Laura Ingraham speaks the truth and the left goes bonkers

No...America is what it is

Whoever comes becomes a new America

We had the same thing with Irish, Italians, Catholics, Puerto Rican’s,
All were looked at as destroying our country

They used to be called Know Nothings
Now they are called Laura Ingraham

What Puerto Ricans didn't destroy the Bronx?

We have a pretty good population of PR's over here, and they are virtually no problem at all.

Puerto Ricans are pretty bad in the Bronx, even if Blacks are worse.

Our city is divided between the east and west side. On the east side is where most of the blacks are. On the west, it's a mixture of PR"s, hillbillies and lower income whites.

Much of our problem is still on the east side, but as blacks are starting migrate to the west, they are starting to have similar problems as well. When it was just PR"s and lower income whites, there were very few newsworthy incidents taking place there.

According to this the top 3 worst neighborhoods in NYC are Puerto Rican dominated, being Hunts-Point, Tremont, and Mott Haven.

These Are The 10 Worst Neighborhoods In New York For 2018

It's not that I don't believe you, only making a point that it's not inherent in the people itself like it is for many blacks. Most anywhere that you have a large percentage of blacks, you have increased crime.

Plus you have to keep in mind where these people came from. While Puerto Rico is a beautiful place, it's loaded with crime. Several years back I knew a truck driver from Puerto Rico, and I asked why of all places he chose Cleveland to live when he came to the states? His answer was to get away from the crime.

There are more PR"s in the states than there are Puerto Rico, and that's because there is no work there unless you work for the government. These people come from high crime poverty stricken areas, so you have to take that into consideration.
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Reagan is rolling in his grave.....



Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Presidential Medal of Freedom
January 19, 1989

"""I think it's fitting to leave one final thought, an observation about a country which I love. It was stated best in a letter I received not long ago. A man wrote me and said: "You can go to live in France, but you cannot become a Frenchman. You can go to live in Germany or Turkey or Japan, but you cannot become a German, a Turk, or a Japanese. But anyone, from any corner of the Earth, can come to live in America and become an American.""""

FUCK LAURA INGRAHAM and her obvious Trump ass-kissing.

No U.S. President in our history fucked good Americans over like Reagan did...he was a sucker, a nutless bipartisan BITCH. His signing of the 1986 Amnesty Bill should go down as the single worst event EVER by an American President. FUCK REAGAN!

Reagan is a top 10 President while Trump is a bottom 10 President. Reagan united the country while Trump divides it. He was a true patriot as he would never use the flag for cheap partisan politics.

You mean like those leftists football players?
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Laura has built a career of working on the fringe of racism to give raw meat to deplorables

When challenged....she draws back and says
Who me?

Is anyone buying her backpedaling this time?

No. You said EXPLICITLY that even legal immigrants were why America is unrecognizable. You don’t get take backsies.
S.E. Cupp on Twitter

SE Cupp is a cool chick. There are a lot of reasonable conservative women.
Plus, her hot librarian look and legs are killer :)


She is another Libertarian moron.

Smarter than you - Smarter than Trump
Without the modern lunatic left Libertarians would be a solid alternative to the conservative right, but as it stands today any registered Libertarian is a moron who is mostly in it for the drug legalization(which hurts the Libertarian cause by making everyone into big govt authoritarians).
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.
The governments in Europe are far less popular than Trump’s administration.

The imprisonment and inhumane treatment of Tommy showed that not even Britain is even remotely a free country anymore.
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.[x/QUOTE]
What white, non-Jewish immigrants are to being left out? Moreover, what does religion have to do with it? Jew? Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu, or anyone else. Do explain.

Why do you go berserk defending Jews, while you mock Catholics, mock Whites, mock Poles, mock Irish etc.

But, then go onto call yourself of a White, Catholic, Polish, Irish background?

I think you're a crypto-Jew.

