Latino Civil Rights event draws ZERO GOP presidential candidates


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?
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More information:

Clinton Sanders O Malley talk immigration reform economic equality to La Raza in Kansas City The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

Three candidates seeking the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination spoke to the nation’s largest Latino advocacy group Monday in Kansas City, but — unsurprisingly, perhaps — it was GOP candidate Donald Trump, who wasn’t there, who drew the most attention.

Candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley all attacked Trump, by name, for his comments suggesting some immigrants are killers and rapists. All three spoke to the annual conference of the National Council of La Raza.

“An outrage,” Sanders said. “Hate-spewing,” O’Malley claimed. “Appalling,” Clinton chimed in.

“I have just one word for Mr. Trump,” she said. “Basta. Enough.”

Their criticisms drew loud applause from conference attendees, again not a surprise. La Raza leadership had roundly denounced Trump’s statements over the weekend.

But the candidates also sought to capitalize on Trump’s remarks by linking them with other GOP presidential hopefuls.

“Why did it take weeks for most of you to speak out?” Clinton asked, referring to her potential Republican opponents.

O’Malley made a similar point. “The real problem isn’t that the Republicans have such a hate-spewing character running for president,” he said. “The real problem is it’s so hard telling him apart from the other candidates.”
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?

Perhaps you are too stupid to realize that there is a GANG named La Raza and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION named La Raza and that they are not one and the same group.

Once again, you are showing your prowess with your immense IQ of 214....

I mean, have you considered shock therapy to cure your stupidity?

Here, here is the LA RAZA that the OP is speaking of:

National Council of La Raza Take Action

It is not a gang.

Don't worry, we already know that you hate dark-skinned people. In fact, I bet that you are very disappointed that you cannot write the word "Negro" fifty times with great glee on this thread.

On Wednesday and Thursday, federal prosecutors unsealed two indictments, and law enforcers from the FBI, Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Sandy, Unified police, the Department of Public Safety and others executed arrest and search warrants in Salt Lake, Sevier and Washington counties, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The indictments allege that members of the La Raza gang and their associates operated a drug enterprise. Thirteen of the suspected 14 people tied to the operation had been rounded up and arrested as of Friday."
31 indictments filed in connection with drug trafficking ring

Obama gives $30 Million to LaRaza… The Hispanic KKK

The OP in this case is a raging idiot.
Obama gives 30 Million to LaRaza The Hispanic KKK The Brooksville Belle


Borderland Beat Texas Gangs Have Evolving Relationship with Cartels

Yeah, three democrats meeting WITH drug gangs. Great idea huh?
On Wednesday and Thursday, federal prosecutors unsealed two indictments, and law enforcers from the FBI, Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Sandy, Unified police, the Department of Public Safety and others executed arrest and search warrants in Salt Lake, Sevier and Washington counties, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office.

The indictments allege that members of the La Raza gang and their associates operated a drug enterprise. Thirteen of the suspected 14 people tied to the operation had been rounded up and arrested as of Friday."
31 indictments filed in connection with drug trafficking ring

Obama gives $30 Million to LaRaza… The Hispanic KKK

The OP in this case is a raging idiot.
Obama gives 30 Million to LaRaza The Hispanic KKK The Brooksville Belle


Borderland Beat Texas Gangs Have Evolving Relationship with Cartels

Yeah, three democrats meeting WITH drug gangs. Great idea huh?

So, again, you prove that you are too stupid to know the difference between a GANG and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION, just because they share the same name.

Do you have any idea how many Tom Jones are in the world? They all have the same name, but are not the same person.

Really, you may be one of the three most ignorant people I have ever encountered in my entire life.

You redefine "stupid" in just so many interesting ways, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-214.
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?

Perhaps you are too stupid to realize that there is a GANG named La Raza and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION named La Raza and that they are not one and the same group.

Once again, you are showing your prowess with your immense IQ of 214....

I mean, have you considered shock therapy to cure your stupidity?

Here, here is the LA RAZA that the OP is speaking of:

National Council of La Raza Take Action

It is not a gang.

Don't worry, we already know that you hate dark-skinned people. In fact, I bet that you are very disappointed that you cannot write the word "Negro" fifty times with great glee on this thread.

I AM half Mexican you IDIOT remember? Total fucking MORON meeting with the umbrella group that houses some of the WORST criminals to EVER come out of Mexico. IDIOT!
Forget it Stat

DF is screwing around with you! He knows the difference.

He is acting dumb to get a rise out of you.
So after reading their positions on several issues, these are Progressive Latinos, and thus this is a Progressive Latino organization.

Why would a bunch of non-progressives want to attend?

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

The White Race?

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

The Caucasians?

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

The Caucasians?

Almost......keep trying....

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

The Caucasians?

Almost......keep trying....

Well, it is not Aryans because Aryans are Persians.
Some propagandist of the 20's intentionally messed that one up.


Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

The Caucasians?

Almost......keep trying....
La Raza IS an umbrella group much like CAIR or Islamic State. It shelters sub groups such as MS-13 and various drug cartels.
La Raza means "The Family" and is no different then the mafia.
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?

Perhaps you are too stupid to realize that there is a GANG named La Raza and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION named La Raza and that they are not one and the same group.

Once again, you are showing your prowess with your immense IQ of 214....

I mean, have you considered shock therapy to cure your stupidity?

Here, here is the LA RAZA that the OP is speaking of:

National Council of La Raza Take Action

It is not a gang.

Don't worry, we already know that you hate dark-skinned people. In fact, I bet that you are very disappointed that you cannot write the word "Negro" fifty times with great glee on this thread.


La Raza would be a waste of time for any Presidential candidate as La Raza is a racist organization; their name says so. Their mission is to return California, Texas and the rest of the Southwest to Mexico. Even if the US did that, they La Raza would then want reparations as the whole current US Southwest would have same problems as the rest of Mexico.

They celebrate Spanish as a primary language for US it was the Spanish that occupied and took over their Aztlan.... Guess somehow that was the fault of the English and not the Spanish.

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