Latino Civil Rights event draws ZERO GOP presidential candidates

Indeed, it is odd, as Alex Conant is a La Raza operative in Rubio's office. I suppose since he has to worry about getting the nomination BEFORE running for office, he just didn't want to be seen at that globist gathering that had US interests last, and globalist interests first.

Immigration reform groups react after Rubio speaker portrays them as unholy misanthropes
Immigration reform groups use low-key strategy against Rubio amnesty The Daily Caller

Friendly reminder: La Raza operative Alex Conant still works for Marco Rubio
Uhm, no.

This is your chance to prove that you can rise above yourself and show us that you are not as stupid as your postings lead us to believe...


Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

The reason that the Bushes attended the Council functions is that because the council is a Globalist organization, it is an elite organization to politically organize and mobilze a vast group of people for the global elite.

Do you seriously believe that the Bush family represents America? My god you are obtuse.

The Bush family represents the same folks as the Clinton family. The global elite. THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT AMERICA OR AMERICANS. They are globalists. They represent the global corporate elites. If you do the research, you find that the foundations that are behind La Raza are the same foundations that were behind the education and the rise to power of Obama, the Ford Foundation, Annenberg Foundation, etc. Inevitable, that means that the CIA, black funding, and black projects are going to be involved in there somewhere as well.

Did you know that they renamed the School of the Americas because researchers, know so much of what is going on?

This has nothing to do with democracy, or America. They has everything to do with globalizing the world.

Of course the Bushes attended. I wouldn't be surprised if occasionally a Clinton goes, a Kissinger, a Brzezinski, and whoever other establishment politician you want to name. Globalists don't care about party affiliations. If you desire power, you go. You tow the company line.

I see the connections here. Are you so obtuse that you do not?

"Where does La Raza get the funding to support its many activities? According to its website, 'the organization receives two-thirds of its funding from corporations and foundations, and the rest from the government.' For the period 1992-1996, the total amount of 'gifts, grants and contributions' to La Raza was more than $38 million. This does not include revenues from 'government fees and contracts.' Over three years, 1996-1998, La Raza received over five million dollars from just three foundations the majority, nearly four million dollars, from the Ford Foundation, $850,000 from the Carnegie Corporation, and another $850,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation.

For the period 1993-1996, La Raza paid $983,522 in 'compensation of officers, directors, etc..' But paid $9,842,560 in 'other salaries and wages."

The Social Contract - Funding Hate - Foundations and the Radical Hispanic Lobby- Part III
These are the same foundations that raised, educated, employed, and hid all the historical biographical information about our current President. Nice.

Trump is right. Our leaders are stupid (like foxes...). I applaud you for connecting more dots........:clap:.

Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Would you like to offer some evidence that this group is not for Reconquista?


You people are batshit crazy. Exactly as expected. Racists are invariably batshit crazy.

I went looking for some reports on them. Saw a picture of a sign from a supported rally with reconquista rhetoric on it.

You have a bullet point of polices, including a rejections of radical racist policies that might reasonable be expected of a group called The Race?
Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Would you like to offer some evidence that this group is not for Reconquista?


You people are batshit crazy. Exactly as expected. Racists are invariably batshit crazy.

I went looking for some reports on them. Saw a picture of a sign from a supported rally with reconquista rhetoric on it.

You have a bullet point of polices, including a rejections of radical racist policies that might reasonable be expected of a group called The Race?

I can answer for him, which I normally would never do.........NO HE DOES NOT!!!

Guano, heal thyself

Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?
Shifting goal posts much, El Stupido?

NO. People here are calling La Raza (the Council) "racist". But both Bushes attended.

You probably don't understand that, what with all that cock in your mouth and in your ass.

You DO know that Google has a translate function, right? In no way does "La Raza" ever, in an Spanish, translate to "the Council." You are really grasping at straws if you wish to believe that. That literal translation IS, THE RACE. I will agree with you, it is a tad more nuanced in meaning, BUT THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS.

