Leftist Nightmare: Black Conservatives Running for Office

Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

Wow you're stupid......just let them sit in the projects, living off the government and BARELY getting by.....yeah that's a great life....you want them to live like that and you call RWs racist? Holy shit.
You said it yourself....what is the alternative?

You admit it is unlikely we can bring enough jobs into those neighborhoods. What are our options? We can move them to your neighborhood and see if they can find jobs and places to live

Otherwise, people gotta eat

Yeah but you can't blame whitey when you have massive crime.....Atleast snoop and the game get it........it starts at home first
The Baton Rouge cop killer was a black conservative, so yes, black conservatives can be nightmares.

This is the new talking point...you got a little kinky on that?

Is being in nation of Islam and saying kill crackers online a black Conservative now

Fuck you and you dishonesty.......
Ok Rightwinger, here is the question....first remove the biggest obstacle to jobs.....I'll let you guess that one.

Once you can get jobs in those areas, then get them working.....so you have to get them off the welfare.....

you can do this a couple of ways....you can give them a stipend and lessen it as they make more money or you can tell them tough shit and you have a limited amount of time.. Stop buying weed and buy a book. Madden is a fun game, but it's not gonna get a you a job, stop playing it....DO SOMETHING to better yourself..... and yes we do need to improve liberaries and things, but there is one MAJOR issue that causes all of this to be on hold......

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Rightwinger knows that minorities hooked on government assistance, like a narcotic, won't vote republican if it means becoming more self supportive and accountable
Offer them something better

Take away housing and food stamps and send them on their way. Republican shaming and mockery are not a replacement

You mean programs such as free public education, trade school programs, scholarships, grants, GI Bill? The government could even offer tax incentives to businesses that offer apprenticeship programs that tie into the student's trade school or higher education. Programs that LEAD to employment.

Exactly what self sustaining employment avenues have the democrats created for the poor to work them out of government subsidies? Care to list a few while we are on the subject?

Now, all Republicans have to do is implement it in minority neighborhoods and watch the minority vote flow to Republicans

Why don't they?

Well blacks have to figure it out.....whitey can't do it for them.

They have to stop killing each other FIRST....then we can get jobs in.....
Interesting..what do Republicans offer as an alternative

Encouraging people to reach their full potential. Bring back welfare to work and ensure that it's not easy to fall into the trap of dependence. Once young people go that route, it's harder than hell to get out. We now have generations of families on welfare and that means work ethics are not being passed down. Parents need to set good examples for children. If parents quit school and don't possess skills, even as basic as reading, they cannot be good role models for their children.

The left encourages dependence and instills an entitlement mentality that causes too many to take what looks like the easy route, but is actually a dead end street.

We need to turn this around and that means teaching people that they need to take their futures more seriously as teens and stay the course. When the left preaches entitlement and goes out of their way to blame others for failures, it causes more desperate people to depend on them to survive.

The left needs dependents. The best way to ensure loyalty is to be in charge of people's well being. If people believe that they cannot survive without government, they will always vote for nanny government. The right seeks to take away the fear of not having government to depend on because people can do more for themselves and it's time they realize that.

The left is equally bad when it comes to pandering to the wealthy and yet they claim to be going after them to make them pay their fair share. In reality, the left robs middle class to the point where we are disappearing and yet they pat themselves on the back for going after the 1%. Only thing they took from the 1% were campaign donations.

Looks like the Republicans problem doesn't it ?

You want to remove people from the plantation and get them jobs, you need to move jobs into the area and train the people. What is your plan to get minorities voting Republucan?

Here's another example of how the libs blame others for the problem instead of encouraging people to do more on their own. Who is supposed to move jobs to those neighborhoods? Why aren't you encouraging people to finish their education and either start their own businesses or move elsewhere to find a good job? Instead, you tell people to sit and wait for others to come to their rescue. This is the problem. People have to step up and take action. There are programs to help people start businesses. There are programs to help people acquire the needed skills to find a better job. Go to a trade school and become an auto mechanic. Good money there. Become a hair stylist and it's easy to find a job in a salon or even obtain a loan to start your own. Anything other than sitting and waiting. People have been waiting for 6 decades. Time to change the message. Instead of demanding that others do something, encourage those who want better lives to starting going after them.

You make it sound like people don't know how to do anything but wait for a knock on the door from someone who will drive them to job training and then point out where they can work.

