Lean Forward; The Left's Pre-K And K12 Homosexual Brainwashing Program


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

Since Obama was inaugurated what has been the most pressing issues he and his friends on the left have been talking about?

1. Gun violence
2. Immigration
3. Gays in the boy scouts
4. Education for Pre-K children
5. Income inequality

He's not worried out spending. As a matter of fact every Democrat says we have everything "but" a spending problem. He's not worried about National Defense. He's currently gutting the military, pushing out thousands of soldiers into a poor job market yet he's building new military facilities at a massive rate. Empty buildings that we can't afford to maintain are being built all over the country.

We're currently in the middle of a two week recess in Congress yet we're 15 days from sequestration hitting us hard. Nobody on the left seems to care. They're talking about new expensive education programs starting practically from birth re-educating our children to think the way most Harvard students think.

Why is the left focusing so much on education now? Fact is Democrats need an uneducated workforce and an uneducated electorate to stay in power. Low-information voters are essential to maintain their base. Why do they think that education is so important to them?

Answer: They don't want our kids to be more knowledgeable, they simply want them educated the politically correct way.

If our kids are taught to be able to figure things out for themselves that is counter productive to the left. The big push is indoctrination. Teach kids to be more accepting of Gays or Transsexuals. That is more important than History, Math, English, and Science. These new Pre-K programs aren't going to be designed to help children to succeed. They will be used to teach our kids, without our permission, all about the Gay lifestyle and about Same-sex relationships.

Why is this so important to President Obama and the left?

Gay issues are considered by the Obama Administration to be one of the top priorities. Why? Because it has several aspects about it that helps them. Number one being that it is everything the GOP stands against, at least for the time being. It is a way of marginalizing his opposition and fracturing the rightwing base. Number two, it makes it easier to push his destructive programs down the throats of the public when they aren't so prone to be judgmental thus principled. Imagine using the education of our children to transform this country into Europe. The Christian Right will be out in the cold being labeled as radicals and outcasts while the real radicals are living in the warm protection of government sponsored diversity programs.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.


Schools will be seeing a lot more of these! Poster in Acton-Boxborough High School in Acton, Mass. in 2007. [MassResistance photo]

Cardinal O?Malley on the David Parker case and gay indoctrination in schools * Bettnet.com

How the Mass. 'transgender rights' law is changing the schools

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It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

They don't see it that way. They only see that the way things were was bad for them.

They figure this time they can do it right because they are smarter and more prepared for the unintended consequences of these programs.
Some say I shouldn't be bringing this subject up.

Well, if I don't who will.

Keeping quiet is the work of political correctness.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNlwQANTePo]Dr. Benjamin Carson's Incredible Speech - National Prayer Breakfast PART 1 - YouTube[/ame]
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

They don't see it that way. They only see that the way things were was bad for them.

They figure this time they can do it right because they are smarter and more prepared for the unintended consequences of these programs.

They stick to race, sex, issues so as to dumb down the populace. Actual learning, critical thought, and thinking logically are not conducive to a dumb state.
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

The US will be no different than Rome if we continue on our current path. Caligula comes to mind.

We have to resist the urge to thinking in the extreme.

Fact is Obama has no intention of actually doing what the right feels he wants to do.

Obama simply wants us to fight over whatever issue he proposes.

The left is different. They want something accomplished. Accomplishing goals is counter productive to a despot. They need a strawman to focus the public's rage on. Obama doesn't want the left to get everything they want because that renders him irrelevant. Once they get their way he's not needed.

A prime example is the new bill Democrats in Missouri confiscating guns. Obama doesn't want to actually confiscate them, but he does love the fact that someone is trying to stop him from doing it. He leaves the heavy-lifting to idiots on the left.

If you want to know what the focus is at the moment in the White House tune into MSNBC. They are Obama's propaganda arm. What they're talking about is what he's trying to push down our throats. Today is was Pre-k education. A couple of weeks ago they panned the movie "Zero Dark Thirty" but praised "Django".

These folks are crazy. The killing of white people by a black man on a vendetta was more admirable than taking down the worst terrorist in our history.
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Darn liberals! How dare they include $250 million in the Obamacare bill to pay for abstinence teaching in sex ed.

Health bill restores $250 million in abstinence-education funds

What kinda leftist/gay/prevert conspiracy is that?

So what.

This simply ads to the confusion.

Anything Obama produces is filled with hypocrisy and contrary thoughts.

Adding this to the law might be a bribe to get a conservative to vote for it.

I'm sure it confuses you because it doesn't fit neatly inside your OMG! OBAMA! conspiracy box.
Darn liberals! How dare they include $250 million in the Obamacare bill to pay for abstinence teaching in sex ed.

Health bill restores $250 million in abstinence-education funds

What kinda leftist/gay/prevert conspiracy is that?

