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Leftist Protocol: Mushroom Management

6." The terrorist called a news network and declared “I did it for ISIS/I did it for the Islamic State,” and the New York Times editorial board cannot identify the “precise motivation for the rampage.” But lest ye fear, the esteemed editors over there know exactly who the real villain is. No, it’s not the gay Muslim registered Democrat who murdered at least 49 people. It couldn’t possibly his fault.

Here’s who the New York Times blames, in order: Republican politicians, Republican-led state legislatures, Republican governors, Republican federal lawmakers, Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, anyone who believes in traditional marriage, anyone who’s ever voted to preserve traditional marriage, and anyone who has ever voted for anyone who believes in or has voted to preserve traditional marriage." New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

"....the New York Times looks at the pool of blood spilled by an Islamic terrorist who pledged allegiance to the Islamic state and see’s nothing but the outline of the GOP elephant. Where you and I see a plane flying through the sky, the New York Times sees deadly chemtrails laced with Republican rhetoric. While you may think fluoridated water is good for your teeth, theNew York Times is pretty convinced it’s a GOP plot to get a radical Islamist terrorist to shoot up a gay nightclub."

4. The NYTimes, the gospel of Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, socialists of every stripe, actually wrote this:

"While the precise motivation for the rampage remains unclear, it is evident that Mr. Mateen was driven by hatred toward gays and lesbians. Hate crimes don’t happen in a vacuum. They occur where bigotry is allowed to fester, where minorities are vilified and where people are scapegoated for political gain. Tragically, this is the state of American politics, driven too often by Republican politicians who see prejudice as something to exploit, not extinguish."

5. Know why?

"Immigraton To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program hasled to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

With apologies to Steve McGarrett, I think it's fair to say that PoliticalChic is the most racist, homophobic poster on this board.
7. "In a 600-word editorial about the terrorist massacre in Orlando, the New York Times editorial board names seven Republican politicians. It doesn’t use the word Islam or any of its variants a single time. And it certainly doesn’t mention ISIS, the Islamic terrorist conglomerate which President Barack Obama once characterized as a “JV team” to justify his deliberate refusal to eradicate the group before it became a violent global force."
New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

Sound familiar?

8. "President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando
President Obama delivered a statement on the tragic shooting that took place overnight in Orlando, Florida.
"Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder -- a horrific massacre -- of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it’s still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate. And as Americans, we are united in grief, in outrage, and in resolve to defend our people."
(.....the speech goes on for five and a half minutes......)
President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando

Guess how many times he uses 'Muslim.' or 'Islam,' or 'radical Islam,' or 'Islamofascism' or even 'ISIS.'

Oh....you guessed?

. "Mushroom management, also known as Pseudo-Analysis or Blind Development, is a mocking term used to describe the running of a company where the communicationchannels between the managers and the employees do not work properly.[1] The term may well have originated from the proverbial way mushrooms are grown: "Keep them in the dark and feed them with s**t".
Mushroom management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter how many of the lies are exposed.....the Liberals line up like iron filings in a magnetic field.
7. "In a 600-word editorial about the terrorist massacre in Orlando, the New York Times editorial board names seven Republican politicians. It doesn’t use the word Islam or any of its variants a single time. And it certainly doesn’t mention ISIS, the Islamic terrorist conglomerate which President Barack Obama once characterized as a “JV team” to justify his deliberate refusal to eradicate the group before it became a violent global force."
New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

Sound familiar?

8. "President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando
President Obama delivered a statement on the tragic shooting that took place overnight in Orlando, Florida.
"Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder -- a horrific massacre -- of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it’s still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate. And as Americans, we are united in grief, in outrage, and in resolve to defend our people."
(.....the speech goes on for five and a half minutes......)
President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando

Guess how many times he uses 'Muslim.' or 'Islam,' or 'radical Islam,' or 'Islamofascism' or even 'ISIS.'

Oh....you guessed?

. "Mushroom management, also known as Pseudo-Analysis or Blind Development, is a mocking term used to describe the running of a company where the communicationchannels between the managers and the employees do not work properly.[1] The term may well have originated from the proverbial way mushrooms are grown: "Keep them in the dark and feed them with s**t".
Mushroom management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter how many of the lies are exposed.....the Liberals line up like iron filings in a magnetic field.
As FDR committed traitorous actions in aligning and supporting Soviet Communism, it seems BHO does much the same with Islam.

