LAWSUIT: Migrant Kids Drugged Without Permission

Would you like to know what's really, really sad? You kneejerk lefties are soooo concerned about the treatment of a bunch of illegal non-citizen children. Yet you care nothing about the 50 million or so unborn children who were murdered by abortion in this country. Children who had they been born, would have been American citizens.

You people's sheer and utter hypocrisy is sickening. The reality is, you care absolutely nothing about those children, except that they might grow up to be Democrats some day. The whole hoopla over the poor little immigrant children is nothing more than a political tool that you think you can use against President Trump and against the Republican Party. Something that you think will get you votes in the next elections.

Your precious Mueller "investigation" is going nowhere and in fact, has backfired on you pinheads. Your Stormy Daniels kerfuffle has petered out, so this is nothing more than your "next big thing." The "cause of the week."

Just like the school shootings and the wailing and moaning from the left about "sensible gun control" has mysteriously disappeared, this whole story will be forgotten as soon as you come up with your next big "outrage."
A flock of schlock lawyers will smell money and descend on the detention centers like vultures. And sue everyone, from the President to the janitor.

Costing the American taxpayer millions just in legal fees. .... :cool:

Speaking of slimy lawyers did you hear that Michael Cohen resigned from the RNC and cited the treatment of refugees as a reason why. You just can't make this shit up.

Why didn't the Dirty Democrats/Press care when Obama was separating children?

View attachment 199940

When was Obama 'separating children'?

Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

This is inaccurate — there was no widespread Obama-era policy of separating parents and children — but it's a common talking point for Republican commentators and members of the president's administration. Trump's policy, now temporarily halted, aimed to prosecute every single illegal border crossing, including asylum-seekers. The government separated children from their parents or legal guardians because the adults had been referred for prosecution for illegal entry into the United States.

Opinion | Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers

Mr. Obama’s Dubious Detention Centers
By NYT The Editorial Board July 18, 2016

I don't have a subscription to the NYTimes so can't read the article. I'm assuming its about children that have come here unaccompanied because you guys can't stop conflating the two.

Still sticking to the lie are ya?

And the centers stand on dubious legal ground. Last year, a district judge ruled that the administration was violating a 1997 court-ordered settlement, called the Flores agreement, that governs the treatment of underage migrants who seek asylum or enter the country illegally. The judge said the children were being held for too long, and ordered the administration to release them as quickly as possible to the care of relatives or other guardians as their cases move through the immigration courts.

The administration appealed, saying that the agreement applied only to children who had crossed the border alone, not those who were accompanied by parents or other adult relatives. On July 6, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit disagreed, upholding the district ruling that Flores covers all children, accompanied or not. But it said the administration could still detain their parents.
Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show

Staff working on the behalf of the Office of Refugee Resettlement are routinely drugging detained child migrants with psychotropics without their parents’ consent, according to legal filings.

Trump administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the family separation policy they implemented over the last six weeks is humane. But the ongoing lawsuit over the Flores agreement, a 1997 settlement that partly governs the detention of child migrants that the White House hopes to overturn, alleges a litany of wrongdoings at the ORR-contracted facilities.

The drugging allegations are among the most disturbing. One child cited in the lawsuit reported taking up to nine pills in the morning and another seven in the evening, without knowing what the medication was.

“ORR routinely administers children psychotropic drugs without lawful authorization,” a memo filed in the lawsuit on April 16 reads. “When youth object to taking such medications, ORR compels them. ORR neither requires nor asks for a parent’s consent before medicating a child, nor does it seek lawful authority to consent in parents’ stead. Instead, ORR or facility staff sign ‘consent’ forms anointing themselves with ‘authority’ to administer psychotropic drugs to confined children.”

Most of the allegations center on Shiloh Residential Treatment Center, in Manvel, Texas. But lawyers in the Flores case, who have access to the medical records of their clients, say the problem is widespread.

