Lauren Boebert Under Fire for Horrifying Transphobic Comments About Pentagon Official

Yeah, it's kinda sad Democrats cheated in a corrupt pedo potato to be a puppet for a shadow government.
I am convinced that all your right-wingers live to do is whine and bitch......but too cowardly do anything about it because what you whine and bitch about is something that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS support or don't really give a fuck about..

You whine and bitch about trans people being treated like human beings....when I asked you what you gonna do about it, you threw a tantrum like a bitch........because YOU KNOW YOU ARE TOO COWARDLY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

10 or so years whined and bitched about gay people having the right to marry.....if I asked what you gonna do about it now, you will probably throw another tantrum like a bitch and pretend "nobody cares about that now" -- yea, because you folks LOST THAT CULTURE will keep losing them too, because you would rather just whine and bitch instead....
I am convinced that all your right-wingers live to do is whine and bitch......but too cowardly do anything about it because what you whine and bitch about is something that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS support or don't really give a fuck about..

You whine and bitch about trans people being treated like human beings....when I asked you what you gonna do about it, you threw a tantrum like a bitch........because YOU KNOW YOU ARE TOO COWARDLY TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT

10 or so years whined and bitched about gay people having the right to marry.....if I asked what you gonna do about it now, you will probably throw another tantrum like a bitch and pretend "nobody cares about that now" -- yea, because you folks LOST THAT CULTURE will keep losing them too, because you would rather just whine and bitch instead....

Just like nobody cares that you hate faggots and trannies?
Hate is a mighty strong word. I wouldn't say that. Disapprove of some things they do, maybe, of which most

is none of my business and I intend to keep it that way. Trannies around kids or openly promoting homosexuality

in schools and unavoidably in public is not cool, though.
Hate is a mighty strong word. I wouldn't say that. Disapprove of some things they do, maybe, of which most

is none of my business and I intend to keep it that way. Trannies around kids or openly promoting homosexuality

in schools and unavoidably in public is not cool, though.
Why don't you demand GOP politicians campaign on "banning trannies from being in schools"???

Instead of hinting around it like weasels.....

By the way, how do you promote homosexuality or heterosexuality?

I assume you are straight (but that is a stretch) -- and if so, did you need someone to promote being straight to you in order for you not to suck a dick? Because you proudly suck Trump's now, so what went wrong?
Why don't you demand GOP politicians campaign on "banning trannies from being in schools"???

Instead of hinting around it like weasels.....

By the way, how do you promote homosexuality or heterosexuality?

I assume you are straight (but that is a stretch) -- and if so, did you need someone to promote being straight to you in order for you not to suck a dick? Because you proudly suck Trump's now, so what went wrong?

Just like nobody cares that you hate faggots and trannies?

And you openly take their side, as well as the side of other fucked-up sexual perverts, against the side of human beings. What moral high ground do you delusionality imagine that you have, from which to look down on sane, decent people, who do not support the fucked-up shit that you do?
Jeez, why does it matter? A man is a trannie. So? He/she isn't making passes at you. He/she isn't causing problems. He/she isn't getting her boobs fondled or giving a handjob in a theater.

If matters because you have someone that is mentally ill in a high position of power and is a representative of the federal government and United States military.

And you're willingness to lie by saying he/she shows you're part of the problem. There is no he/she, it is a he because that's what he was born as but you're lying to him, yourself and everyone on earth by calling him a she. You can pull the stem off an apple and paint it orange but that doesn't make it an orange

And yes he is causing problems by injecting social agenda nonsense into their work which is at the Pentagon, the last place we need social agenda bullshit brought into.

People like you that want to be a contrarian so bad you hand wave everything and say "but it doesn't effect me" is what leads us to situations like this because you just blow off obvious issues and that is what allows them to become real issues. You won't ever nip things in the bud
Right. Do you think Ice-Cube is the rapper's real name? Think Lady Gaga has the word Gaga on her birth certificate?

Plenty of people chose to be called something else.

Those are stage names for entertainers.

You don't see snoop dog demanding the public lie and say he is really a dog, that he is a canine trapped in a humans body. He doesn't ask anyone to lie and defy biology and science. If you can't see that difference then you're either incredibly short sighted and dumb, or you're just a troll.
Those are stage names for entertainers.

You don't see snoop dog demanding the public lie and say he is really a dog, that he is a canine trapped in a humans body. He doesn't ask anyone to lie and defy biology and science. If you can't see that difference then you're either incredibly short sighted and dumb, or you're just a troll.

The left needs to conflate completely different issues in a juvenile attempt to justify obnoxious behavior. This is nothing new.
And you openly take their side, as well as the side of other fucked-up sexual perverts, against the side of human beings. What moral high ground do you delusionality imagine that you have, from which to look down on sane, decent people, who do not support the fucked-up shit that youdidn't.
No, I take the side of people who you and your ilk choose to say should not exist.

If they commit a crime, send them to jail just like everyone else.

So you are trying to say, after your sides endless catering to the TG crowd (and other groups) you people promoted mentally ill persons for political gain, and when they go off the quietly look the other way, sneaking out the back door.

Got it.

About the women prisoners? See, the left really do hate women.

Do I care about child molesters in jail? Not a lot. If that is why you want to ban trannies, it seems a little strange.

Or put them in a men's facility.

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