Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
Why are you telling me?

Go into minority neighborhoods, set up Republican offices where people can go for help or find jobs. Don't tell...SHOW what Republicans can do for minorities

But Republicans won't even enter a minority neighborhood
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities

What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
Why are you telling me?

Go into minority neighborhoods, set up Republican offices where people can go for help or find jobs. Don't tell...SHOW what Republicans can do for minorities

But Republicans won't even enter a minority neighborhood

Trying to educate you, too, but much like the blacks you think should vote Democrat, maybe you're not able to be educated.

Republicans, for that matter no one, has to come to my neighborhood to help or find a job for me. I found it myself. Guess that puts me on a higher level than blacks.

Can you guarantee whites won't be assaulted, shot, etc. for being white when going into the neighborhoods?
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities


All this republican whining and crying about who black people vote for has absolutely NOTHING to do with their concern for black lives or the futures of black children. They don't give a shit about black people .. something I know you are well aware of.

All the pity party whining that you're reading here has everything to do with the dismal future of the Republican Party and their rapidly shrinking base. :lol:

They are their own worst enemy and there is nothing they can do at this point to change their diminishing state of being. :lol: That's the good news.
Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
Why are you telling me?

Go into minority neighborhoods, set up Republican offices where people can go for help or find jobs. Don't tell...SHOW what Republicans can do for minorities

But Republicans won't even enter a minority neighborhood

Trying to educate you, too, but much like the blacks you think should vote Democrat, maybe you're not able to be educated.

Republicans, for that matter no one, has to come to my neighborhood to help or find a job for me. I found it myself. Guess that puts me on a higher level than blacks.

Can you guarantee whites won't be assaulted, shot, etc. for being white when going into the neighborhoods?

Go into black neighborhoods.....you can do it Republicans
Tell them they are not educated, that they must be stupid to not vote Republican........use your plantation line
He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
Why are you telling me?

Go into minority neighborhoods, set up Republican offices where people can go for help or find jobs. Don't tell...SHOW what Republicans can do for minorities

But Republicans won't even enter a minority neighborhood

Trying to educate you, too, but much like the blacks you think should vote Democrat, maybe you're not able to be educated.

Republicans, for that matter no one, has to come to my neighborhood to help or find a job for me. I found it myself. Guess that puts me on a higher level than blacks.

Can you guarantee whites won't be assaulted, shot, etc. for being white when going into the neighborhoods?

Go into black neighborhoods.....you can do it Republicans
Tell them they are not educated, that they must be stupid to not vote Republican........use your plantation line

They already know they're not educated. They already know they're on the plantation. Lyndon Johnson told them 50 years ago they were and they obliged.
The man has to be willing to to learn to fish. Blacks voting Democrat prove they don't want to learn. They want someone to provide the fish.

EVERY person in the country has the opportunity to attend school through the 12th grade. That's their chance to learn to fish.

It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

More than One in FOUR blacks vote for the party that, FROM THEIR pov, supports the mass murder of black babies.

This is not about the failure of the GOP to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better.

It is about the fact that black bloc voting is based on successful leftist Race Based fear mongering.

YOu know that your hopes for your agenda are based on lies and fear mongering and are tearing this nation apart.

And you are here to help, in your own little way, to keep those lies and fear alive.
Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

More than one in four blacks vote for the party that, from their perspective, legalized and protects the mass murder of black babies.

This has nothing to do with anything the Republicans are doing or not doing.
Black women make the decision to terminate their pregnancy on their own

Republicans want to deny them that choice at the same time they remove healthcare, childcare, food and housing for that child

What you just did there was to dismiss the 37% of blacks who are pro-life and their beliefs.

You include in your judgement of the issue, YOUR BELIEF that unborn babies are just "pregnancies" without any rights of their own.

PRO-LIFE BLACKS, BY DEFINITION, want to deny black women the "right" to kill their unborn babies.

And yet the vast majority of them vote for white libs like you who want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.

This is not about a reasonable disagreement on the issues, or even a legitimate conflict of interests.

This is about that the fact that people like you have terrorized and race baited the black community for generations to the point that Pro-life Blacks view the party that supports the mass murder of black babies as their only ally against the Evul Republicans.

Great job.

If your goal was to tear this nation apart.

and you inability to respect or to even understand the viewpoint of someone who disagrees with you is incredible.
Black conservatives? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States
There is a group of people who cannot be fooled.
Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States

Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters
A new poll shows the presumptive GOP nominee performs abysmally among a key portion of the voting electorate.
Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters
Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters

I guess black conservatives don't vote. :0) .. or, there are too few of them to even matter.
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities


All this republican whining and crying about who black people vote for has absolutely NOTHING to do with their concern for black lives or the futures of black children. They don't give a shit about black people .. something I know you are well aware of.

All the pity party whining that you're reading here has everything to do with the dismal future of the Republican Party and their rapidly shrinking base. :lol:

They are their own worst enemy and there is nothing they can do at this point to change their diminishing state of being. :lol: That's the good news.

