Law Professor: Trump Jr. may have violated Espionage Act

Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Talk about legal grasping for straws. Espionage is against governments, not private political parties. This guy would make pretzels envious the way he tried to twist the law to fit the situation.


Interfering in American elections is a crime against this country. Espionage certainly fits since it was part of a plot to undermine our elections.

Who interfered in our election and how exactly did they do so?
Let's explore the Espionage Act

Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.

Oh wait that's what Hillary is guilty of.
Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?
This law professor is a democratic clown, complete with big red nose and yellow shoes. Seriously every other law professor says that not only did Trump not do anything wrong, but that there are no statutes to even charge him as there is no FAKE LAW, just FAKE NEWS.

In more important news.

Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Talk about legal grasping for straws. Espionage is against governments, not private political parties. This guy would make pretzels envious the way he tried to twist the law to fit the situation.


Interfering in American elections is a crime against this country. Espionage certainly fits since it was part of a plot to undermine our elections.

Is it? Obama spent $350,000 of taxpayers' money to interfere in the Israeli election?
The real collusion is the corruption exposed by WikiLeaks of the media, the DNC, and the Hillary campaign.

If Russia helped facilitate bringing this truth to the American people, thank you Russia.
There's no question that Trump and his entire fucking family are a bunch of traitors. Trump maybe the first president that gets convicted of treason against his own country.
Why, because you snowflakes say so?

Hillary Clinton committed numerous crimes during her unauthorized personal server scandal, to include ESPIONAGE, according to Former FBI Director Comey. His explanation that she is innocent because she was too stupid to know she was doing it is BS, as even Comey knows that by law ignorance of the law is not an acceptable legal defense.

Barak Obama, aside from aiding terrorists / Mexican Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Illegals / etc... for 8 years, and his administration committed / facilitated numerous crimes - to include ESPIONAGE according to the Directors of both the NSA and FBI - in an effort to seditiously undermine / overthrow Trump.

D-Debbie Wasserman-Schulz intentionally committed ESPIONAGE by hiring terrorist-connected, criminal-record bearing, murdering, kidnapping/extorting Pakistani spies, gave them illegal access to classified House documents / files (for the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Intelligence) and to DNC e-mails - she then re-hired the spies and gave them access to the same material after they had been banned from the House and had begun being investigated for Espionage.

...yet you say nothing.

And you snowflakes, who have treasonously called for military coups and assassinations, continue to seditiously push your un-substantiated conspiracy theories. Every time you present another conspiracy theory it blows up in your faces.

In this case, for example, AFTER THE DEPT OF IMMIGRATION DENIED PUTIN'S LAWYER'S ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES, Barry, his corrupt US AG, and his head of Homeland Security (Jeh Johnson) bypassed the Dept of Immigration and gave Putin's Lawyer a 'special' rare 'Parole' entry Visa - one 'usually reserved for Humanitarian Emergencies' - so she could get into the country. How nice of Barry to do the Leader, who supposedly interfered in our election, a favor...

While here, Putin's lawyer was escorted around by Hillary's lawyer...I guess she forgot to mention that...and how coincidentally convenient. Also while here, Putin's Lawyer met with Democrats and Republicans and tried to meet with Hillary and Putin. She had Hillary's lawyer's ear, and then she reportedly met with Trump.

In the meeting itself, it was revealed, Obama's own Russian Translator / ex-FBI official just happened to be there. Gee, another Obama administration 'plant' who just happened to be in the room, the translator that was chosen.

So she would not have been in the country had Barry not done Putin a favor. Hillary's lawyer escorted her around. And Barry's man was in the meeting. Everything about this screams 'Obama set-up', like he and Valerie Jarrett have been trying to do - take down Trump - since Hillary lost.

And you sheep keep attacking Trump because the Democrats, who stole your ability to pick your candidate by rigging their Primaries, tell you to do so in defense of the worst candidate in US history, a career criminal politician who should never have been on the ballot on election day because she should have been forced out for being under multiple FBI criminal investigations for crimes she DID commit.


You are a lying kook. The fact is that Comey said she mishandled information. He never said she tried to pass it on to a foreign power. The rest of your post is a collection of kooky conspiracy theories which Trump supporters never seem to run out of.
By putting it on an unsecured server that didn't even have the security of google, she did pass it on to a foreign power.