So what.

This simply ads to the confusion.

Anything Obama produces is filled with hypocrisy and contrary thoughts.

Adding this to the law might be a bribe to get a conservative to vote for it.

$250 million is pretty expensive to inject confusion. So you're finding micro conspiracies now?
Since Obama was inaugurated what has been the most pressing issues he and his friends on the left have been talking about?

1. Gun violence
2. Immigration
3. Gays in the boy scouts
4. Education for Pre-K children
5. Income inequality

He's not worried out spending. As a matter of fact every Democrat says we have everything "but" a spending problem. He's not worried about National Defense. He's currently gutting the military, pushing out thousands of soldiers into a poor job market yet he's building new military facilities at a massive rate. Empty buildings that we can't afford to maintain are being built all over the country.

We're currently in the middle of a two week recess in Congress yet we're 15 days from sequestration hitting us hard. Nobody on the left seems to care. They're talking about new expensive education programs starting practically from birth re-educating our children to think the way most Harvard students think.

Why is the left focusing so much on education now? Fact is Democrats need an uneducated workforce and an uneducated electorate to stay in power. Low-information voters are essential to maintain their base. Why do they think that education is so important to them?

Answer: They don't want our kids to be more knowledgeable, they simply want them educated the politically correct way.

If our kids are taught to be able to figure things out for themselves that is counter productive to the left. The big push is indoctrination. Teach kids to be more accepting of Gays or Transsexuals. That is more important than History, Math, English, and Science. These new Pre-K programs aren't going to be designed to help children to succeed. They will be used to teach our kids, without our permission, all about the Gay lifestyle and about Same-sex relationships.

Why is this so important to President Obama and the left?

Gay issues are considered by the Obama Administration to be one of the top priorities. Why? Because it has several aspects about it that helps them. Number one being that it is everything the GOP stands against, at least for the time being. It is a way of marginalizing his opposition and fracturing the rightwing base. Number two, it makes it easier to push his destructive programs down the throats of the public when they aren't so prone to be judgmental thus principled. Imagine using the education of our children to transform this country into Europe. The Christian Right will be out in the cold being labeled as radicals and outcasts while the real radicals are living in the warm protection of government sponsored diversity programs.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Another pile of poorly substantiated, homophobic, god-bothering, intolerant, partisan crap. You obviously have too much time on your hands and not enough brainpower to handle the challenge of filling it up.
I am not gay, but teaching gay tolerance is key in being successful as an adult, because a man that is willing to suck a dick, knows how to take care of business.
Since Obama was inaugurated what has been the most pressing issues he and his friends on the left have been talking about?

1. Gun violence
2. Immigration
3. Gays in the boy scouts
4. Education for Pre-K children
5. Income inequality

He's not worried out spending. As a matter of fact every Democrat says we have everything "but" a spending problem. He's not worried about National Defense. He's currently gutting the military, pushing out thousands of soldiers into a poor job market yet he's building new military facilities at a massive rate. Empty buildings that we can't afford to maintain are being built all over the country.

We're currently in the middle of a two week recess in Congress yet we're 15 days from sequestration hitting us hard. Nobody on the left seems to care. They're talking about new expensive education programs starting practically from birth re-educating our children to think the way most Harvard students think.

Why is the left focusing so much on education now? Fact is Democrats need an uneducated workforce and an uneducated electorate to stay in power. Low-information voters are essential to maintain their base. Why do they think that education is so important to them?

Answer: They don't want our kids to be more knowledgeable, they simply want them educated the politically correct way.

If our kids are taught to be able to figure things out for themselves that is counter productive to the left. The big push is indoctrination. Teach kids to be more accepting of Gays or Transsexuals. That is more important than History, Math, English, and Science. These new Pre-K programs aren't going to be designed to help children to succeed. They will be used to teach our kids, without our permission, all about the Gay lifestyle and about Same-sex relationships.

Why is this so important to President Obama and the left?

Gay issues are considered by the Obama Administration to be one of the top priorities. Why? Because it has several aspects about it that helps them. Number one being that it is everything the GOP stands against, at least for the time being. It is a way of marginalizing his opposition and fracturing the rightwing base. Number two, it makes it easier to push his destructive programs down the throats of the public when they aren't so prone to be judgmental thus principled. Imagine using the education of our children to transform this country into Europe. The Christian Right will be out in the cold being labeled as radicals and outcasts while the real radicals are living in the warm protection of government sponsored diversity programs.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.

Another pile of poorly substantiated, homophobic, god-bothering, intolerant, partisan crap. You obviously have too much time on your hands and not enough brainpower to handle the challenge of filling it up.

LOL, from the guy who is too afraid to use his previous handle ~rolleyes~
It's the fall of Rome all over again. Fucken libs have never been able to learn from history.

