Lawyers mock Trump: 'Too busy to be honest' about Trump U

Someone explain to me why a man who wants us to elect him President on the basis of his "vast business experience" - and whose major business acumen appears to be in the area of marketing, branding, and hyping himself - doesn't know what they teach first year advertising and marketing students: you cannot lie in advertising. You can "puffery" all you like, but it has to be at least technically true.

Good grief! Trump's a very successful businessman. Not all of his enterprises have been successful, but most have. And here you are basically calling him a fool. Unreal.
In every enterprise one is going to find unhappy customers. That's right across the board.

It's to be expected.

Trump's businesses have filed for 4 bankruptcies, more than any other businessman in the US over the same period of time. Trump admits to using debt protection laws to leverage his borrowings and reduce his debt. He suggests that he would do the same thing with the debt owed by the US to China.

Trump went bankrupt operating a casino, even though a casino license is pretty much a license to print money. Many of Trump's business ideas have been spectacularly unsuccessful. Trump Steaks, Trump Mortgage, Trump Vodka, Trump University - the list of Trump failures is long and sorry. The Saudi's wrote the cheques for the construction of the Toronto Trump Hotel and that was after Trump tried for nearly 10 years to get the place built.

Trump is almost the perfect Republican candidate. He's incapable of telling the truth, and yet you believe his every word. He is an unrepentant racist, misogynist, and you applaud both his racism and misogyny.

This will destroy the Republican Party, and quite frankly, they deserve it.
Contumacious asked:

Can you say conflict of interest?

Can you say champerty and maintenance?

Law Firm Behind Trump University Lawsuit Gave Big Money to the Clintons

& when were those contributions made? how soon after, did Hillary announce her presidency? i'll answer that for you... 3 YEARS. so, according to you, not only was there 'a conflict of interest', but apparently this lawfirm has ESP & can predict the future? :cuckoo: why hasn't trump used THAT as the excuse to try & weasel out of his fraudulent lawsuits brought against him?

from your own link:

'...“No rule prevents a lawyer from donating to a candidate or paying a prospective candidate for speeches and also representing a client against her opponent. The story is interesting because everything about Trump appears now to be interesting, but there is no problem under the lawyer ethics rules,” NYU law professor Stephen Gillers told Gillers is an expert on legal ethics.

Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd is a high profile law firm, based out of San Diego, with considerable resources. The lawsuit against Trump was filed in the Southern District of California (San Diego) back in 2013. The firm is frequently involved in multi-million dollar complex litigation. In 2008, they obtained a $7.2 billion settlement for Enron shareholders as part of a massive federal class action lawsuit...'

did you even READ your own link? :dunno:

perhaps this should be brought up right about now... & please note the TIMING:

Florida AG Drops Trump U lawsuit After Trump Gives Her $25,000
by Robert Webster | 12:16 pm, June 7th, 2016

When Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi asked Donald Trump for a campaign donation back in 2013, she definitely didn’t think that this story would happen. Here’s what went down: In 2016, Bondi announced that Florida would join a fraud lawsuit in New York against Trump University. Four days after announcing her involvement, Bondi received a contribution of $25,000 to her campaign fund from Trump’s foundation, according to the Associated Press. Later, Bondi withdrew from the lawsuit saying that there were insufficient grounds to proceed with the case. Bondi also claimed that she had no knowledge of the complaints against Trump University despite the more than 20 complaints filed with the Florida’s Attorney General’s office.

Apparently, the donation to Bondi is not the first time that Trump has attempted to sway an Attorney General over to his side. Trump also paid the former Attorney General of Texas, Greg Abbott, $35,000 to his campaign fund. John Owens, former Texas Deputy Chief of Consumer Protection, told CBS News that he was also told to back off the Trump University case despite having strong evidence.

In an effort to defend himself against the Trump University fraud allegations, Trump told Jake Tapper of CNN on Monday that many attorney generals chose not to take the case singling out in particular the Attorney Generals from Texas and Florida. In fact, while campaigning in Iowa, Trump said “When I want something I get it. When I call, they kiss my ass. It’s true,” the Associated Press reports. Interestingly, both Bondi and Abbott have now endorsed Trump for President.

Florida AG Drops Trump U lawsuit After Trump Gives Her $25,000


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Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

sure it is sweety. & the 'mexican' judge is in on it. it's a conspiracy I tell ya! a CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ack-1:

The Judge happens to belong to a group that is actively boycotting all things Trump. Did you know that?