Why would they not obtain it?
There's no question that Trump and his entire fucking family are a bunch of traitors. Trump maybe the first president that gets convicted of treason against his own country.
Why, because you snowflakes say so?

Hillary Clinton committed numerous crimes during her unauthorized personal server scandal, to include ESPIONAGE, according to Former FBI Director Comey. His explanation that she is innocent because she was too stupid to know she was doing it is BS, as even Comey knows that by law ignorance of the law is not an acceptable legal defense.

Barak Obama, aside from aiding terrorists / Mexican Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent Illegals / etc... for 8 years, and his administration committed / facilitated numerous crimes - to include ESPIONAGE according to the Directors of both the NSA and FBI - in an effort to seditiously undermine / overthrow Trump.

D-Debbie Wasserman-Schulz intentionally committed ESPIONAGE by hiring terrorist-connected, criminal-record bearing, murdering, kidnapping/extorting Pakistani spies, gave them illegal access to classified House documents / files (for the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Intelligence) and to DNC e-mails - she then re-hired the spies and gave them access to the same material after they had been banned from the House and had begun being investigated for Espionage.

...yet you say nothing.

And you snowflakes, who have treasonously called for military coups and assassinations, continue to seditiously push your un-substantiated conspiracy theories. Every time you present another conspiracy theory it blows up in your faces.

In this case, for example, AFTER THE DEPT OF IMMIGRATION DENIED PUTIN'S LAWYER'S ENTRY INTO THE UNITED STATES, Barry, his corrupt US AG, and his head of Homeland Security (Jeh Johnson) bypassed the Dept of Immigration and gave Putin's Lawyer a 'special' rare 'Parole' entry Visa - one 'usually reserved for Humanitarian Emergencies' - so she could get into the country. How nice of Barry to do the Leader, who supposedly interfered in our election, a favor...

While here, Putin's lawyer was escorted around by Hillary's lawyer...I guess she forgot to mention that...and how coincidentally convenient. Also while here, Putin's Lawyer met with Democrats and Republicans and tried to meet with Hillary and Putin. She had Hillary's lawyer's ear, and then she reportedly met with Trump.

In the meeting itself, it was revealed, Obama's own Russian Translator / ex-FBI official just happened to be there. Gee, another Obama administration 'plant' who just happened to be in the room, the translator that was chosen.

So she would not have been in the country had Barry not done Putin a favor. Hillary's lawyer escorted her around. And Barry's man was in the meeting. Everything about this screams 'Obama set-up', like he and Valerie Jarrett have been trying to do - take down Trump - since Hillary lost.

And you sheep keep attacking Trump because the Democrats, who stole your ability to pick your candidate by rigging their Primaries, tell you to do so in defense of the worst candidate in US history, a career criminal politician who should never have been on the ballot on election day because she should have been forced out for being under multiple FBI criminal investigations for crimes she DID commit.


You are a lying kook. The fact is that Comey said she mishandled information. He never said she tried to pass it on to a foreign power. The rest of your post is a collection of kooky conspiracy theories which Trump supporters never seem to run out of.
He said "extremely careless" which is "gross negligence" and a violation of Section F of the Espionage Act.
OH. So we have one guy typing a :) and the other one just addressing the fact about me having typed laser instead of law by mistake in my Swype keyboard. Note that I wrote law professor in the title, so you knew this was a typo. So far no right winger has laid out an argument against the article by the law professor.
me having typed laser instead of law

Okay, fine. It was a typo of some sort.
  • Out of curiosity, how does one, namely you, type "laser" when one means to type "law?" I'm curious because besides beginning with "la" they are neither similar or similar in meaning..."laser" is even two additional letters ("er") ..."las," "lae," and "laq," rather than "law," are each typos one easily imagines being made...ess, ee, and que are all adjacent to double-u on a qwerty keyboard.
  • Could you not have simply written "I made a typo when I wrote 'laser'" as your initial reply to my remarks? Instead of doing that, you embarked on the derisory line of what you supposed is my having embarrassed myself. Truly, I'm not an unreasonable person. If someone tells me they made a mistake, I'll "okay" and move on. I think most rational people would do the same thing.

