Lefties Demanding Tucker get fired for Barely defending Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
He was he was chased off by the first guy, saying “shoot me nicca shoot me nicca” he resisted to the point he couldn’t run anymore.. from the democrat fascist mob
Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
He was he was chased off by the first guy, saying “shoot me nicca shoot me nicca” he resisted to the point he couldn’t run anymore.. from the democrat fascist mob
A guy from out of State who was dropped off by his mom?
Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
He was he was chased off by the first guy, saying “shoot me nicca shoot me nicca” he resisted to the point he couldn’t run anymore.. from the democrat fascist mob
A guy from out of State who was dropped off by his mom?
So he doesn’t have a right to self defense? Its you democrats that allowed the fascist democrat mob to attack and burn down small businesses of hard working Americans. This is what happens .. if advise you to stay home
After I watch Tucker last night I was shocked that he did not defend Kyle Rittenhouse and then I read today that people want Tucker fired for defending Kyle Rittenhouse..

All tucker said was free people will maintain peace, or something like that..

I thought it was weak.. and democrats want him fired..

Kyle Rittenhouse is the most talked about person today in America in the media is silent on it. Well at least Fox News is, this poor kid will be painted as a racist. Poor kid

The left wants tucker gone for the election anyways...............they single one or two people for attack at a time to have them removed...once they are gone they mob up and attack a couple of new people. It's the socialist marxist way-----people need to learn to tell them where they get off.
Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
He was he was chased off by the first guy, saying “shoot me nicca shoot me nicca” he resisted to the point he couldn’t run anymore.. from the democrat fascist mob
A guy from out of State who was dropped off by his mom?
So he doesn’t have a right to self defense? Its you democrats that allowed the fascist democrat mob to attack and burn down small businesses of hard working Americans. This is what happens .. if advise you to stay home
He did not need to be there if he could not, Stand His Ground.
Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
He was he was chased off by the first guy, saying “shoot me nicca shoot me nicca” he resisted to the point he couldn’t run anymore.. from the democrat fascist mob
A guy from out of State who was dropped off by his mom?
So he doesn’t have a right to self defense? Its you democrats that allowed the fascist democrat mob to attack and burn down small businesses of hard working Americans. This is what happens .. if advise you to stay home
He did not need to be there if he could not, Stand His Ground.
This isn’t communist China lol we are free to go where we want. You fascist have no right to tell me where I can stand and if you do.. well I think you know.. stay home shut up
The media is ignoring this injustice.. afraid to get canceled
Tucker should and will remain employed on Fox. The ones that should be negatively impacted are the leftists. They should have their citizenship revoked, since they hate America so much, then deported to a country more likeable to their tastes, perhaps China (you know, Biden's puppet masters).
These marxist fucks need to be prepared for patriots that have had just about enough of their shit. Doesn't matter how old, what color or where they come from. The silent majority ain't playing no more. The kid put his life on the line, got clocked with a skateboard, kicked in the head and then generated some roadkill.... in self-defense. The filthy trash's pronouns are now "was" and "were".
Tucker Carlson wont be fired however Lachlan and James Murdock who run Fox News wont renew his contract and he'll go somewhere like OANN is the next year or so. :smoke:
After I watch Tucker last night I was shocked that he did not defend Kyle Rittenhouse and then I read today that people want Tucker fired for defending Kyle Rittenhouse..

All tucker said was free people will maintain peace, or something like that..

I thought it was weak.. and democrats want him fired..

Kyle Rittenhouse is the most talked about person today in America in the media is silent on it. Well at least Fox News is, this poor kid will be painted as a racist. Poor kid
But of course...the leftist agenda includes trying to remove all, and silence right wing media. They did it to oreilly, they are trying to do it to hannity and now Carlson.

Tell me...what ever happened to Don lemon? Oh yeah, still employed, after sexual assault....

I think Republicans need to get on the offensive against these left wing talkers, just like they are doing to the right. Go after sponsors and such
Kyle should have stayed home.
These folks have been whipped into such a froth of anger and paranoia that I don't even know if that's possible.

They're terrified. They think this is the only option. Rush & Sean & Tucker are going to have a lot to answer for, before long.
If I were you I would stay home .. I think I’m going out next
Or you could just turn off the radio and go for a nice hike somewhere.
Who will defend the elderly and business from democrat mobs?
By running down the middle of the street with a long gun?
You prefer him run on the side walk from the fascist democrat mob? I’m sorry huh?
lol. How about actually guarding some place of business not just inciting more trouble?
He was he was chased off by the first guy, saying “shoot me nicca shoot me nicca” he resisted to the point he couldn’t run anymore.. from the democrat fascist mob
A guy from out of State who was dropped off by his mom?
So he doesn’t have a right to self defense? Its you democrats that allowed the fascist democrat mob to attack and burn down small businesses of hard working Americans. This is what happens .. if advise you to stay home
He did not need to be there if he could not, Stand His Ground.
You are right, a 17 year old had no business at the riot, carrying a rifle. You know what else? Those rioters have no business being there burning down businesses either. They certainly have no business chasing people with intent to harm, especially if one of them is carrying a rifle......

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