Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon by Trump if he cleared Russia

And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Assange should clear Russia -- if he loves America
Whatever makes you think he loves America? He and the Russians are why we have Trump. I agree with some other poster on here that said the Russians would kill him if he admitted what he knows of the Russian hacking and other interference in the U.S. 2016 election.
Give it up already.
You think Assange loves America? Where the hell have you been since the beginning of wikileaks?
Why do people read stuff I don’t say into posts? I’m talking about conspiracies relating to Trump and Russia. Now show me where I said what you claim.

Seems he was offered a pardon if he'd lie about Russia being involved in the wikileaks email hacks

Trumpers fell back on those denials time and again...under the bus HE goes...
We don't know it would be a lie, though, do we? Assange is never going to tell. The Russians would kill him quick as shit.

Hate to tell you this but what Wikileaks released was not a lie and in fact cost a few people their jobs within the DNC...

What Trump want is someone to claim you did it, and before you go all nutter I am using you because he ( Trump ) want anyone but Russia to be at fault for hacking the DNC servers...

So let be clear the emails that were leaked by Wikileaks were factual but what Trump want or might want is not factual and it is clear as day where the hacking came from...

Yes, you...

( Just kidding unless you are Russian )
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Assange should clear Russia -- if he loves America
Whatever makes you think he loves America? He and the Russians are why we have Trump. I agree with some other poster on here that said the Russians would kill him if he admitted what he knows of the Russian hacking and other interference in the U.S. 2016 election.

How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.

I voted for Stein. You knew enough to not vote for Hillary but others didn't?
I voted gary whats-his-name, the Libertarian. I knew he could not win, as you knew Stein would not. If American had woke up in time and one of them did win, it would not matter because Dems and Reps in congress would not have supported anything they wanted to do. Would have been like carter administration, on more so. Sometimes gridlock is a wonderful thing.
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Assange has already said Russia did not do it. Dumbasses abound.

01/06/17 11:40 AM EST
How is Assange “1,000 percent” certain Russia didn’t hack DNC?
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Assange has already said Russia did not do it. Dumbasses abound.
well, I guess his pardon is in the bag, isn't it?
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Assange has already said Russia did not do it. Dumbasses abound.
well, I guess his pardon is in the bag, isn't it?

He's been saying this for years.
Assange should clear Russia -- if he loves America
Whatever makes you think he loves America? He and the Russians are why we have Trump. I agree with some other poster on here that said the Russians would kill him if he admitted what he knows of the Russian hacking and other interference in the U.S. 2016 election.

How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.

I voted for Stein. You knew enough to not vote for Hillary but others didn't?
I voted gary whats-his-name, the Libertarian. I knew he could not win, as you knew Stein would not. If American had woke up in time and one of them did win, it would not matter because Dems and Reps in congress would not have supported anything they wanted to do. Would have been like carter administration, on more so. Sometimes gridlock is a wonderful thing.
You helped give us Trump.

Own it
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Assange should clear Russia -- if he loves America
Why would Assange love America? Has he ever been here? This is another anonymous statement that could have been dreamed up by anyone. Assange has not been formally charged with any crime in the US.
Whatever makes you think he loves America? He and the Russians are why we have Trump. I agree with some other poster on here that said the Russians would kill him if he admitted what he knows of the Russian hacking and other interference in the U.S. 2016 election.

How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.

I voted for Stein. You knew enough to not vote for Hillary but others didn't?
I voted gary whats-his-name, the Libertarian. I knew he could not win, as you knew Stein would not. If American had woke up in time and one of them did win, it would not matter because Dems and Reps in congress would not have supported anything they wanted to do. Would have been like carter administration, on more so. Sometimes gridlock is a wonderful thing.
You helped give us Trump.