Truth is that this is something people need to actively seek and not something that will or should come to them. Sad part is that the left has convinced some that this is how it really works. Outrageous!!

There's no urgency to go back to work. Why should they? What incentives have Democrats even offered to the poor other than simply throw money at the problem? It would appear that if you can just give them a few food stamps and government subsidies you could simply just walk away from the problem. They got what they need, what do they care?

The thing is, once you become accustomed to having things simply handed to you then you become very complacent. Government becomes the enabler more than the help that they need. Those on unemployment I'm sure will understand, when you feel the clock ticking and you know those benefits (not entitlements ... which is another big problem in our society) are about to run out, you will look to any avenue of work you can find to meet those nessesitiss you have. You don't allow yourself to starve, you simply find a way yourself to go on. When you realize those funds will never run out, there's no sense of urgency ... you could care less because you are being provided for. That's the downfall of government dependency, and it does more harm than good. If those among the poor even SENSE those funds are about to be cut off, they will vote Democrat every time because the Democrats are very good at throwing money at the problem and think that's enough to solve it.

They want people to remain dependent. If people started rejecting government, the left wouldn't have a cause. They want poor, desperate people that need protection from some imagined enemy.

I always hear how the wealthy rob the poor as if they'd be better off if someone hadn't taken their money or property. Only entity that has taken from me is government. No one, and I mean no one, is stopping people from making the most of their lives. If a person chooses to finish high school and then take advantage of the numerous opportunities for college, they'd be so much better off.

Liberals are trying to kill jobs for everyone. They tax the shit out of companies and workers to pay for those who don't work. Then the companies get fed up and move to places that are business friendly. The left then accuses them of taking away jobs from the poor, most of whom weren't working when the jobs were available. The left kills jobs and then blames companies for not offering them. Insane.

It's all by design. The more dependents, the better.

Sounds alot like a.plantation....hmmmm
RW posts 30 pages of blaming Republicans for the failures of the black community, then points to Detroit as an example, a city that's been under Democrat control for 54 years.

Rightwinger likes to post republican failures, until he gets called out and asked "what sustaining avenues Democrats have actually created to help the poor break free from government subsidies?" .... then, as you noticed, he shuts right up.
Since you asked...

Democrats have provided jobs training, low cost education, jobs placement, minority business incentives, child care, healthcare

You mean the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 by Senator Nelson (D) of Wisconsin and Senator Javits (R) of New York, and signed by republican President Richard M Nixon? Now tell me another one.

But, but, Southern Strategy!!! LOL!!!

This is another Truth that RW will NOT acknowledge, let alone actually address.

He will ignore your point, to repeat his already challenged and refuted position.

I crushed the left and especially starkey on that subject last election
What a crock of shit. Stop making excuses for their self-destructive choices in life. They have access to the same pond everyone else fishes from. They're even given free poles, bait, and everything they need to prepare the fish. They just want whitey to do it all for them.

Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
Why are you telling me?

Go into minority neighborhoods, set up Republican offices where people can go for help or find jobs. Don't tell...SHOW what Republicans can do for minorities

But Republicans won't even enter a minority neighborhood
crime first....Noone wants to die
Black conservatives? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States
There is a group of people who cannot be fooled.
Surprise! Trump Polls a Dazzling Zero Percent Among Black Voters in These Two Swing States

Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters
A new poll shows the presumptive GOP nominee performs abysmally among a key portion of the voting electorate.
Trump Polls At Zero Among Black Swing-State Voters

Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters
Why Trump Is Doomed With Black Voters

I guess black conservatives don't vote. :0) .. or, there are too few of them to even matter.
There aren't alot....mainly because blacks thnk.the democrats care....they dont...and because they getting attacked physically and verbally by the leftwing mobs......some brave it, others dont
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities


All this republican whining and crying about who black people vote for has absolutely NOTHING to do with their concern for black lives or the futures of black children. They don't give a shit about black people .. something I know you are well aware of.

All the pity party whining that you're reading here has everything to do with the dismal future of the Republican Party and their rapidly shrinking base. :lol:

They are their own worst enemy and there is nothing they can do at this point to change their diminishing state of being. :lol: That's the good news.

You know, if you get your way, and you do marginalize the GOP...

All that will mean is that the status quo will continue and the black community will NEVER improve or solve or even seriously address any of it's many problems.

