Lauren Boebert Under Fire for Horrifying Transphobic Comments About Pentagon Official

Leave it to Lauren to stir up trouble. Remember the theater incident, vaping and groping. If I lived in Lauren's district I would vote for her.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado drew sharp criticism during a House debate over defense appropriations Wednesday. Specifically, Boebert aimed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

Boebert introduced an amendment to reduce Skelly’s salary to a mere dollar, arguing that Skelly was failing at her job and a symbol of “wokeism.”

In her remarks, Boebert went as far as to misgender Skelly, offensively asserting, “This delusional man, thinking he is a woman, embodies and espouses the wokeism that’s causing significant harm to our military readiness and troop morale.”

We don't need a picture of the beautiful Lauren Boebert.

This man is Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

View attachment 835541
Who's luggage did that outfit come from?
Who's luggage did that outfit come from?
Leave it to Lauren to stir up trouble. Remember the theater incident, vaping and groping. If I lived in Lauren's district I would vote for her.

Republican U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado drew sharp criticism during a House debate over defense appropriations Wednesday. Specifically, Boebert aimed Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

Boebert introduced an amendment to reduce Skelly’s salary to a mere dollar, arguing that Skelly was failing at her job and a symbol of “wokeism.”

In her remarks, Boebert went as far as to misgender Skelly, offensively asserting, “This delusional man, thinking he is a woman, embodies and espouses the wokeism that’s causing significant harm to our military readiness and troop morale.”

We don't need a picture of the beautiful Lauren Boebert.

This man is Shawn Skelly, the highest-ranking transgender official at the Pentagon.

View attachment 835541
The US Supreme Court has made several rulings related to transgender rights, including:

1. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins (1989) - In this case, the Supreme Court held that discrimination based on gender stereotypes, such as an employer punishing an employee for not conforming to gender norms, is a form of sex discrimination. This decision has been cited in many cases related to transgender discrimination.

2. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. (1998) - This case expanded the definition of same-sex harassment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include cases where a victim is targeted due to their failure to conform to gender stereotypes or norms. This ruling has been used in cases related to anti-transgender discrimination.

3. Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) - In this landmark case, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. This decision has been cited in cases related to transgender marriage rights.

4. Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) - In this case, the Supreme Court held that employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. This decision is considered a major victory for transgender rights and has been cited in many subsequent cases.

My views:
What if Boebert's great great grandchildren become trans? Her spirit will also be against her own kids? lol. 😄😄😄
Sorry, but that is not how it works. Just because you hate someone or are afraid of them, they are not put in prison. Prison is for people who violate laws.
True. In 1960 , people faggin' off in public WERE taken to jail. I like Islamic Law as pertains to Trannies and Fags.
“This delusional man, thinking he is a woman, embodies and espouses the wokeism that’s causing significant harm to our military readiness and troop morale.”

I'm not offended.

She most probably has a point.
The US Supreme Court has made several rulings related to transgender rights, including:

1. Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins (1989) - In this case, the Supreme Court held that discrimination based on gender stereotypes, such as an employer punishing an employee for not conforming to gender norms, is a form of sex discrimination. This decision has been cited in many cases related to transgender discrimination.

2. Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc. (1998) - This case expanded the definition of same-sex harassment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include cases where a victim is targeted due to their failure to conform to gender stereotypes or norms. This ruling has been used in cases related to anti-transgender discrimination.

3. Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) - In this landmark case, the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. This decision has been cited in cases related to transgender marriage rights.

4. Bostock v. Clayton County (2020) - In this case, the Supreme Court held that employers cannot discriminate against employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. This decision is considered a major victory for transgender rights and has been cited in many subsequent cases.

My views:
What if Boebert's great great grandchildren become trans? Her spirit will also be against her own kids? lol. 😄😄😄
I do not care what the Supreme Court says. These are mentally deranged freaks.

Q: What if Boebert's great great grandchildren become trans?
A: Stop salivating. Not going to happen.

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