Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

RW posts 30 pages of blaming Republicans for the failures of the black community, then points to Detroit as an example, a city that's been under Democrat control for 54 years.

Rightwinger likes to post republican failures, until he gets called out and asked "what sustaining avenues Democrats have actually created to help the poor break free from government subsidies?" .... then, as you noticed, he shuts right up.
Since you asked...

Democrats have provided jobs training, low cost education, jobs placement, minority business incentives, child care, healthcare

You mean the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 by Senator Nelson (D) of Wisconsin and Senator Javits (R) of New York, and signed by republican President Richard M Nixon? Now tell me another one.
Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

I want them to remove themselves from the plantation by doing something to gain better skills in order to EARN a job. Are blacks too damn lazy to do for themselves? Apparently Democrats think so since they believe handing them something for nothing is a good thing.

Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond

That's called moving the goalposts, something Liberals are good at doing. Your said teach them to fish as the way for them to provide for themselves. You then acknowledged that they knew how to do what you said was needed in order to be able to do that. Now you blame it on something else. How many more excuses can you make?
Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

I want them to remove themselves from the plantation by doing something to gain better skills in order to EARN a job. Are blacks too damn lazy to do for themselves? Apparently Democrats think so since they believe handing them something for nothing is a good thing.

Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.
I want them to remove themselves from the plantation by doing something to gain better skills in order to EARN a job. Are blacks too damn lazy to do for themselves? Apparently Democrats think so since they believe handing them something for nothing is a good thing.

Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

How is the fishing in Detroit or Camden these days?

You said the way to do it was to teach them to fish. Now want to change the focus when what you said should be done has shown to have been done. Next excuse?

Blame the Democrats for Detroit. They've run the government there for 50 years.
Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

How is the fishing in Detroit or Camden these days?
Democrats drained the pond because they didn't want blacks fishing for themselves.

It gives Democrats a way to blame someone else and keep blacks on the plantation.
I wonder why the 95% that do continue to do so with all the good results Democrats have been able to do on their behalf.

Good point.....why can't Republicans offer a single reason minorities should vote Republican?

Simply explain that you are going to take away social programs, education and health programs, jobs training programs and that you are going to replace them with something better

I have. It's called stop being insane. Blacks have voted Democrat for 50 of the 200 years LBJ said he have them doing it. It's produced horrendous results.

Thanks for proving Democrats use the money of one group to buy the votes of blacks. You mentioned specific programs all of which require redistribution of wealth (vote buying).

I have yet to see what you are offering to entice minorities to vote Republucan. If Dems are as bad for minorities, it should be easy to convince them to vote Republican

Well the democrats say stay in shitty hellholes and we'll pay for you ass rent for the projects....we'll pay for your food, we'll pay for your non labor.......the only difference between democrats now and back in the day is....they didn't pay them for hard work then, and now they pay them for no work. The rest is the same as the plantation.....instead of cotton they get votes....King VOTE!
Interesting..what do Republicans offer as an alternative

To quite a lot of blacks, support for the policies and interests that those blacks have.
All minorities need to do is listen to rightwing talk radio, read message board like this one, watch FoxNews to learn what the Republican Party really feels about them

Other than the outright racists who flock to the GOP, there are the not so subtle claims that minorities are lazy, uneducated and unworthy of success in our society

You mean these racists?



Are black people not usually clean? Bright? Articulate? I mean they hide it well, you can take the democrat out of the race, but never the racism out of the democrat.

I guess articulate for democrats is saying um less than 1000 a minute.
It must have worked...Obama was elected twice

That in no way addressed the point he raised.

You pretend to be so concerned about the supposed racism of the Right, but you give a pass to the racism of the Left.

YOu are a hypocrite who cares about "racism" only as much as he can use the false accusations of racism against his political enemies.
All minorities need to do is listen to rightwing talk radio, read message board like this one, watch FoxNews to learn what the Republican Party really feels about them

Other than the outright racists who flock to the GOP, there are the not so subtle claims that minorities are lazy, uneducated and unworthy of success in our society

You mean these racists?



Are black people not usually clean? Bright? Articulate? I mean they hide it well, you can take the democrat out of the race, but never the racism out of the democrat.

