Left Parroting North Korea Propaganda

The only one unstable in your mind you need be concerned with is yourself.
^^ pretending the president isnt unstable despite all the evidence staring him in the face. Lol

I see no evidence of instability save that of you and yours.
No evidence. Lol
We post that evidence on a daily basis.
You're beyond hope.

Speculative writing arising from a delusion does not constitute evidence.
He's coming up blank on all his generals list.
Bumper stickers
I've obliterated the lying weatherman in many of his threads.
It's been fun.

Now... as I said, post my comment (s) that sided with NK asshole. I dare you, pussy

Fraud couldn't do it. Proved himself to be a liar AGAIN.
Shitforbrains validates the OP and gives us humor too!
As I just embarrassed your worthless ass AGAIN asking you to back up your lie but couldn't.
Same ole same ole.
You are the same ole same ole LOL
Liar : you sided with NK
Me: show me where I did that
Liar: I can't so I'll continue to act like an moron and claim victory.

My work is done here.

TRANSLATION: "I'm lost and tired. I'm gonna go eat some parmesan dusted raisins."
Lying Billy saw with his own eyes weatherman couldn't back up his lie so what does he do? Side with the lying fraud.
You have no morals scruples.
View attachment 147436
The only one unstable in your mind you need be concerned with is yourself.
^^ pretending the president isnt unstable despite all the evidence staring him in the face. Lol
The only thing unstable in America are the violent snowflake leftists.
You mean like these?
Nazis don't hide behind masks.

Clarifies what cowardly fascists the left are.
Yes you racist neonazis used to hide your faces but since you now have a leader that condones it you feel emboldened.
Ah more bumper sticker propaganda LOL
I've obliterated the lying weatherman in many of his threads.
It's been fun.

Now... as I said, post my comment (s) that sided with NK asshole. I dare you, pussy

Fraud couldn't do it. Proved himself to be a liar AGAIN.
In your dreams bubbaLOL
this fraud also saw the weatherman accuse me of supporting NK. He also saw me challenge him to prove it but came up totally empty.
Just like thieves... they stick together.
Color me shocked, the left siding with North Korea over America.

Watched them do it for decades with the Soviet Union.

Two of the nation’s most active anti-Trump “resistance” organizations are taking decidedly pro-North Korea stances in the United States’ developing nuclear standoff with the communist country, whose leader, Kim Jong Un, has repeatedly threatened to launch a nuclear strike against America.

One group is Refuse Fascism, a well-funded “resistance” group created for the express purpose of opposing President Trump’s administration. Internal presentations from a Refuse Fascism conference last month said the group intends to make America’s leaders lose “international legitimacy” as a way of ultimately bringing down the Trump presidency, as TheDC first reported.

The other group is Workers World Party, a Marxist organization that has played a leading role in anti-Trump demonstrations across the country.

Both groups have consistently echoed North Korean talking points that demonize America while excusing Un’s genocidal regime, and both groups have instructed their followers to distrust American media reporting that reflects negatively on North Korean leaders’ oppression of their own people.

Keep reading…
You'll have to explain in detail because who knows what you are talking about.

Remember, it was the GOP that let Bin Laden go and stopped looking him. It was those weak Democrats who found him and took him down. It was those oh so strong Republicans who then tried to take credit for what the Democrats did.

And who stands up to the Nazi's and the KKK and the Alt Right? Those weak Democrats. Why doesn't the Republican Party stand up against the Nazi's and the KKK and the Alt right? Duh! Because they ARE the Nazi's, the KKK and the Alt Right.
Trump supporters prove everyday they don't have any morals or honesty.

Have any of them called out their liar in chief on this one:
Liar: Obama wiretapped my phones and I'm going to spend money on investigating it.
Report out yesterday: No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump's phones.

Has Trump apologized?
Has any of his whores admitted he lied?

Of course not. No morals or honesty.
I've obliterated the lying weatherman in many of his threads.
It's been fun.

