Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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Yeah.... It's Trump’s fault.

In part yes.
There is no excuse for violence. But when you sponsor it, don’t act surprised when it comes back at you.

It’s the same thing with the Democrats and the Senate filibuster. The Dems stupidly suspended the filibuster….and now that the GOP is in the majority, they have every right to suspend it further because the precedent has been set.
Wait, I get that, but republicans don't advocate violence. Other than Trump saying take the protestors out on a stretcher, no republican has been close.
My question is why do lefties show up to rallies they don't want to be at, just to start fights? you just don't see right wingers ever do this stuff.

The guy who mowed down the woman in Charlottesville was invited to their demonstration?
I have no idea, but that has nothing to do with politics. That was about a statue, I think the people wanting the statue started the rallies, the lefties then showed up, why????
They knew they were gonna start shit,

The left can't just let things go. They lost let it go.
Republicans do not protest leftwing speakers, they do not show up to leftwing political rallies, they have never encouraged publicly attacking democrat administration officials, they don't incite violence and encourage riots.

The person that did that in Charlottesville did so with no backing from any conservative or republican that I am aware of, and should be in jail. Killing someone is a serious crime and that person should receive the death penalty.

“Jews will not replace us”was about a statue?
So you have a precanned response to my post.
Charlottesville was about a statue, what do jews have to do with it?
And my post was we don't encourage or tolerate those things and the person who committed murder should be punished.
You are so full of shit...

Where were you at when obongo was doing the same thing?
Wearing diapers

I'm 57 bitch. I was running an organization.
It probably failed. Or was a government program.

I don't fail. And it was not a government program. But f it was, you haveto actually hav qulifications o worl hose, unlike a priva vusnsswrby anyidiot can start one.
You should try spell check while you are foaming at the mouth there sparky. You haven’t run any organization if you think you don’t need qualifications. However the fact you said that shows everyone here that you don’t. Keep digging your hole. It’s fun to watch someone implode. Please respond as I need more chuckles this afternoon.

I accidently hit the post reply button asshole but you'll look for anything since you can't debate. Now you've resorted to lying:

I don't fail. And it was not a government program. But if it was, you have to actually have qualifications to work those, unlike a private job. Any idiot can start one of those.

Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

Yeah watching you dig your own hole is kinda funny.
There were a lot of GOP candidates in 2016….maybe I missed it. Can you quote other GOP candidates that said “I’d like to punch him in the face”? I was under the impression that from this campaign, Trump was the only one who did that.
That was Bob Deniro

Can you quote Bob saying that?

Here, I just saved you a 5 second Google search... it is about 35 seconds in where Deniro says this:

Didn’t know bob ran for office

Never said he did. You wanted a quote to him saying what he said. I provided that quote.

Candy he has you, you didn't argue that in your previous post until he posted the evidence.
You guys are crazy, just say you got me.
You lefties are so violent and psychopathic.
Trump says to beat up idiots invading his rally and you treat that as the same as what the libs do.
America needs to decide if they want a party fueled by rage and anger entrusted to run the Country. They smash windows, burn cars, assault rally attendees of the opposing party, call for Cabinet members of the opposing party to be assaulted....

Who wants this?
A small fringe group broke a few windows and one guy bloodied one guy's nose at a rally and we will never hear the end of it, I guess. There are rightwingers on this board calling for everyone to go out armed to "protect" against these verbal "assaults" by fat mouthed idiots who feel the need to violate a politician's personal space. The vast majority of people, regardless of party, think it's stupid and the right is making a huge to-do about a few nut cases, making it seem as if the country has been overrun by bizerks.

It ain't so, so you can stop with the theatrics.
Very soon leftists will be justifying and committing violence and terrorism against those on the right. It's just a matter of time. As they find themselves losing elections, the court, and the confidence of the public.

They are already laying the groundwork for the idiocy by coming up with so called "micro aggression's". An action that is only aggressive to the individual involved (pointing a tree out to a friend and exclaiming "that branch has a black leaf on it...I wonder why" (a normal conversation for an arborist or botanist, or even a tree lover), that no other reasonable person would think is a aggressive behavior, but which that individual will then use to physically attack the intended target (they said the word "BLACK"!)

These assholes will attack the weakest people they can find, because like im2 they are abject cowards, but, eventually, they will come across some person who will either shoot them, or beat the crap out of them, and then the "revolt" has its martyr.
Wearing diapers

I'm 57 bitch. I was running an organization.
It probably failed. Or was a government program.

I don't fail. And it was not a government program. But f it was, you haveto actually hav qulifications o worl hose, unlike a priva vusnsswrby anyidiot can start one.
You should try spell check while you are foaming at the mouth there sparky. You haven’t run any organization if you think you don’t need qualifications. However the fact you said that shows everyone here that you don’t. Keep digging your hole. It’s fun to watch someone implode. Please respond as I need more chuckles this afternoon.

I accidently hit the post reply button asshole but you'll look for anything since you can't debate. Now you've resorted to lying:

I don't fail. And it was not a government program. But if it was, you have to actually have qualifications to work those, unlike a private job. Any idiot can start one of those.

Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

Yeah watching you dig your own hole is kinda funny.
I have no idea what you are trying to prove with your last post, nor would any other rational thinking person. Your intellect is way to easy for me to combat. Please get some friends to help you. I’m bored now, you aren’t worthy of any more time. If you step it up 10 or 12 notches maybe we can go at it again.
Assault on a minor and theft of property.

That's a hard video to watch.

The assailant's face is clearly visible. His voice is clearly heard. His name will be out shortly . His actions are now recorded for all to see--his boss, his family. I feel sorry for his family when the crap hits the fan. It will be interesting to see where this story goes over the next few days.

If he has a good paying job, his company and his boss will have to stand behind his actions or can him. I wouldn't want to be his boss right now or the company where he works. Ugly.

If you can't exercise tolerance and self restraint in public, why would a company want to take the risk of having you on their payroll?

I wonder what he does for a living. Won't have to wonder long. This guy is infamous now.

Stay tuned. Sad.
He’ll be fone. He’ll get planty raised in a GoFundMe, and nobody will remember this a week or 2 from now.

You Nazi's stick together....

I can't wait for payday.

Don't ever hope for that because too many completely innocent people will be harmed in the maelstrom.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.
Why not. That's what Trump has done.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

You are so full of shit...

Where were you at when obongo was doing the same thing?
Wearing diapers

I'm 57 bitch. I was running an organization.

"B" pod in a some prison?

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.

If he did, would it change everything?

Such a tough guy.


Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.

Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.

You would have to have been in the Hole in prison for the entirety of obummers admin to think that. Or a dishonest fool. You choose.

Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.

I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.

Such a tough guy.

You're crying about the bullies giving the kid a hard time, but look at the message at the bottom of your vid. "Increased Violence Coming. Join....."
Join what? Not an anti-violence campaign, I'm guessing.

So dry your eyes, hypocrite.
Not everyone is like this dude. I just partied with a guy who likes trump (i don't if you haven't noticed) and we had a nice conversation about why both of us feel why we do. Off the internet and off the tv there is alot more that connectys us than divides us., and most people are civil.
Everybody knows this.

If that weren't the case this country would be in a full scale civil war already.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.

I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.
30% of what. Are you writing in code?

Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.
If he did, would it change everything?

I opposed what he did. Ask somebody else that question.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.

I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.

Keep thinking that silly girl. Makes it so much easier when you get your ass handed to you.
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