MUCH MORE: Migrant Children Drugged Without Consent At Government Centers, Court Documents Show

This is unconscionable! What do you think?
I think we need to quit while we're ahead. I don't think they're doing it without legal authority, regardless of what your "court documents" show. DHS isn't that stupid.
Border guards are less trained and qualified educationally than small town policemen. Many are trained in the simplest routine jobs of asking a handful of questions and knowing or being trained to recognize when to call in a supervisor. Most are basically trained as security guards, observe and report.
You’re pathetic. Those people are protecting our nation and you shit on them like that? Fuck you.
That's stupid. They aren't protecting our nation. They are turning babies into terrorists. These kids will remember what was done to them. I only hope they blame Republicans and not the entire nation.
Anyone we do t let in here and hand welfare to becomes a terrorist. You’re a moron.
Why do so many of you guys who have trouble forming a sentence become trump supporters?
Why didn't the Dirty Democrats/Press care when Obama was separating children?

View attachment 199940

When was Obama 'separating children'?

Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

This is inaccurate — there was no widespread Obama-era policy of separating parents and children — but it's a common talking point for Republican commentators and members of the president's administration. Trump's policy, now temporarily halted, aimed to prosecute every single illegal border crossing, including asylum-seekers. The government separated children from their parents or legal guardians because the adults had been referred for prosecution for illegal entry into the United States.
LMAO! Well it wasn’t wide spread so yes he did but we minimized it so the answer is no.

They only separated over concerns of the kids safety with the person claiming to be the parent as they should.

The idea that this is simply a continuation of an Obama-era practice is "preposterous," said Denise Gilman, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "There were occasionally instances where you would find a separated family — maybe like one every six months to a year — and that was usually because there had been some actual individualized concern that there was a trafficking situation or that the parent wasn’t actually the parent."

So, yeah, what you originally stated was a big fat lie. Do you like when you toss around other peoples' lies?
Which is why the law was written in the first place. You’re gullible.

There was no law written that caused Trump to separate these families, it's a 'zero tolerance' policy where all children will be separated from their families. So, yeah, you're wrong.
The law was signed by Clinton and beefed up during Bush so do some research.

Would you like to know what's really, really sad? You kneejerk lefties are soooo concerned about the treatment of a bunch of illegal non-citizen children. Yet you care nothing about the 50 million or so unborn children who were murdered by abortion in this country. Children who had they been born, would have been American citizens.

You people's sheer and utter hypocrisy is sickening. The reality is, you care absolutely nothing about those children, except that they might grow up to be Democrats some day. The whole hoopla over the poor little immigrant children is nothing more than a political tool that you think you can use against President Trump and against the Republican Party. Something that you think will get you votes in the next elections.

Your precious Mueller "investigation" is going nowhere and in fact, has backfired on you pinheads. Your Stormy Daniels kerfuffle has petered out, so this is nothing more than your "next big thing." The "cause of the week."

Just like the school shootings and the wailing and moaning from the left about "sensible gun control" has mysteriously disappeared, this whole story will be forgotten as soon as you come up with your next big "outrage."

Yes, I understand that you deranged NaziCons care deeply about the unborn - but you don't give a shit after they are born. I get it...
A major news source is reporting that children being held in detention facilities are being forced to ingest numbing prescription drugs without permission from parents. In some case the kids are being held on the ground while jailers force pills into their mouths and hold their mouths shut so the need to breath forces them swallow the pills. Who is prescribing these medication or if medical staff are involved or qualified to make such decisions is unknown. Whether certified pediatricians are involved or not is unknown. The drugs probably prevent all that wailing and crying from the toddlers. At least it must give the jailers a break away from all that baby crying noise.
Yeah...those poor jailers...give them some relief.
When was Obama 'separating children'?

Fact check: Did Obama administration separate families?

This is inaccurate — there was no widespread Obama-era policy of separating parents and children — but it's a common talking point for Republican commentators and members of the president's administration. Trump's policy, now temporarily halted, aimed to prosecute every single illegal border crossing, including asylum-seekers. The government separated children from their parents or legal guardians because the adults had been referred for prosecution for illegal entry into the United States.
LMAO! Well it wasn’t wide spread so yes he did but we minimized it so the answer is no.

They only separated over concerns of the kids safety with the person claiming to be the parent as they should.

The idea that this is simply a continuation of an Obama-era practice is "preposterous," said Denise Gilman, director of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Texas Law School. "There were occasionally instances where you would find a separated family — maybe like one every six months to a year — and that was usually because there had been some actual individualized concern that there was a trafficking situation or that the parent wasn’t actually the parent."

