Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.

In 2016, the Republican Party has several credible Presidential candidates representing quite a range of ethnicities, while the Democrats had only two old white people.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
If the Dems aren't careful they'll look like the GOP.
We can only hope that one of these days a person's skin color will not have to be mentioned.
We can only hope that one of these days a person's skin color will not have to be mentioned.

Republicans rarely think that skin color is relevant or needs to be mentioned. It's just the racist Democraps who think that it is or that it does.
We can only hope that one of these days a person's skin color will not have to be mentioned.

Republicans rarely think that skin color is relevant or needs to be mentioned. It's just the racist Democraps who think that it is or that it does.

Not "exactly" true.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few who call themselves "Republicans" who would like nothing more than to lynch blacks solely for their skin color. Sad.

Then again, there are "Democrats" who would do the same to whites given the chance.
DNC Headquarters: ...in summary everything is going to plan, we have an all white primary race now. :muahaha:
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.

"[The Democratic National Committee and the media] are attempting to replace the roles of voters in the early states, using polling and other arbitrary methods which are not transparent or democratic, and holding so-called debates which are not debates at all but rather commercialized reality television meant to entertain, not inform or enlighten."
Tulsi Gabbard

I havent watched a debate since the 1990's. She is right..the media has driven us all to the lowest common denominator and there is no debate to be had. Just posturing, campaign speeches and the everlasting "search for the big gaffe or killer line".

TV has dumbed down America to the point it is basically ungovernable. And the shallower they in the press get the louder they scream Trump has got to go.

Outside that..the Democrat debates are just a series of millionaires promising to pay people to vote for them.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.

The one thing I must admit; it is quite fascinating how the Left has successfully programmed ignorant piece of shit white people to hate white people for being white.
We can only hope that one of these days a person's skin color will not have to be mentioned.

Republicans rarely think that skin color is relevant or needs to be mentioned. It's just the racist Democraps who think that it is or that it does.

Not "exactly" true.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few who call themselves "Republicans" who would like nothing more than to lynch blacks solely for their skin color. Sad.

Then again, there are "Democrats" who would do the same to whites given the chance.
Sick people will call themselves lots of things, even human.
Republicans rarely think that skin color is relevant or needs to be mentioned. It's just the racist Democraps who think that it is or that it does.

Not "exactly" true.
Unfortunately, there are quite a few who call themselves "Republicans" who would like nothing more than to lynch blacks solely for their skin color.

No, there aren't that many. Such Republican racists are a tiny fringe minority, who are universally condemned and rejected by the vast majority of Republicans.
Maybe the GOP can let the Democrats rent Herman Cain and Ben Carson, just to add some "color" to the Democrat Primary "Debates". :dunno:

"African American Politicians For Rent: Reliable Identity Politics, at a price any political crime family can afford"
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
Are you suggesting that affirmative action be used when it comes to those running for President?
With healthcare on forefront of their campaign issues and for sake of diversity the Democrats need to invite Dr. Ben Carson to switch parties and jump into the race. Then convince Sanjay Gupta and Ken Jeong to join in the fun. I'll call this the Detroit Triple Threat strategy based on their places of birth.
In 2016, the Republican Party has several credible Presidential candidates representing quite a range of ethnicities, while the Democrats had only two old white people.
And how far did they get?

A lot farther than any minorities got in the true racist party, which is the Democraps.

By the time of the 2016 California Primary, Trump was the only candidate still officially running, but I didn't vote for him. There were other names still appearing on the ballot. I don't remember, now, whether it was Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio for whom I voted, but both of them are of Cuban ancestry.

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