Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi

I show him respect. Where is his grave so I can go piss on it.

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So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.
The idiocy of the loony libtards on this site is mind boggling. They're SO brainwashed they can't say a bad thing about an obviously savage filthy animal with no respect for life. WTF has happened to liberals in this day and age?
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.

Nicely said. There are no drugs or mental health that will help them. They just need to be in straight jackets and put in the padded room.
I am just hoping something happens to them or there family, then they will care.

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So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.
The idiocy of the loony libtards on this site is mind boggling. They're SO brainwashed they can't say a bad thing about an obviously savage filthy animal with no respect for life. WTF has happened to liberals in this day and age?
Well for starters, there is nothing "Liberal" about them.
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.

Nicely said. There are no drugs or mental health that will help them. They just need to be in straight jackets and put in the padded room.
I am just hoping something happens to them or there family, then they will care.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I don't wish ill will on them or their families. I'd just like to seem them get some kind of psychiatric help. The problem is most, if not all of them, don't think they need help.
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.

Apparently Unreal Dave would sooner talk about Baghdadi's "scholarly and clerical" past a lot sooner than EVER talking about all of the good work and charity Trump did in his life before chucking lucrative deals with NBC to spend millions of his own money to put himself through 30 lawsuits and a daily pummeling by the Left on every little move he makes while trying to do the toughest job on the planet!
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.

They just need to be in straight jackets and put in the padded room.
I prefer to think of it as their needing to all be put in straitjackets, then shoved onto a boat without oars and cast off out into the ocean in the middle of a hurricane.
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.

THE SAD FACT OF THE MATTER, 007, is that never in a million years will UnrealDave ever read that and say with contrition: You know, you're right, man. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.
Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi
Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi | Flopping Aces
The body parts of terrorist ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had barely been collected when the left wing media began dunning Trump for his words and actions and demanding respect for the slain terrorist. Trump minced no words Al-Baghdadi 'Died Like a Dog'; 'Whimpering, Crying, Screaming All the Way' | Breitbart in describing the outcome of the raid.
Painting Baghdadi as a sniveling coward (as if raping captured women, beheading and burning prisoners is not indictment enough) may cause a few followers to rethink putting their lives on the line for someone that runs away using his own children as a shield. However, the left knows better, painting him as a principled, dedicated leader and one worthy of respect. They've been blinded by their desire to praise anything Trump opposes, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left doesn’t even think about what they are saying. But hating this country and everything it stands for them helps.
This is fantastic. Hating an enemy THAT MUCH almost ALWAYS backfires as it does away with all reasonable judgement
The PMS/DSA Democrats are losing votes faster than Oprah can eat sweets. Really, why wouldn’t PMS/DSA Leftists like him? He’s an enemy of America, and he has never once publicly opposed 3rd trimester abortions or drag queen story hours. People who support those are the real enemies.
The cowardly left proving once again they do not deserve the reins of power.

Too bad they couldn't have capture him alive. They could have locked him in a dirty cell in Guantanamo and made him beg and bark like a dog for his food every day. That really would have sent the Left through the roof! Quick! Another abuse of power for Nancy to impeach with!!! :eek:
I'm sure the shithead thought it lol
Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi

Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi | Flopping Aces
The body parts of terrorist ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had barely been collected when the left wing media began dunning Trump for his words and actions and demanding respect for the slain terrorist. Trump minced no words Al-Baghdadi 'Died Like a Dog'; 'Whimpering, Crying, Screaming All the Way' | Breitbart in describing the outcome of the raid.

