Law enforcement and Public Schools

Should Schools hire Law Enforcement to do their jobs for them?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

I haven't changed my my mind, Michael. I believe the girl needs to learn how to submit to authority and until someone allows her to face the consequences of her own actions she won't learn. You are referring to my stating that calling her a feral black _____ is unacceptable and that no one should be calling her names. I stand by that statement because I am a Christian and Christians are not to use foul language and personal attacks against people just because we disagree with their actions.

As you claim that Catholicism is Christianity (and I disagree with you about that) I'm wondering how you and other Catholics here reconcile your use of bad language and personal attacks against others with your claim of being Christians. A tree is known by its fruit. I can assure you that I will never return to Catholicism. I'm a born again Christian. Why would I go back to dead religion that cannot give me salvation and eternal life? Catholicism never worked for me and I have yet to see it change anyone else who followed Roman Catholicism. My prayer is that you and other Catholics here will become born again Christians and receive the freedom I and other former Catholics are enjoying in Jesus Christ.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

School Resource Officers ( a Prevention Resource Officers - " PRO Officers " ) is a good deal. They protect the students , do education classes such as "DARE " and how to protect yourself. The interact with School personnel ; and respond to tips on Drugs and other illegal items in the school.

" PRO Officers" also deter crime and assaults. If it is a good PRO Officer , the Officer can be a role model for the students. Being humble, having a good personality and good communication skills is key. They have to have to have a good personality.

Where I am from PRO Officers get a good deal. They work Monday thru Friday - day shift .......with weekends and holidays off and are mostly off in the summer. They get a department issued Cruiser to drive. If I am correct, the school board where I live picks up their salary and expenses.

Shadow 355

While that may be true it isn't working out for our law enforcement because they are being put into a situation they are not trained to do. "Babysit". Again, I do not believe our law enforcement should be forced to become babysitters. I do not believe our soldiers should be forced to become painters, welders, babysitters, "nation building"...... let them do the job they were trained to do.

Ummm... So you think all cops that are working as PRO are not capable of doing such jobs? Most or all have kids. I'm not sure how many thousands cops working as PRO to make such changes because of few incident like this one.
We use security guards in my company and all of them are police officers working as part time. They are good and educated PO. I will not dare hiring a regular security guard even with their certification.

I believe our law enforcement deserve to work as law enforcement officers and not babysitters and disciplinarians for a liberal school system that is unwilling to enforce their own rules but all too ready to find a scapegoat to do it for them. Enough is enough. Let them do the job they were hired to do. If a principal cannot handle the job of picking up a phone and calling a parent to pick up their child (and inform them they are expelled / or suspended) then they should not have the job.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?
Whether law enforcement is in public schools or not is irrelevant.

At issue is the improper conduct of specific law enforcement officers, regardless where they may be located, in a school or making a traffic stop.

I disagree. Law enforcement are trained to enforce the laws of the land. Not the rules of a school. If teachers / faculty / or principal are incapable of enforcing the rules fire them and find some people who can.
I look forward to the day when no one wants a job as a public school teacher and all those parents who do nothing but bash public education will have no choice but pay thru the nose for tutors or private schools.
Public education is a fucking joke.
Everyone knows it.
What’s Really Wrong with Detroit Public Schools |
It's not just Detroit. It's every LIB run inner city shithole in the country.
Let's face it. Private schools are where the 'Makers' send their kids to become educated so they in turn will be 'Makers'.
Private schools do not tolerate feral brats of any color to disrupt their classes.
I live near two world famous private schools. I drive by them almost every day.
Never once have I seen any negative behavior happening on or off school property.
Let the fucking negro 'neverwas ers' fuck up everyone else's school day.
Who cares? If the parents of these negro children actually gave a shit about their kids they would put the crime infested, thug infested schools behind matter what the cost.
If I were a caring negro parent and my kid was essentially losing any chance of going anywhere in life I could find a thousand decent peaceful welcoming communities to move to and get a job in. They would be very surprised at how a honest decent peace loving community would embrace them......whatever their color.
I've seen it work.
It takes steel hard resolve from negro parents to keep their kids away from gangster rap and street gangs but sometimes it's possible.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.