Controversy over the Name “La Raza”

The words “La Raza” (Spanish for “The Race”) in NCLR's name have long been a source of considerable controversy. Critics claim that the name reflects an organizational commitment to racial separatism and race-based grievance mongering. By NCLR's telling, however, such critics have mistranslated the word “Raza.” “The term 'La Raza,'” says the organization, “has its origins in early 20th century Latin American literature and translates into English most closely as 'the people' or, according to some scholars, 'the Hispanic people of the New World.'” According to NCLR, “the full term,” which was coined by the Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos, is “la raza cósmica,” meaning “the cosmic people.” NCLR describes this as “an inclusive concept” whose purpose is to express the fact that “Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny.”

NCLR's interpretation of Vasconcelos's explanation, however, is inaccurate. As Guillermo Lux and Maurilio Vigil (professors of history and political science, respectively, at New Mexico Highlands University) note in their 1991 book, Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland:

"The concept of La Raza can be traced to the ideas and writings of Jose Vasconcelos, the Mexican theorist who developed the theory of la raza cosmica (the cosmic or super race) at least partially as a minority reaction to the Nordic notions of racial superiority. Vasconelos developed a systematic theory which argued that climatic and geographic conditions and mixture of Spanish and Indian races created a superior race. The concept of La Raza connotes that the mestizo is a distinct race and not Caucasian, as is technically the case."

In short, Vasconcelos was not promoting "an inclusive concept," but rather, the notion of Hispanic racial superiority.

NCLR's claim is further contradicted by the Council's own race-specific statements about its activities and objectives. For example, NCLR says that it “welcomes affiliation from independent Hispanic groups” which share its goals; that it “assists Hispanic groups that are not formal Affiliates”; that it “supports and strengthens Hispanic community-based organizations nationwide—especially those that serve low-income and disadvantaged Hispanics”; that it seeks “to increase policymaker and public understanding of Hispanic needs and to encourage the adoption of programs and policies that equitably serve Hispanics”; that it serves “all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country”; and that its political and ideological message is “reaching millions of Hispanics each year.”
Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?
Shifting goal posts much, El Stupido?

NO. People here are calling La Raza (the Council) "racist". But both Bushes attended.

You probably don't understand that, what with all that cock in your mouth and in your ass.

You DO know that Google has a translate function, right? In no way does "La Raza" ever, in an Spanish, translate to "the Council." You are really grasping at straws if you wish to believe that. That literal translation IS, THE RACE. I will agree with you, it is a tad more nuanced in meaning, BUT THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS.

Controversy over the Name “La Raza”

The words “La Raza” (Spanish for “The Race”) in NCLR's name have long been a source of considerable controversy. Critics claim that the name reflects an organizational commitment to racial separatism and race-based grievance mongering. By NCLR's telling, however, such critics have mistranslated the word “Raza.” “The term 'La Raza,'” says the organization, “has its origins in early 20th century Latin American literature and translates into English most closely as 'the people' or, according to some scholars, 'the Hispanic people of the New World.'” According to NCLR, “the full term,” which was coined by the Mexican scholar José Vasconcelos, is “la raza cósmica,” meaning “the cosmic people.” NCLR describes this as “an inclusive concept” whose purpose is to express the fact that “Hispanics share with all other peoples of the world a common heritage and destiny.”

NCLR's interpretation of Vasconcelos's explanation, however, is inaccurate. As Guillermo Lux and Maurilio Vigil (professors of history and political science, respectively, at New Mexico Highlands University) note in their 1991 book, Aztlan: Essays on the Chicano Homeland:

"The concept of La Raza can be traced to the ideas and writings of Jose Vasconcelos, the Mexican theorist who developed the theory of la raza cosmica (the cosmic or super race) at least partially as a minority reaction to the Nordic notions of racial superiority. Vasconelos developed a systematic theory which argued that climatic and geographic conditions and mixture of Spanish and Indian races created a superior race. The concept of La Raza connotes that the mestizo is a distinct race and not Caucasian, as is technically the case."

In short, Vasconcelos was not promoting "an inclusive concept," but rather, the notion of Hispanic racial superiority.

