Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

THen why did you vote twice for a president who promised to "radically transform" America?

Isn’t radically transform the same as make America great?

Nope. Now answer my question.
So you don’t believe America was not great?

What is the difference in transforming America to make it better and transforming to make it great?

America returning to greatness is a relatively small and easy development. We were there not long ago, and can get back quickly.

Radical Transformation, is changing the basic structure to something new.

Are you telling me that you did not know that? Which common english words did you misunderstand?
Isn’t improving the country desirable?

All presidents say they will
Obama didn't improve it. He took a big shit on it.
More than half of California drivers' licenses went to undocumented immigrants, NumbersUSA says

California is home to more undocumented immigrants than any other state, over 3 million, so any policy shift it makes is bound to catch attention.

NumbersUSA, a group that favors reduced immigration, noticed a trend with driver’s licenses in the Golden State and posted a meme with this message on its Facebook page.

"More than half of all drivers' licenses issued in California this year have gone to illegal aliens," the meme says.

The group is on solid ground with its numbers, although it omits why this has happened.

According to the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles, about 397,000 undocumented immigrants received a driver’s license since January.

"This figure represents more than half of the total 759,000 original driver licenses that have distributed during the first half of 2015," the department said in a press release.

Behind these numbers is a 2013 law called the Safe and Responsible Driver Act. The measure reversed a 20-year-old law that blocked people without legal status from applying for a license. A large coalition of immigrant advocacy organizations argued that in the state that epitomizes American car culture, that ban made it difficult for people to get to work, drive their kids to school and run simple errands. The result, the advocates argued, was thousands of people on the road without licenses and without any way to make sure they knew how to drive.

Reminder: You May Need a Passport to Fly Now If You Live in These States

Want to fly the friendly skies...........Well your California license will not be good enough soon........a passport or a Real I.D. will be needed sorry
A Drivers License gives you a License to Drive

It does not declare citizenship. Legal immigrants have always been allowed drivers licenses
Since states like California give it out so will no longer be allowed to use it to board a plane any longer............oh well...............California leads the nation in illegals..............have 25% of the illegal farmers there for the entire nation.............when the laws provide a legal path..............

California liberals are good at one thing..........picking and choosing the laws they DEEM WORTHY..............trashing the ones that they don't agree with.

It proves you are the person on the ticket
Why should it matter if the person is a legal alien or not when they are flying?
If they are illegal, the only flight they should be taking is back to Mexico.
Of course she speaks the Republican truth. That's how we know she's a racist. Like Trump.


And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

Screw that. No one has a right to immigrate here. Our immigration laws exist only to benefit Americans. Any law that doesn't benefit American citizens should be discarded. Allowing ignorant peasants to immigrate here doesn't benefit us one bit.
Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.
Ignorant peasants from the third world don't bring any "gifts." They bring only dependency and their corrupt culture.
She's just being honest. People of all colors have great qualities in some variances, but I have a question for "progressives". Other than those that are predominantly white, perhaps Asian, what countries would you say are powerful with a high standard of living?

Then add 2 and 2 and see if you can come up with 4.

Careful what you wish for dumbshits. Lose the white people your standard of living is reduced by large measures. That's not lose lips or racial, it's a historically supported. That said, I recognize what many progressives truly desire, which is contrary thought, decay and chaos.
You seem to think that race leads to higher standards of living. But you ignore politics. When the political apparatus in any given nation is not amenayto freedom, opportunities for social and economic advancement dwindles. Race is not the factor. The governance of the nation is the factor.

Given the freedom to have the same opporuoas everyone else, all people could enjoy a higher standard of living. Melanin and complexion have nothing to do with capability.

I disagree. How many great inventors, thinkers and scientists are non-white? Which nations with a minority white population have proved to be a success? Only exception is Asia to some extent.

If race has nothing to do with ability, then certainly you can explain why most successful football and basketball players are black.
If you need ablood transfusion, you should thank an African American doctor for pioneering that life saving,procedure. If you care to listen to the most innovative music that swept the world culture and made one of the greatest contributions to the A,erican legacy, you should thank African American geniuses like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington. If you care to enjoy the American theater, you should thank my fellow Pittsburgher August Wilson.

And again, melanin and complexion have nothing to do with intellect. Complexion has nothing to do with achievements. And nations that are not majority white suffer from factors you chose to ignore. A history of brutal colonialism. Authoritarian governments. Cultural divisions based on ancient tribal rivalries.