Now... as I said, post my comment (s) that sided with NK asshole. I dare you, pussy

Fraud couldn't do it. Proved himself to be a liar AGAIN.
In your dreams bubbaLOL
this fraud also saw the weatherman accuse me of supporting NK. He also saw me challenge him to prove it but came up totally empty.
Just like thieves... they stick together.
Except we all followed along and you are rooting against the US. So in your dreams again.
Trump supporters prove everyday they don't have any morals or honesty.

Have any of them called out their liar in chief on this one:
Liar: Obama wiretapped my phones and I'm going to spend money on investigating it.
Report out yesterday: No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump's phones.

Has Trump apologized?
Has any of his whores admitted he lied?

Of course not. No morals or honesty.
Old bumper sticker
Your first sentence is a bald faced lie so I stopped reading at this time.
Kim Yong Un is toying and laughing at Trump while the fat anus huffs and puffs and does nothing.
/----/ Hey Sparky, you just sided with NK as the OP claimed. Thanks for proving his point.
The Daily Caller.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Don't you idiots ever get tired of embarrassing yourselves with your sources?

Deny reality, Leftard.
Workers World’s magazine published an editorialtitled “Korea won’t be intimidated.” The editorial claimed America — and not the North Korean regime — is the country standing in the way of peace. The last nine paragraphs of the editorial were direct quotes from North Korea’s government.

Five days later, the magazine published another editorial titled “Self-defense and the DPRK” that portrayed the U.S. as the “oppressor” of North Korea.

Three days after the UN voted on the new sanctions, Refuse Fascism — whose financial backers include left-wing financier George Soros — published an outraged statement that framed the U.S.-North Koreas standoff as “the largest military power in the world bullying a small, isolated country and terrorizing the people of that entire region.”

In July, Refuse Fascism issued a statement accusing the U.S. of using a “playbook of demonization” against Kim Jong Un. The statement urged Americans to put aside their country’s and “act in the interests of humanity instead.”

“Stop thinking like an American,” the statement said. “Start thinking about humanity.”
Let me clue you in moron. There are no viable military options dealing with NK. President Obama knew this, unfortunately the Liar in Chief is a slow learner.
Sanctions are the only viable option.
/----/ The only flag the Left salutes to.
Color me shocked, the left siding with North Korea over America.

Watched them do it for decades with the Soviet Union.

Two of the nation’s most active anti-Trump “resistance” organizations are taking decidedly pro-North Korea stances in the United States’ developing nuclear standoff with the communist country, whose leader, Kim Jong Un, has repeatedly threatened to launch a nuclear strike against America.

One group is Refuse Fascism, a well-funded “resistance” group created for the express purpose of opposing President Trump’s administration. Internal presentations from a Refuse Fascism conference last month said the group intends to make America’s leaders lose “international legitimacy” as a way of ultimately bringing down the Trump presidency, as TheDC first reported.

The other group is Workers World Party, a Marxist organization that has played a leading role in anti-Trump demonstrations across the country.

Both groups have consistently echoed North Korean talking points that demonize America while excusing Un’s genocidal regime, and both groups have instructed their followers to distrust American media reporting that reflects negatively on North Korean leaders’ oppression of their own people.

Keep reading…
You'll have to explain in detail because who knows what you are talking about.

Remember, it was the GOP that let Bin Laden go and stopped looking him. It was those weak Democrats who found him and took him down. It was those oh so strong Republicans who then tried to take credit for what the Democrats did.

And who stands up to the Nazi's and the KKK and the Alt Right? Those weak Democrats. Why doesn't the Republican Party stand up against the Nazi's and the KKK and the Alt right? Duh! Because they ARE the Nazi's, the KKK and the Alt Right.
/----/ Does you hand cramp up while you rewrite history with a vengeance? BTW it was DemocRAT Billy Clintoon who passed on getting Bin Laden four times. Bill Clinton and the missed opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden

Obozo had to be dragged off the golf course to give the order to kill OBL after the Bush intel found him: Obama was playing golf until 20 minutes before Navy SEAL Osama Bin Laden mission | Daily Mail Online

Who deserves credit for bin Laden's killing?

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