NCLR's claim is further contradicted by the Council's own race-specific statements about its activities and objectives. For example, NCLR says that it “welcomes affiliation from independent Hispanic groups” which share its goals; that it “assists Hispanic groups that are not formal Affiliates”; that it “supports and strengthens Hispanic community-based organizations nationwide—especially those that serve low-income and disadvantaged Hispanics”; that it seeks “to increase policymaker and public understanding of Hispanic needs and to encourage the adoption of programs and policies that equitably serve Hispanics”; that it serves “all Hispanic subgroups in all regions of the country”; and that its political and ideological message is “reaching millions of Hispanics each year.”

OMG, you really ARE that stupid.

I never said that "La Raza" means Council, you doofus.

COUNCIL refers to this, which was a graphic in the OP, you doofus:


National COUNCIL of La Raza.

I know very well that "La Raza" is Espagnol for "the race".

I was pointing to the fact that the gang LA RAZA and the Civil Rights Group LA RAZA are not the same thing. Which is why this is called the "National Council of La Raza".

Dear Lord, Righties are really, really slow on the uptake.
'Kraut boi' Stat is sorry that he started this thread.........:bang3:.

No, it's a good thread, and I expected it would draw useful idiots like you here. Anyone who thinks I'm a "kraut" is, well, batshit crazy.

So, thanks for just letting us all know that you are batshit crazy.
Ahhh, 57-state "Hillary will not be the Democratic Nominee" Frankie:

Confederate flag = good.
Two spanish words = bad.

La Reconquista = bad

I give Hillary about 40-50% shot of getting the nomination, that's way up from 0% before her people were summoned to the recent Bilderberg meeting

Uh, you realize that BOTH Bushes attended La Raza Council functions, right?

So, by your own definition, both Bushes are racists, right?

Which is why I've said fuck bush and all the RINO assholes.

Oh, you think the Bushes are RINOS. Ok.....

Have you not read any of my posts on the Bushes? They are Traitors. One Worlder, traitors.

Dubya had a Republican Congress and inherited a world where there was no more USSR, were looking at true budget surpluses and serious tax relief. I stupidly thought this could be a repeat of Coolidge and the Roaring Twenties. But the first 2 things he did was let that fat fucking murdering scumbag from MA write the education bill, then somehow, some camel fuckers in a cave in Pashtun planned and carried out an audacious attack on us soil that could have killed 30,000 people, but "only" killed 3,000, setting up for war against an imaginary and therefore unbeatable enemy.

I'm convinced his Dad was in on the Reagan assassination attempt and the CIA had a large part of 911.


I wish you well on your recovery, Frank.
'Kraut boi' Stat is sorry that he started this thread.........:bang3:.

No, it's a good thread, and I expected it would draw useful idiots like you here. Anyone who thinks I'm a "kraut" is, well, batshit crazy.

So, thanks for just letting us all know that you are batshit crazy.

What is any educated and logical debatee supposed to think when you carry the water for a group that supports the supremacy of a race?
So after reading their positions on several issues, these are Progressive Latinos, and thus this is a Progressive Latino organization.

Why would a bunch of non-progressives want to attend?
Why would the GOP ever wish to be competative in the 2016 election?
'Kraut boi' Stat is sorry that he started this thread.........:bang3:.

No, it's a good thread, and I expected it would draw useful idiots like you here. Anyone who thinks I'm a "kraut" is, well, batshit crazy.

So, thanks for just letting us all know that you are batshit crazy.

What is any educated and logical debatee supposed to think when you carry the water for a group that supports the supremacy of a race?
Stats really blew it on this. Mexican Spanish is to Spanish what English english is to american english.
'Kraut boi' Stat is sorry that he started this thread.........:bang3:.

No, it's a good thread, and I expected it would draw useful idiots like you here. Anyone who thinks I'm a "kraut" is, well, batshit crazy.

So, thanks for just letting us all know that you are batshit crazy.

What is any educated and logical debatee supposed to think when you carry the water for a group that supports the supremacy of a race?

