Lawyers mock Trump: 'Too busy to be honest' about Trump U

The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.
The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

I haven't read it? , you stupid fuck. I have already memorized it

Here dumb ass read it

Tarla Makaeff, et al, vs Trump University, LLC, et al
The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

I haven't read it? , you stupid fuck. I have already memorized it

Here dumb ass read it

Tarla Makaeff, et al, vs Trump University, LLC, et al
I've been quoting extensively from that document, and other documents, for days. Documents you obviously failed to know exist.

If you had actually read these documents, then you would be admitting Trump is a piece of shit con man who, among other crimes, defrauded the elderly of their retirement nest eggs.
From that document:

Trump U preys on the elderly.

This is the biggest SCAM I’ve ever seen! My 82 year old father went to a free seminar promising to make him rich through real estate. The seminar was solely for the purpose of upselling him into attending a $1500 three day workshop by promising him they would teach him how to buy and sell foreclosures for huge profits (which is totally unrealistic because the vast majority of foreclosures today are because people are upside down in their homes) Anyway, he goes to the 3 day workshop and when he comes home we find out that they pressured him into spending $35k MORE! I don’t care who you are there is no real estate course worth $35k. Then he proceeds to tell us how the majority of people there were SENIORS like him! tricked into thinking they can make a quick profit! If this isn’t the definition of preying on the elderly then I don’t know what is.

Here's a document you missed: Complaint.pdf

From that document:

Throughout, the instructor portrays him or herself as knowledgeable in the Donald Trump way of investing and that he or she is close to Defendant Trump through firsthand accounts of Defendant Trump.

The instructor also plays on the fears of the audience, which includes a significant percentage of senior citizens. "How many of you lost a lot of your 401k investment in the market? How many of you are retired or want to retire? How many of you want to leave a legacy or property to your children or grandchildren?" The speaker encourages attendees, including the elderly, to cash out their 401K' s or increase their credit limits so they can supposedly make a higher return on their investments in the foreclosure market.
The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

I haven't read it? , you stupid fuck. I have already memorized it

Here dumb ass read it

Tarla Makaeff, et al, vs Trump University, LLC, et al
I've been quoting extensively from that document, and other documents, for days. Documents you obviously failed to know exist.

If you had actually read these documents, then you would be admitting Trump is a piece of shit con man who, among other crimes, defrauded the elderly of their retirement nest eggs.

You know HOMESCHOOLERS have been trying for years to convince courts that they should NOT be compelled to send children to government schools because they are a FRAUD without any success.

WHY is the same argument against Trump valid?

Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.
Hardly the same thing. One is a matter of social interactions and the other is Trump trying to empty your wallet, all the while saying he's doing you a favor. You know, like he's been doing since his presidential campaign started. :laugh2:
Exactly as the liberal education system is doing and cost a lot more.

I would like you to post a link/image of any liberal education system to boldly suggest anything even close to this:


or this:


no wonder Donny from Queens is upset about their release 'eh?
Overcharge, hell yes. Tuition has skyrocketed. A student can go to a "legitimate" university and come away with a very expensive worthless degree. So I take the whole Trump U thing with a grain of salt.
That's because you haven't read the court documents. Trump knows you Chumps are too stupid and lazy to do so. He knows you have the attention span of goldfish.

The up-sell

Insiders at Trump University have confirmed that the entire Trump University program is focused on the “up-sell” – the whole purpose of the free seminar is to get people to sign up for the $1,500 seminar. The purpose of the $1,500 seminar is to get people to sign up for the $35,000 seminar, and the entire purpose of that seminar is to get people to sign up for additional Seminars, products and books. Instructors were taught to be “armed with objections and rebuttals” and to “work the room with special attention to team members in possession of a credit card that needs to be run. Complaint.pdf
The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

jesus H. you can't make this shit up.

The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

I haven't read it? , you stupid fuck. I have already memorized it

Here dumb ass read it

Tarla Makaeff, et al, vs Trump University, LLC, et al
I've been quoting extensively from that document, and other documents, for days. Documents you obviously failed to know exist.

If you had actually read these documents, then you would be admitting Trump is a piece of shit con man who, among other crimes, defrauded the elderly of their retirement nest eggs.

BINGO. that POS tried to steal an old woman's home for his personal business.

Atlantic City Condemnation – Vera Coking
Public Power, Private Gain: The Abuse of Eminent Domain

Vera Coking, an elderly widow from Atlantic City, knows firsthand the power of unaccountable government agencies. The Institute for Justice successfully defended Vera against the condemnation of her home by a State agency that sought to take her property and transfer it—at a bargain-basement price—to another private individual: Donald Trump. Trump convinced the State agency to use its “eminent domain” power to take Vera’s home so he could construct a limousine parking lot for his customers—hardly a public purpose. And unfortunately, cases in which government agencies act not as protectors of constitutionally guaranteed rights, but instead as agents for powerful, private interests, have become all too common.

Thanks to IJ’s advocacy, Vera Coking won in court and enjoyed her home of more than three decades.

Atlantic City Condemnation - Vera Coking - Institute for Justice

he failed.
It's too bad the judge isn't really out to get Trump for real. I'd like to see Trump sweating in real time on Court TV, and then later on the evening news, in October as an elderly victim takes the stand.

That's what the judge would do if he was really out to fuck Trump up the ass.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?
He's been running for president since 2000. I don't think the suit has anything to do with it though. But what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The libs run with that for Hillary but have Trump guilty for much less.

He's been shooting off his mouth and toying with the idea of a Presidential run.

As for "innocent until proven guilty": 1) show me evidence that Curiel has treated Trump as though he's already guilty, and 2) how about CURIEL'S innocence in re: bias against Trump until THAT is proven?

"Liberals . . . HILLARY!" Your post is automatically invalidated by your inability to discuss Trump without running away and trying to deflect. When this discussion becomes about Hillary, or when you are talking to someone who actually supports Hillary or is in any other way responsible for her, you will be informed.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.

Blah blah blah "Everyone does it, it's okay if Trump does, OHMIGOD LOOK AT THIS OTHER PERSON! ANY OTHER PERSON!"

I'm sure you'd love to airily wave this all off as "just how it's done", but the fact of the matter is, universities DON'T engage in the behaviors that Trump U is being sued for. That's WHY there are specific provisions in the law under which Trump U can be sued: because it's not allowed. If a REAL university (you know, an accredited one that's actually allowed to call itself a university without being accused by the state Department of Education of committing fraud just in its name) were to engage in these behaviors, it would be in the same position Trump U is.
Someone explain to me why a man who wants us to elect him President on the basis of his "vast business experience" - and whose major business acumen appears to be in the area of marketing, branding, and hyping himself - doesn't know what they teach first year advertising and marketing students: you cannot lie in advertising. You can "puffery" all you like, but it has to be at least technically true.

Good grief! Trump's a very successful businessman. Not all of his enterprises have been successful, but most have. And here you are basically calling him a fool. Unreal.
In every enterprise one is going to find unhappy customers. That's right across the board.

It's to be expected.

Where’s the tax return…we can see just how “successful” he is. Oh wait…he’s hiding something.

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