I guess articulate for democrats is saying um less than 1000 a minute.
It must have worked...Obama was elected twice

hitler was elected chancellor, propaganda works... the war on women worked...Romney is not a sexist who hates women, but congrats you democrats turned it in that....nice job....all for the cause.
Godwin already?


You have your fucking nerve.

He did not accuse HIllary of being a Hitler, like you lefties have been doing.

He merely pointed out that propaganda works.

And you, as normal, failed to address his point.
Trump is polling 8 percent among blacks

If he can offer actual jobs in minority neighborhoods, he better come up with specifics

What is he going to do....offer blacks jobs rounding up Mexicans?

Should he offer jobs simply because they are minorities? What about qualification. Oh, that's right, Democrats consider skin color AS a qualification.

You help people who need help. Minority neighborhoods need help

Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Again rightwinger, what is the number one issue preventing jobs in black areas? it's a really really simple answer.

Have you noticed that these days he is NEVER addressing anything we actually say?

He has gone full bore propaganda mode and is just here to repeat his talking points.
Interesting..what do Republicans offer as an alternative

Encouraging people to reach their full potential. Bring back welfare to work and ensure that it's not easy to fall into the trap of dependence. Once young people go that route, it's harder than hell to get out. We now have generations of families on welfare and that means work ethics are not being passed down. Parents need to set good examples for children. If parents quit school and don't possess skills, even as basic as reading, they cannot be good role models for their children.

The left encourages dependence and instills an entitlement mentality that causes too many to take what looks like the easy route, but is actually a dead end street.

We need to turn this around and that means teaching people that they need to take their futures more seriously as teens and stay the course. When the left preaches entitlement and goes out of their way to blame others for failures, it causes more desperate people to depend on them to survive.

The left needs dependents. The best way to ensure loyalty is to be in charge of people's well being. If people believe that they cannot survive without government, they will always vote for nanny government. The right seeks to take away the fear of not having government to depend on because people can do more for themselves and it's time they realize that.

The left is equally bad when it comes to pandering to the wealthy and yet they claim to be going after them to make them pay their fair share. In reality, the left robs middle class to the point where we are disappearing and yet they pat themselves on the back for going after the 1%. Only thing they took from the 1% were campaign donations.

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Here's another example of how the libs blame others for the problem instead of encouraging people to do more on their own. Who is supposed to move jobs to those neighborhoods? Why aren't you encouraging people to finish their education and either start their own businesses or move elsewhere to find a good job? Instead, you tell people to sit and wait for others to come to their rescue. This is the problem. People have to step up and take action. There are programs to help people start businesses. There are programs to help people acquire the needed skills to find a better job. Go to a trade school and become an auto mechanic. Good money there. Become a hair stylist and it's easy to find a job in a salon or even obtain a loan to start your own. Anything other than sitting and waiting. People have been waiting for 6 decades. Time to change the message. Instead of demanding that others do something, encourage those who want better lives to starting going after them.

You make it sound like people don't know how to do anything but wait for a knock on the door from someone who will drive them to job training and then point out where they can work.

Truth is that this is something people need to actively seek and not something that will or should come to them. Sad part is that the left has convinced some that this is how it really works. Outrageous!!
OK...let's encourage people to do more on their own

Jobs have left our inner cities......drugs, guns and crime have filled the void

Your Pollyanna solutions of everyone buckle down and try harder are not realistic.

Trump's proposed policies will bring back manufacturing jobs and by deporting illegals and limiting legal immigration, will increase available jobs and wages.

For all working class and middle class Americans, including blacks.

I have made this point repeatedly and you have done nothing but dodge it in various ways.
Should he offer jobs simply because they are minorities? What about qualification. Oh, that's right, Democrats consider skin color AS a qualification.

You help people who need help. Minority neighborhoods need help

Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

More than one in four blacks vote for the party that, from their perspective, legalized and protects the mass murder of black babies.

This has nothing to do with anything the Republicans are doing or not doing.
Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

Wow you're stupid......just let them sit in the projects, living off the government and BARELY getting by.....yeah that's a great life....you want them to live like that and you call RWs racist? Holy shit.
You said it yourself....what is the alternative?

You admit it is unlikely we can bring enough jobs into those neighborhoods. What are our options? We can move them to your neighborhood and see if they can find jobs and places to live

Otherwise, people gotta eat

Ok, so you keep dodging....why in those neighborhoods do they have so many issues...what's the big issue preventing anything else from happening there?

