Law enforcement and Public Schools

Should Schools hire Law Enforcement to do their jobs for them?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 6 85.7%

  • Total voters
I feel angry over what happened to the police officer. He was set up. He was put in a situation he should never have been placed in. The School System bears the responsibility for this mess. Not the police department. They should refuse to permit any more officers to work at that school.

Sometimes the Officer has to set the example.

When a Law Enforcement Officer tells you to do something you do it .

The decisions I make where I work, including the conversations I get in; at times sets an example for the entire Security Department . One person in my Department can make the entire Department look weak and incapable at Security . I get pushed verbally , and I only let them push me so far - unless it is a asinine person I have dealt with before .

The problem I have is some of the Guards in my Department let the visitors and truck drivers get by with breaking the rules - which makes me doing my job to standard , much - much harder .

Contractors are supposed to use the contractors entrance and not congest Gate one , where I work . Contractors are not supposed to manipulate the Guards time by driving in and out of Gate Two ( contractors entrance - not manned 24 hours just of a morning and afternoon for 1.5 hours at a time ; they call Gate one when they need in and out at other times. ) whenever they want .

Some people like to be complicated, asinine and start trouble . Some employees and contractors like to play extreme mind games . Some people only act troublesome when their friends are present. Some people only start trouble when the Guards supervisor is around - thinking the Guard will be nice.

Not me - I go into "Military Mode " either way .

I have a huge background in Security from the US Military. I give butt chewings as needed ; defend myself in verbal altercations ; and stand up for what is right . I am polite to those whom are polite to me and I give breaks to those whom are deserving .

Shadow 355

The officer did what he was trained to do. The problem is he was not trained to deal with students who refuse to follow school rules. He was trained to arrest criminals and if she doesn't learn to obey the authority figures in her life she will soon become one. He should have refused to force her out of her seat and instead advised the principal to expel her and have her parents come and take her home. He was set up. It's pretty obvious now that the student planned it that way. There are news reports that she told the students to get their camera phones ready because something was about to happen.

The truth is had the girl obeyed the teacher none of this ever would have happened. Very sad situation.
Isolate the student by leaving the student in her desk with the principal supervising her until her parents show up. Teacher can escort class to another room / library to continue teaching until the matter has been resolved. The decision to expel or suspend rests with the teacher / principal. No cell phone videos, no arrests, no national media attention, she goes home and the class picks up where it left off.

So the student gets what they want..... attention. Disruption of the Class, and No Serious Reprocussions. Sounds like a Win-Win for the student, not the school.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.
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You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
LOL I love it. Tell it like it is Ms. Carla. :thup:
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.
What an asshole you are.
Firearms are not allowed in schools as provided by State Law. Not the rules of the education facility .

If you want to carry a gun in school , lobby your Commonwealth or State Legislature and have them change the law.

I have a better idea.... just ignore the law, as I do now.

With any luck, you will get caught doing so and end up either locked up or (preferably) dead.
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It doesn't have anything to do with liberal educators, following columbine and a host of other school shootings, many more school districts sought out partnerships with law enforcement agencies to have officers in the schools full-time. With police in the schools, they wind up doing a lot of things that would previously have been handled by administrators.
Schools should hire security guards like everyone else.

You make it sound like guarding a nude bar. Guarding a school is far more complicated than that. PRO is good idea of protecting schools. But IMO I don't think they are train how to handle a complex behavioral of kids.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

School Resource Officers ( a Prevention Resource Officers - " PRO Officers " ) is a good deal. They protect the students , do education classes such as "DARE " and how to protect yourself. The interact with School personnel ; and respond to tips on Drugs and other illegal items in the school.

" PRO Officers" also deter crime and assaults. If it is a good PRO Officer , the Officer can be a role model for the students. Being humble, having a good personality and good communication skills is key. They have to have to have a good personality.

Where I am from PRO Officers get a good deal. They work Monday thru Friday - day shift .......with weekends and holidays off and are mostly off in the summer. They get a department issued Cruiser to drive. If I am correct, the school board where I live picks up their salary and expenses.

Shadow 355

While that may be true it isn't working out for our law enforcement because they are being put into a situation they are not trained to do. "Babysit". Again, I do not believe our law enforcement should be forced to become babysitters. I do not believe our soldiers should be forced to become painters, welders, babysitters, "nation building"...... let them do the job they were trained to do.

Ummm... So you think all cops that are working as PRO are not capable of doing such jobs? Most or all have kids. I'm not sure how many thousands cops working as PRO to make such changes because of few incident like this one.
We use security guards in my company and all of them are police officers working as part time. They are good and educated PO. I will not dare hiring a regular security guard even with their certification.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.
What an asshole you are.
Nope. I'm just a good mirror to show people what an asshole they are.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?
Apparently you have never visited a Detroit Public School. The parents are equally as unruly and violent as their "precious" children. While I do not condone the actions taken by the police officer in this particular case, the children these days are completely out of touch with reality. There is such a sense of entitlement to which they feel they can do and act any way they want without any repercussions.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.

That's not going to happen because I don't go around putting 16 yr old girls in choke holds, you little girly-man-pussy.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.
What an asshole you are.

He can't help it, someone beat him with a Bible. lol
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?

I agree. Get the zookeepers out of the zoo and let the animals have at each other. With all the time and effort it takes to launch a law enforcement career, why should any cop risk all that on some bratty 16 year old thug? The cop is more important to society than that chimp who, for all I care, can fall off the face of the earth.
Interesting the hate that manifest among many Christians.
After witnessing the recent video of the law enforcement officer called to assist in removing a student from a classroom it is clear that the teacher could have handled the situation by contacting the principal and asking for the parent to pick up their child. It wasn't necessary for an officer to be brought into the situation. If they had escorted the students to an empty classroom or library and let the student remain in her desk until her parents came to take her home the matter would have been calmly resolved. The officer would still have his job, the school would not be in the news and the student would be suspended or expelled right now.

Using law enforcement to enforce school rules is not a good idea. They are trained to arrest criminals not enforce school rules to students. I believe the law enforcement officer was put in a very difficult situation and the Schools should be taking responsibility for enforcing their own rules.

What are your thoughts about it?
Whether law enforcement is in public schools or not is irrelevant.

At issue is the improper conduct of specific law enforcement officers, regardless where they may be located, in a school or making a traffic stop.
You're right, Anathema. For now, it appears to be a win-win for the student. But let's look at where she is at a couple of years from now. Because what she did was deceptive, calculated and heartless. It was the ultimate act of rebellion - baiting an authority figure in order to destroy his career and his life. And the students who helped her by videotaping the incident? Are responsible as well because they were told - no phones. What they have sown? They will reap. It's a spiritual law. It never fails.

I gotta say, it seems you've changed your mind about her because before you were defending her like a troubled youth, but now you seem to understand the dangerous, calculating predator she really is. Keep pursuing truth like that and you might even become Catholic someday.

She was dangerous? OMG, you're such a drama queen, you little wuss.
Hopefully you'll lose your job and livelihood because of some predatory punk and you'll understand. I'd much rather you learned the hard way.
What an asshole you are.
You misspelled "cat-killing asshole", my friend.

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