That's not going to happen because I don't go around putting 16 yr old girls in choke holds, you little girly-man-pussy.
You think that's the only way a stupid asshole can cost you your job?
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

I agree. Get the zookeepers out of the zoo and let the animals have at each other. With all the time and effort it takes to launch a law enforcement career, why should any cop risk all that on some bratty 16 year old thug? The cop is more important to society than that chimp who, for all I care, can fall off the face of the earth.
Interesting the hate that manifest among many Christians.
The wise Proverb says "He who spares the rod hates his child," noting the terrible price a child eventually pays when they aren't taught discipline and are shielded from consequences. The only hate here is what's being done to this girl. Your shallow concept of hate I brush to the side.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?
Apparently you have never visited a Detroit Public School. The parents are equally as unruly and violent as their "precious" children. While I do not condone the actions taken by the police officer in this particular case, the children these days are completely out of touch with reality. There is such a sense of entitlement to which they feel they can do and act any way they want without any repercussions.

I understand that but the answer is not bringing in law enforcement to deal with them. The answer is enforcing the rules that are already there! When they disobey the teacher? They are suspended. When they repeat the offense? They are expelled. Then the parents can arrange homeschooling, private school or be sent to jail for not providing education for their own children. When they find out they are going to have to pay out of their own pocket? You'll be amazed at how quickly they will become involved in making sure their children obey the teachers at school.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

I agree. Get the zookeepers out of the zoo and let the animals have at each other. With all the time and effort it takes to launch a law enforcement career, why should any cop risk all that on some bratty 16 year old thug? The cop is more important to society than that chimp who, for all I care, can fall off the face of the earth.
Interesting the hate that manifest among many Christians.
The wise Proverb says "He who spares the rod hates his child," noting the terrible price a child eventually pays when they aren't taught discipline and are shielded from consequences. The only hate here is what's being done to this girl. Your shallow concept of hate I brush to the side.

This is true. She is being set up for failure. There is no question about it.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

I haven't changed my my mind, Michael. I believe the girl needs to learn how to submit to authority and until someone allows her to face the consequences of her own actions she won't learn. You are referring to my stating that calling her a feral black _____ is unacceptable and that no one should be calling her names. I stand by that statement because I am a Christian and Christians are not to use foul language and personal attacks against people just because we disagree with their actions.

As you claim that Catholicism is Christianity (and I disagree with you about that) I'm wondering how you and other Catholics here reconcile your use of bad language and personal attacks against others with your claim of being Christians. A tree is known by its fruit. I can assure you that I will never return to Catholicism. I'm a born again Christian. Why would I go back to dead religion that cannot give me salvation and eternal life? Catholicism never worked for me and I have yet to see it change anyone else who followed Roman Catholicism. My prayer is that you and other Catholics here will become born again Christians and receive the freedom I and other former Catholics are enjoying in Jesus Christ.
The Bible tells us do not be overly righteous, (Ecc 7:16) and I can't think it doesn't apply to some Christians who try to act holier than Jesus who himself had some choice words for certain people. Whole sermons have been given about the wrath of the righteous and why "niceness" doesn't necessarily translate into godliness and can often be a hinderance in our pitched battle against unrighteousness.

So let you do you and I'll do me. We're on the same team.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

I haven't changed my my mind, Michael. I believe the girl needs to learn how to submit to authority and until someone allows her to face the consequences of her own actions she won't learn. You are referring to my stating that calling her a feral black _____ is unacceptable and that no one should be calling her names. I stand by that statement because I am a Christian and Christians are not to use foul language and personal attacks against people just because we disagree with their actions.

As you claim that Catholicism is Christianity (and I disagree with you about that) I'm wondering how you and other Catholics here reconcile your use of bad language and personal attacks against others with your claim of being Christians. A tree is known by its fruit. I can assure you that I will never return to Catholicism. I'm a born again Christian. Why would I go back to dead religion that cannot give me salvation and eternal life? Catholicism never worked for me and I have yet to see it change anyone else who followed Roman Catholicism. My prayer is that you and other Catholics here will become born again Christians and receive the freedom I and other former Catholics are enjoying in Jesus Christ.
The Bible tells us do not be overly righteous, (Ecc 7:16) and I can't think it doesn't apply to some Christians who try to act holier than Jesus who himself had some choice words for certain people. Whole sermons have been given about the wrath of the righteous and why "niceness" doesn't necessarily translate into godliness and can often be a hinderance in our pitched battle against unrighteousness.

So let you do you and I'll do me. We're on the same team.

