Lawyers mock Trump: 'Too busy to be honest' about Trump U

Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Universities provide actual instruction, despite your efforts to bring them down to the Trump PU level.
I have a degree and know what they provide. Actual instruction? LOL. Trump's students didn't get any? You dipsticks are desperate.

So what you're basically telling us is that you have an empty degree and don't actually know shit?
I have a degree and know what they provide. Actual instruction? LOL. Trump's students didn't get any? You dipsticks are desperate.
So you're saying your degree is worthless? From your posts I'm inclined to agree.
I didn't say that was all they provided, you thought so because you are a moron. Lots of bullshit there, I never bought into the anti-capitalism garbage but, I know this is new for you, they have courses that cover various topics.

Okay, let's clarify here. You're airy-fairy claiming that Trump U didn't do anything that isn't done by all universities, and that you know this because you have a college degree. So please cite for us some examples of your university - or any accredited university - engaging in the specific charges being made against Trump U, and not subsequently being sued for fraud.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.
Engineering schools are design to defraud their students??

Where do we get engineers? From China??
Put the crack pipe down, cowboy.

You are the one suggesting Universities bilk(could be take as defraud OR to overcharge) their students.

The only consistent definition of bilk in terms of the thread is to defraud. Else, you are subtly misrepresenting what legitimate Universities do.
Overcharge, hell yes. Tuition has skyrocketed. A student can go to a "legitimate" university and come away with a very expensive worthless degree. So I take the whole Trump U thing with a grain of salt.

"Overcharge" is a matter of opinion, and it's not what Trump U is accused of. Specifically, they're accused of promising things in return for the money which they did not provide, and instead of providing instruction in the things they promised to teach, using so-called seminars to encourage people to spend even more money to finally get the instruction they were initially promised.

A student's degree may be of no use in terms of finding employment, but universities don't promise you either employment OR that your course of study will be useful in finding employment. What they promise you is that you will be educated in the subject you choose to study. Whether or not you choose to study something salable is up to you. And none of this is relevant to what Trump U is accused of.
Universities provide actual instruction, despite your efforts to bring them down to the Trump PU level.
When did colleges start to guarantee success after graduating?
Where did I say they did? They do require certification, competent instructors and a public face that doesn't tell bald-faced lies just to rake in more bucks.
Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.

Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
The court documents show a pattern of fraud and racketeering. When you read them, you quickly realize Trump is going to lose.

Not only that, you realize Trump is no different than the guy on the sidewalk running a three card Monte con.

Trump is a complete huckster.

He's running the perfect con on his Chumps. A perfect con is when the mark has no idea he's been taken for a ride, and it completely depends on the rube having a powerful desire to believe the bullshit the con man tells him.

Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

I haven't read it? , you stupid fuck. I have already memorized it

Here dumb ass read it

Tarla Makaeff, et al, vs Trump University, LLC, et al
I've been quoting extensively from that document, and other documents, for days. Documents you obviously failed to know exist.

If you had actually read these documents, then you would be admitting Trump is a piece of shit con man who, among other crimes, defrauded the elderly of their retirement nest eggs.

You know HOMESCHOOLERS have been trying for years to convince courts that they should NOT be compelled to send children to government schools because they are a FRAUD without any success.

WHY is the same argument against Trump valid?


Because public schools aren't a fraud without any success. They are a system being starved of cash. Public schools in high income areas, have bigger budgets and better resources. They regularly turn out students who are accepted to better universities, Ivy League schools even. Some of scholarships. Middle class schools are still quite decent, but they have teachers who are supplementing their class-room budgets with money out of their own pockets, even as they have two or three jobs to support themselves. But the schools of the poor are the worst. They get the least amount of money, and unlike the upper class and middle class areas, their parents can't supplement the shortfall for resources and enrichment, like the middle class parents do. They get the teachers who can't get jobs elsewhere, and who are paid the least.