Without the GOP, and with the rapid growth of the Hispanic bloc, the dems will do even less than the nothing they have done for you up till now.

I hope you like gang culture, and drug related violence and poverty, and high rates of incarceration and lower life expectancy and high rates of ever form of social dysfunction,

because that is what you are working towards with your hardline support of the dems.

Unbeknownst to you, black people are solving our problems without you or the Republican Party .. neither of which intend to do a damn thing about our issues anyway.

I don't gives a rats ass about what you think about black people or our issues. Not one damn.

How about you stop pretending that you give a shit about black people. Obviously you don't. The ONLY reason you're crying about who we vote for is because we won't vote for republicans, which seriously damages any chance of them winning the White House.

Your all-white party has rejected black voters .. which is their right to do. But if you think black voters are coming to the rescue of the Republican Party .. well, that would be quite stupid, would it not?

Already? Not according to Charles Barkley or snoop dog
Notice how he said teach them to fish then when it's pointed out that people are, he changes the focus.

He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
WTF? Are you claiming black unemployed fared better under Republican policies?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. 50 years of supporting Democrat policies has produced an unemployment rate twice that of whites.
Prove it then.... show the unemployment rate among blacks being less than twice that of whites during periods of Republican policies....
He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
WTF? Are you claiming black unemployed fared better under Republican policies?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. 50 years of supporting Democrat policies has produced an unemployment rate twice that of whites.
Prove it then.... show the unemployment rate among blacks being less than twice that of whites during periods of Republican policies....

You're asking for proof of a claim I didn't make. I said blacks have supported Democrat policies and have been recipients of Democrat policies for 50 years with poor results. That's easy to prove.
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities


All this republican whining and crying about who black people vote for has absolutely NOTHING to do with their concern for black lives or the futures of black children. They don't give a shit about black people .. something I know you are well aware of.

All the pity party whining that you're reading here has everything to do with the dismal future of the Republican Party and their rapidly shrinking base. :lol:

They are their own worst enemy and there is nothing they can do at this point to change their diminishing state of being. :lol: That's the good news.

You know, if you get your way, and you do marginalize the GOP...

All that will mean is that the status quo will continue and the black community will NEVER improve or solve or even seriously address any of it's many problems.

Without the GOP, and with the rapid growth of the Hispanic bloc, the dems will do even less than the nothing they have done for you up till now.

I hope you like gang culture, and drug related violence and poverty, and high rates of incarceration and lower life expectancy and high rates of ever form of social dysfunction,

because that is what you are working towards with your hardline support of the dems.

Unbeknownst to you, black people are solving our problems without you or the Republican Party .. neither of which intend to do a damn thing about our issues anyway.

I don't gives a rats ass about what you think about black people or our issues. Not one damn.

How about you stop pretending that you give a shit about black people. Obviously you don't. The ONLY reason you're crying about who we vote for is because we won't vote for republicans, which seriously damages any chance of them winning the White House.

Your all-white party has rejected black voters .. which is their right to do. But if you think black voters are coming to the rescue of the Republican Party .. well, that would be quite stupid, would it not?

Already? Not according to Charles Barkley or snoop dog

:lol: So you've got ONE.

Snoop Dogg is a democrat .. and will be voting for HIllary.

Snoop Dogg: I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton

At what point do you knuckleheads abandon all hope of black people voting for republicans? Obviously that's NEVER going to happen .. AGAIN.

Republicans had a lock on black votes FIRST .. then abandoned black voters while you chased racists.

Republicans made this bed .. lie in it.
He is here because he CAN'T let the Truth be spoken without being challenged.

IF even the blacks that already agree with the GOP on the issues, flipped, his agenda would be set back a generation.

If the other blacks ever realized that the GOP is NOT out to oppress and kill them, and gave them a real listen, and seriously considered what the dems have actually DONE FOR THEM...

I bet he breaks into a cold sweat every time he even comes CLOSE to thinking about that possibility.
Why are you trying to convince me?

Republicans need to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. They have failed miserably.......minorities know better

Seems Democrat policies have failed blacks miserably. Blacks have twice the rate of unemployment as whites, a bastard birth rate far higher than any other group, a dropout rate higher than any other group, use of social welfare higher than any other groups, the use of racist programs like AA that white people don't need, etc. Yeah, those Democrat policies have done a damn fine job for blacks.
WTF? Are you claiming black unemployed fared better under Republican policies?

