Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship

Here we go again. Our totally fruitlooped quartet singing this stupidity again. And when the once again peaceful transistion from the Obama Presidency to the next elected President occures on 20Jan17 as scheduled, with this bunch of retards say 'we were wrong'? No, what they will state is "We scared the fascist-commies with our pop guns, and they didn't try it this time".

These poor assholes are so mentally deficient that they must have some wild ass conspiracy theory to be up in arms about or their lives have no meaning. Best humor them until they toddle off the the nursing home at the age of 45.

Old Rocks, did you notice you mention not one counter-fact, not one line of rebuttal or reason.

You are turning into another typical libtard bullshit liar, and that is a shame.

You used to be reasonable.

You used to be reasonable. <--------<<<< when was that ? i would bet his mother would refute that. :lmao:
"...but it does not alter the fact that some of your fellow progressives are calling for a third Obama term."

link, please....
Umm...you're kidding, right? :eusa_eh:

Read the OP.

Dave libtards don't read data from opposed sources. It might cause them to doubt their closed minded blind faith in a 19th century ideology called Marxism.
Indeed. If it's not mentioned on MSNBC, DailyKOS, HuffPo, or CBS, it simply didn't happen.

Magical thinking. It's a common progressive failing.
But that's not what's going on here.

Progressives in this thread are denying that their fellow progressives said what they actually said.

No, we are saying that we are taking over, as planned. Please try to keep up.

I'm sorry; I can't hear you over the sound of how irrelevant you are.

If I were not relevant, you would noy reply.
OK, let's be real and look at how Obie has (ab)used executive power, as compared to Reagan.

For example, how many times did Reagan just make up bankruptcy law out of whole cloth, so he could use the Treasury to pay off his political allies?

That's complete bullshit.

In addition Reagan CAUSED financial catastrophes that REQUIRED tax payer bailouts.

Guess you forgot that.

Obama VIOLATED bankruptcy law/principles, and used executive power to emplace new regs that protected the unions first instead of the primary lenders/creditors the way it once worked before.

With Obamacare he has ordered insurers to re-instate policies that are in violation of his own ACA law, without due legislative action, he simply did it by decree, and he orders around private industry simply by decree. Obama is acting like a dictator when it suits him.

So, once again, you lie, sling bullshit and attempt to deflect demonstrating again what a fucking waste of time you are.

The first paragraph is absolutely true.

Could you link the second? As I understand it, he has only asked insurers not to drop policies.
Here we go again. Our totally fruitlooped quartet singing this stupidity again. And when the once again peaceful transistion from the Obama Presidency to the next elected President occures on 20Jan17 as scheduled, with this bunch of retards say 'we were wrong'? No, what they will state is "We scared the fascist-commies with our pop guns, and they didn't try it this time".

These poor assholes are so mentally deficient that they must have some wild ass conspiracy theory to be up in arms about or their lives have no meaning. Best humor them until they toddle off the the nursing home at the age of 45.

Old Rocks, did you notice you mention not one counter-fact, not one line of rebuttal or reason.

You are turning into another typical libtard bullshit liar, and that is a shame.

You used to be reasonable.

You used to be reasonable. <--------<<<< when was that ? i would bet his mother would refute that. :lmao:

You really think Obama is gearing up for a dictatorship?
Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship

The right needs to ‘gear up’ support for mental health treatment for any conservative who believes the idiocy expressed in the OP.
Hey, dumbass: The idiocy is that Obama should have a third term.

And it's progressives, as shown in the OP, who support it.

So, in summary:

A couple of progressives say something insanely stupid. Their fellow progressives blame conservatives.

Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship

The right needs to ‘gear up’ support for mental health treatment for any conservative who believes the idiocy expressed in the OP.
Hey, dumbass: The idiocy is that Obama should have a third term.

And it's progressives, as shown in the OP, who support it.

So, in summary:

A couple of progressives say something insanely stupid. Their fellow progressives blame conservatives.


Looking for the part where conservatives are blamed for a left-wing nutjob's opinion. I haven't found it.
The right needs to ‘gear up’ support for mental health treatment for any conservative who believes the idiocy expressed in the OP.
Hey, dumbass: The idiocy is that Obama should have a third term.

And it's progressives, as shown in the OP, who support it.

So, in summary:

A couple of progressives say something insanely stupid. Their fellow progressives blame conservatives.


