Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

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Trump has created animosity. Those supporting him, support the animosity.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.

You would have to have been in the Hole in prison for the entirety of obummers admin to think that. Or a dishonest fool. You choose.

How do you figure?. I thought that way and was not in any hole.
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".
Chicken Nuggets for Chickenhawks

Why do Conservatives take the side of such wusses? Let me see both boys tackle and beat up that lawless ape, using anything available as a weapon. Fairness is for fairies. We don't need talky weaklings taking up the cause.
Figures you would say that.

Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.

You would have to have been in the Hole in prison for the entirety of obummers admin to think that. Or a dishonest fool. You choose.

How do you figure?. I thought that way and was not in any hole.

Then you're either moron level stupid, or dishonest. I know which way I am leaning. The fact remains that you laud an attack by an adult on two kids. That is the mark of a low life scum.

Pretty easy to see why I would think you were in prison as that is the sort of behavior that lands low life scum in prison.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Lol, remember when trump was telling his supporters that he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protestors?

remember when your asshole bitch Obama told you if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor and mostly all you idiots lost your doctors.
Lol, what's that got to do with tRump encouraging violence?
Leftist bully attacks two 14 year olds for wearing MAGA hat

But I agree with you - that dude is a dick. Surprised actually that he isn't a Trump supporter!

Probably a looney liberal. He's not a Trump supporter as he was going to toss the hat in his fireplace. He's been fired from his part-time bar job though. The teen and his family won't prosecute as the teen says people make mistakes. He said he rather have a conversation with the man over what happened. A very mature young man compared to the grownup adult bully.
Wonder if the assailant was a Jihadist or a racist Aztlan Nationalist or just a typical dumb liberal bigot?

His career path tells you everything you need to know:
He's 30 years old and only had a part-time job working at a bar.

Had. Past tense.
Why not. That's what Trump has done.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.

I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.

Keep thinking that silly girl. Makes it so much easier when you get your ass handed to you.

Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Lol, remember when trump was telling his supporters that he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protestors?

That’s not what he said, let me help you.
There was someone at his rally that was planning to throw tomatoes at him or crowd, and Trump said if you see someone fixing to throw a tomato just knock the hell out of them, I’ll pay your legal bills.
Would you let someone throw tomatoes at you? You are welcome to protest but violence isn’t welcome.
If He could have told us Trumpsters to beat the protesters outside then maybe you would have a point, but he didn’t.

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Maxine Waters, Donald Trump and comments inciting violence
Why not. That's what Trump has done.

Oh? Nothing ever happened like this under the obummers reign? You know, your hero?

Again this is a Trump policy that was not done during Obama, Children were not separated from parents and put in separate facilities during Obama. Unlike you guys who approve this with Trump, I didn't approve of what Obama did. Of course you hypocrites opposed it. But Obama did not do this.

You would have to have been in the Hole in prison for the entirety of obummers admin to think that. Or a dishonest fool. You choose.

How do you figure?. I thought that way and was not in any hole.

Then you're either moron level stupid, or dishonest. I know which way I am leaning. The fact remains that you laud an attack by an adult on two kids. That is the mark of a low life scum.

Pretty easy to see why I would think you were in prison as that is the sort of behavior that lands low life scum in prison.

I've lauded nothing. Learn how to read.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.

I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.

Keep thinking that silly girl. Makes it so much easier when you get your ass handed to you.

Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.
Trump ( not my boy) is actually higher and climbing.
SAN ANTONIO - Police are investigating after a teen says he was verbally attacked and assaulted at a Whataburger for wearing a Make America Great Again hat.
Viral video: Teen says he was attacked for wearing 'Make American Great Again' hat

This is the low life scum of society those leftist Trump haters will stoop to their mental illness level and attack them for wearing a gawd dam hat.

