Left Says to Taylor Swift "No White People Can Have a Good Year!"

I'm old enough to know that for the most part people CHOOSE to be either happy or otherwise.

There are always things going on around you that are sad and tragic and outrageous, along with an equal number of things that are happy, heartening, and miraculous. Revel in what you want.

Jesus, thank you for not making me a Leftist.

And I second the vote on Taylor Swift being pretty hot.

Um, i dont know.

Maybe if you like blondes.





Meh, in 20 years she'll look like any other leggy blonde who has passed her expiration date.
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.


But then there is a lot to be said for the poor mother who worked hard all her life to get her five kids through high school and a decent start in life.

Celebrity and wealth are over rated.
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.


But then there is a lot to be said for the poor mother who worked hard all her life to get her five kids through high school and a decent start in life.

Celebrity and wealth are over rated.
Perhaps this woman holds those traits, as well. It's not an either/or situation.
When you mix all the colored pigments (paints) together, the result is a black pigment.
When you mix light of all colors of the spectrum together, the result is a white light.
Not that it is all that important to the topic of Talyor Swift having a good year.
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.


But then there is a lot to be said for the poor mother who worked hard all her life to get her five kids through high school and a decent start in life.

Celebrity and wealth are over rated.
Perhaps this woman holds those traits, as well. It's not an either/or situation.
You must really hate yourself if you say being white is a requirement in reaching the nirvana of humanity. You did claim to be Black didnt you?
When you mix all the colored pigments (paints) together, the result is a black pigment.
When you mix light of all colors of the spectrum together, the result is a white light.
Not that it is all that important to the topic of Talyor Swift having a good year.

When you mix all the colored pigments (paints) together, the result is you get brown.

When you make a pie chart of primary colors and spin it, you see white. Isn't this some third grade science project?
Yeah, but white people aren't white. They're pink. Black people aren't black. They're brown. So why the 'how light blends v. how pigments blend' conversation?
It's you who isn't black. Spouting the same racial nonsense anyone can read from the 60's.
Some of us believe he doesn't mean a word of it. He does it to get a response. I can relate. I enjoy poking at some (him especially) too. I think I'd like this guy in the real world.
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
I am sorry that you didn't have a good year. I am glad that Taylor Swift did. Certainly she was speaking subjectively. For her it was a good year, It was for me too. But it was also a year fraught with strife and unhappiness. Objectivity and subjectivity. Taylor may not be great at abstract thought or reasoning. She sings does she have to be a genius too?
Strife and unhappiness brought about by regressive liberals and the lying media.

Actually the strife and unhappiness that I experience isn't brought about by regressive liberals. The definition of regressive is to become less advanced. Returning to a former or less developed state. Liberal is to be open to new behavior and willing to discard traditional values. You really should research and define material if you are going to make those kinds of statements. A regressive liberal is rather difficult to conceive of. They are polar opposites.
What does cause my strife and unhappiness? Primarily, people who as a result of their actions deny others the same rights they intend to take for themselves.
Whatever rights and privileges you want for yourself you must unequivocally give to others. Whether or not you like or agree with them. Otherwise the onus of proof of enlightened, intelligent behavior is on you. You may be the regressive.
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.


But then there is a lot to be said for the poor mother who worked hard all her life to get her five kids through high school and a decent start in life.

Celebrity and wealth are over rated.
Perhaps this woman holds those traits, as well. It's not an either/or situation.
You must really hate yourself if you say being white is a requirement in reaching the nirvana of humanity. You did claim to be Black didnt you?
I love my black people, but black Americans are the laughingstock of the black race. Don't blame me that we see you as the children of freed slaves.
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.


But then there is a lot to be said for the poor mother who worked hard all her life to get her five kids through high school and a decent start in life.

Celebrity and wealth are over rated.
Perhaps this woman holds those traits, as well. It's not an either/or situation.
You must really hate yourself if you say being white is a requirement in reaching the nirvana of humanity. You did claim to be Black didnt you?
I love my black people, but black Americans are the laughingstock of the black race. Don't blame me that we see you as the children of freed slaves.
What does that have to do with you being ashamed of being Black? You claimed being white was a requirement to reaching nirvana of humanity. I'm sorry white people worked you over mentally....if you really are Black. :laugh:
Beautiful, young, talented, and white. It's safe to say she's reached the nirvana of humanity.


But then there is a lot to be said for the poor mother who worked hard all her life to get her five kids through high school and a decent start in life.

Celebrity and wealth are over rated.
Perhaps this woman holds those traits, as well. It's not an either/or situation.
You must really hate yourself if you say being white is a requirement in reaching the nirvana of humanity. You did claim to be Black didnt you?
I love my black people, but black Americans are the laughingstock of the black race. Don't blame me that we see you as the children of freed slaves.
What does that have to do with you being ashamed of being Black? You claimed being white was a requirement to reaching nirvana of humanity. I'm sorry white people worked you over mentally....if you really are Black. :laugh:
I'm ashamed of black Americans because they're the children of black slaves, freed by white people. How you gonna reach nirvana when you can't even free yourselves?
These leftwing numbskulls are going to be the death of the Dimocratics Party.

Leftists Angry after Taylor Swift Says She 'Couldn't Have Asked for a Better Year'

“Is there anything more annoying than Taylor Swift talking about what a great year 2017 has been while everyone else is fighting for our lives under Trump?” wrote one Twitter user.

“I mean, yeah there were Nazi’s and and white supremacy marches, and families are being town apart, and there were mass shootings, and people are losing health care, but none of that affects me, so 2017 was great! [sic]” wrote another....

But all of this good stuff was just too much for New York Magazine‘s The Cut, which proclaimed: “A Straight, White Multi-Millionaire Pop Star Had a Great 2017.”

The article claimed Swift couldn’t have possibly enjoyed the year, because Trump was elected president, there was a horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas, wildfires have torched Southern California, and sexual assault allegations have swept media, politics, and entertainment.

“And that’s just to name a few!” the author wrote. “But anyway, congrats to the now 28-year-old Taylor Swift for being the only person to enjoy 2017.”​
I am sorry that you didn't have a good year. I am glad that Taylor Swift did. Certainly she was speaking subjectively. For her it was a good year, It was for me too. But it was also a year fraught with strife and unhappiness. Objectivity and subjectivity. Taylor may not be great at abstract thought or reasoning. She sings does she have to be a genius too?
Strife and unhappiness brought about by regressive liberals and the lying media.

When I first heard the term fake news I thought no way. Why would anyone do that. But there is fake news. And the media does lie. They all have agendas they pitch their news to. Those who aren't able to discern the truth are susceptible to them. So I agree with you on this point. Media lies. Fake news. You can't just hear or read something and go running off with it. Does anyone know Critical Thinking? Language and the layout of argument? Good tool for determining the efficacy of any idea, argument or concept.

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