So, yeah, what you originally stated was a big fat lie. Do you like when you toss around other peoples' lies?
Which is why the law was written in the first place. You’re gullible.

There was no law written that caused Trump to separate these families, it's a 'zero tolerance' policy where all children will be separated from their families. So, yeah, you're wrong.
The law was signed by Clinton and beefed up during Bush so do some research.

What law required that we separate all children from their families?

Would you like to know what's really, really sad? You kneejerk lefties are soooo concerned about the treatment of a bunch of illegal non-citizen children. Yet you care nothing about the 50 million or so unborn children who were murdered by abortion in this country. Children who had they been born, would have been American citizens.

You people's sheer and utter hypocrisy is sickening. The reality is, you care absolutely nothing about those children, except that they might grow up to be Democrats some day. The whole hoopla over the poor little immigrant children is nothing more than a political tool that you think you can use against President Trump and against the Republican Party. Something that you think will get you votes in the next elections.

Your precious Mueller "investigation" is going nowhere and in fact, has backfired on you pinheads. Your Stormy Daniels kerfuffle has petered out, so this is nothing more than your "next big thing." The "cause of the week."

Just like the school shootings and the wailing and moaning from the left about "sensible gun control" has mysteriously disappeared, this whole story will be forgotten as soon as you come up with your next big "outrage."

Yes, I understand that you deranged NaziCons care deeply about the unborn - but you don't give a shit after they are born. I get it...

I didn't breed the little bastards, so my tax money shouldn't have to feed 'em. There are plenty of children in this country who would appreciate some help. American children.

BTW, "Nazicons" is a little strong. It isn't we Republicans who like Nazi institutions like abortion and eugenics. It's you people.

How can you even live with yourselves?
Obama was such a nice guy.....he never fucked over any illegal immigrants.

Oh wait.....HE DID FUCK THEM OVER!!!

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

LOS ANGELES ( — A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.

“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s niece Esmeralda Aguilar.

She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.

“He was letting [his wife] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.

Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his wife and two daughters.

He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.

His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.

Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.

“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”

In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.

The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.

“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.

“A man has died; he left his family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”

The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.

“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”

Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.​
I think we need to quit while we're ahead. I don't think they're doing it without legal authority, regardless of what your "court documents" show. DHS isn't that stupid.
Border guards are less trained and qualified educationally than small town policemen. Many are trained in the simplest routine jobs of asking a handful of questions and knowing or being trained to recognize when to call in a supervisor. Most are basically trained as security guards, observe and report.
You’re pathetic. Those people are protecting our nation and you shit on them like that? Fuck you.
That's stupid. They aren't protecting our nation. They are turning babies into terrorists. These kids will remember what was done to them. I only hope they blame Republicans and not the entire nation.
Anyone we do t let in here and hand welfare to becomes a terrorist. You’re a moron.
Why do so many of you guys who have trouble forming a sentence become trump supporters?
Trump not trump
Obama was such a nice guy.....he never fucked over any illegal immigrants.

Oh wait.....HE DID FUCK THEM OVER!!!

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

LOS ANGELES ( — A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.

“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s niece Esmeralda Aguilar.

She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.

“He was letting [his wife] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.

Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his wife and two daughters.

He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.

His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.

Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.

“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”

In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.

The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.

“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.

“A man has died; he left his family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”

The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.

“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”

Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.​

But, but, but Obama. This thread is about Trump - and NOW.
Obama was such a nice guy.....he never fucked over any illegal immigrants.

Oh wait.....HE DID FUCK THEM OVER!!!

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

LOS ANGELES ( — A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.

“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s niece Esmeralda Aguilar.

She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.

“He was letting [his wife] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.

Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his wife and two daughters.

He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.

His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.

Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.

“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”

In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.

The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.

“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.

“A man has died; he left his family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”

The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.

“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”

Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.​

But, but, but Obama. This thread is about Trump - and NOW.

How utterly disingenuous and racist of you. Obama gets free reign to do anything he wants but Trump is the "bad guy" for doing the same?

No ulterior motives here, eh?
Obama was such a nice guy.....he never fucked over any illegal immigrants.

