Lauren Boebert Under Fire for Horrifying Transphobic Comments About Pentagon Official

The Right willingly hacked off their moral legs the day they began supporting a man who steals from cancer kids, defrauds the elderly of their life savings at his fraudulent university, and cheated on all three wives including with a porn star while his wife was at home nursing their newborn.

I'm sick and tired of hearing this fucking "Christian values" horseshit from the mouths of hypocrites.

And then we have Lauren Wonton Boebert.

She makes a big show of clomping around on a church stage preaching about the Bible which she has so obviously not even read, wags her judgmental finger in front of her little pinched face at other members of the House, and passes herself off as a font of virtue.

But when she thinks no one is watching, which is a true sign of someone's character, she dresses like a ten dollar hooker, grabs cocks in public while her tits are being groped, and flaunts the rules. She reacts like an entitled bitch when ejected from the public venue in which she behaved like a gang-banged slut.

Then, when caught, she DOUBLES DOWN and calls a pregnant woman a liar.

She is a complete c*unt.

But the worst part of all are the screaming hypocrites who immediately rush to her defense rather than holding her accountable and heaping well-deserved scorn on her and shoving her back into the hole she crawled out of.

Boebert is a media attention-whore. She fucked around and found out that is a double-edged sword.

As Satan's minions like Boebert and Trump and all the Trump lickspittles disgrace themselves more and more, you will one day find yourself exclaiming, "At least they don't eat babies faces at Comet Pizza!"

The more depraved Trump et al. behave, the more they will find it necessary to demonize their opponents.
Libs attack adult heterosexuals for private behavior while ignoring the lib campaign to corrupt children into the homosexual culture
What if Boebert's great great grandchildren become trans? Her spirit will also be against her own kids? lol.

This whole “transgender” bullshit is a fad that will have passed long before any of Ms. Boebert's great-grandchildren ever exist.

There never have been, and never will be, more than a tiny, mentally-defective minority of mentally- and morally-fucked-up freaks that sincerely believe this insane bullshit, denying the biological distinction between male and female. It is a bizarre aberration in our current society, that such fucked-up freaks are being taken at all seriously, and being given any significant voice. This will pass, and be long forgotten, by the time the first of Ms. Boebert's great-grandchildren is born.
True. In 1960 , people faggin' off in public WERE taken to jail. I like Islamic Law as pertains to Trannies and Fags.

That's one of few things that the extreme, violent, Islamist cults manage to get more right than we more “civilized” folks usually do. Stopped-clock cliché on steroids.
Why? Who cares if tbe [sic] qualified for the job? :dunno:

How fucked up do you have to be in the head to think that a lunatic like that,. so very obviously lacking in mental soundness is qualified for any job of that sort of importance and responsibility?
How fucked up do you have to be in the head to think that a lunatic like that,. so very obviously lacking in mental soundness is qualified for any job of that sort of importance and responsibility?
If someone is qualified for a job, they don’t suddenly become unqualified just because you don’t like them.

I don’t know this person or their job performance or qualifications other than it has the far right’s knickers in a knot. Has there been an issue with this person’s ability to perform the job?
Libs attack adult heterosexuals for private behavior while ignoring the lib campaign to corrupt children into the homosexual culture

It seems that this needs to be said, and hasn't, so far.

Based on reports, it appears that Ms. Boebert has engaged in some seriously inappropriate behavior, starting with the fact that, as a married woman, she was on a sexually-charged date with a man other than her husband. No matter how you slice it, that's just wrong. It also sounds like she and her date engaged in behavior that was inappropriate in public, and would have been even if it was with her husband.

So far, the only condemnation that I have seen of Ms. Boebert's behavior has come from elements who do so with one tip of their forked tongues, while, with the other tip, promoting and defending behavior that is much, much, much worse; while I have seen some of us on the right side defending her behavior.

Let's not fall into that trap. Ms. Boebert's behavior was wrong, and those of us on the right side need to not be seen as defending it.

However, the wrongness of her behavior on that front does not, in any way, diminish the truth of what she has said about the folly of appointing someone to a position of great power and responsibility, who obviously suffers from some severe mental health issues that clearly make him unfit for that position.
If someone is qualified for a job, they don’t suddenly become unqualified just because you don’t like them.
I don’t know this person or their job performance or qualifications other than it has the far right’s knickers in a knot. Has there been an issue with this person’s ability to perform the job?

Were talking about a man who is so severely fucked in his head that he thinks he's a woman.

You have to be almost as fucked in the head as he obviously is, to think that such a lunatic should be trusted in a position of such power and responsibility.
Jeez, why does it matter? A man is a trannie. So? He/she isn't making passes at you. He/she isn't causing problems. He/she isn't getting her boobs fondled or giving a handjob in a theater.
But as a tranny, it is making everyone else acquiesce to its mental problem.
Bathroom privileges, sports teams, beauty contests, etc.
It seems that this needs to be said, and hasn't, so far.

Based on reports, it appears that Ms. Boebert has engaged in some seriously inappropriate behavior, starting with the fact that, as a married woman, she was on a sexually-charged date with a man other than her husband. No matter how you slice it, that's just wrong. It also sounds like she and her date engaged in behavior that was inappropriate in public, and would have been even if it was with her husband.

So far, the only condemnation that I have seen of Ms. Boebert's behavior has come from elements who do so with one tip of their forked tongues, while, with the other tip, promoting and defending behavior that is much, much, much worse; while I have seen some of us on the right side defending her behavior.

Let's not fall into that trap. Ms. Boebert's behavior was wrong, and those of us on the right side need to not be seen as defending it.

However, the wrongness of her behavior on that front does not, in any way, diminish the truth of what she has said about the folly of appointing someone to a position of great power and responsibility, who obviously suffers from some severe mental health issues that clearly make him unfit for that position.
I have seen your low IQ posts. I am quite sure you are not qualified to deem anyone as unqualified for any job.
I have seen your low IQ posts. I am quite sure you are not qualified to deem anyone as unqualified for any job.

As if you are in any position to cast aspersions on anyone else's intellect.

You prefer to let these fucked-up perverts impose their sick mental/sexual disorders on society as a whole, and especially on children.

Can you understand why sane people do not take you seriously?

No, I do not. I don't agree with imposing anything. And anything involving children should see the perp doing time.

So you think there is nothing between imposing on society and murder? Wow

That you don't take me seriously is actually an honor. There are a few more like you. But most seem to at least respect me, even when we diagree.

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