Michael, the Bible tells us without holiness no one will see the Lord. Jesus said, Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Forget the holier than thou angle - there are no scriptures for holier than thou - it's the first accusation hurled by those who are dragging their feet over a full surrender. I'm on Team Jesus and right now you are on Team Religion but I can see that you're headed for Team Jesus and I believe you'll have the grandstands of heaven shouting Glory! When your time comes. I believe God's best for you - if I insulted you - it was not my intention - there are many things you say that I agree with and I find you to be a very honest and open person which is truly a blessing for many of us here.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

School Resource Officers ( a Prevention Resource Officers - " PRO Officers " ) is a good deal. They protect the students , do education classes such as "DARE " and how to protect yourself. The interact with School personnel ; and respond to tips on Drugs and other illegal items in the school.

" PRO Officers" also deter crime and assaults. If it is a good PRO Officer , the Officer can be a role model for the students. Being humble, having a good personality and good communication skills is key. They have to have to have a good personality.

Where I am from PRO Officers get a good deal. They work Monday thru Friday - day shift .......with weekends and holidays off and are mostly off in the summer. They get a department issued Cruiser to drive. If I am correct, the school board where I live picks up their salary and expenses.

Shadow 355

While that may be true it isn't working out for our law enforcement because they are being put into a situation they are not trained to do. "Babysit". Again, I do not believe our law enforcement should be forced to become babysitters. I do not believe our soldiers should be forced to become painters, welders, babysitters, "nation building"...... let them do the job they were trained to do.

Ummm... So you think all cops that are working as PRO are not capable of doing such jobs? Most or all have kids. I'm not sure how many thousands cops working as PRO to make such changes because of few incident like this one.
We use security guards in my company and all of them are police officers working as part time. They are good and educated PO. I will not dare hiring a regular security guard even with their certification.

I believe our law enforcement deserve to work as law enforcement officers and not babysitters and disciplinarians for a liberal school system that is unwilling to enforce their own rules but all too ready to find a scapegoat to do it for them. Enough is enough. Let them do the job they were hired to do. If a principal cannot handle the job of picking up a phone and calling a parent to pick up their child (and inform them they are expelled / or suspended) then they should not have the job.

Your basing your opinion based from this particular incident. Yes they could have done what you are suggesting but there are situations that are far more complex than that. Like fighting outside the class. I do not expect teachers to get involved when they are not even physically fit. Teachers are there to teach not train to handle such incidents. PRO demands a lot of respect and attention when walking around school campus. They even established good relationship with students and most are very good hardworking cops. Regular security guards will just be ignored and that's the reason why they hired these PRO to begin with.
These kind of problems with teenagers at schools is nothing new it's just not being recorded like we see now.
I look forward to the day when no one wants a job as a public school teacher and all those parents who do nothing but bash public education will have no choice but pay thru the nose for tutors or private schools.
Public education is a fucking joke.
Everyone knows it.
What’s Really Wrong with Detroit Public Schools |
It's not just Detroit. It's every LIB run inner city shithole in the country.
Let's face it. Private schools are where the 'Makers' send their kids to become educated so they in turn will be 'Makers'.
Private schools do not tolerate feral brats of any color to disrupt their classes.
I live near two world famous private schools. I drive by them almost every day.
Never once have I seen any negative behavior happening on or off school property.
Let the fucking negro 'neverwas ers' fuck up everyone else's school day.
Who cares? If the parents of these negro children actually gave a shit about their kids they would put the crime infested, thug infested schools behind matter what the cost.
If I were a caring negro parent and my kid was essentially losing any chance of going anywhere in life I could find a thousand decent peaceful welcoming communities to move to and get a job in. They would be very surprised at how a honest decent peace loving community would embrace them......whatever their color.
I've seen it work.
It takes steel hard resolve from negro parents to keep their kids away from gangster rap and street gangs but sometimes it's possible.
So public schools work well in Red states?
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

I agree. Get the zookeepers out of the zoo and let the animals have at each other. With all the time and effort it takes to launch a law enforcement career, why should any cop risk all that on some bratty 16 year old thug? The cop is more important to society than that chimp who, for all I care, can fall off the face of the earth.
Interesting the hate that manifest among many Christians.
The wise Proverb says "He who spares the rod hates his child," noting the terrible price a child eventually pays when they aren't taught discipline and are shielded from consequences. The only hate here is what's being done to this girl. Your shallow concept of hate I brush to the side. I see where that irrational hatred and fear of CPS comes in.

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