Latino Civil Rights event draws ZERO GOP presidential candidates

La Raza is a racist anti American organization. No wonder Dems flocked there.
The GOP will reach out to minorities and do so successfully. BUt they wont do it through the Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza, or any other victim-hood interest group. They woll do it by goign to where minorities live and talking directly to them.
And one of the things they'll point out is Blacks have been supporters of the Democratic Party for over 50 years and it's gotten them nothing.
"Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities."

Clearly a pointless effort.
tell us why jones.....
It's funny: When Republicans skip events like the NAACP dinner they're castigated for not reaching out to minorities.
WHen they attend a NAACP dinner they are castigated for trying to reach out to minorities.
When they talk about minority outreach they are told not to bother.
Which is it, guys?
so the gop doesn't attend yet another divisive group and you're mad that they don't feed the hate.

good to know
La Raza is a racist anti American organization. No wonder Dems flocked there.
The GOP will reach out to minorities and do so successfully. BUt they wont do it through the Congressional Black Caucus, La Raza, or any other victim-hood interest group. They woll do it by goign to where minorities live and talking directly to them.
And one of the things they'll point out is Blacks have been supporters of the Democratic Party for over 50 years and it's gotten them nothing.

La Raza is certainly a racist anti-american organization.

It is no surprise that dems flocked there, and they should be ashamed.

That being said, I have no expectation that the GOP will be able to successfully reach out to minorities.

The dem racist pandering has worked in the past, and will almost certainly work in the future.

La Raza is likely to become part of the Ruling Elite.
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?

Perhaps you are too stupid to realize that there is a GANG named La Raza and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION named La Raza and that they are not one and the same group.

Once again, you are showing your prowess with your immense IQ of 214....

I mean, have you considered shock therapy to cure your stupidity?

Here, here is the LA RAZA that the OP is speaking of:

National Council of La Raza Take Action

It is not a gang.

Don't worry, we already know that you hate dark-skinned people. In fact, I bet that you are very disappointed that you cannot write the word "Negro" fifty times with great glee on this thread.


Celebrating a group called "The Race" how very KKK of you.
Oh...these morons are so fucken stupid they think mexican is a race.

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

La Raza?
You are one stupid mother fucker.
Anyone one who showed up should be shot on sight.

So, you too do not understand the difference between the GANG with this name and the CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP with this name.

Poor you. Yepp, yer a Rightie.
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?

Perhaps you are too stupid to realize that there is a GANG named La Raza and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION named La Raza and that they are not one and the same group.

Once again, you are showing your prowess with your immense IQ of 214....

I mean, have you considered shock therapy to cure your stupidity?

Here, here is the LA RAZA that the OP is speaking of:

National Council of La Raza Take Action

It is not a gang.

Don't worry, we already know that you hate dark-skinned people. In fact, I bet that you are very disappointed that you cannot write the word "Negro" fifty times with great glee on this thread.


Celebrating a group called "The Race" how very KKK of you.
Oh...these morons are so fucken stupid they think mexican is a race.

Oh, all of a sudden you are totally politically correct.


Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

La Raza?
You are one stupid mother fucker.
Anyone one who showed up should be shot on sight.

So, you too do not understand the difference between the GANG with this name and the CIVIL RIGHTS GROUP with this name.

Poor you. Yepp, yer a Rightie.

One and the same racist organization.
The OP is unaware that "La Raza" is the umbrella group of which MS-13 belongs to?

Perhaps you are too stupid to realize that there is a GANG named La Raza and a CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATION named La Raza and that they are not one and the same group.

Once again, you are showing your prowess with your immense IQ of 214....

I mean, have you considered shock therapy to cure your stupidity?

Here, here is the LA RAZA that the OP is speaking of:

National Council of La Raza Take Action

It is not a gang.

Don't worry, we already know that you hate dark-skinned people. In fact, I bet that you are very disappointed that you cannot write the word "Negro" fifty times with great glee on this thread.


Celebrating a group called "The Race" how very KKK of you.
Oh...these morons are so fucken stupid they think mexican is a race.

Oh, all of a sudden you are totally politically correct.


And all of a sudden you're a racist...or at least admitting it finally.

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself
Lets just hope the Hispanic rights the op is ranting about are the rights of legal American Citizens and not the illegals who've invaded our country.

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.
Lets just hope the Hispanic rights the op is ranting about are the rights of legal American Citizens and not the illegals who've invaded our country.

The OP is ranting about nothing. I love it when the Right, knowing that it is badly losing the debate, frantically starts to attached emotions to the writer of an OP.

And we should give a crap??? Why????

You dont have to really, but what you arent allowed to do is shun an entire group of people then complain that they dont vote for you like you do now with the blacks.

Either you dont give a shit and dont give a shit about what happens next

Or you give a shit and want to draw people in. But you cannot create your own storm then complain about the rain.

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?
It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

By my definition both Bushes are Statists and traitors. I thought I was clear about that
It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?
Shifting goal posts much, El Stupido?

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