Latino Civil Rights event draws ZERO GOP presidential candidates

It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Would you like to offer some evidence that this group is not for Reconquista?
Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?
Shifting goal posts much, El Stupido?

NO. People here are calling La Raza (the Council) "racist". But both Bushes attended.

You probably don't understand that, what with all that cock in your mouth and in your ass.
Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Would you like to offer some evidence that this group is not for Reconquista?


You people are batshit crazy. Exactly as expected. Racists are invariably batshit crazy.
It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Which is why I've said fuck bush and all the RINO assholes.
Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Which is why I've said fuck bush and all the RINO assholes.

Oh, you think the Bushes are RINOS. Ok.....
La Raza is a radical hate group. Why would any politician attend their event?

Fuck, La Raza and anyone who supports them

Meanwhile, THREE Democratic candidates were there:

Three Democratic POTUS contenders address La Raza s KC conventio - KCTV5

(video at the link)

Some on the extreme Right even go as far as to classify La Raza a "hate group", but it is not.

Reince Priebus said in his 2012 election "autopsy" that the GOP must reach out to minorities. I don't think this is what he meant.

Even if a Republican were to hate La Raza for some weird, inexplicable reason, he could have made some impressive points by having been there to lay out his arguments.

From the link:

NCLR leaders say they extended the Kansas City event invitation to all presidential candidates, but no Republican contenders will be in attendance.

"We're the fastest growing community in this country and our voice matters and we do vote," La Raza convention goer Isabel Rubio said. "Not to be here is a gross oversight."

So, why did not even one GOPer appear? Fear of backlash from "the base"? Didn't read his mail? Had to get his pedicure done? Kissing the Koch Bros rings takes time, you know!

The point is, by not showing at all, GOPers confirm the image of them being Latino haters, even if they are not.

At least Mitt Romney had the balls to go and speech mano a mano to the NAACP. I really respected that move of his. At least he tried. These yahoos are not even trying, and by completely ignoring the invitation, they allowed the Democrats to dominate the field during this 4 day conference, which means that they cannot claim scheduling problems as a lame excuse. The thing ran for four days, right in the heartland of America, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Instead, the memories of this event will be this:


I mean, there is blind, there is BLIND and then there is the GOP.

Discuss. Should GOPers have appeared at this event?

First of all, thanks to Republicans, we have equal rights. What the left is doing now has nothing to do with rights of citizens and everything to do with extending rights to non-citizens as they continue to suck up to the illegal voters. You guys are full of shit. LaRaza is about as un-American as any group can get. They are racist hate mongers who push for rights of illegal aliens.
Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Would you like to offer some evidence that this group is not for Reconquista?

WOW Correll...I knew you flip on a dime but this is record time. Just in another thread you claimed this

The point that liberals constant demand that conservatives prove the negative ie that we are not racist, is not.

And here you are demanding that someone proves a negative. Did you suddenly become a liberal or have you just always been a liar?

Why White People Will Always Be Racists Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Which is why I've said fuck bush and all the RINO assholes.

Oh, you think the Bushes are RINOS. Ok.....

Have you not read any of my posts on the Bushes? They are Traitors. One Worlder, traitors.

Dubya had a Republican Congress and inherited a world where there was no more USSR, were looking at true budget surpluses and serious tax relief. I stupidly thought this could be a repeat of Coolidge and the Roaring Twenties. But the first 2 things he did was let that fat fucking murdering scumbag from MA write the education bill, then somehow, some camel fuckers in a cave in Pashtun planned and carried out an audacious attack on us soil that could have killed 30,000 people, but "only" killed 3,000, setting up for war against an imaginary and therefore unbeatable enemy.

I'm convinced his Dad was in on the Reagan assassination attempt and the CIA had a large part of 911.
La Raza translated into English means The Race.

How can any organization with this title not be a hate group?
La Raza are rascist socialists who refuse to acknowledge that parts of Mexico were either surrendered or sold to the U.S..

Besides, why is La Raza in the U.S. since they seek to make Mexico a better place???

Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?
Shifting goal posts much, El Stupido?

NO. People here are calling La Raza (the Council) "racist". But both Bushes attended.

You probably don't understand that, what with all that cock in your mouth and in your ass.
Do the Bush attendences somehow mean they arent racist? DO you even know what the fuck you're babbling about?
La Raza claims that it's mission is to improve the civil rights of "Latino Americans" but it's mission really seems to be the redistribution of taxpayer funds to support illegal criminal aliens.
Civil rights means that non-whites have the right to break our laws. It is really kind of screwed up.
Indeed, it is odd, as Alex Conant is a La Raza operative in Rubio's office. I suppose since he has to worry about getting the nomination BEFORE running for office, he just didn't want to be seen at that globist gathering that had US interests last, and globalist interests first.

Immigration reform groups react after Rubio speaker portrays them as unholy misanthropes
Immigration reform groups use low-key strategy against Rubio amnesty The Daily Caller

Friendly reminder: La Raza operative Alex Conant still works for Marco Rubio
It is a racist group, there is a difference, and thanks for lying. La Raza means, the race, and just try to see what a white group that called itself that would be called by you guys........

Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

The reason that the Bushes attended the Council functions is that because the council is a Globalist organization, it is an elite organization to politically organize and mobilze a vast group of people for the global elite.

Do you seriously believe that the Bush family represents America? My god you are obtuse.

The Bush family represents the same folks as the Clinton family. The global elite. THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AMERICA OR AMERICANS. They are globalists. They represent the global corporate elites. If you do the research, you find that the foundations that are behind La Raza are the same foundations that were behind the education and the rise to power of Obama, the Ford Foundation, Annenberg Foundation, etc. Inevitable, that means that the CIA, black funding, and black projects are going to be involved in there somewhere as well.

Did you know that they renamed the School of the Americas because researchers, know so much of what is going on?

This has nothing to do with democracy, or America. They has everything to do with globalizing the world.

Of course the Bushes attended. I wouldn't be surprised if occasionally a Clinton goes, a Kissinger, a Brzezinski, and whoever other establishment politician you want to name. Globalists don't care about party affiliations. If you desire power, you go. You tow the company line.

I see the connections here. Are you so obtuse that you do not?

"Where does La Raza get the funding to support its many activities? According to its website, 'the organization receives two-thirds of its funding from corporations and foundations, and the rest from the government.' For the period 1992-1996, the total amount of 'gifts, grants and contributions' to La Raza was more than $38 million. This does not include revenues from 'government fees and contracts.' Over three years, 1996-1998, La Raza received over five million dollars from just three foundations the majority, nearly four million dollars, from the Ford Foundation, $850,000 from the Carnegie Corporation, and another $850,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation.

For the period 1993-1996, La Raza paid $983,522 in 'compensation of officers, directors, etc..' But paid $9,842,560 in 'other salaries and wages."

The Social Contract - Funding Hate - Foundations and the Radical Hispanic Lobby- Part III
These are the same foundations that raised, educated, employed, and hid all the historical biographical information about our current President. Nice.

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