You know, if you get your way, and you do marginalize the GOP...

All that will mean is that the status quo will continue and the black community will NEVER improve or solve or even seriously address any of it's many problems.

Without the GOP, and with the rapid growth of the Hispanic bloc, the dems will do even less than the nothing they have done for you up till now.

I hope you like gang culture, and drug related violence and poverty, and high rates of incarceration and lower life expectancy and high rates of ever form of social dysfunction,

because that is what you are working towards with your hardline support of the dems.
Black conservatives? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States
There is a group of people who cannot be fooled.
Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States

Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters
A new poll shows the presumptive GOP nominee performs abysmally among a key portion of the voting electorate.
Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters
Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters

I guess black conservatives don't vote. :0) .. or, there are too few of them to even matter.

As the links syiuss posted, there are plenty of black conservatives.

They have just been terrorized into believing that they HAVE TO support the dems.

More than one in four blacks are voting for the Party that from their pov, support the mass murder of black babies.

That you can see that as a good thing, is amazing to me.
It's not that they haven't learned to fish......just that there are no longer any fish in their pond
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
WTF? Are you claiming black unemployed fared better under Republican policies?
Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

More than one in four blacks vote for the party that, from their perspective, legalized and protects the mass murder of black babies.

This has nothing to do with anything the Republicans are doing or not doing.
Black women make the decision to terminate their pregnancy on their own

Republicans want to deny them that choice at the same time they remove healthcare, childcare, food and housing for that child

What you just did there was to dismiss the 37% of blacks who are pro-life and their beliefs.

You include in your judgement of the issue, YOUR BELIEF that unborn babies are just "pregnancies" without any rights of their own.

PRO-LIFE BLACKS, BY DEFINITION, want to deny black women the "right" to kill their unborn babies.

And yet the vast majority of them vote for white libs like you who want to see those black babies "murdered" in the millions.

This is not about a reasonable disagreement on the issues, or even a legitimate conflict of interests.

This is about that the fact that people like you have terrorized and race baited the black community for generations to the point that Pro-life Blacks view the party that supports the mass murder of black babies as their only ally against the Evul Republicans.

Great job.

If your goal was to tear this nation apart.

and you inability to respect or to even understand the viewpoint of someone who disagrees with you is incredible.

In reality, he dismissed zero percent.

Pro-life is also a choice.
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
WTF? Are you claiming black unemployed fared better under Republican policies?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. 50 years of supporting Democrat policies has produced an unemployment rate twice that of whites.
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities


All this republican whining and crying about who black people vote for has absolutely NOTHING to do with their concern for black lives or the futures of black children. They don't give a shit about black people .. something I know you are well aware of.

All the pity party whining that you're reading here has everything to do with the dismal future of the Republican Party and their rapidly shrinking base. :lol:

They are their own worst enemy and there is nothing they can do at this point to change their diminishing state of being. :lol: That's the good news.

You know, if you get your way, and you do marginalize the GOP...

All that will mean is that the status quo will continue and the black community will NEVER improve or solve or even seriously address any of it's many problems.

Without the GOP, and with the rapid growth of the Hispanic bloc, the dems will do even less than the nothing they have done for you up till now.

I hope you like gang culture, and drug related violence and poverty, and high rates of incarceration and lower life expectancy and high rates of ever form of social dysfunction,

because that is what you are working towards with your hardline support of the dems.

Unbeknownst to you, black people are solving our problems without you or the Republican Party .. neither of which intend to do a damn thing about our issues anyway.

I don't gives a rats ass about what you think about black people or our issues. Not one damn.

How about you stop pretending that you give a shit about black people. Obviously you don't. The ONLY reason you're crying about who we vote for is because we won't vote for republicans, which seriously damages any chance of them winning the White House.

Your all-white party has rejected black voters .. which is their right to do. But if you think black voters are coming to the rescue of the Republican Party .. well, that would be quite stupid, would it not?
Black conservatives? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States
There is a group of people who cannot be fooled.
Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States

Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters
A new poll shows the presumptive GOP nominee performs abysmally among a key portion of the voting electorate.
Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters
Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters

I guess black conservatives don't vote. :0) .. or, there are too few of them to even matter.

As the links syiuss posted, there are plenty of black conservatives.

They have just been terrorized into believing that they HAVE TO support the dems.

More than one in four blacks are voting for the Party that from their pov, support the mass murder of black babies.

That you can see that as a good thing, is amazing to me.

So it's your belief that the hand full of so-called black conservatives are COWARDS? :lol:

The voting booth is private, no one can see your vote .. but you reach for the coward defense of black conservatives anyway.

.. and oh yeah, you don't give a fuck about black babies either .. which is not your concern.

How difficult is it for you to see that you need to go chase Hispanics and abandon ALL hope of black people voting for republicans.

Oh wait .. Hispanics don't like you either, What a surprise, :0)

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