Own it
I live in the deepest red state in this country. If lying hillary vote had increase 50%, trump would have won the state in a landslide anyway. Welcome to Tennessee. You cannot blame me for giving you trump. You can blame me for know the alternative would be just as dangerous for the country. Face it. The system is flawed. Cream does not rise to the top in politics, but you could say that sh%t floats.
Assange should clear Russia -- if he loves America
Whatever makes you think he loves America? He and the Russians are why we have Trump. I agree with some other poster on here that said the Russians would kill him if he admitted what he knows of the Russian hacking and other interference in the U.S. 2016 election.

How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.
Claiming you an independent doesn't mean shit......and it doesn't shield you from anything matter how much you think it does...
At least I was smart enough and independent enough to not follow the crowd to knowingly vote for one of those two. I am only shielded by being debt free and financially solid for the rest of my foreseeable life. Good luck to you as you follow the herd.
unfortunately you were misinformed about Hillary. All of the crap about her was proven wrong in the end and the emails were just bologna. Everything was investigated nothing there.
And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true:

Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia

A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a pardon by the Trump administration if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign.
Assange is fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges, and his full court hearing is due to begin next week.
At a preliminary hearing, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that in August 2017, then-Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher visited Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.
Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.”
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"A lawyer for Julian Assange said" I read no further.
Whatever makes you think he loves America? He and the Russians are why we have Trump. I agree with some other poster on here that said the Russians would kill him if he admitted what he knows of the Russian hacking and other interference in the U.S. 2016 election.

How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.
Claiming you an independent doesn't mean shit......and it doesn't shield you from anything matter how much you think it does...
At least I was smart enough and independent enough to not follow the crowd to knowingly vote for one of those two. I am only shielded by being debt free and financially solid for the rest of my foreseeable life. Good luck to you as you follow the herd.
unfortunately you were misinformed about Hillary. All of the crap about her was proven wrong in the end and the emails were just bologna. Everything was investigated nothing there.
I actually heard her talking about the guy making a video that sparked the benghazi attack. That guy went to jail over that stuff. When you lie and someone goes to jail for your lies, your are shit. Now what part of that do you disagree with? She showed bad character all the way back to Arkansas when Bill was Governor, and stayed with him out of personal political ambition. Emails? I didn't mention them. Had a lot of communication that was or became classified at one level or another, but never put it on a non-government server because I knew it was a breach of security. Just because you cannot be proven guilty of a crime, does not mean you are innocent. She was a political animal and I am glad she is not president. I only wish we had had a candidate on either side that was not a complete sleaze.
Donald Trump is reported to have offered Julian Assange a pardon if he would publicly state that Russia was not responsible for the 2016 DNC server hack and publication of DNC emails.

Trump poodle, GOP lawmaker Dana Rohrabacher, is reported to be the person who delivered the pardon offer.

If this is proven the scandal could be bigger than the Ukraine military aid abuse of power.

It is very certain that if Assange and Wikileaks communicated with the Trump campaign in 2016 they will have documentary evidence.

Lawyer: Assange was offered a U.S. pardon if he cleared Russia

Lawyer: Assange was offered U.S. pardon if he cleared Russia
The Associated Press
Feb 19th 2020 4:30PM

LONDON (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to claim during an extradition hearing that the Trump administration offered him a pardon if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, a lawyer for Assange said Wednesday.

Assange is being held at a British prison while fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges. His full court hearing is due to begin next week.

At a preliminary hearing held Wednesday in London, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that now-former Republican congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, visited Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in August 2017.

Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.” ...
Donald Trump is reported to have offered Julian Assange a pardon if he would publicly state that Russia was not responsible for the 2016 DNC server hack and publication of DNC emails.

Trump poodle, GOP lawmaker Dana Rohrabacher, is reported to be the person who delivered the pardon offer.

If this is prooven the scandal could be bigger than the Ukraine military aid abuse of power.

It is very certain that if Assange and Wikileaks communicated with the Trump campaign in 2016 they will have documentary evidence.

