Law says I need a face mask to shop...but I don't have a real one......

There is no on the books law about face masks. Politicians are winging it to show their power via how much they care. I don’t want them to care, I want to be able to esercise freedom.

Perhaps where you are, there are no laws. Don't speak about someplace you have never been.
Been a requirement to shop at the commissary for weeks now. Lots of people walking around with paper towels and rubber bands. (Which, as it turns out, is an effective mask material)

WTF, over? Why would anyone "dislike" this article? Seriously, WTF?
There is no on the books law about face masks. Politicians are winging it to show their power via how much they care. I don’t want them to care, I want to be able to esercise freedom.

Perhaps where you are, there are no laws. Don't speak about someplace you have never been.
Been a requirement to shop at the commissary for weeks now. Lots of people walking around with paper towels and rubber bands. (Which, as it turns out, is an effective mask material)

WTF, over? Why would anyone "dislike" this article? Seriously, WTF?

azog is a just a jealous obsessed trolling stalker asshole.
There is no on the books law about face masks. Politicians are winging it to show their power via how much they care. I don’t want them to care, I want to be able to esercise freedom.

Perhaps where you are, there are no laws. Don't speak about someplace you have never been.
Been a requirement to shop at the commissary for weeks now. Lots of people walking around with paper towels and rubber bands. (Which, as it turns out, is an effective mask material)

WTF, over? Why would anyone "dislike" this article? Seriously, WTF?

azog is a just a jealous obsessed trolling stalker asshole.
Ah, see now I wondered if it had to be something ridiculous and childish like that.
Thanks alot, you made me break the guidelines when I had to touch my face, to wipe my tears from laughing so hard.
I've seen that water jug plastic visor idea before, but it was a 4'10" 90lb woman who's head could actually fit inside a cut out one.
I lost it at the maxi pad one, and again at the sponge one, which I could never pull off, because my sponges are more viral then the virus itself. *L*
I wanted to go to Walmart with the scream scarey movie mask, black priest robe, and a plastic scythe but I don't think the associates would have the same sense of humor.
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There is no on the books law about face masks. Politicians are winging it to show their power via how much they care. I don’t want them to care, I want to be able to esercise freedom.

Perhaps where you are, there are no laws. Don't speak about someplace you have never been.
Look admiral give the nurse back her phone...............................
The governor edicts to wear masks has to be an effort to increase the spread of the flu and or colds. The useful life of a paper mask is about 15 minutes, then it is a virus and bacteria magnet as a result of moisture and the user touching items in the store and touching the mask to adjust it. Watch anyone wearing a mask, they are continually infecting it by adjusting it. The local beer and wine warehouse will not let customers inside without a dust mask, bandanna, balaclava, or a homemade thing that will be spread all the germs from the household it came from exponentially into the air. As a liquor store, they are paranoid about breaking any state laws in general even though the governor's edict is an unconstitutional executive order that is not law and should be overturned by the courts which are suddenly not activists anymore, when just a few months ago they were overturning ICE law by declaring "sancturary cities" for illegal aliens.

What the government is causing is so strange. Today I entered a liquor store wearing a black balaclava and yesterday I entered a bank with my .357 magnum in a holster. Only the ATM portion of the bank was open but still. And I was depositing cash in both cases!
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Hepa a filters vaccuum bags can be cut out too for masks. I believe theyre almost as efficient as n95s.
There is no on the books law about face masks. Politicians are winging it to show their power via how much they care. I don’t want them to care, I want to be able to esercise freedom.

Perhaps where you are, there are no laws. Don't speak about someplace you have never been.
Been a requirement to shop at the commissary for weeks now. Lots of people walking around with paper towels and rubber bands. (Which, as it turns out, is an effective mask material)

WTF, over? Why would anyone "dislike" this article? Seriously, WTF?

azog is a just a jealous obsessed trolling stalker asshole.
Ah, see now I wondered if it had to be something ridiculous and childish like that.

And it’s about conservatives not liking facts and the truth.

They’d rather lie and whine about the health and safety protocols being ‘too burdensome.’

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