I hate when you call someone stupid or an imbecile and screw up on your sentence.. :eusa_doh:
Well, I can't say I hate that, but I do recognize the hypocrisy of one's using a grammatical error as a basis for declaring someone else stupid. We all make grammatical errors, and only a few of them and in a few instances is it clear that the mistake be rightly attributable to ignorance or idiocy rather than merely being an honest mistake.
That's your sixth post in this thread without making any argument against the law professor. Paradis owns you.
Wanna make it seven?

Why would he make an argument "against the law professor"? That's just ad hom.

Your "argument", meanwhile, consists of someone's opinion of the possibility of a potential crime.

Anything is *possible* and *possibility* has no relevance. It is *possible* that you are a lying leftist pig. So what?
I wouldn't call these people "professors". I prefer indoctrinators or just morons.
There's no question that Trump and his entire fucking family are a bunch of traitors. Trump maybe the first president that gets convicted of treason against his own country.

There will have to be a smoking gun

Namely, that Trump offered policy concessions in return for help in winning the election

That would be treason
Are we in war with Russia?
Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Talk about legal grasping for straws. Espionage is against governments, not private political parties. This guy would make pretzels envious the way he tried to twist the law to fit the situation.


Interfering in American elections is a crime against this country. Espionage certainly fits since it was part of a plot to undermine our elections.

Did you even bother to read the article?

Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Talk about legal grasping for straws. Espionage is against governments, not private political parties. This guy would make pretzels envious the way he tried to twist the law to fit the situation.


Interfering in American elections is a crime against this country. Espionage certainly fits since it was part of a plot to undermine our elections.

Who interfered in our election and how exactly did they do so?

How about the Russians by hacking DNC servers and putting out false information. This year they have been hacking into state election commission records.
The real collusion is the corruption exposed by WikiLeaks of the media, the DNC, and the Hillary campaign.

If Russia helped facilitate bringing this truth to the American people, thank you Russia.

Another Russian traitor speaks out.
There's no question that Trump and his entire fucking family are a bunch of traitors. Trump maybe the first president that gets convicted of treason against his own country.

There will have to be a smoking gun

Namely, that Trump offered policy concessions in return for help in winning the election

That would be treason
Are we in war with Russia?

Yes we are. Not a shooting war except in the Ukraine. Russia has backed violent coups in Eastern Europe. Interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France. Helping Iran build a Persian Empire in the Mideast. They are working with Iran in Afghanistan and putting our troops in danger.
There's no question that Trump and his entire fucking family are a bunch of traitors. Trump maybe the first president that gets convicted of treason against his own country.

There will have to be a smoking gun

Namely, that Trump offered policy concessions in return for help in winning the election

That would be treason
Are we in war with Russia?

Yes we are. Not a shooting war except in the Ukraine. Russia has backed violent coups in Eastern Europe. Interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands and France. Helping Iran build a Persian Empire in the Mideast. They are working with Iran in Afghanistan and putting our troops in danger.
Okay...I'll rephrase.

Are we in a declared war with Russia?
Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Talk about legal grasping for straws. Espionage is against governments, not private political parties. This guy would make pretzels envious the way he tried to twist the law to fit the situation.


Interfering in American elections is a crime against this country. Espionage certainly fits since it was part of a plot to undermine our elections.
Meaningless twaddle. It's not a crime under Russian law, and American courts have no jurisdiction.
Right wingers asking which laws we think may have been broken by participants in the Trump Tower meeting would probably find this article informative. It is written by Michael Paradis, laser professor at Georgetown and Columbia:

PARADIS (7-15-2017): According to the AP report, “Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to Trump Jr. and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign.” And receiving this plastic folder, assuming it really happened, may have implicated the participants in espionage.
Paradis links to other experts analyzing additional laws that Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort may have violated. Wonderful article.
Could Trump Jr., Kushner, or Manafort Be Charged Under the Espionage Act?

Talk about legal grasping for straws. Espionage is against governments, not private political parties. This guy would make pretzels envious the way he tried to twist the law to fit the situation.


Interfering in American elections is a crime against this country. Espionage certainly fits since it was part of a plot to undermine our elections.

Who interfered in our election and how exactly did they do so?

How about the Russians by hacking DNC servers and putting out false information. This year they have been hacking into state election commission records.
What false information? The corruption of the media collusion, Hillary campaign, and DNC was true.

As Americans we had a right to know about it.

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