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Left-Right Paradigm Is A Hoax


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
Left-Right Paradigm Is A Hoax

By Chuck Baldwin

February 16, 2012

There may have been a time when the words “conservative” and “liberal” meant something, but that time is no more. Today, “conservatives” in government are doing as much to promote Big Government, as are “liberals.” In fact, if one were to honestly evaluate the twelve years of the George Herbert Walker Bush and G.W.
Bush administrations, one could say that “conservatives” even eclipse “liberals” in promoting Big Government. Under the two Bushes, the federal government expanded (and even exploded) to levels that for-real liberal Democrats could only dream about.

Let’s get realistic. Just because a politico says he or she is “pro-life,” or “pro-family,” or “pro-marriage,” etc., does not mean that they are going to do anything to help save the country.
Come on, folks; think! “Conservative” Republican administration appointments have dominated the US Supreme Court since the infamous Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions that effectively legalized abortion-on-demand. And we are no closer to overturning Roe and Doe after almost forty years of electing “pro-life conservatives” than we were the year after the Roe and Doe decisions were rendered. And for the first six years of the 21st Century, “conservative”
Republicans dominated the entire federal government, and still the Roe and Doe decisions stand.

And when it comes to marriage and family, there is not a darn thing that Washington, D.C., can do to “save” it. Washington can no more “save” the family than it can “create” jobs! Washington is not God--the attitudes of most Washington politicians and national newscasters notwithstanding.

To continue reading Chuck's column, click here:

Chuck Baldwin Live | Fighting for Constitutional Government in America

Comment: This is one of the hardest things for most Americans to understand, we are on our own, we are being double teamed by one power wearing two hats to fool the public.
We are being screwed by both sides who work for one power.

We are being double teamed and played for fools!

Hegelian dialectic, two forces aligned against one another. One is thesis, the other antithesis. The conflict will produce a synthesis; in this case, the loss of national sovereignty and the end of freedom


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORM75G-Jby4]The Best Of Friends - YouTube[/ame] TONS OF PICTURES OF CLINTON AND BUSH TOGETHER VIDEO

Left vs Right...I think not!!!!

"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies."
Carroll Quigley

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Yes i'm convinced now that they're all on the same team. Socialist/Progressive Globalists and Neocon Globalists are the same thing in the end. They all work for the same Bosses...Globalist Elite NWO assholes.
I agree there is little difference anymore........not sure Paul is the answer.

Personally, I don't think we have the time to try and find a better one. We are so close to total authoritarian rule we can smell it, we just can't recognize it for what it really is.

What's it going to take to make people see? We've got food police in pre-school cafeterias, we've got militarized police killing people at the drop of a hat, we've got FEMA building prison camps, for WHO??, we've got the Patriot Act, NDAA, SOPA/PIPA, warrantless wiretaps, rendition, American citizens assassinated on orders from Washington, the list is ENDLESS!!

This video is 5 years old, and well worth the 45 minutes...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjALf12PAWc]Talk - Naomi Wolf - The End of America - YouTube[/ame]
there is mountains of difference.

pretending there is not is insanity

Nah, pretending there is a difference is insanity. You're a Socialist/Progressive Globalist who isn't any different than a Neocon Globalist. You're both just Big Government Globalists in the end. You just desperately want to believe you're so different. But you're not.
there is mountains of difference.

pretending there is not is insanity
A government of over 300 MILLION cannot function in the same manner as one of 3 MILLION. Paul is sincere, decent, and an admirable man. The realities of the 21st century may not coincide with his beliefs however.
there is mountains of difference.

pretending there is not is insanity

Nah, pretending there is a difference is insanity. You're a Socialist/Progressive Globalist who isn't any different than a Neocon Globalist. You're both just Big Government Globalists in the end. You just desperately want to believe you're so different. But you're not.
Paulitician, at times, I sincerely hope you are correct.
there is mountains of difference.

pretending there is not is insanity

I think if you read the Republican and Democratic platforms, you will find differences. But if you observe the actions of the actual politicians, you won't find much difference at all.

There are pro-life Democrats and pro-gun control Republicans. There are "no new taxes" Democrats and "tax the rich" Republicans.

It is foolish to vote straight party ticket.
Obama-Bots really are sadly delusional. They don't even realize that it's their guy who will likely be going to War with Iran very soon. Just like his War with Libya, the Obama-Bots will be left desperately spinning their Dear Leader's War with Iran.
They're both for big gov't, but Pubs lie about it and social wedge issues to rip off the nonrich for their GREEDY megarich masters. Always true but now obvious to even a lot of dupes...
We have a much better chance of avoiding wars and more boom and busts under Dems. And the nonrich's lot, and the country's. See HISTORY.

The dupes have been brainwashed into more RW wackiness lately, that's for sure. Totally bankrupt now.
The Globalist Elites and Military Industrial Complex have many many more Wars planned for us. The whole Republican vs. Democrat/Left vs. Right thing, really is a scam. Do people really believe there's a difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney? Two Globalists Elite hand-picked Harvard boys? I'm shocked anyone would believe there's a difference. The joke's always on us in the end. It's very sad.
This hard divide is the beginnings of a rigid class structure, both parties will eventually fall (or merge) when the social and economic divide becomes wide enough that our shrinking middle class is no longer a political force.
The Globalist Elites and Military Industrial Complex have many many more Wars planned for us. The whole Republican vs. Democrat/Left vs. Right thing, really is a scam. Do people really believe there's a difference between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney? Two Globalists Elite hand-picked Harvard boys? I'm shocked anyone would believe there's a difference. The joke's always on us in the end. It's very sad.

And in 2008 it was Yale v. Harvard
and in 2004 it was Harvard v. Harvard
and in 2000 it was Harvard v. Harvard
The difference between democrat and republican politicians is like the difference between two company executives, one wanting to make modest long term profits and the other wanting to make a big unsustainable pile by next quarter.

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