Painting Baghdadi as a sniveling coward (as if raping captured women, beheading and burning prisoners is not indictment enough) may cause a few followers to rethink putting their lives on the line for someone that runs away using his own children as a shield. However, the left knows better, painting him as a principled, dedicated leader and one worthy of respect. They've been blinded by their desire to praise anything Trump opposes, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left doesn’t even think about what they are saying. But hating this country and everything it stands for them helps.
This is fantastic. Hating an enemy THAT MUCH almost ALWAYS backfires as it does away with all reasonable judgement
The PMS/DSA Democrats are losing votes faster than Oprah can eat sweets. Really, why wouldn’t PMS/DSA Leftists like him? He’s an enemy of America, and he has never once publicly opposed 3rd trimester abortions or drag queen story hours. People who support those are the real enemies.
The cowardly left proving once again they do not deserve the reins of power.
Because liberal media are a bunch of partisan anti-American shit bags.
Trump if anything is great at branding people, and knew exactly why he worded it like he did. He knew Bagdadi's followers and the rest of the Muslim world were listening and digesting every word. By painting Bagdadi as a whimpering dog (dogs are cinsidered dirty, evil and forbidden n Islam) he sent a clear warning that this is the end result of any terrorist who decides to harm America and Americans. There was a reason why he chose 9 AM Eastern Time to make the announcement. It's when people come home from work and basically dinner time across most of the Muslim world.

Don't fuck with the USA, look at what happened to Whimpering Bagdadi.
Yep. Some of us understand what Trump was doing.
Trump was sending a message to other terrorists he will show them no respect unlike obama did with Ben Ladin.
Islamic burial at sea was it?
Trump if anything is great at branding people, and knew exactly why he worded it like he did. He knew Bagdadi's followers and the rest of the Muslim world were listening and digesting every word. By painting Bagdadi as a whimpering dog (dogs are cinsidered dirty, evil and forbidden n Islam) he sent a clear warning that this is the end result of any terrorist who decides to harm America and Americans. There was a reason why he chose 9 AM Eastern Time to make the announcement. It's when people come home from work and basically dinner time across most of the Muslim world.

Don't fuck with the USA, look at what happened to Whimpering Bagdadi.
Yep. Some of us understand what Trump was doing.
Trump was sending a message to other terrorists he will show them no respect unlike obama did with Ben Ladin.
Islamic burial at sea was it?

What they managed to bring back of al-Baghdadi.


I understand the Special Forces attack dogs really go for it poured over their Gravy Train.
Trump if anything is great at branding people, and knew exactly why he worded it like he did. He knew Bagdadi's followers and the rest of the Muslim world were listening and digesting every word. By painting Bagdadi as a whimpering dog (dogs are cinsidered dirty, evil and forbidden n Islam) he sent a clear warning that this is the end result of any terrorist who decides to harm America and Americans. There was a reason why he chose 9 AM Eastern Time to make the announcement. It's when people come home from work and basically dinner time across most of the Muslim world.

Don't fuck with the USA, look at what happened to Whimpering Bagdadi.
Yep. Some of us understand what Trump was doing.
Trump was sending a message to other terrorists he will show them no respect unlike obama did with Ben Ladin.
Islamic burial at sea was it?

What they managed to bring back of al-Baghdadi.

View attachment 287214

I understand the Special Forces attack dogs really go for it poured over their Gravy Train.
I also hear they like little chunks of leftist thrown in the mix
The header on this thread is completely misleading. Showing respect for Islamic custom sends the message to Muslims that non-Muslims were just out to get a dirty terrorist and do not disrespect an entire faith and culture. Thumbing one's nose at an entire religion is a great recruiting tool for terrorist organizations trying to hook stupid and easily emotionally swayed young men. People forget that the majority of the people killed by ISIS were Muslim and Muslims fought ISIS every day. Kurds, for example, are majority Sunni Muslim, with tolerance for others: Learn About Kurdish Religion | The Kurdish Project and they have fought hard against ISIS and taken great losses. Why alienate Muslims and let the radicals take over?
The header on this thread is completely misleading. Showing respect for Islamic custom sends the message to Muslims that non-Muslims were just out to get a dirty terrorist and do not disrespect an entire faith and culture. Thumbing one's nose at an entire religion is a great recruiting tool for terrorist organizations trying to hook stupid and easily emotionally swayed young men. People forget that the majority of the people killed by ISIS were Muslim and Muslims fought ISIS every day. Kurds, for example, are majority Sunni Muslim, with tolerance for others: Learn About Kurdish Religion | The Kurdish Project and they have fought hard against ISIS and taken great losses. Why alienate Muslims and let the radicals take over?
And another idiot pops up. these insane Leftists all sounds alike, don't they?

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