I'm claiming exactly what I said. 50 years of supporting Democrat policies has produced an unemployment rate twice that of whites.
Prove it then.... show the unemployment rate among blacks being less than twice that of whites during periods of Republican policies....

Unemployment Demographics | Department of Numbers

Whites. 4.4
Blacks 8.6
What passes for Republican outreach to minorities


All this republican whining and crying about who black people vote for has absolutely NOTHING to do with their concern for black lives or the futures of black children. They don't give a shit about black people .. something I know you are well aware of.

All the pity party whining that you're reading here has everything to do with the dismal future of the Republican Party and their rapidly shrinking base. :lol:

They are their own worst enemy and there is nothing they can do at this point to change their diminishing state of being. :lol: That's the good news.

You know, if you get your way, and you do marginalize the GOP...

All that will mean is that the status quo will continue and the black community will NEVER improve or solve or even seriously address any of it's many problems.

Without the GOP, and with the rapid growth of the Hispanic bloc, the dems will do even less than the nothing they have done for you up till now.

I hope you like gang culture, and drug related violence and poverty, and high rates of incarceration and lower life expectancy and high rates of ever form of social dysfunction,

because that is what you are working towards with your hardline support of the dems.

Unbeknownst to you, black people are solving our problems without you or the Republican Party .. neither of which intend to do a damn thing about our issues anyway.

I don't gives a rats ass about what you think about black people or our issues. Not one damn.

How about you stop pretending that you give a shit about black people. Obviously you don't. The ONLY reason you're crying about who we vote for is because we won't vote for republicans, which seriously damages any chance of them winning the White House.

Your all-white party has rejected black voters .. which is their right to do. But if you think black voters are coming to the rescue of the Republican Party .. well, that would be quite stupid, would it not?

Already? Not according to Charles Barkley or snoop dog

:lol: So you've got ONE.

Snoop Dogg is a democrat .. and will be voting for HIllary.

Snoop Dogg: I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton
Snoop Dogg: I'll be voting for Hillary Clinton

At what point do you knuckleheads abandon all hope of black people voting for republicans? Obviously that's NEVER going to happen .. AGAIN.

Republicans had a lock on black votes FIRST .. then abandoned black voters while you chased racists.

Republicans made this bed .. lie in it.

What does snoop for hilary have to.do with the subject? God you're dumb...

I said he wanted to fix it in the black community, by never said he was a republican......jesus always gotta bring party into it...maybe if you worked on solutions and not partisanship um you'd be better off.

And it should tell you something, he had to publicly declare his support.....maybe he doesn't agree with everything hilary does?
The Baton Rouge cop killer was a black conservative, so yes, black conservatives can be nightmares.

This is the new talking point...you got a little kinky on that?

Is being in nation of Islam and saying kill crackers online a black Conservative now

Fuck you and you dishonesty.......

The last thing Nation of Islam is is Liberal. Jesus.
The Baton Rouge cop killer was a black conservative, so yes, black conservatives can be nightmares.

Such a liar.....
Convos With Cosmo (@ConvosWithCosmo) on Twitter

Still waiting on that link.........carb...is another lakhota....I can just beat that ass over and over.......man too easy...and you're too stupid

He's anti-government. He thinks the government is tyrannical. What part of that do you disagree with?

Nation of islam....racist against whites.....eats more attention paid to racism....sounds like all Sharpton to me....
The Baton Rouge cop killer was a black conservative, so yes, black conservatives can be nightmares.

This is the new talking point...you got a little kinky on that?

Is being in nation of Islam and saying kill crackers online a black Conservative now

Fuck you and you dishonesty.......

The last thing Nation of Islam is is Liberal. Jesus.

Yeah farrakalhan is so right wing....Holy shit.......liberals have no honesty at all.
The Baton Rouge cop killer was a black conservative, so yes, black conservatives can be nightmares.

Such a liar.....
Convos With Cosmo (@ConvosWithCosmo) on Twitter

Still waiting on that link.........carb...is another lakhota....I can just beat that ass over and over.......man too easy...and you're too stupid

He's anti-government. He thinks the government is tyrannical. What part of that do you disagree with?

Nation of islam....racist against whites.....eats more attention paid to racism....sounds like all Sharpton to me....

Name the liberal positions of the Nation of Islam as a whole.

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