You are nuts. I've never gone "berserk" over anything, and I have never mocked Whites, Poles, Irish, or anyone else. Why would I? If anything, I've taken a swipe or two at the Roman Catholic Church because of the conduct of the male posse that runs it, but my mother and grandmother got caught up in their snare and they tried to get me personally. I even had to tour the Vatican with my mother. Good grief! Nice art, though.

What is a "crypto-Jew'? I defend Jews when they are maligned for nothing, being aware of the history of anti-Semitic nonsense that got so many of them killed over the centuries. What is wrong with being Jewish anyway? I find them less crazy than others, except for the Haredi. Fundies are the same in every religion.

If I were Jewish, I would be proud to be Jewish. The fact is, though, I'm not Jewish.

You called Polish people lazy, you made fun of Protestants behind Enron, you did everything you could to be a 'Honorary Jew"

Crying Nazi pleads guilty - Told to leave Virginia within 8 hours!

I never called the Polish people lazy. I don't indict entire peoples.The only Protestants that I have made fun of are those who act like assholes and then use their religion as an excuse. I'm the one who walked around Canterbury Cathedral at midnight, hoping to meet Becket. It didn't happen.

I'm an "Honorary Jew"? That's wonderful. Glad to hear it! It means I'm doing something right.
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.[x/QUOTE]
What white, non-Jewish immigrants are to being left out? Moreover, what does religion have to do with it? Jew? Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu, or anyone else. Do explain.

Why do you go berserk defending Jews, while you mock Catholics, mock Whites, mock Poles, mock Irish etc.

But, then go onto call yourself of a White, Catholic, Polish, Irish background?

I think you're a crypto-Jew.

You are nuts. I've never gone "berserk" over anything, and I have never mocked Whites, Poles, Irish, or anyone else. Why would I? If anything, I've taken a swipe or two at the Roman Catholic Church because of the conduct of the male posse that runs it, but my mother and grandmother got caught up in their snare and they tried to get me personally. I even had to tour the Vatican with my mother. Good grief! Nice art, though.

What is a "crypto-Jew'? I defend Jews when they are maligned for nothing, being aware of the history of anti-Semitic nonsense that got so many of them killed over the centuries. What is wrong with being Jewish anyway? I find them less crazy than others, except for the Haredi. Fundies are the same in every religion.

If I were Jewish, I would be proud to be Jewish. The fact is, though, I'm not Jewish.

You called Polish people lazy, you made fun of Protestants behind Enron, you did everything you could to be a 'Honorary Jew"

Crying Nazi pleads guilty - Told to leave Virginia within 8 hours!

I never called the Polish people lazy. I don't indict entire peoples.The only Protestants that I have made fun of are those who act like assholes and then use their religion as an excuse. I'm the one who walked around Canterbury Cathedral at midnight, hoping to meet Becket. It didn't happen.

I'm an "Honorary Jew"? That's wonderful. Glad to hear it! It means I'm doing something right.

You sure implied that Jews study, and Poles don't.

You almost told a dumb Polak joke, to save face for your beloved Jews.

It's all exposed below.

Crying Nazi pleads guilty - Told to leave Virginia within 8 hours!
Whites from where? Britain? Norway? Denmark? Germany? Why would anyone feel compelled to leave those places to immigrate here? There's no political strife, no war, no famine, no violence. Why would you want to uproot your family, leave friends and businesses behind, your treasured culture to come here?

And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
Then play by these rules: make your policies more accessible to immigrants. If your policies continue to be policies of exclusion, how do you expect any American to go along? America is not a place of exclusion, but inclusion.

Your boy in the White House calls nonWhote nations shothole countries. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists, drug dealers and murderers. He separates families for sport. These are messages of white supremacy. And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

Worried about votes? Give Americans something to vote for. Spreading fear, suspicion and hatred narrows the appeal of your politics.
Telling the truth with some racial sprinklings mixed in. What a horror. Is she gone yet???????
And why are these places few would want to leave? Think about that for a few days.
I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
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I laid out why few people would want to leave Western Europe. The government's there are stable, the economies there are both good and stable, people have friends, families and businesses there. They have universal healthcare and a great standard of living. They enjoy freedom and liberty.

