Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , including their private property , civil liberties , opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

To the left , the term conservatism is a pejorative which represents the authoritarianism of government over their sexual practices , and the sexually obsessed on the right play along with one of the most idiotic , orwellian double speak , lexicon that is the liberal versus conservative paradigm .

David nolan who devised the liberal versus conservative paradigm was clueless and needs to be dug up and re-buried face down .
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" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , from their private property , civil liberties , along with their opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

The left wing has become Marxist and total totalitarians. Not to mention they believe and love everything the MSM and government tells them. It really is a sickness.
" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , including their private property , civil liberties , opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

To the left , the term conservatism is a pejorative which represents the authoritarianism of government over their sexual practices , and the sexually obsessed on the right play along with one of the most idiotic , orwellian double speak , lexicon that is the liberal versus conservative paradigm .

David nolan who devised the liberal versus conservative paradigm was clueless and needs to be dug up and re-buried face down .

So, that refers to like 50% of the people. You've taken 50% of the people and said they're all the same.

Sorry, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.
" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , including their private property , civil liberties , opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

To the left , the term conservatism is a pejorative which represents the authoritarianism of government over their sexual practices , and the sexually obsessed on the right play along with one of the most idiotic , orwellian double speak , lexicon that is the liberal versus conservative paradigm .

David nolan who devised the liberal versus conservative paradigm was clueless and needs to be dug up and re-buried face down .

So, that refers to like 50% of the people. You've taken 50% of the people and said they're all the same.

Sorry, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

Do you wear a mask and do you believe in the COVID scam? What about white supremacy? Do you believe everyone is racist?
" Words That Deceive "

* Not Exposed To Reflections In The Mirror *

The left wing has become Marxist and total totalitarians. Not to mention they believe and love everything the MSM and government tells them. It really is a sickness.
The question must come down to a clear determination whether public policy forwarded by a political party is based in authoritarianism or libertarianism .

Nearly every individual purports to lament authoritarians government , and referring to the left as liberals leads them and the public to believe themselves to be liberators , even as the left lacks any reflection that they are not liberals but conservatives .
" Words That Deceive "

* Not Exposed To Reflections In The Mirror *

The left wing has become Marxist and total totalitarians. Not to mention they believe and love everything the MSM and government tells them. It really is a sickness.
The question must come down to a clear determination whether public policy forwarded by a political party is based in authoritarianism or libertarianism .

Nearly every individual purports to lament authoritarians government , and referring to the left as liberals leads them and the public to believe themselves to be liberators , even as the left lacks any reflection that they are not liberals but conservatives .

Conservatives can also be tyrants with their religion and wars.
" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , including their private property , civil liberties , opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

To the left , the term conservatism is a pejorative which represents the authoritarianism of government over their sexual practices , and the sexually obsessed on the right play along with one of the most idiotic , orwellian double speak , lexicon that is the liberal versus conservative paradigm .

David nolan who devised the liberal versus conservative paradigm was clueless and needs to be dug up and re-buried face down .

So, that refers to like 50% of the people. You've taken 50% of the people and said they're all the same.

Sorry, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

Do you wear a mask and do you believe in the COVID scam? What about white supremacy? Do you believe everyone is racist?

I wear a mask. I don't have a choice, but I would wear one anyway because I understand how the virus spreads.

I don't "believe" in anything.

White supremacy exists. I'm not sure what your question is.

No, I know not everyone is racist.
" Incorrect Reference To Bifurcated Minds "

* Allowed To Be Misrepresented For Too Long *

So, that refers to like 50% of the people. You've taken 50% of the people and said they're all the same.
Sorry, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.
The left wing objectives are far more authoritarian than libertarian and they should in no way be referred to as liberal and should succinctly be referred to as authoritarians .
" Baseline For Reference Needs To Be Changed "

* Setting Of A Common Theme *

Conservatives can also be tyrants with their religion and wars.
The right has tendencies toward authoritarian policies that would put them in the category of conservatives .

The public attitude should be made consistent in its opposition to authoritarianism , howerver the liberal versus conservative paradigm is a type cast that is not accurate and absolutely allows the left to get away with its authoritarianism by them being referred to as liberals .
" Baseline For Reference Needs To Be Changed "

* Setting Of A Common Theme *

Conservatives can also be tyrants with their religion and wars.
The right has tendencies toward authoritarian policies that would put them in the category of conservatives .

The public attitude should be made consistent in its opposition to authoritarianism , howerver the liberal versus conservative paradigm is a type cast that is not accurate and absolutely allows the left to get away with its authoritarianism by them being referred to as liberals .