The majority white nations struggled for 400 years under the same issues while ,athematicians in the Middle East developed algebra. It was called the Dark Ages and it was perpetuated by notions of division, suspicion and hatred.
How many Nobel prizes have been earned by people in Africa?
Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

We are trying to play by the rules. We allow a million immigrants into this country every year. It's Democrats and RINO's that are calling for immigration reform. We don't want reform. There is nothing wrong with our system now, it just has to be harshly enforced.

So was Trump lying when he said (if he said) that those nations are shitholes?

If Trump is separating families and DumBama didn't, why did they use a picture of caged kids that happened under DumBama and try to say it was Trump?

When did Trump ever say ALL Mexicans were rapists, thieves and murderers?
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
She's just being honest. People of all colors have great qualities in some variances, but I have a question for "progressives". Other than those that are predominantly white, perhaps Asian, what countries would you say are powerful with a high standard of living?

Then add 2 and 2 and see if you can come up with 4.

Careful what you wish for dumbshits. Lose the white people your standard of living is reduced by large measures. That's not lose lips or racial, it's a historically supported. That said, I recognize what many progressives truly desire, which is contrary thought, decay and chaos.
You seem to think that race leads to higher standards of living. But you ignore politics. When the political apparatus in any given nation is not amenayto freedom, opportunities for social and economic advancement dwindles. Race is not the factor. The governance of the nation is the factor.

Given the freedom to have the same opporuoas everyone else, all people could enjoy a higher standard of living. Melanin and complexion have nothing to do with capability.

So what race are the people that lead those countries and who put them or allowed them into power?
In a lot of cases, the race responsible is Caucasian. They ruled colonies that never granted opportunity, fostered Authoritarians because 'he may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch'.

Oh please, you can't be serious with that answer.
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

We are trying to play by the rules. We allow a million immigrants into this country every year. It's Democrats and RINO's that are calling for immigration reform. We don't want reform. There is nothing wrong with our system now, it just has to be harshly enforced.

So was Trump lying when he said (if he said) that those nations are shitholes?

If Trump is separating families and DumBama didn't, why did they use a picture of caged kids that happened under DumBama and try to say it was Trump?

When did Trump ever say ALL Mexicans were rapists, thieves and murderers?
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
Our immigration system needs What now? Harsh enforcement or thorough policing? An S what of the DACA folks? Are you so eager to whiten America that you would squander their contributions and their efforts to make their own American dreams?

And what of America's farmers who have relied on immigrant farm labor to bring in their crops? You seem to understand one economic principle, that of supply and demand. But you fail to grasp other economic principles like labor and expedience.
She's just being honest. People of all colors have great qualities in some variances, but I have a question for "progressives". Other than those that are predominantly white, perhaps Asian, what countries would you say are powerful with a high standard of living?

Then add 2 and 2 and see if you can come up with 4.

Careful what you wish for dumbshits. Lose the white people your standard of living is reduced by large measures. That's not lose lips or racial, it's a historically supported. That said, I recognize what many progressives truly desire, which is contrary thought, decay and chaos.
You seem to think that race leads to higher standards of living. But you ignore politics. When the political apparatus in any given nation is not amenayto freedom, opportunities for social and economic advancement dwindles. Race is not the factor. The governance of the nation is the factor.

Given the freedom to have the same opporuoas everyone else, all people could enjoy a higher standard of living. Melanin and complexion have nothing to do with capability.

So what race are the people that lead those countries and who put them or allowed them into power?
In a lot of cases, the race responsible is Caucasian. They ruled colonies that never granted opportunity, fostered Authoritarians because 'he may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch'.

Oh please, you can't be serious with that answer.
I am very serious with that answer. If you consider people through the dark glass of racism, you cannot accept the full scope of racist policies. Namely colonialism, subjugation and the fact that without a democratic experience, it's hard to establish one. See Iraq after shock and awe.
She's just being honest. People of all colors have great qualities in some variances, but I have a question for "progressives". Other than those that are predominantly white, perhaps Asian, what countries would you say are powerful with a high standard of living?

Then add 2 and 2 and see if you can come up with 4.

Careful what you wish for dumbshits. Lose the white people your standard of living is reduced by large measures. That's not lose lips or racial, it's a historically supported. That said, I recognize what many progressives truly desire, which is contrary thought, decay and chaos.
You seem to think that race leads to higher standards of living. But you ignore politics. When the political apparatus in any given nation is not amenayto freedom, opportunities for social and economic advancement dwindles. Race is not the factor. The governance of the nation is the factor.