How dare you Trump hating scum ever, ever flip onto Trump supporters that they are the violent ones when over and over article after article is is you low life scum Trump haters who are violent and attack people.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human in fact animals have more respect and dignity then you losers do.
Lol, remember when trump was telling his supporters that he would pay the legal fees for people who beat up protestors?

That’s not what he said, let me help you.
There was someone at his rally that was planning to throw tomatoes at him or crowd, and Trump said if you see someone fixing to throw a tomato just knock the hell out of them, I’ll pay your legal bills.
Would you let someone throw tomatoes at you? You are welcome to protest but violence isn’t welcome.
If He could have told us Trumpsters to beat the protesters outside then maybe you would have a point, but he didn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maxine Waters, Donald Trump and comments inciting violence

No, maxine stated that libs must become violent and that's what they're doing.
In your mind that gives this guy the right to Harras two teenagers?

No, but there are going to be consequences for supporting Trump and the animosity he encourages.. You Trump lovers just need to face that. This is a man locking up babies. So really I don't give a fuck about you trump lovers whining.

Actually it is YOU who are going to need to face it. The American people who voted for trump are for the most part peace loving individuals, while you yapping morons are like the japanese on their way to Pearl Harbor. Like the japanese you will no doubt enjoy some early successes, but just like the japanese the result will be your eradication.

You had best be careful what you wish for.

I don't think so. Your pissant 30 percent does not represent any significant portion of this country.

Keep thinking that silly girl. Makes it so much easier when you get your ass handed to you.

Nobody is going to be handing me my ass. Your boy has a 40 percent approval rating.

And the shrilary has a 95% chance of being POTUS.

America needs to decide if they want a party fueled by rage and anger entrusted to run the Country. They smash windows, burn cars, assault rally attendees of the opposing party, call for Cabinet members of the opposing party to be assaulted....

Who wants this?
A small fringe group broke a few windows and one guy bloodied one guy's nose at a rally and we will never hear the end of it, I guess. There are rightwingers on this board calling for everyone to go out armed to "protect" against these verbal "assaults" by fat mouthed idiots who feel the need to violate a politician's personal space. The vast majority of people, regardless of party, think it's stupid and the right is making a huge to-do about a few nut cases, making it seem as if the country has been overrun by bizerks.

It ain't so, so you can stop with the theatrics.

How many instances have there been where armed Rightwingers shot up an open field of Democrat Congressmen?
Using threats and intimidation to enforce your political views is also referred to as terrorism.

Texas teenager attacked on video for wearing Make America Great Again hat

A 16-year-old boy has been verbally abused and assaulted at a restaurant for wearing one of Donald Trump’s trademark “Make America Great Again” hats.

The ordeal, which took place in San Antonio, was caught on camera and has been widely shared.

The clip shows an unidentified suspect chucking a drink in Hunter Richard’s face while saying “you ain’t supporting s***” before leaving the restaurant with his red hat.

Mr Hunter, who is from the Texas city, was having a meal with his friends at a Whataburger restaurant in Thousands Oaks when the incident took place.

"I support my President and if you don’t let’s have a conversation about it instead of ripping my hat off," Mr Hunter told News 4 San Antonio.

"I just think a conversation about politics is more productive for the entire whole rather than taking my hat and yelling subjective words to me".

Wonder where they got the idea to resort to violence? This may be a clue....

Trump on protester: 'I’d like to punch him in the face'

Trump said the protester had been “throwing punches.” By the time a POLITICO reporter spotted the protester being led from the floor of South Point Arena by security personnel, the man was not throwing punches.

According to multiple South Point security personnel, the man did not throw any punches. Trump "was just over-exaggerating," said one security guard, who asked that his name not be used.

“We’re not allowed to punch back any more,” Trump lamented. The billionaire said he missed the “good old days,” when the man would be treated differently.

“You know what they used to do to a guy like that in a place like this?” Trump said. “They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”

O said to bring a gun to a knife fight. You conveniently forgot about that. Waters has been pushing the lib violence and its showing now. Libs are becoming increasingly violent.
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