Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi

The difference between Baghdadi and Bin Laden is we are better prepared and he wasn't funded as well. Otherwise he would have hit us at least as hard as the World Trade Center attacks.
He was a figurehead. Not really involved in any planning of attacks and such.
So, by talking about Baghdadi's past, we can't say he was a scholar & a cleric before he became a murderer & terrorist POS?

What if this fucker SAWED YOUR FATHER'S HEAD OFF on a BEACH with a DULL KNIFE, and RAPED and BEAT your SISTER and then BURIED her up to her shoulders in the dirt and STONED HER TO DEATH? Because THAT'S the sort things HE DID!

Would you have still have so much LOVE for him?

Seriously... you cock suckers truly do sound OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS, and don't think that we don't know WHY.

Your HATE, your SEARING, BURNING, BLISTERING HATE for President Trump has truly made you people INSANE. You have LOST IT. You have SUNKEN to the point of DEFENDING the WORST PIECE OF FILTHY HUMAN RAT SHIT ON THE PLANET, simply because you CAN'T CONTROL your HATE for the president.

My God... seriously... you people need fucking mental help... I'm not kidding.

Nicely said. There are no drugs or mental health that will help them. They just need to be in straight jackets and put in the padded room.
I am just hoping something happens to them or there family, then they will care.

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I don't wish ill will on them or their families. I'd just like to seem them get some kind of psychiatric help. The problem is most, if not all of them, don't think they need help.
They are bloodthirsty killers who view their bloodshed as religious devotion. You think a pill or counseling is going to change their outlook?
Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi

Left wing media demands respect for al Baghdadi | Flopping Aces
The body parts of terrorist ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had barely been collected when the left wing media began dunning Trump for his words and actions and demanding respect for the slain terrorist. Trump minced no words Al-Baghdadi 'Died Like a Dog'; 'Whimpering, Crying, Screaming All the Way' | Breitbart in describing the outcome of the raid.

Painting Baghdadi as a sniveling coward (as if raping captured women, beheading and burning prisoners is not indictment enough) may cause a few followers to rethink putting their lives on the line for someone that runs away using his own children as a shield. However, the left knows better, painting him as a principled, dedicated leader and one worthy of respect. They've been blinded by their desire to praise anything Trump opposes, the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA left doesn’t even think about what they are saying. But hating this country and everything it stands for them helps.
This is fantastic. Hating an enemy THAT MUCH almost ALWAYS backfires as it does away with all reasonable judgement
The PMS/DSA Democrats are losing votes faster than Oprah can eat sweets. Really, why wouldn’t PMS/DSA Leftists like him? He’s an enemy of America, and he has never once publicly opposed 3rd trimester abortions or drag queen story hours. People who support those are the real enemies.
The cowardly left proving once again they do not deserve the reins of power.

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