Given the freedom to have the same opporuoas everyone else, all people could enjoy a higher standard of living. Melanin and complexion have nothing to do with capability.

So what race are the people that lead those countries and who put them or allowed them into power?
In a lot of cases, the race responsible is Caucasian. They ruled colonies that never granted opportunity, fostered Authoritarians because 'he may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch'.

Oh please, you can't be serious with that answer.
I am very serious with that answer. If you consider people through the dark glass of racism, you cannot accept the full scope of racist policies. Namely colonialism, subjugation and the fact that without a democratic experience, it's hard to establish one. See Iraq after shock and awe.

People are in charge of their own country. I don't care what happened hundreds of years ago. Just like we are in charge of our country. We have fought to keep our country; even fought against each other. We are still fighting today just not physically.

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet. How many of those 7.5 billion should we allow into this country? Because there are hardship cases from end to end.

People south of the border are breeding like rats, and we're supposed to have empathy for their children when they come. Why? If things are so bad where you live, WTF did you have children and bring them into the world there?

If people don't stay and fight in their own country for the great things we have here, then we will always be pressured to take on the worlds problems. We don't have the room and we don't have the resources.
Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

We are trying to play by the rules. We allow a million immigrants into this country every year. It's Democrats and RINO's that are calling for immigration reform. We don't want reform. There is nothing wrong with our system now, it just has to be harshly enforced.

So was Trump lying when he said (if he said) that those nations are shitholes?

If Trump is separating families and DumBama didn't, why did they use a picture of caged kids that happened under DumBama and try to say it was Trump?

When did Trump ever say ALL Mexicans were rapists, thieves and murderers?
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
Our immigration system needs What now? Harsh enforcement or thorough policing? An S what of the DACA folks? Are you so eager to whiten America that you would squander their contributions and their efforts to make their own American dreams?

And what of America's farmers who have relied on immigrant farm labor to bring in their crops? You seem to understand one economic principle, that of supply and demand. But you fail to grasp other economic principles like labor and expedience.

The farmers will just have to invest in higher pay for American workers or automation.

Let me ask you something: Where do you think our society would be today if we lowered pay scales across the entire country somehow? What kind of living standards do you think we would have? Because these farmers and other employers are paying third world wages to third world people. Do you want the rest of us to end up like third world people? If not, then we need to stop those people from coming here and turning us into that kind of society.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

We are trying to play by the rules. We allow a million immigrants into this country every year. It's Democrats and RINO's that are calling for immigration reform. We don't want reform. There is nothing wrong with our system now, it just has to be harshly enforced.

So was Trump lying when he said (if he said) that those nations are shitholes?

If Trump is separating families and DumBama didn't, why did they use a picture of caged kids that happened under DumBama and try to say it was Trump?

When did Trump ever say ALL Mexicans were rapists, thieves and murderers?
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
Our immigration system needs What now? Harsh enforcement or thorough policing? An S what of the DACA folks? Are you so eager to whiten America that you would squander their contributions and their efforts to make their own American dreams?

And what of America's farmers who have relied on immigrant farm labor to bring in their crops? You seem to understand one economic principle, that of supply and demand. But you fail to grasp other economic principles like labor and expedience.

The farmers will just have to invest in higher pay for American workers or automation.

Let me ask you something: Where do you think our society would be today if we lowered pay scales across the entire country somehow? What kind of living standards do you think we would have? Because these farmers and other employers are paying third world wages to third world people. Do you want the rest of us to end up like third world people? If not, then we need to stop those people from coming here and turning us into that kind of society.
I don't want to pay $7.00 for a tomatoe.
We are trying to play by the rules. We allow a million immigrants into this country every year. It's Democrats and RINO's that are calling for immigration reform. We don't want reform. There is nothing wrong with our system now, it just has to be harshly enforced.

So was Trump lying when he said (if he said) that those nations are shitholes?

If Trump is separating families and DumBama didn't, why did they use a picture of caged kids that happened under DumBama and try to say it was Trump?

When did Trump ever say ALL Mexicans were rapists, thieves and murderers?
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
Our immigration system needs What now? Harsh enforcement or thorough policing? An S what of the DACA folks? Are you so eager to whiten America that you would squander their contributions and their efforts to make their own American dreams?

And what of America's farmers who have relied on immigrant farm labor to bring in their crops? You seem to understand one economic principle, that of supply and demand. But you fail to grasp other economic principles like labor and expedience.

