their job. drumpf should already be impeached because he has failed to divest his business interests that are in conflict with civic duties. Now he's giving his family sensitive positions in the government when they have ZERO experience. Trump is Saddam Hussein, his son is Qusay, his daughter is Uday. It is a third world nepotism circle jerk and the Republicans are doing nothing about it.

Conservatives just admit it out loud, you are not Americans anymore. You will support ANYONE and ANYTHING that your poiltical party does because that is the only god you kneel to now.
[QUOTE="Vandalshandle, post: 16950355, member: mining possible? :eusa_dance:
It never reopened after Katrina. I read posts from assholes like you who condemned the people who did not leave the city before the storm. All of us who worked at the hospital had signed a contract that in the event of a hurricane, we would be fired if we did not report to the hospital with a sleeping bag in the event of a hurricane. I was one the post hurricane watch, which meant that I was to report after the hurricane had passed. Well, that never happened, because the place never reopened. But the people who were there during the hurricane watch were coping with dealing with patients in a 23 story hospital with no electricity, no elevators, no air conditioning, and no functioning respirator machines. They took turns for days hand pumping comatose patients with oxygen. They made do with no lights, no sanitation, not even functioning toilets or water, other than bottled. They were heros.

Go ahead and LOL, Bear. I have been dealing with assholes like you all my life. Nothing people like you say surprises me anymore.

With all respect...maybe a few less Obama phones and a few more water pumps? The slums of New Orleans have been voting democrat for generations and the results are grim. Almost third world. They had and have every federal handout you can think of. But generators and levees weren't important I guess.
And yes they got federal handouts for levees. Most of it was siphoned off by corruption through the years.
Mary Landrieu and Ray Nagin weren't stuck without food and water though.
No, but I do admire your spin. Trump repealed an "unnecessary regulation" that was making it impossible to mine for what reason? Could it be that it was impossible to mine because the pollution that would have resulted from that mining was prohibited, and now such pollution is no longer prohibited, thereby making such mining possible? :eusa_dance:

Why don't you try educating yourself, you don't seem to listen very well to others, consider yourself expelled.

You say, "po-tay-to", I say, "pa ta to", but the bottom line to me is this. I live less than 1/2 mile from a copper mine which separates the heavy metals from the tailings with acid. Now, this is not a little copper mine. This is the third largest open pit copper mine in the US, and the acidic heavy metals are blooming underground to our water supply aquifer a little more, every year. At the present rate, our water supply will no longer be safe in 75 years. To fight that, we are building an aquifer for water from the Colorado River, but we are last in line when that water runs short. The people in my community have been fighting the mine to force them to take further environmental precautions with the acid for decades, and have been losing for decades. As a result of Trump's action, they are no longer prohibited from dumping their tailings in arroyos where rain more quickly leaches these toxic chemicals and metals into our groundwater recharge tanks.

Did President Trump Make It Legal to Dump Coal Mining Waste Into Streams?

So, no, Tex, you have not taught me anything. But, let me teach you a little something about environmental irresponsibility, in your own state. The single most toxic place in America, right in your own state of OK:

America's 10 worst man-made environmental disasters

OK I have a question for you why do you keep living in disaster areas First Louisiana and now this?



You think that Katrina was a joking matter, Bear?

I worked for this hospital;

It never reopened after Katrina. I read posts from assholes like you who condemned the people who did not leave the city before the storm. All of us who worked at the hospital had signed a contract that in the event of a hurricane, we would be fired if we did not report to the hospital with a sleeping bag in the event of a hurricane. I was one the post hurricane watch, which meant that I was to report after the hurricane had passed. Well, that never happened, because the place never reopened. But the people who were there during the hurricane watch were coping with dealing with patients in a 23 story hospital with no electricity, no elevators, no air conditioning, and no functioning respirator machines. They took turns for days hand pumping comatose patients with oxygen. They made do with no lights, no sanitation, not even functioning toilets or water, other than bottled. They were heros.

Go ahead and LOL, Bear. I have been dealing with assholes like you all my life. Nothing people like you say surprises me anymore.

Take a chill pill, you never answered my question why do you keep moving to disaster areas? I picked my place perfectly, I left the nuke target near O'Hara airport, tornado weather high taxes Illinois . To the Upstate of low cost of living South Carolina, which I am protected by the mountains from tornado's and far enough in land from the hurricanes

Me smart you dumb


You have been moved into an even safer area. My ignore list.
[QUOTE="Vandalshandle, post: 16950355, member: mining possible? :eusa_dance:
It never reopened after Katrina. I read posts from assholes like you who condemned the people who did not leave the city before the storm. All of us who worked at the hospital had signed a contract that in the event of a hurricane, we would be fired if we did not report to the hospital with a sleeping bag in the event of a hurricane. I was one the post hurricane watch, which meant that I was to report after the hurricane had passed. Well, that never happened, because the place never reopened. But the people who were there during the hurricane watch were coping with dealing with patients in a 23 story hospital with no electricity, no elevators, no air conditioning, and no functioning respirator machines. They took turns for days hand pumping comatose patients with oxygen. They made do with no lights, no sanitation, not even functioning toilets or water, other than bottled. They were heros.

Go ahead and LOL, Bear. I have been dealing with assholes like you all my life. Nothing people like you say surprises me anymore.

With all respect...maybe a few less Obama phones and a few more water pumps? The slums of New Orleans have been voting democrat for generations and the results are grim. Almost third world. They had and have every federal handout you can think of. But generators and levees weren't important I guess.
And yes they got federal handouts for levees. Most of it was siphoned off by corruption through the years.
Mary Landrieu and Ray Nagin weren't stuck without food and water though.

...and if they could be like you, the world would be such a better place, wouldn't it?

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