Oh wait.....HE DID FUCK THEM OVER!!!

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

LOS ANGELES ( — A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.

“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s niece Esmeralda Aguilar.

She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.

“He was letting [his wife] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.

Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his wife and two daughters.

He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.

His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.

Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.

“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”

In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.

The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.

“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.

“A man has died; he left his family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”

The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.

“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”

Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.​

But, but, but Obama. This thread is about Trump - and NOW.

How utterly disingenuous and racist of you. Obama gets free reign to do anything he wants but Trump is the "bad guy" for doing the same?

No ulterior motives here, eh?

Unlike Trump, presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton never separated families seeking lawful asylum.
Trump Administration has no plans to reunite families already separated. This leaves kids vulnerable to further abuse.
Obama was such a nice guy.....he never fucked over any illegal immigrants.

Oh wait.....HE DID FUCK THEM OVER!!!

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

LOS ANGELES ( — A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.

“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s niece Esmeralda Aguilar.

She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.

“He was letting [his wife] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.

Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his wife and two daughters.

He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.

His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.

Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.

“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”

In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.

The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.

“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.

“A man has died; he left his family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”

The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.

“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”

Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.​

But, but, but Obama. This thread is about Trump - and NOW.

How utterly disingenuous and racist of you. Obama gets free reign to do anything he wants but Trump is the "bad guy" for doing the same?

No ulterior motives here, eh?

Unlike Trump, presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton never separated families seeking lawful asylum.

Never heard of Elian Gonzalez? Clinton-era, and at gunpoint.

Look it up.

Obama was such a nice guy.....he never fucked over any illegal immigrants.

Oh wait.....HE DID FUCK THEM OVER!!!

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

Family Of Immigrant Detainee Sues President Obama, Government For Wrongful Death

LOS ANGELES ( — A local family says it will sue President Barack Obama and several federal agencies because their loved one, an immigrant being held in various detention centers, died while waiting to get medical treatment.

Nancy Luna fought back tears Friday as she discussed her husband’s ordeal.

At a news conference Friday, attended by CBS2’s Amy Johnson, Luna said her husband had Type 2 diabetes, and his care was neglected.

He was held at the Metropolitan Detention Center, among other places.

Last March, Roberto Aguilar Batista, 38, died from complications of diabetes at the Dalby Correctional Facility.

“It’s so tough, because he was so young,” said Batista’s niece Esmeralda Aguilar.

She said her uncle was constantly writing letters.

“He was letting [his wife] know it was really tough in there. That he didn’t want to be in there,” said Aguilar.

Batista lived in the LA area for 10 years with his wife and two daughters.

He was arrested in June 2013 on suspicion of entering the country illegally.

His family says at the Metropolitan Detention Center he was denied proper care and developed kidney damage, a heart attack and blindness.

Batista was moved to three other facilities before his death.

“They gave me another medicine,” Batista wrote in a letter read by his attorney, James Segall-Gutierrez, “that de-controlled my sugar levels.”

In a letter a month before he died, he complained of not receiving proper medical care and also asked for an attorney.

The family’s attorney has filed a civil-rights complaint against Obama, the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration Customs Enforcement, the Department of Justice, the Metropolitan Detention Center and the Giles Dalby Correctional Facility.

“Everybody, even if they are undocumented, is entitled to civil rights,” said Segall-Gutierrez.

“A man has died; he left his family, two children and a loving wife,” Segall-Gutierrez said. “Unacceptable.”

The attorney said he plans to go to Washington and serve the president.

“The only reason I’m filing against the president of the United States is that he is the figure head of the United States,” Segall-Gutierrez said, “for violating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, and particularly the article which states we would live in peace.”

Johnson reports there has been no comment from any of the agencies named in the complaint.​

But, but, but Obama. This thread is about Trump - and NOW.

How utterly disingenuous and racist of you. Obama gets free reign to do anything he wants but Trump is the "bad guy" for doing the same?

No ulterior motives here, eh?

Unlike Trump, presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton never separated families seeking lawful asylum.

Never heard of Elian Gonzalez? Clinton-era, and at gunpoint.

Look it up.


Apparently you don't know much about the details of the Elian Gonzalez case. Look it up...

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