Law Professor Admits Trump Worst President Ever


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

you mean a left wing prof said he doesnt like trump???

imagine my surprise,,,
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

You guys are so cute when you are only posting and not raping, robbing, looting and destroying things....

I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

If a collapse occurs, You will see Progs kill Progs. All of these know it all Professors, media people and entertainers will be butchered.
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

There now...does that post make you feel better? :itsok:
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

I expect you to be in prison soon.
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

This is just what liberals do. Once President Trump retires after his 2nd term, and is replaced by Pence, or Don Jr. or Kushner, his replacement will earn the title from Libs as the "worst ever". I remember the way Dubya was skewered by the Leftards for 8 years, and then McCain was attacked as Literally Hitler, it was said by the libs that Romney was going to put African Americans literally "back in chains".

Now those folks are saluted by libs as GOP role models, and great guys.

And so it will be with Trump. Goofy lib after goofy lib will attack him, but eventually he'll be gone from public office and they'll attack someone else.
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

Damnation! Now I won't be able to sleep! And all because of that shyster teacher.
What do you mean this professor "confessed " that Trump was an awful president?
It's just his opinion and not a matter of fact in anyway at all. Stop manipulating the language like a Stalinist
stooge. You act like a gutless liar.

Only cause he is!

Its just an "opinion" that Trump is the worst president ever, not a "fact". And further its an opinion I could guessed that this doofus from Fordham would have. The man just jealous of Trump
I expect many others will soon be admitting Trump is exactly as many say.
The worst President ever.

"Fordham Law School Prof. Jed Shugerman confessed on Twitter that he was wrong, President Donald Trump really is the worst president in American history."

We should we listen to him? Is he some kind of left wing hero?
Dunno about being the worst (his term isn't over yet), but we know that Trump is a coward.

Over the weekend, the protesters set fire to a building in Lafayette Park, which could be seen from the WH. Apparently, someone in Trump's cabinet (or maybe Trump himself) decided it was too dangerous, and they packed him off to the bunker 5 stories below ground.

My question is......................why? Is he that much of a coward? The WH is surrounded by large open spaces, there are snipers on the roof, and there is a full police department on the grounds, as well as Secret Service. The walls and windows are bullet proof, so why did the coward have to hide in a bunker? Incidentally, that bunker was built to withstand a nuclear attack.


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