Fall of Rome?

What the fuck are you talking about?

YOU apparently don't know history.

What, you think Rome fell because of... ANY of these things?

1. Gun violence
2. Immigration
3. Gays in the boy scouts
4. Education for Pre-K children
5. Income inequality
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Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators. That's OK, though, because they are so much smarter than we are. So we need to just shut up and leave it to professionals who are "scientifically" trained.

The sad truth is that schools of education are receptacles for the dregs of academia. Courses include such profound studies as the operation of video devices and how to determine reading level by the number of multi-syballic words a child understands.

Classroom discipline models are taught, usually with a Skinnerian basis, reducing our children to the level of rats in a maze. Standardized tests are anathema because they know full well that our children won't pass them because they aren't given the tools to do so under our present system. In fact, most teachers couldn't pass them because they are victims of the same educational system.

Oddly, this downhill slide started when the federal government, in all its glorified wisdom, decided to form the Department of Education. The name is Orwellian in nature. It should be named the Department of Stilted Ignorance.
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Public schools, and to a lesser degree, the military, are just one big ol' Skinner box for liberal neo-scientists to run addle-pated experiments. You'd think that real scientists would be open to teleological examination of living matter, but, hell no. Their big objection is that evidence of design implies a designer -- and we certainly can't have that.


Instead, our children are being taught an amoral, nihilistic view of the universe against the wishes of parents and responsible administrators. That's OK, though, because they are so much smarter than we are. So we need to just shut up and leave it to professionals who are "scientifically" trained.

The sad truth is that schools of education are receptacles for the dregs of academia. Courses include such profound studies as the operation of video devices and how to determine reading level by the number of multi-syballic words a child understands.

Classroom discipline models are taught, usually with a Skinnerian basis, reducing our children to the level of rats in a maze. Standardized tests are anathema because they know full well that our children won't pass them because they aren't given the tools to do so under our present system. In fact, most teachers couldn't pass them because they are victims of the same educational system.

Oddly, this downhill slide started when the federal government, in all its glorified wisdom, decided to form the Department of Education. The name is Orwellian in nature. It should be named the Department of Stilted Ignorance.

And yet like the OP you fail to provide any objective, documented, accepted evidence that this is a ‘program’ orchestrated or advocated by ‘the left.’

This is mere subjective partisan opinion.

Since Obama was inaugurated what has been the most pressing issues he and his friends on the left have been talking about?

1. Gun violence
2. Immigration
3. Gays in the boy scouts
4. Education for Pre-K children
5. Income inequality

He's not worried out spending. As a matter of fact every Democrat says we have everything "but" a spending problem. He's not worried about National Defense. He's currently gutting the military, pushing out thousands of soldiers into a poor job market yet he's building new military facilities at a massive rate. Empty buildings that we can't afford to maintain are being built all over the country.

We're currently in the middle of a two week recess in Congress yet we're 15 days from sequestration hitting us hard. Nobody on the left seems to care. They're talking about new expensive education programs starting practically from birth re-educating our children to think the way most Harvard students think.

Why is the left focusing so much on education now? Fact is Democrats need an uneducated workforce and an uneducated electorate to stay in power. Low-information voters are essential to maintain their base. Why do they think that education is so important to them?

Answer: They don't want our kids to be more knowledgeable, they simply want them educated the politically correct way.

If our kids are taught to be able to figure things out for themselves that is counter productive to the left. The big push is indoctrination. Teach kids to be more accepting of Gays or Transsexuals. That is more important than History, Math, English, and Science. These new Pre-K programs aren't going to be designed to help children to succeed. They will be used to teach our kids, without our permission, all about the Gay lifestyle and about Same-sex relationships.

Why is this so important to President Obama and the left?

Gay issues are considered by the Obama Administration to be one of the top priorities. Why? Because it has several aspects about it that helps them. Number one being that it is everything the GOP stands against, at least for the time being. It is a way of marginalizing his opposition and fracturing the rightwing base. Number two, it makes it easier to push his destructive programs down the throats of the public when they aren't so prone to be judgmental thus principled. Imagine using the education of our children to transform this country into Europe. The Christian Right will be out in the cold being labeled as radicals and outcasts while the real radicals are living in the warm protection of government sponsored diversity programs.

Our country was founded on strong Christian principles. What better way to attack this than teaching our kids to hate God through brainwashing thus changing our way of thinking.


Schools will be seeing a lot more of these! Poster in Acton-Boxborough High School in Acton, Mass. in 2007. [MassResistance photo]

Cardinal O?Malley on the David Parker case and gay indoctrination in schools * Bettnet.com

How the Mass. 'transgender rights' law is changing the schools

Another Liberal Judge Gives Child Molester Outrageous Sentence | Judicial Watch

It is all part of our plan to get your kids after we take your guns.

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