Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Take it up with the news, Biden got the prosecutor fired for looking into the corruption.
John Solomon isn’t news. He’s a right wing hack who propagates conspiracy theories. His claim is completely unsupported. He just says it and expect you to believe it.
What a stupid question…
The details of the bribery, who paid it, where exactly the money went and in exchange for what? The evidence showing that this happened….
Biden bribed the Ukrainian government to get the prosecutor who was looking into burisma corruption fired. Is that simple enough for you? Burisma a cash cow for Hunter and himself. Why would you support this type of extortion? Are you a traitor like Joe?
John Solomon isn’t news. He’s a right wing hack who propagates conspiracy theories. His claim is completely unsupported. He just says it and expect you to believe it.
Now it's my turn to say you are wrong. He provides plenty of evidence in his article. Even a link to Joe and his quid pro quo with the billion dollars for Ukrainian government. Are you disputing that?
Where it talks about Devin Archers sworn testimony. Maybe you should read the article, it might clear up a lot of your questions
Didn't he testify almost a year ago? When will Comer file charges based on Archer testimony? Second Tuesday of Next Week?

No, he didn't. He communicated the Obama administration policy. Biden himself can set no such policy. He can't withhold funding to anything.

You insist that Biden set a policy he had no authority to set. AND can't factually establish any bribe. By any specific individual. Demanding anything in return. Nor Biden enacting any such policy or even being ABLE to enact such policy.

You literally imagine it all, playing pretend.

Which explains why Comer still can't name a specific crime that Joe Biden committed, backed with evidence. Just excuses why he couldn't, and promises that he will.
Actually Joe Biden did! Regardless of what you say. Click the link in the article where he brags about it LOL. You really are a dumbass
Actually Joe Biden did! Regardless of what you say. Click the link in the article where he brags about it LOL. You really are a dumbass

VP's lack the authority to cut funding to anything. Any policy on Ukraine had to be authorized by Obama. Your conspiracy is not only factually baseless, its a legal impossibility.

Joe was communicating the Obama administrations own policy.

You can't establish any bribe. You can't establish by whom. You can't establish any communicated expectation for the bribe. You can't establish that Joe enacted anything because of any bribe. You can't even establish that Joe COULD establish the policy at hand, as a VP can't cut funding to anything.

Again, you've got jackshit. You've always had jackshit.
Biden bribed the Ukrainian government to get the prosecutor who was looking into burisma corruption fired. Is that simple enough for you? Burisma a cash cow for Hunter and himself. Why would you support this type of extortion? Are you a traitor like Joe?

You don't understand how those foreign loan guarantees work do you? It was Obama's decision to base the loans on Ukraine cleaning up their endemic corruption, which included the prosecutor in question. Along with Ukrainian ethics groups, the EU, and the IMF, thought that Shokin had to go. Obama delegated the authority to negotiate the terms to his VP. They wanted the former owner of Bursima to be investigated but Shokin was allegedly slow walking the process.
Didn't he testify almost a year ago? When will Comer file charges based on Archer testimony? Second Tuesday of Next Week?

You just have to be able to put together and assimilate the evidence to see the criminality of the bidens. Something that you obviously have trouble with. Let's wait and hear the report that is impending. Then get back to me. The Bidens sure look guilty to me. Joe is obviously too brain-dead to prosecute so that is a problem, he'll probably get away with his malfeasance
VP's lack the authority to cut funding to anything. Any policy on Ukraine had to be authorized by Obama. Your conspiracy is not only factually baseless, its a legal impossibility.

Joe was communicating the Obama administrations own policy.

You can't establish any bribe. You can't establish by whom. You can't establish any communicated expectation for the bribe. You can't establish that Joe enacted anything because of any bribe. You can't even establish that Joe COULD establish the policy at hand, as a VP can't cut funding to anything.

Again, you've got jackshit. You've always had jackshit.
Again it's been established. You are just either too stupid or brain-dead to see it. All you have is whining and crying, it's not going to get you anywhere
You don't understand how those foreign loan guarantees work do you? It was Obama's decision to base the loans on Ukraine cleaning up their endemic corruption, which included the prosecutor in question. Along with Ukrainian ethics groups, the EU, and the IMF, thought that Shokin had to go. Obama delegated the authopayerrity to negotiate the terms to his VP. They wanted the former owner of Bursima to be investigated but Shokin was allegedly slow walking the process.
Funny how Joe bragged about getting the prosecutor looking into Hunter's business fired. He leverage.d Obama's (taxpayers money) to do it. Funny how the Democrats impeached Trump for wanting to look into this impropriety and Corruption. How dishonest
Again it's been established. You are just either too stupid or brain-dead to see it. All you have is whining and crying, it's not going to get you anywhere

Again, it isn't. You can't factually establish any briber. You can't establish any specific demand for the bribe. You can't establish Biden enacting any policy in exchange for money.

You have a story, backed by no specific evidence.

Biden can't even cut the funding in question. That's a decision for the Obama administration. So your silly, baseless conspiracy is a legal impossibility. In addition to be pristinely fact free.
Now it's my turn to say you are wrong. He provides plenty of evidence in his article. Even a link to Joe and his quid pro quo with the billion dollars for Ukrainian government. Are you disputing that?
No one disputes that Biden threatened to hold up the funding because of Shokin. That was reported consistently and is no secret.

The unsupported part is that Shokin was investigating Zlochevsky. There’s no evidence of this and Solomon claims this happened but provides zero evidence.
Funny how Joe bragged about getting the prosecutor looking into Hunter's business fired. He leverage.d Obama's (taxpayers money) to do it. Funny how the Democrats impeached Trump for wanting to look into this impropriety and Corruption. How dishonest

Again, Biden couldn't cut funding to anything. Only Obama can. Or congress.

He was communicating Obama's policy. There's no evidence of a bribe. There's no evidence of a demand in exchange for money. There's no evidence of Biden enacting any policy in exchange for money.

Or even could.

You're hitting the same brickwall of conspiracy that Comer has splattered upon for the last year and change. If the evidence existed to prove this factually, Biden would already be impeached.

But no such evidence exists.
The specific is, they got money.
It’s a ruse from you all asking who, when, where,how and on and on
Wrong. It’s not a ruse it’s how things work when you make accusations criminal activity. You parrot crap you hear from a very biased media and when pressed on details you don’t have any. Get a clue you are making yourself look like a useful idiot
Biden bribed the Ukrainian government to get the prosecutor who was looking into burisma corruption fired. Is that simple enough for you?
That wasn’t illegal. That was a his job as mandated by our foreign policy. Congress even signed a litter calling for reforms to that prosecutors office.

You need to get your facts straight. You implying that Biden sat down in front of cameras and illegally bribed a foreign official is ludicrous. How can you be so dumb as to believe such nonsense and expect others to?
You just have to be able to put together and assimilate the evidence to see the criminality of the bidens.
Not at all. It is up to the prosecutor to bring the evidence to the Grand Jury to get an indictment. Then the prosecution has to take that evidence to court, in front of a jury and the jury will decide. So get back to me when a Grand Jury indicts Joe.

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