LOL. an organizational 'affiliation' is NOT the same as personally 'belonging to'. but nice try sweety. judge curiel was hardly 'mexico friendly' ... did you know any of this?

1. Mexican drug cartel target
Before he was first appointed to a state-level judgeship in 2006, Curiel worked as a federal prosecutor in Southern California with a focus on drug cases -- and with them, the Mexican cartels.
In the late 1990s, Curiel's efforts to extradite a pair of alleged cartel gunmen to Mexico put him directly in the traffickers' crosshairs. The Los Angeles Times reported at the time that, according court documents, "a top lieutenant in the Arellano Felix drug trafficking cartel" told another inmate he planned to have "Curiel assassinated and that he had requested and received permission from the leaders of the Arellano cartel...."

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father..."

4. Indiana, born and raised

He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

5. 'I'm not there to make the law'
Trump has sought to undermine Curiel's propriety by suggesting he could not separate personal politics from the law of the land. But an exchange from the judge's 2012 confirmation hearing with Sen. Blumenthal, a Connecticut Democrat, suggests Curiel takes a more measured view of his current role.
How did Curiel, Blumenthal asked, "see the role of a district judge versus the appellate court?"
"As a trial judge I recognize that I'm not there to make the law," Curiel said. "I'm not there to interpret the law, I'm there to follow the law as established by the precedent of our Supreme Court."

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel -

' I love the poorly educated' ~ Donald Trump.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?

It has dragged out this long but Judge Curiel is biased big time and the two law firms for the plaintiffs gave close to a million dollars to the Clintons. Oh and those law firms are pissed off because they wanted the lawsuit to proceed right before the convention.

Would have been great timing right?

It's not a conspiracy theory. This shit is playing out in real time.

oh my god. who do you think ALLOWED the court date to be moved until AFTER THE ELECTION????? are you really this foolish, or do you play a poorly educated poster that Trump is relying on for votes? never mind, i know the answer.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?
He's been running for president since 2000. I don't think the suit has anything to do with it though. But what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The libs run with that for Hillary but have Trump guilty for much less.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Engineering schools are design to defraud their students??

Where do we get engineers? From China??
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?
He's been running for president since 2000. I don't think the suit has anything to do with it though. But what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The libs run with that for Hillary but have Trump guilty for much less.

Hillary's not bribing AG's in two states not to file law suits. And innocent until proven guilty only applies to criminal prosecution. These are all civil suits so there is no presumption of innocence. Trump has been sued so often he has litigation lawyers on retainer. He lies about not settling, about what's failed and what hasn't. He lied about Judge Curiel, and yet you believe him.

You're prepared to find Hillary guilty of all sorts of things - cover-ups, security breaches, bribery, obstruction, all of which have been investigated extensively by Republicans, Special Prosecutors, and Congressional Committees, and all of which have concluded that there's nothing to see here, and yet still you believe that she's guilty and corrupt. No charges have ever been filed - in over 30 years of witch hunts, no evidence has ever been uncovered, in spite of more than a dozen investigations, all instigated by Republicans, and no one has ever turned "state's evidence" on the Clintons, except Monica.

And still you believe the lies against Hillary, and deny the truth about Trump. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Universities provide actual instruction, despite your efforts to bring them down to the Trump PU level.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?
He's been running for president since 2000. I don't think the suit has anything to do with it though. But what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The libs run with that for Hillary but have Trump guilty for much less.

Hillary's not bribing AG's in two states not to file law suits. And innocent until proven guilty only applies to criminal prosecution. These are all civil suits so there is no presumption of innocence. Trump has been sued so often he has litigation lawyers on retainer. He lies about not settling, about what's failed and what hasn't. He lied about Judge Curiel, and yet you believe him.

You're prepared to find Hillary guilty of all sorts of things - cover-ups, security breaches, bribery, obstruction, all of which have been investigated extensively by Republicans, Special Prosecutors, and Congressional Committees, and all of which have concluded that there's nothing to see here, and yet still you believe that she's guilty and corrupt. No charges have ever been filed - in over 30 years of witch hunts, no evidence has ever been uncovered, in spite of more than a dozen investigations, all instigated by Republicans, and no one has ever turned "state's evidence" on the Clintons, except Monica.