The farmers will just have to invest in higher pay for American workers or automation.

Let me ask you something: Where do you think our society would be today if we lowered pay scales across the entire country somehow? What kind of living standards do you think we would have? Because these farmers and other employers are paying third world wages to third world people. Do you want the rest of us to end up like third world people? If not, then we need to stop those people from coming here and turning us into that kind of society.
I don't want to pay $7.00 for a tomatoe.
You have to be an idiot to believe we would ever have to pay $7.00 for a tomato.
We are trying to play by the rules. We allow a million immigrants into this country every year. It's Democrats and RINO's that are calling for immigration reform. We don't want reform. There is nothing wrong with our system now, it just has to be harshly enforced.

So was Trump lying when he said (if he said) that those nations are shitholes?

If Trump is separating families and DumBama didn't, why did they use a picture of caged kids that happened under DumBama and try to say it was Trump?

When did Trump ever say ALL Mexicans were rapists, thieves and murderers?
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
Our immigration system needs What now? Harsh enforcement or thorough policing? An S what of the DACA folks? Are you so eager to whiten America that you would squander their contributions and their efforts to make their own American dreams?

And what of America's farmers who have relied on immigrant farm labor to bring in their crops? You seem to understand one economic principle, that of supply and demand. But you fail to grasp other economic principles like labor and expedience.

The farmers will just have to invest in higher pay for American workers or automation.

Let me ask you something: Where do you think our society would be today if we lowered pay scales across the entire country somehow? What kind of living standards do you think we would have? Because these farmers and other employers are paying third world wages to third world people. Do you want the rest of us to end up like third world people? If not, then we need to stop those people from coming here and turning us into that kind of society.
I don't want to pay $7.00 for a tomatoe.

Then grow tomatoes yourself. It will cost you pennies for dozens of them.
Immigration desperately needs reform. There are more jobs in America than there are people to work them. The unemployment rate is at or near a labor shortage. I guess that takes the air out of the argument immigrants are stealing American jobs. There are ways of maintaining secure borders without destroying families. You guys either love the brutality, which makes you not only disgusting but anti-American values, or you lack the imagination to divine solutions that are just, humane and effective, and that makes your harsh policies inept and incompetent.

There are many people who immigrated from Trump's shithole countries who have served in our military, pay taxes, serve as community leaders and contribute to our society and culture in rich and varied ways. Trump wants Norwegians to immigrate. Why would Norwegians leave Norway where they enjoy a stable government and economy, have personal and civil freedoms, universal healthcare and live in peace to come here?

Our immigration system is fine provided it's policed thoroughly. What does immigration reform mean? It means some don't want to play by our rules so we should change those rules for them.

The way wages increase in this country is supply and demand. When supply is short, prices go up. When demand is short, prices go down. And now we are finally seeing paychecks go up for working Americans. I'd like to keep it that way.
Our immigration system needs What now? Harsh enforcement or thorough policing? An S what of the DACA folks? Are you so eager to whiten America that you would squander their contributions and their efforts to make their own American dreams?

And what of America's farmers who have relied on immigrant farm labor to bring in their crops? You seem to understand one economic principle, that of supply and demand. But you fail to grasp other economic principles like labor and expedience.

The farmers will just have to invest in higher pay for American workers or automation.

Let me ask you something: Where do you think our society would be today if we lowered pay scales across the entire country somehow? What kind of living standards do you think we would have? Because these farmers and other employers are paying third world wages to third world people. Do you want the rest of us to end up like third world people? If not, then we need to stop those people from coming here and turning us into that kind of society.
I don't want to pay $7.00 for a tomatoe.

Then grow tomatoes yourself. It will cost you pennies for dozens of them.
That would be a nice trick in November. But I know you aren't thinking literally. You understand the farm labor conundrum and why immigrat labor is necessary.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

Screw that. No one has a right to immigrate here. Our immigration laws exist only to benefit Americans. Any law that doesn't benefit American citizens should be discarded. Allowing ignorant peasants to immigrate here doesn't benefit us one bit.
Why are you here? How does the country benefit with you in it?
Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.

Screw that. No one has a right to immigrate here. Our immigration laws exist only to benefit Americans. Any law that doesn't benefit American citizens should be discarded. Allowing ignorant peasants to immigrate here doesn't benefit us one bit.
Why are you here? How does the country benefit with you in it?

That's irrelevant. I'm a natural born citizen. I have the right to be here. Foreigners have no such right.

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