The fact is that they are 2 wings of the same bird. It is best not to put yourself in any category and use your own logical thinking. But yea, in much of what you said the liberal vs conservative is a divide and conquer technique. They want us to continue to fight over useless things while they rob us blind.
" Incorrect Reference To Bifurcated Minds "

* Allowed To Be Misrepresented For Too Long *

So, that refers to like 50% of the people. You've taken 50% of the people and said they're all the same.
Sorry, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.
The left wing objectives are far more authoritarian than libertarian and they should in no way be referred to as liberal and should succinctly be referred to as authoritarians .

What does that even mean?

"Left wing objectives"......????

It's like lots of words and no meaning.
" Ignoring The Incrimination Of Self Reflection "

* Feigning Authoritarian Dictates As Liberating *

What does that even mean?
"Left wing objectives"......????
It's like lots of words and no meaning.
Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left wing to expropriate the wealth ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left wing to implement socialism and communism ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left to attack free speech , to attack free association ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left to forcibly inundate the sovereignty of us citizens with illegal migrants ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the let to confiscate weapons ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left to undermine election integrity to further implement its policies ?
" Ignoring The Incrimination Of Self Reflection "

* Feigning Authoritarian Dictates As Liberating *

What does that even mean?
"Left wing objectives"......????
It's like lots of words and no meaning.
Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left wing to expropriate the wealth ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left wing to implement socialism and communism ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left to attack free speech , to attack free association ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left to forcibly inundate the sovereignty of us citizens with illegal migrants ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the let to confiscate weapons ?

Do you perceive the authoritarian policies of the left to undermine election integrity to further implement its policies ?

What is happening is that the Cabal is using the left wing to promote their abuses.
" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , including their private property , civil liberties , opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

To the left , the term conservatism is a pejorative which represents the authoritarianism of government over their sexual practices , and the sexually obsessed on the right play along with one of the most idiotic , orwellian double speak , lexicon that is the liberal versus conservative paradigm .

David nolan who devised the liberal versus conservative paradigm was clueless and needs to be dug up and re-buried face down .

So, that refers to like 50% of the people. You've taken 50% of the people and said they're all the same.

Sorry, that makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

Do you wear a mask and do you believe in the COVID scam? What about white supremacy? Do you believe everyone is racist?

I wear a mask. I don't have a choice, but I would wear one anyway because I understand how the virus spreads.

I don't "believe" in anything.

White supremacy exists. I'm not sure what your question is.

No, I know not everyone is racist.

Maybe you should ask the question in what makes you believe in Germ Theory. It is only a theory for a reason. Because it has not been proven. In fact in scientific experiments it has been disproven.

I am a white guy and I have lived 41 years and I have yet to meet a white supremacist. I have met many racist black people. So much so that they made me sit in a back seat to go to the beach.
Monk eye, I can tell you why you believe in germ theory. It is because big pharma makes trillions off of people being in fear of viruses. If Terrain theory was taught their would be a lot less fear but their isn't money to be made in terrain theory. Through fear is where big pharma makes much of their money through the vaccine fraud.
" Left Wing Are Not Liberals They Are Extreme Authoritarians "

* Lying Under Cover Of Pretending To Liberate Through Domination *

The right wing outlets must ttop referring to the left as liberals and call them either authoritarians , or conservatives .

The term liberal is synonymous with libertarianism which emphasizes negative wrights and negative liberties that establish individualism , whereby individuals act independently without interference from government .

The left wing blubbers about big government controlling the bodies of women and are referred to by the right as liberals because the right is obsessed with sexual promiscuity ,

Facts are that the left wing are authoritarians , who want big government which greatly controls everything about individuals , including their private property , civil liberties , opinions and attitudes .

Authoritarianism is associated with conservation of government and its management of individual liberties which is conservatism .

To the left , the term conservatism is a pejorative which represents the authoritarianism of government over their sexual practices , and the sexually obsessed on the right play along with one of the most idiotic , orwellian double speak , lexicon that is the liberal versus conservative paradigm .

David nolan who devised the liberal versus conservative paradigm was clueless and needs to be dug up and re-buried face down .
I prefer the term "Prog" for progressive and either elites "those who tell others what to do, and not do it themselves", and the slave who grovels and does what ever their elites tell them to do..

Pfizer expects to sell $15 billion worth of Covid-19 vaccines in 2021. That would make it the second-highest revenue-generating drug anytime, anywhere, according to industry reports.

I still havent gotten the shot or been tested. I have been looking for the Kung Flu since February of 2020, and it just doesnt want to try my immune system.


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