Trump deliberately targeted a specific type of person, older, middle class, assets in excess of $200,000 with access to cash or credit cards to pay for a phony certificate, taught by people he personally endorsed as top drawer people, even though he had never met any of them, and didn't know who they were.

The manual doesn't list course requirements or provide an outline or a syllabus of the materials, just how to part the "students" from ever more money. No potential employer would ever recognize a degree from Trump University, and in fact, only accredited universities can call themselves "University" and he didn't have any accreditation.

The Attorney General of Texas, and the Attorney General of Florida have both admitted to getting large "donations" from Trump shortly before dropping planned lawsuits in those states against Trump and Trump University, while refusing to comment further on the reasons why they dropped the suits. If you could pin anything this juicy on Hillary Clinton, you'd be turning up at her rallies with torches and pitchforks, a vat of hot tar, and a big box of chicken feathers.
this election cycle is awesome. it shows that posters like cecilie or rabbi can post stuff, which is correct.:biggrin:
Listen stupid fuck

Has any court in any US jurisdiction ruled that parents can sue LICENSED and ACCREDITED public schools if Johnny can not read after 12 years?

No, you said.

Well Trump will lose because "courts" are biased against the wealthy .
Another rube who has not read the court documents. You should. They have the best words. Tremendous. Trump is a total disaster, believe me. It's terrific how great these documents are. Lying Donald is going to lose. Low Energy Trump couldn't even be bothered to pay attention to his racket. He lied. A lot. won't read them. Trump depends on your willful stupidity.

I haven't read it? , you stupid fuck. I have already memorized it

Here dumb ass read it

Tarla Makaeff, et al, vs Trump University, LLC, et al
I've been quoting extensively from that document, and other documents, for days. Documents you obviously failed to know exist.

If you had actually read these documents, then you would be admitting Trump is a piece of shit con man who, among other crimes, defrauded the elderly of their retirement nest eggs.

You know HOMESCHOOLERS have been trying for years to convince courts that they should NOT be compelled to send children to government schools because they are a FRAUD without any success.

WHY is the same argument against Trump valid?


Because public schools aren't a fraud without any success. They are a system being starved of cash. Public schools in high income areas, have bigger budgets and better resources. They regularly turn out students who are accepted to better universities, Ivy League schools even. Some of scholarships. Middle class schools are still quite decent, but they have teachers who are supplementing their class-room budgets with money out of their own pockets, even as they have two or three jobs to support themselves. But the schools of the poor are the worst. They get the least amount of money, and unlike the upper class and middle class areas, their parents can't supplement the shortfall for resources and enrichment, like the middle class parents do. They get the teachers who can't get jobs elsewhere, and who are paid the least.

Trump deliberately targeted a specific type of person, older, middle class, assets in excess of $200,000 with access to cash or credit cards to pay for a phony certificate, taught by people he personally endorsed as top drawer people, even though he had never met any of them, and didn't know who they were.

The manual doesn't list course requirements or provide an outline or a syllabus of the materials, just how to part the "students" from ever more money. No potential employer would ever recognize a degree from Trump University, and in fact, only accredited universities can call themselves "University" and he didn't have any accreditation.

The Attorney General of Texas, and the Attorney General of Florida have both admitted to getting large "donations" from Trump shortly before dropping planned lawsuits in those states against Trump and Trump University, while refusing to comment further on the reasons why they dropped the suits. If you could pin anything this juicy on Hillary Clinton, you'd be turning up at her rallies with torches and pitchforks, a vat of hot tar, and a big box of chicken feathers.

BTW not all Trump University are suing.

Court rules Michigan has no responsibility to provide quality public education

DETROIT — In a blow to schoolchildren statewide, the Michigan Court of Appeals ruled on Nov. 7 the State of Michigan has no legal obligation to provide a quality public education to students

The appellate court said the state has no constitutional requirement to ensure schoolchildren actually learn fundamental skills such as reading — but rather is obligated only to establish and finance a public education system, regardless of quality.
Universities provide actual instruction, despite your efforts to bring them down to the Trump PU level.
When did colleges start to guarantee success after graduating?
Where did I say they did? They do require certification, competent instructors and a public face that doesn't tell bald-faced lies just to rake in more bucks.
Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.

Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
You stupid shit, you spend well over a couple hundred thousand dollars on a college education, with no guarantees. Most of Trump university students paid $1500. I say all college students if they don't succeed they should sue. At least that's your logic.
This is such an obvious political hit job using the judiciary for Clinton.

Even for a Trumpette, that's insane. The first lawsuit against Trump U was filed in 2010, the second and third in 2013, long before Trump even announced his candidacy, let alone before he became Hillary Clinton's primary opponent. If those people were so prescient they knew they'd need a lawsuit to derail his candidacy all the way back in 2010, don't you think they'd have been prescient enough to know he was scamming them in the first place?
He's been running for president since 2000. I don't think the suit has anything to do with it though. But what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The libs run with that for Hillary but have Trump guilty for much less.

He's been shooting off his mouth and toying with the idea of a Presidential run.

As for "innocent until proven guilty": 1) show me evidence that Curiel has treated Trump as though he's already guilty, and 2) how about CURIEL'S innocence in re: bias against Trump until THAT is proven?

"Liberals . . . HILLARY!" Your post is automatically invalidated by your inability to discuss Trump without running away and trying to deflect. When this discussion becomes about Hillary, or when you are talking to someone who actually supports Hillary or is in any other way responsible for her, you will be informed.
I haven't judged the judge, why do you want me to prove his innocence or guilt? You're the one deflecting here kiddo.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.

Blah blah blah "Everyone does it, it's okay if Trump does, OHMIGOD LOOK AT THIS OTHER PERSON! ANY OTHER PERSON!"

I'm sure you'd love to airily wave this all off as "just how it's done", but the fact of the matter is, universities DON'T engage in the behaviors that Trump U is being sued for. That's WHY there are specific provisions in the law under which Trump U can be sued: because it's not allowed. If a REAL university (you know, an accredited one that's actually allowed to call itself a university without being accused by the state Department of Education of committing fraud just in its name) were to engage in these behaviors, it would be in the same position Trump U is.
I don't know the particulars of the case. All I've seen so far is guilt until proven innocent by lefties, and apparently you. My point was the selective outrage, people can and do go to universities, spend a bundle, deeply in debt for many years and with nothing practical to use. Trump U sounds more like a trade school to me.

Come back with some facts instead of lashing out at me for being the representative of all things evil in your mind.
Universities provide actual instruction, despite your efforts to bring them down to the Trump PU level.
When did colleges start to guarantee success after graduating?
Where did I say they did? They do require certification, competent instructors and a public face that doesn't tell bald-faced lies just to rake in more bucks.
Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.

Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
You stupid shit, you spend well over a couple hundred thousand dollars on a college education, with no guarantees. Most of Trump university students paid $1500. I say all college students if they don't succeed they should sue. At least that's your logic.

You stupid shit, LIFE doesn't give the kind of guarantees you talk about, and they're not at all analogous to the guarantees Trump is accused of reneging on.

If the college taught you the subject you paid to learn, if they provided regular classes with teachers who knew the subject, if they gave you college credits that could be transferred to other accredited colleges when and where they promised to do so, if they gave you a degree, then you got everything you were guaranteed by them. If you chose a line of study that was utterly useless, if you didn't bother to research your field to find out what kind of likelihood you had of getting a job in it after college, if you didn't bother to study and go to class, all of that is on YOU.

Trump U, on the other hand, is accused of engaging in activities NO accredited college engages in, that have nothing to do with the normal operation of an educational institution. And if you got off your Trump kneepads and stopped frantically defending him for two seconds to actually RESEARCH the damned lawsuits, you'd know that.
When did colleges start to guarantee success after graduating?
Where did I say they did? They do require certification, competent instructors and a public face that doesn't tell bald-faced lies just to rake in more bucks.
Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.

Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
You stupid shit, you spend well over a couple hundred thousand dollars on a college education, with no guarantees. Most of Trump university students paid $1500. I say all college students if they don't succeed they should sue. At least that's your logic.

You stupid shit, LIFE doesn't give the kind of guarantees you talk about, and they're not at all analogous to the guarantees Trump is accused of reneging on.

If the college taught you the subject you paid to learn, if they provided regular classes with teachers who knew the subject, if they gave you college credits that could be transferred to other accredited colleges when and where they promised to do so, if they gave you a degree, then you got everything you were guaranteed by them. If you chose a line of study that was utterly useless, if you didn't bother to research your field to find out what kind of likelihood you had of getting a job in it after college, if you didn't bother to study and go to class, all of that is on YOU.

Trump U, on the other hand, is accused of engaging in activities NO accredited college engages in, that have nothing to do with the normal operation of an educational institution. And if you got off your Trump kneepads and stopped frantically defending him for two seconds to actually RESEARCH the damned lawsuits, you'd know that.
You stupid shit, we have high school graduates that cannot read. Should they sue your precious government?
Where did I say they did? They do require certification, competent instructors and a public face that doesn't tell bald-faced lies just to rake in more bucks.
Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.

Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
You stupid shit, you spend well over a couple hundred thousand dollars on a college education, with no guarantees. Most of Trump university students paid $1500. I say all college students if they don't succeed they should sue. At least that's your logic.

You stupid shit, LIFE doesn't give the kind of guarantees you talk about, and they're not at all analogous to the guarantees Trump is accused of reneging on.

If the college taught you the subject you paid to learn, if they provided regular classes with teachers who knew the subject, if they gave you college credits that could be transferred to other accredited colleges when and where they promised to do so, if they gave you a degree, then you got everything you were guaranteed by them. If you chose a line of study that was utterly useless, if you didn't bother to research your field to find out what kind of likelihood you had of getting a job in it after college, if you didn't bother to study and go to class, all of that is on YOU.

Trump U, on the other hand, is accused of engaging in activities NO accredited college engages in, that have nothing to do with the normal operation of an educational institution. And if you got off your Trump kneepads and stopped frantically defending him for two seconds to actually RESEARCH the damned lawsuits, you'd know that.
You stupid shit, we have high school graduates that cannot read. Should they sue your precious government?

"My precious government"? Frankly, you just invalidated any need on my part to treat you as an intelligent human being - or a human being at all - with that one ignorant, kneejerk "thought is for elitists" phrase.

But I'm feeling generous today.

1) We're talking about colleges, not primary schools, shitforbrains.

2) It depends on WHY they can't read. If the teaching and opportunity to absorb it were made available, and the little shit was too busy cutting class to smoke weed behind the gym, then that's on him. If the school was too busy teaching him to put condoms on cucumbers (which I've always maintained is REALLY setting kids up for disappointment by comparison later on), how Heather has two mommies, and how people with penises can "feelz" like girls and didn't bother to spend time explaining the alphabet, then yes. He should absolutely sue everyone responsible for educating him.

3) The point is, he CAN sue them, because they promise that, in exchange for sending them our kids and our tax money, they WILL educate them in things like English, math, etc. He can't sue them if he can't get a job at McDonald's running the Fry-O-Lator afterwards, unless they actually promised at some point that running that Fry-O-Lator was going to be the result of their teaching.

Trump U is being sued because it promised things it didn't deliver on.
Lol, with the liberal education system has raised a generation that needs safe places if they see or hear something they disagree with. Almost every college should be sued if Trump gets sued.

Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
You stupid shit, you spend well over a couple hundred thousand dollars on a college education, with no guarantees. Most of Trump university students paid $1500. I say all college students if they don't succeed they should sue. At least that's your logic.

You stupid shit, LIFE doesn't give the kind of guarantees you talk about, and they're not at all analogous to the guarantees Trump is accused of reneging on.

