Law school students traumatized by case law!

Take Roe v. Wade for instance. 49 years of legal precedent upholding the idea that a woman has a constitutional right to personal autonomy when choosing whether to carry a pregnancy to term.
"Settled law." "Strong legal precedent" for upholding that CONSTITUTIONAL LAW" in the words of these justices in their confirmation hearings.
Then once seated on the bench....POOF!
D-did I say THAT?
Might as well hang a "FRAUD" sign around each of their necks.
Not to mention the perjury aspect of it all.

And speaking of precedent and "settled law" you know Roe v. Wade had nearly 5 decades if precedent behind it giving it legitimacy.
The "right" to own weapons for personal use has only been codified for 15 years.
Barely a decade and a half.
It is worth noting that a SCOTUS that is so reckless as to throw nearly 50 years of settled constitutional law on the trash heap may have no problem someday scrapping Heller as well.
How would you feel about that?

As it is every time.
They are not saying what you are desperate for them to say.
Apocryphal perhaps, but academic pals have often told me that american undergraduates that come here ( to Gods home ) need six months to learn how to carry out research . Gross system failure .

Anecdotal rather then apocryphal.
No such thing as "settled law". They were nominated by the President and approved by the Senate. Fuck you and every trash commie that looks and smells like you. Suck on it.

All settled law is only settled until and unless a case comes along that unsettles it.

See Plessey V Ferguson 1896
Followed by -
Brown V Board of Education. 1954
That is funny. Instead of storming the Capitol and trying to hang a VP or two.

What the heck is the matter with kids, nowadays?

The Democrats only stormed the Capital the last time to further advance and cover the Coup.
Every lurch to the left in my lifetime has come from Activist Judges making laws that could never have gotten passed through the legislative process.

In the left's mind that is really the prime directive of the legal system.
The left has abused the 14th Amendment. Whenever they want to invent a "right" it's the 14th Amendment. Amazing the stuff they find in there. It's like a Disney movie.
All settled law is only settled until and unless a case comes along that unsettles it.

See Plessey V Ferguson 1896
Followed by -
Brown V Board of Education. 1954
Yes. These twits listen to Maddow, ODonnell, etc and believe the crap about "settled law". No such thing. The nominees must br laughing inside when democrats bring it up at hearings. Of course the democrat senators know there's no such thing, but it's effective political hotwire for their ignorant voters.
All settled law is only settled until and unless a case comes along that unsettles it.

See Plessey V Ferguson 1896
Followed by -
Brown V Board of Education. 1954
Roughly 58 years later and “bam!” (just like that) they overturned a long-settled precedent. :shock:

The problem isn’t overturning settled precedent. The problem is “why it took so fucking long.”
This just shows us that these Liberal colleges turn out really idiotic graduates.
Constitutional rights shouldn't be arbitrated by state legislatures dumb-ass.

You’ve been groomed to believe abortion is a constitutional right. It never was and never will be. Your hate and anger is misplaced. It should be directed at the dems, who have lied to you your entire life.
Awww.... did we get triggered? Awwww :itsok:
Awww. You got exposed. Again.

But don’t fret. It was already quite clear that you hadn’t tracked the conversation. 👍

At the risk of dragging you back on to the topic, what do you think about law students needing counseling over a recent SCOTUS decision?
Awww. You got exposed. Again.

But don’t fret. It was already quite clear that you hadn’t tracked the conversation. 👍

At the risk of dragging you back on to the topic, what do you think about law students needing counseling over a recent SCOTUS decision?
Lookie here. The butt boy came in to help out his butt buddy. Isn't that sweet? :auiqs.jpg:

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