Lawyer: Assange was offered a U.S. pardon if he cleared Russia

Lawyer: Assange was offered U.S. pardon if he cleared Russia
The Associated Press
Feb 19th 2020 4:30PM

LONDON (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange plans to claim during an extradition hearing that the Trump administration offered him a pardon if he agreed to say Russia was not involved in leaking Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, a lawyer for Assange said Wednesday.

Assange is being held at a British prison while fighting extradition to the United States on spying charges. His full court hearing is due to begin next week.

At a preliminary hearing held Wednesday in London, lawyer Edward Fitzgerald said that now-former Republican congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, visited Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in August 2017.

Fitzgerald said a statement from another Assange lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, recounted "Mr. Rohrabacher going to see Mr. Assange and saying, on instructions from the president, he was offering a pardon or some other way out, if Mr. Assange ... said Russia had nothing to do with the DNC leaks.” ...

How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.
Claiming you an independent doesn't mean shit......and it doesn't shield you from anything matter how much you think it does...
At least I was smart enough and independent enough to not follow the crowd to knowingly vote for one of those two. I am only shielded by being debt free and financially solid for the rest of my foreseeable life. Good luck to you as you follow the herd.
unfortunately you were misinformed about Hillary. All of the crap about her was proven wrong in the end and the emails were just bologna. Everything was investigated nothing there.
I actually heard her talking about the guy making a video that sparked the benghazi attack. That guy went to jail over that stuff. When you lie and someone goes to jail for your lies, your are shit. Now what part of that do you disagree with? She showed bad character all the way back to Arkansas when Bill was Governor, and stayed with him out of personal political ambition. Emails? I didn't mention them. Had a lot of communication that was or became classified at one level or another, but never put it on a non-government server because I knew it was a breach of security. Just because you cannot be proven guilty of a crime, does not mean you are innocent. She was a political animal and I am glad she is not president. I only wish we had had a candidate on either side that was not a complete sleaze.
Of course the video and the Muslim Rush Limbaugh of Cairo triggered the attack in Benghazi look just like all the other attacks about that time that bad guy called for. Everybody knows it but the brainwashed over on Fox news. All investigated nothing there.
How did the Russians get you to vote for Trump?
I did not. TopTenn website sent me emails, but I knew Trump was a lying SOS. I am not on facebook, so I did not get the 13 state advertising campaign. I am an avid shooter and considered competent with any weapon I ever fired, but do not support the NRA so was immune to their influence over that organization. My daddy taught me to spot hucksters a mile off and avoid liars and people of low morals. That is why knew not to vote Trump. I didn't vote the Hill because I knew she was equally morally and ethically challenged, having seen her in politics and as Sec of State. Being independent is a wonderful thing. You should try it. You could have principles again.
Claiming you an independent doesn't mean shit......and it doesn't shield you from anything matter how much you think it does...
At least I was smart enough and independent enough to not follow the crowd to knowingly vote for one of those two. I am only shielded by being debt free and financially solid for the rest of my foreseeable life. Good luck to you as you follow the herd.
unfortunately you were misinformed about Hillary. All of the crap about her was proven wrong in the end and the emails were just bologna. Everything was investigated nothing there.
I actually heard her talking about the guy making a video that sparked the benghazi attack. That guy went to jail over that stuff. When you lie and someone goes to jail for your lies, your are shit. Now what part of that do you disagree with? She showed bad character all the way back to Arkansas when Bill was Governor, and stayed with him out of personal political ambition. Emails? I didn't mention them. Had a lot of communication that was or became classified at one level or another, but never put it on a non-government server because I knew it was a breach of security. Just because you cannot be proven guilty of a crime, does not mean you are innocent. She was a political animal and I am glad she is not president. I only wish we had had a candidate on either side that was not a complete sleaze.
Hillary has never been anywhere near a courtroom and you have no evidence for all those phony scandals against her. And then there's the crap hacked emails that meant nothing and then there's the Russian social media that is also total garbage. All of that wrecked the election. Everything you know is wrong. and there is no deep state conspiracy either, those are called our wonderful public servants. You are a disgrace too disrespecting our great institutions.

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