You are anything but educated. You are a doofus who is craving attention, like most all fucked-up RWNJs.

Enjoy your craziness.

:blahblah:........whatevah........'Kraut Boi'........:mm:.
'Kraut boi' Stat is sorry that he started this thread.........:bang3:.

No, it's a good thread, and I expected it would draw useful idiots like you here. Anyone who thinks I'm a "kraut" is, well, batshit crazy.

So, thanks for just letting us all know that you are batshit crazy.

What is any educated and logical debatee supposed to think when you carry the water for a group that supports the supremacy of a race?
Stats really blew it on this. Mexican Spanish is to Spanish what English english is to american english.

Which means absolutely nothing, you doofus.
'La Raza Cosmica' initially has its' roots in fascism.......yes, the Hitler-type!

Jose Vasconcelos the Nazi propagandist behind La Raza Mexican nationalism

OP is a true 'kraut', isn't he?..........:wink_2:

Nice find.
Chicano Nationalism Inspired by Mexican Nazi Agent

Latino Nationalist Mural at Chicano Park in San Diego

United Farm Workers Flag Inspired by Nazi Flag

And, besides this, Modelo beer still tastes awful.........:booze:.
'La Raza Cosmica' initially has its' roots in fascism.......yes, the Hitler-type!

Jose Vasconcelos the Nazi propagandist behind La Raza Mexican nationalism

OP is a true 'kraut', isn't he?..........:wink_2:

Nice find.
Chicano Nationalism Inspired by Mexican Nazi Agent

Latino Nationalist Mural at Chicano Park in San Diego

United Farm Workers Flag Inspired by Nazi Flag
The swastika of the Native American is a sign of good luck, and the arms are clockwise, not counterclockwise as is the Nazi swastika. Your claim is pure bullshit.
'La Raza Cosmica' initially has its' roots in fascism.......yes, the Hitler-type!

Jose Vasconcelos the Nazi propagandist behind La Raza Mexican nationalism

OP is a true 'kraut', isn't he?..........:wink_2:

Nice find.
Chicano Nationalism Inspired by Mexican Nazi Agent

Latino Nationalist Mural at Chicano Park in San Diego

United Farm Workers Flag Inspired by Nazi Flag
The swastika of the Native American is a sign of good luck, and the arms are clockwise, not counterclockwise as is the Nazi swastika. Your claim is pure bullshit.

This statement is proof that fascism.......oops!......I mean liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
Native American Symbol Whirling Log Swastika Native American Jewelry Tips

after learning of the Nazi association, the Navajo discontinued use of the symbol

^ Dottie Indyke. “The History of an Ancient Human Symbol.” April 4, 2005. originally from The Wingspread Collector’s Guide to Santa Fe, Taos, and Albuquerque, Volume 15.

Whirling Logs are used in Navajo sand paintings during a healing or other type of ceremony. A sand painting is supposed to be a temporary piece of art which is destroyed after the ceremony is over. However sand painting designs are also used in prints and framed paintings, rugs and on jewelry.

The Whirling Log symbol is associated with a narrative involving a man (sometimes called the Culture Hero) who takes a journey down the San Juan River in a hollowed out log canoe. During his adventure, he encounters whirlpools and a special event where the San Juan River meets the Colorado River. There he comes upon a whirling cross with Yei figures seated on the cross. From the yeis he learns much knowledge which he takes back to his people.

(See a future post about Yeis)

Since World War II, the use of the Whirling Logs in Native American artifacts has been confined mainly to rugs. Jewelry with the symbol is usually from before 1940.

However, I was wrong concerning the orientation of the arms of the swastika;

To distinguish Whirling Logs from Hitler’s Swastika, some try to make a distinction between which direction the figure appears to rotate, clockwise or counter-clockwise. But if you look at a whirling log on the outside of a Native American basket and it is whirling counter-clockwise, that same design will be whirling clockwise on the inside. Similarly with a woven rug – each side of the rug would show the symbol whirling a different way. So that is not distinction.

The distinction is in the intent, the context, the long history of the symbol. Read more about the history of the swastika.

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