HE won't answer.

He has realized that his sides entire power structure is based on lies.

And all he is here to do is to obfuscate the Truth.
Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

Wow you're stupid......just let them sit in the projects, living off the government and BARELY getting by.....yeah that's a great life....you want them to live like that and you call RWs racist? Holy shit.
You said it yourself....what is the alternative?

You admit it is unlikely we can bring enough jobs into those neighborhoods. What are our options? We can move them to your neighborhood and see if they can find jobs and places to live

Otherwise, people gotta eat

Ok, so you keep dodging....why in those neighborhoods do they have so many issues...what's the big issue preventing anything else from happening there?

Inner city neighborhoods were once vibrant. Plenty of industry, decent homes, good schools, good tax structure

Then manufacturing bailed. they used up the city and left. Jobs were gone, taxes dropped, schools went to hell and crime moved in

And yet you are voting for the candidate in favor of the policies of outsourcing and high imports.
RW posts 30 pages of blaming Republicans for the failures of the black community, then points to Detroit as an example, a city that's been under Democrat control for 54 years.

Rightwinger likes to post republican failures, until he gets called out and asked "what sustaining avenues Democrats have actually created to help the poor break free from government subsidies?" .... then, as you noticed, he shuts right up.
Since you asked...

Democrats have provided jobs training, low cost education, jobs placement, minority business incentives, child care, healthcare

You mean the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 by Senator Nelson (D) of Wisconsin and Senator Javits (R) of New York, and signed by republican President Richard M Nixon? Now tell me another one.

But, but, Southern Strategy!!! LOL!!!

This is another Truth that RW will NOT acknowledge, let alone actually address.

He will ignore your point, to repeat his already challenged and refuted position.
Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

I want them to remove themselves from the plantation by doing something to gain better skills in order to EARN a job. Are blacks too damn lazy to do for themselves? Apparently Democrats think so since they believe handing them something for nothing is a good thing.

Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond

That's called moving the goalposts, something Liberals are good at doing. Your said teach them to fish as the way for them to provide for themselves. You then acknowledged that they knew how to do what you said was needed in order to be able to do that. Now you blame it on something else. How many more excuses can you make?

And tomorrow he will go back to square one and start the same old line of bullshit.
I want them to remove themselves from the plantation by doing something to gain better skills in order to EARN a job. Are blacks too damn lazy to do for themselves? Apparently Democrats think so since they believe handing them something for nothing is a good thing.

Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
RW posts 30 pages of blaming Republicans for the failures of the black community, then points to Detroit as an example, a city that's been under Democrat control for 54 years.

Rightwinger likes to post republican failures, until he gets called out and asked "what sustaining avenues Democrats have actually created to help the poor break free from government subsidies?" .... then, as you noticed, he shuts right up.
Since you asked...

Democrats have provided jobs training, low cost education, jobs placement, minority business incentives, child care, healthcare
Yeah, they took the child care and the healthcare and rejected the jobs training, education and jobs placement. And the only business incentives they had were dealing drugs on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Total conservative bullshit. Even the LBJ Great Society included jobs training and jobs placement. It also provided affirmative action and minority set aside contracting

All opposed by Conservatives
Teach a man to fish?

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better
Gasp! Here's the author


He points out that more and more blacks running for political action are conservatives even one who confessed once being a welfare cheat. What is happening here? Are minorities waking up to the fact that Democrats have, for decades, done their best to keep them indebted to them for political gain?

More of this excellent article @ Articles: Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Why is that a nightmare? A black Conservative managed to convince another African American to be a Conservative?
Hell, I am all in favor of Republicans getting African Americans to run for office.

There are 43 African Americans in the House- all Democrat. If Republicans can manage to elect African Americans to the House- I will applaud their efforts.
Like Allen West, the guy you lefties savaged for being a patriot?
West was run out of office by his fellow Republicans.
You help people who need help. Minority neighborhoods need help

Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

More than one in four blacks vote for the party that, from their perspective, legalized and protects the mass murder of black babies.

This has nothing to do with anything the Republicans are doing or not doing.
Black women make the decision to terminate their pregnancy on their own

Republicans want to deny them that choice at the same time they remove healthcare, childcare, food and housing for that child

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