You just can't say the same about Central America, Africa and the better part of Asia.

Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.
Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.

As a Separatist, I'm wondering where the typical Leftist is coming from.

How does having minorities live among "Racist Whitey's" help them achieve their basic Human, and Civil Rights?

Hmm, you mean like in the case of "Dumb Polak" or "Dumb Blonde" jokes which are the only dumb jokes I'm aware of that... (Drum roll).... Target White peoples?

So, dumb Polak / Dumb Blonde jokes squader the talents, and gifts they give to society?

So, Black History Month, on the other hand doesn't unfairly promote Black achievements beyond their worth?

I'd love to hear why freedom / Liberty are the best?

If so why should we give freedom of fetus butchers ( Abortion ) , freedom of shooting Heroin, freedom to sneak across the border illegally, freedom to take American jobs, and give them to China, and on, and on there's so many reasons why freedom stinks.

The Founding Father's weren't big on freedom, nor rights, however they were White supremacists for a White nation.
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Nor can you say whites control those areas either. Starting to get it now?
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.
Freedom and liberty involve lawfulness. Illegal entry into the country
and/or running wild in the streets is neither freedom nor liberty.
She could have said “white” but did not. Liberals imposed and inserted that into the dialogue. Many things Have changed, my town went from 8,000 to 50,000 in 50 years-that’s “not the same”
Cry baby liberals always looking for a comment to stoke racial fire .
Laura Ingraham sparks outrage after saying the 'America we know and love doesn't exist anymore' due to 'demographic changes'

Truth! Its RACIST to want more white immigrants but COOL to want more Asian,African,Hispanic,Jewish,Muslim immigrants...gotcha! Anti White Racism at its finest.[x/QUOTE]
What white, non-Jewish immigrants are to being left out? Moreover, what does religion have to do with it? Jew? Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu, or anyone else. Do explain.

Why do you go berserk defending Jews, while you mock Catholics, mock Whites, mock Poles, mock Irish etc.

But, then go onto call yourself of a White, Catholic, Polish, Irish background?

I think you're a crypto-Jew.
I've taken a swipe or two at the Roman Catholic Church because of the conduct of the male posse that runs it, but my mother and grandmother got caught up in their snare and they tried to get me personally. I even had to tour the Vatican with my mother. Good grief! Nice art, though.

What is a "crypto-Jew'? I defend Jews when they are maligned for nothing, being aware of the history of anti-Semitic nonsense that got so many of them killed over the centuries. .

Explain why it's okay to take a swipe at the Catholic church, but not at the Jewish faith?

It depends on the behavior. I did take a swipe at the Jewish guys who wanted to force female passengers to change their seats on planes and those who try to force women to walk on the other side of the street because "I'm walkin' here." Remember, I have personal experience with the Roman Catholic Church and I have particular beefs with that outfit, and the treatment of women in this all-male institution. All-male institutions involve very tricky situations.
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.

As a Separatist, I'm wondering where the typical Leftist is coming from.

How does having minorities live among "Racist Whitey's" help them achieve their basic Human, and Civil Rights?

Hmm, you mean like in the case of "Dumb Polak" or "Dumb Blonde" jokes which are the only dumb jokes I'm aware of that... (Drum roll).... Target White peoples?

So, dumb Polak / Dumb Blonde jokes squader the talents, and gifts they give to society?

So, Black History Month, on the other hand doesn't unfairly promote Black achievements beyond their worth?

I'd love to hear why freedom / Liberty are the best?

If so why should we give freedom of fetus butchers ( Abortion ) , freedom of shooting Heroin, freedom to sneak across the border illegally, freedom to take American jobs, and give them to China, and on, and on there's so many reasons why freedom stinks.