Looking for the part where conservatives are blamed for a left-wing nutjob's opinion. I haven't found it.
Then you're not paying attention.


He's sure not blaming the left-wing nutjobs, is he?
It's those that practice "voter suppression" that undermine democracy.
It's those that practice "voter suppression" that undermine democracy.

Yeah like when illegals are used to water down legal votes, yep, that sure as hell is vote suppression, but the Dimbocraps have been doing this for centuries.
That's complete bullshit.

In addition Reagan CAUSED financial catastrophes that REQUIRED tax payer bailouts.

Guess you forgot that.

Obama VIOLATED bankruptcy law/principles, and used executive power to emplace new regs that protected the unions first instead of the primary lenders/creditors the way it once worked before.

With Obamacare he has ordered insurers to re-instate policies that are in violation of his own ACA law, without due legislative action, he simply did it by decree, and he orders around private industry simply by decree. Obama is acting like a dictator when it suits him.

So, once again, you lie, sling bullshit and attempt to deflect demonstrating again what a fucking waste of time you are.

The first paragraph is absolutely true.

Could you link the second? As I understand it, he has only asked insurers not to drop policies.

Yes, my statement is poorly worded. Obama by decree canceled the requirement that new policies meet the standards of the ACA but instead insurers can continue the policies as long as they post a warning, the option I prefer by far, but NONE OF THE LAW CHANGE WAS DONE VIA LEGISLATION. That is my primary beef here, and the dictate that the warnings be included which are also without congressional action.

Obama announces change to address health insurance cancellations - The Washington Post

Extending Health Plans a Tall Order - WSJ.com

Ironically the house did pass a bill supporting this action a few weeks ago and Obama threatened to veto it.

Extending Health Plans a Tall Order - WSJ.com

The bill would go a step further than the plan Obama announced on Thursday, by allowing insurance companies to sell the old plans to customers who previously had them, as well as new customers, for another year. Obama's plan would only apply to those customers enrolled in the plans before the cancellation notices went out.

But Republicans, in bringing the bill to the floor on Friday, raised the broader concern that Obama might not have the authority to make those changes on his own. House Speaker John Boehner said he's "highly skeptical that they can do this administratively."

Further, sponsor Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., questioned whether Obama could simply reverse course a few weeks or months down the road. Upton told Fox News that his bill is a "better answer -- because who knows how his executive order is going to be tested?"

The White House has already vowed to veto the House bill, suggesting it goes too far. Before the vote, Republicans turned away a Democratic alternative that would have pared back the GOP bill.
Old Rocks, did you notice you mention not one counter-fact, not one line of rebuttal or reason.

You are turning into another typical libtard bullshit liar, and that is a shame.

You used to be reasonable.

You used to be reasonable. <--------<<<< when was that ? i would bet his mother would refute that. :lmao:

You really think Obama is gearing up for a dictatorship?

Obama has given himself war time powers for nonemergency peace time across the whole country, something never done before.

War time powers that include the ability to order you to work for no compensation under any circumstances the Obama regime wants to.

Does that sound like a dictatorship at least on the letter of the law to you?

If not, why not?
Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic - Forbes

Obama's Disdain For The Constitution Means We Risk Losing Our Republic

By M. Northrop Buechner

Since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law, he has changed it five times. Most notably, he suspended the employer mandate last summer. This is widely known, but almost no one seems to have grasped its significance.

The Constitution authorizes the President to propose and veto legislation. It does not authorize him to change existing laws. The changes Mr. Obama ordered in Obamacare, therefore, are unconstitutional. This means that he does not accept some of the limitations that the Constitution places on his actions. We cannot know at this point what limitations, if any, he does accept.

By changing the law based solely on his wish, Mr. Obama acted on the principle that the President can rewrite laws and&#8212;since this is a principle&#8212;not just this law, but any law. After the crash of Obamacare, many Congressmen have implored the President to change the individual mandate the same way he had changed the employer mandate, that is, to violate the Constitution again.

The main responsibility the Constitution assigns to the President is to faithfully execute the Laws. If the President rejects this job, if instead he decides he can change or ignore laws he does not like, then what?

The time will come when Congress passes a law and the President ignores it. Or he may choose to enforce some parts and ignore others (as Mr. Obama is doing now). Or he may not wait for Congress and issue a decree (something Mr. Obama has done and has threatened to do again).

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