If the college taught you the subject you paid to learn, if they provided regular classes with teachers who knew the subject, if they gave you college credits that could be transferred to other accredited colleges when and where they promised to do so, if they gave you a degree, then you got everything you were guaranteed by them. If you chose a line of study that was utterly useless, if you didn't bother to research your field to find out what kind of likelihood you had of getting a job in it after college, if you didn't bother to study and go to class, all of that is on YOU.

Trump U, on the other hand, is accused of engaging in activities NO accredited college engages in, that have nothing to do with the normal operation of an educational institution. And if you got off your Trump kneepads and stopped frantically defending him for two seconds to actually RESEARCH the damned lawsuits, you'd know that.
You stupid shit, we have high school graduates that cannot read. Should they sue your precious government?

"My precious government"? Frankly, you just invalidated any need on my part to treat you as an intelligent human being - or a human being at all - with that one ignorant, kneejerk "thought is for elitists" phrase.

But I'm feeling generous today.

1) We're talking about colleges, not primary schools, shitforbrains.

2) It depends on WHY they can't read. If the teaching and opportunity to absorb it were made available, and the little shit was too busy cutting class to smoke weed behind the gym, then that's on him. If the school was too busy teaching him to put condoms on cucumbers (which I've always maintained is REALLY setting kids up for disappointment by comparison later on), how Heather has two mommies, and how people with penises can "feelz" like girls and didn't bother to spend time explaining the alphabet, then yes. He should absolutely sue everyone responsible for educating him.

3) The point is, he CAN sue them, because they promise that, in exchange for sending them our kids and our tax money, they WILL educate them in things like English, math, etc. He can't sue them if he can't get a job at McDonald's running the Fry-O-Lator afterwards, unless they actually promised at some point that running that Fry-O-Lator was going to be the result of their teaching.

Trump U is being sued because it promised things it didn't deliver on.
No, you stupid fuck. The government education system takes our money saying they will educate our children. They are failing and should be sued if Trump can be.
Universities SHOULD teach students to be strong, intelligent adults, but since they don't actually PROMISE to do so - and frankly, no one EXPECTS them to do so, these days - they haven't actually defrauded anyone by not doing so.

Can't imagine what the fuck you think that has to do with Trump U or why they're being sued, though. Could you grasp any more desperately at an even more vague, irrelevant straw?
You stupid shit, you spend well over a couple hundred thousand dollars on a college education, with no guarantees. Most of Trump university students paid $1500. I say all college students if they don't succeed they should sue. At least that's your logic.

You stupid shit, LIFE doesn't give the kind of guarantees you talk about, and they're not at all analogous to the guarantees Trump is accused of reneging on.

If the college taught you the subject you paid to learn, if they provided regular classes with teachers who knew the subject, if they gave you college credits that could be transferred to other accredited colleges when and where they promised to do so, if they gave you a degree, then you got everything you were guaranteed by them. If you chose a line of study that was utterly useless, if you didn't bother to research your field to find out what kind of likelihood you had of getting a job in it after college, if you didn't bother to study and go to class, all of that is on YOU.

Trump U, on the other hand, is accused of engaging in activities NO accredited college engages in, that have nothing to do with the normal operation of an educational institution. And if you got off your Trump kneepads and stopped frantically defending him for two seconds to actually RESEARCH the damned lawsuits, you'd know that.
You stupid shit, we have high school graduates that cannot read. Should they sue your precious government?

"My precious government"? Frankly, you just invalidated any need on my part to treat you as an intelligent human being - or a human being at all - with that one ignorant, kneejerk "thought is for elitists" phrase.

But I'm feeling generous today.

1) We're talking about colleges, not primary schools, shitforbrains.