The Founding Father's weren't big on freedom, nor rights, however they were White supremacists for a White nation.
You clearly don't understand what "freedom" and "liberty" means.

Freedom is not the freedom to break laws. Freedom means choices to advance. Freedom does not mean freedom to insult and malign others. Freedom means having the same opportutyas everyone else.

White supremacy is not innocent like telling jokes. White supremacy is the desire of narrow minded bigots to rule others based on race. To put others in ghettos, in camps and eventually in ovens.
Look. America isn't a race. America is an idea. As Ronald Reagan said, you can immigrate to Germany, but you won't be a German. You can immigrate to France but you'll never be French. But people from any corner of the world can come to America and become an American.

What Ingram said was essentially, and what you're saying openly is America isn't as White as it was and neither of you like it. But that does not make us less American. You want to make America whiter? You're once again as Conservatives behind the curve of history and facts. Does making America great again mean making America white again?

Here in America, if you immigrate here and apply for citizenship, it means you read and understand the constitution, you pledge allegiance to the constitution, we shake your hand and you're an American. There's no second place American is you have more melanin in your complexion. If you accomplish those tasks, you're as American as everyone else.

Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.
Freedom and liberty involve lawfulness. Illegal entry into the country
and/or running wild in the streets is neither freedom nor liberty.
She could have said “white” but did not. Liberals imposed and inserted that into the dialogue. Many things Have changed, my town went from 8,000 to 50,000 in 50 years-that’s “not the same”
Cry baby liberals always looking for a comment to stoke racial fire .
Comments lead to policy. Policy leads to subjugation. Subjugation has no resemblance to freedom.

Have your boy in the White House stop his dog whistle comments.

Or prove how racism is beneficial to American society. Prove how racism expands freedom.
Well why don't we do this: Let's take people from places evenly. Let's allow only X amount of people into our country from each country that has people (with something to offer) wishing to migrate here?

Here is the problem we really have: Democrats are trying to wipe out the white race in the USA; not genocidally, but politically.

If and when they achieve that, they will have the ability to turn this country into a one-party government forever because every group of people outside of whites support Democrats; some by a huge majority.

If these "brown" people were renown to support conservative ideas, that wall would have been built 30 years ago or more. That's why the Democrats have threatened to close down the government over a wall, fought to keep sanctuary cities and now creating sanctuary states, defeated Kate's Law.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.

As a Separatist, I'm wondering where the typical Leftist is coming from.

How does having minorities live among "Racist Whitey's" help them achieve their basic Human, and Civil Rights?

Hmm, you mean like in the case of "Dumb Polak" or "Dumb Blonde" jokes which are the only dumb jokes I'm aware of that... (Drum roll).... Target White peoples?

So, dumb Polak / Dumb Blonde jokes squader the talents, and gifts they give to society?

So, Black History Month, on the other hand doesn't unfairly promote Black achievements beyond their worth?

I'd love to hear why freedom / Liberty are the best?

If so why should we give freedom of fetus butchers ( Abortion ) , freedom of shooting Heroin, freedom to sneak across the border illegally, freedom to take American jobs, and give them to China, and on, and on there's so many reasons why freedom stinks.

The Founding Father's weren't big on freedom, nor rights, however they were White supremacists for a White nation.
You clearly don't understand what "freedom" and "liberty" means.

Freedom is not the freedom to break laws. Freedom means choices to advance. Freedom does not mean freedom to insult and malign others. Freedom means having the same opportutyas everyone else.

White supremacy is not innocent like telling jokes. White supremacy is the desire of narrow minded bigots to rule others based on race. To put others in ghettos, in camps and eventually in ovens.

Your opinions on freedom, are about as worthless as your opinions on racism.
And white supremacy is a narrow minded notion supported by a tiny minority.

A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.

As a Separatist, I'm wondering where the typical Leftist is coming from.

How does having minorities live among "Racist Whitey's" help them achieve their basic Human, and Civil Rights?