And still you believe the lies against Hillary, and deny the truth about Trump. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
No presumption of innocence in a civil suit? That's off the charts stupid. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. The rest of your steamy pile isn't worth my time.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Universities provide actual instruction, despite your efforts to bring them down to the Trump PU level.
I have a degree and know what they provide. Actual instruction? LOL. Trump's students didn't get any? You dipsticks are desperate.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Engineering schools are design to defraud their students??

Where do we get engineers? From China??
Put the crack pipe down, cowboy.
I have a degree and know what they provide. Actual instruction? LOL. Trump's students didn't get any? You dipsticks are desperate.
So you're saying your degree is worthless? From your posts I'm inclined to agree.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?

It has dragged out this long but Judge Curiel is biased big time and the two law firms for the plaintiffs gave close to a million dollars to the Clintons. Oh and those law firms are pissed off because they wanted the lawsuit to proceed right before the convention.

Would have been great timing right?

It's not a conspiracy theory. This shit is playing out in real time.

Of course the law firms wanted the suit to proceed at the most awkward, inconvenient time for the plaintiff. Has it crossed your Trump-addled mind that maybe that's not because of a sinister political conspiracy, but because ALL lawyers angle for that, in order to put pressure on the plaintiff to agree to a huge settlement? They'd be remiss in their obligations to their clients, to the point of incompetence, if they DIDN'T push for such an advantage. Hell, a third-year law student could figure that one out.

And if Judge Curiel is so damned biased and conniving against Trump, WHY isn't the lawsuit proceeding before the convention? He's the one who sets the trial schedule, isn't he? In fact, Judge Curiel indicated that he was uncomfortable with the idea of moving faster on it during the campaign, didn't he? And if Trump is really so concerned about Judge Curiel's ability to do his job properly in this case, why hasn't he filed a motion to ask the judge to recuse himself, instead of just bloviating and gasbagging on social media about it? Could it possibly be because it's just more big talk and lies to gin up the low-IQ cult members?

Every judge in America has politically-related organizations they participate in in their free time. This is because being a judge is, in large part, a career aspiration chosen because the person is politically active and involved in the first place. Judges are presumed to be professionals who can set aside personal issues in favor of the law, until such time as they are proven otherwise. Unless you can show some evidence either of Curiel behaving in a way that indicates clear bias against Trump in the trial, or a history of him behaving in a biased way in other trials, the simple fact that he's politically active and has political opinions in his private life does not constitute prima facie evidence of partiality in a professional sense. And his ethnicity proves nothing to anyone who isn't blinded by the white sheet they're wearing, if you catch my drift.

Frankly, if Donny Boy is going to whine and kvell about the "mean Mexicans" having it in for him, perhaps that's just evidence that the spoiled little narcissist should learn to choose his words with a little more maturity and . . . oh, I don't know, THOUGHT before they spew from his flapping gob. Welcome to the world of celebrity when there's more at stake than just your ego, Combover Boy.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Engineering schools are design to defraud their students??

Where do we get engineers? From China??
Put the crack pipe down, cowboy.

You are the one suggesting Universities bilk(could be take as defraud OR to overcharge) their students.

The only consistent definition of bilk in terms of the thread is to defraud. Else, you are subtly misrepresenting what legitimate Universities do.
I think Trump is a huckster who stole the money from those students.

Having said that, I predict that if the courts find Trump guilty, it will make his ratings go up because he will use this opportunity to demonize the liberal court system, which it is.
I have a degree and know what they provide. Actual instruction? LOL. Trump's students didn't get any? You dipsticks are desperate.
So you're saying your degree is worthless? From your posts I'm inclined to agree.
I didn't say that was all they provided, you thought so because you are a moron. Lots of bullshit there, I never bought into the anti-capitalism garbage but, I know this is new for you, they have courses that cover various topics.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Engineering schools are design to defraud their students??

Where do we get engineers? From China??
Put the crack pipe down, cowboy.

You are the one suggesting Universities bilk(could be take as defraud OR to overcharge) their students.

The only consistent definition of bilk in terms of the thread is to defraud. Else, you are subtly misrepresenting what legitimate Universities do.
Overcharge, hell yes. Tuition has skyrocketed. A student can go to a "legitimate" university and come away with a very expensive worthless degree. So I take the whole Trump U thing with a grain of salt.

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