2) It depends on WHY they can't read. If the teaching and opportunity to absorb it were made available, and the little shit was too busy cutting class to smoke weed behind the gym, then that's on him. If the school was too busy teaching him to put condoms on cucumbers (which I've always maintained is REALLY setting kids up for disappointment by comparison later on), how Heather has two mommies, and how people with penises can "feelz" like girls and didn't bother to spend time explaining the alphabet, then yes. He should absolutely sue everyone responsible for educating him.

3) The point is, he CAN sue them, because they promise that, in exchange for sending them our kids and our tax money, they WILL educate them in things like English, math, etc. He can't sue them if he can't get a job at McDonald's running the Fry-O-Lator afterwards, unless they actually promised at some point that running that Fry-O-Lator was going to be the result of their teaching.

Trump U is being sued because it promised things it didn't deliver on.
No, you stupid fuck. The government education system takes our money saying they will educate our children. They are failing and should be sued if Trump can be.

Education Lawsuits in the News -

And unlike Trump U, I not only educated you, but I didn't even ask you to max out your credit cards for it. You're welcome.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.

Blah blah blah "Everyone does it, it's okay if Trump does, OHMIGOD LOOK AT THIS OTHER PERSON! ANY OTHER PERSON!"

I'm sure you'd love to airily wave this all off as "just how it's done", but the fact of the matter is, universities DON'T engage in the behaviors that Trump U is being sued for. That's WHY there are specific provisions in the law under which Trump U can be sued: because it's not allowed. If a REAL university (you know, an accredited one that's actually allowed to call itself a university without being accused by the state Department of Education of committing fraud just in its name) were to engage in these behaviors, it would be in the same position Trump U is.
I don't know the particulars of the case. All I've seen so far is guilt until proven innocent by lefties, and apparently you. My point was the selective outrage, people can and do go to universities, spend a bundle, deeply in debt for many years and with nothing practical to use. Trump U sounds more like a trade school to me.

Come back with some facts instead of lashing out at me for being the representative of all things evil in your mind.

I don't assume he's guilty. I'm actually looking at the available evidence so far, which is pretty negative. Mostly, I've been talking about how YOU act, not about Trump.

There's nothing "selective" about the outrage. For the most part, universities give you exactly what you pay for. Is it ridiculously expensive? Sometimes. Is it fraud? No.
Bilking people out of tens of thousands of dollars and calling it "puffery" is orders of magnitude different from putting out a clearly ordinary vodka and charging a premium price, just because it has the Trump name on it. Branding has a long and storied history in American business, but with Trump U Lyin' Don moved into Scientology-type scam territory.
Universities made bilking students out of their money, backed by mother government, a cottage industry. This is selective outrage. THAT is what's political about it.

Blah blah blah "Everyone does it, it's okay if Trump does, OHMIGOD LOOK AT THIS OTHER PERSON! ANY OTHER PERSON!"

I'm sure you'd love to airily wave this all off as "just how it's done", but the fact of the matter is, universities DON'T engage in the behaviors that Trump U is being sued for. That's WHY there are specific provisions in the law under which Trump U can be sued: because it's not allowed. If a REAL university (you know, an accredited one that's actually allowed to call itself a university without being accused by the state Department of Education of committing fraud just in its name) were to engage in these behaviors, it would be in the same position Trump U is.
I don't know the particulars of the case. All I've seen so far is guilt until proven innocent by lefties, and apparently you. My point was the selective outrage, people can and do go to universities, spend a bundle, deeply in debt for many years and with nothing practical to use. Trump U sounds more like a trade school to me.

Come back with some facts instead of lashing out at me for being the representative of all things evil in your mind.

I don't assume he's guilty. I'm actually looking at the available evidence so far, which is pretty negative. Mostly, I've been talking about how YOU act, not about Trump.

There's nothing "selective" about the outrage. For the most part, universities give you exactly what you pay for. Is it ridiculously expensive? Sometimes. Is it fraud? No.
Universities give you exactly what you pay for? Feel free to believe that. I honestly don't give a fuck about how you feel about me.
The judge belongs to Mexican equivalent of KKK.

Surely there was no bias.

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