Hmm, you mean like in the case of "Dumb Polak" or "Dumb Blonde" jokes which are the only dumb jokes I'm aware of that... (Drum roll).... Target White peoples?

So, dumb Polak / Dumb Blonde jokes squader the talents, and gifts they give to society?

So, Black History Month, on the other hand doesn't unfairly promote Black achievements beyond their worth?

I'd love to hear why freedom / Liberty are the best?

If so why should we give freedom of fetus butchers ( Abortion ) , freedom of shooting Heroin, freedom to sneak across the border illegally, freedom to take American jobs, and give them to China, and on, and on there's so many reasons why freedom stinks.

The Founding Father's weren't big on freedom, nor rights, however they were White supremacists for a White nation.
You clearly don't understand what "freedom" and "liberty" means.

Freedom is not the freedom to break laws. Freedom means choices to advance. Freedom does not mean freedom to insult and malign others. Freedom means having the same opportutyas everyone else.

White supremacy is not innocent like telling jokes. White supremacy is the desire of narrow minded bigots to rule others based on race. To put others in ghettos, in camps and eventually in ovens.

Your opinions on freedom, are about as worthless as your opinions on racism.
That is neither an argument nor a refusal. That post is, rather, an implicit admission of intellectual failure.
A.) Why is White supremacy a narrow-minded notion, exactly?

B.) If the masses are indoctrinated into anti-White supremacy, isn't that being narrow-minded , however?

C.) How does being proud in Whites constitute narrow-mindedness?

D.) How does believing in White superiority constitute narrow-mindedness?

E.) My personal racist beliefs, come from being open-minded, I was open to reading, and digesting Rushton's work which said that there were racial differences.

If I were narrow-minded, I would just do what the other idiots do, which is hate racism.
Because calling your fellow human beings inferior due to race leads to denying other races of their basic human and civil rights. White supremacy thinking squanders the talents and the gifts other races give to society. Now where does racist thinking lead to freedom, liberty and justice.

America is not a race. America is an idea. And that idea is freedom and liberty is here and available to anyone who agrees with that idea.

As a Separatist, I'm wondering where the typical Leftist is coming from.

How does having minorities live among "Racist Whitey's" help them achieve their basic Human, and Civil Rights?

Hmm, you mean like in the case of "Dumb Polak" or "Dumb Blonde" jokes which are the only dumb jokes I'm aware of that... (Drum roll).... Target White peoples?

So, dumb Polak / Dumb Blonde jokes squader the talents, and gifts they give to society?

So, Black History Month, on the other hand doesn't unfairly promote Black achievements beyond their worth?

I'd love to hear why freedom / Liberty are the best?

If so why should we give freedom of fetus butchers ( Abortion ) , freedom of shooting Heroin, freedom to sneak across the border illegally, freedom to take American jobs, and give them to China, and on, and on there's so many reasons why freedom stinks.

The Founding Father's weren't big on freedom, nor rights, however they were White supremacists for a White nation.
You clearly don't understand what "freedom" and "liberty" means.

Freedom is not the freedom to break laws. Freedom means choices to advance. Freedom does not mean freedom to insult and malign others. Freedom means having the same opportutyas everyone else.

White supremacy is not innocent like telling jokes. White supremacy is the desire of narrow minded bigots to rule others based on race. To put others in ghettos, in camps and eventually in ovens.

Your opinions on freedom, are about as worthless as your opinions on racism.
That is neither an argument nor a refusal. That post is, rather, an implicit admission of intellectual failure.

A.) Believing in freedom means to believe in lack of restrictions, believing in equal opportunities, or equal outcomes of unequal peoples is the opposite, it's more akin to restrictive Communism.

Conclusion A.) You don't understand freedom.

B.) Jews aren't a race, so putting them in ovens, if that were the case wouldn't be by true definitions racist.

Conclusion B.) You don't understand racism.

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