The deceitfulness, dishonesty, and hypocrisy of politicians is infinite.
7. "In a 600-word editorial about the terrorist massacre in Orlando, the New York Times editorial board names seven Republican politicians. It doesn’t use the word Islam or any of its variants a single time. And it certainly doesn’t mention ISIS, the Islamic terrorist conglomerate which President Barack Obama once characterized as a “JV team” to justify his deliberate refusal to eradicate the group before it became a violent global force."
New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

Sound familiar?

8. "President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando
President Obama delivered a statement on the tragic shooting that took place overnight in Orlando, Florida.
"Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder -- a horrific massacre -- of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it’s still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate. And as Americans, we are united in grief, in outrage, and in resolve to defend our people."
(.....the speech goes on for five and a half minutes......)
President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando

Guess how many times he uses 'Muslim.' or 'Islam,' or 'radical Islam,' or 'Islamofascism' or even 'ISIS.'

Oh....you guessed?

. "Mushroom management, also known as Pseudo-Analysis or Blind Development, is a mocking term used to describe the running of a company where the communicationchannels between the managers and the employees do not work properly.[1] The term may well have originated from the proverbial way mushrooms are grown: "Keep them in the dark and feed them with s**t".
Mushroom management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter how many of the lies are exposed.....the Liberals line up like iron filings in a magnetic field.
As FDR committed traitorous actions in aligning and supporting Soviet Communism, it seems BHO does much the same with Islam.

The deceitfulness, dishonesty, and hypocrisy of politicians is infinite.

It is more than interesting to speculate on the reason that Franklin Roosevelt felt it imperative that communism thrive.....

.....and the same as to why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) feels that America must suffer under the yoke of Radical Islam.

Nidal Hasan luxuriates in Obama's America.
7. "In a 600-word editorial about the terrorist massacre in Orlando, the New York Times editorial board names seven Republican politicians. It doesn’t use the word Islam or any of its variants a single time. And it certainly doesn’t mention ISIS, the Islamic terrorist conglomerate which President Barack Obama once characterized as a “JV team” to justify his deliberate refusal to eradicate the group before it became a violent global force."
New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

Sound familiar?

8. "President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando
President Obama delivered a statement on the tragic shooting that took place overnight in Orlando, Florida.
"Today, as Americans, we grieve the brutal murder -- a horrific massacre -- of dozens of innocent people. We pray for their families, who are grasping for answers with broken hearts. We stand with the people of Orlando, who have endured a terrible attack on their city. Although it’s still early in the investigation, we know enough to say that this was an act of terror and an act of hate. And as Americans, we are united in grief, in outrage, and in resolve to defend our people."
(.....the speech goes on for five and a half minutes......)
President Obama on the Tragic Shooting in Orlando

Guess how many times he uses 'Muslim.' or 'Islam,' or 'radical Islam,' or 'Islamofascism' or even 'ISIS.'

Oh....you guessed?

. "Mushroom management, also known as Pseudo-Analysis or Blind Development, is a mocking term used to describe the running of a company where the communicationchannels between the managers and the employees do not work properly.[1] The term may well have originated from the proverbial way mushrooms are grown: "Keep them in the dark and feed them with s**t".
Mushroom management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter how many of the lies are exposed.....the Liberals line up like iron filings in a magnetic field.
As FDR committed traitorous actions in aligning and supporting Soviet Communism, it seems BHO does much the same with Islam.

The deceitfulness, dishonesty, and hypocrisy of politicians is infinite.

It is more than interesting to speculate on the reason that Franklin Roosevelt felt it imperative that communism thrive.....

.....and the same as to why Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) feels that America must suffer under the yoke of Radical Islam.

Nidal Hasan luxuriates in Obama's America.
...and murderous terrorists are released from prison, in exchange for a traitor, to commit terrorism again
...his administration gives support to ISIS and other rebel groups, in their fight against Assad
...His father and step father were Muslims and he attended a Muslim school
...Islamic groups are given special access to the White House
White House Opens Door to CAIR Rep, Ignores Muslim Reformers - Breitbart
Muslim Brotherhood Comes to the White House
...he has stated publicly his admiration of Islam, while being much less admiring of Christianity
...he has placed Muslim Brotherhood operatives in government positions. Egyptian Magazine: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration
...his adamant refusal to identify the problem has Islamic terrorism.
...his failure to attend the French Unity rally after the Charlie Hebdo killings
...his hostility toward Christianity and Judaism.
...no doubt there is much more...

where there is smoke, one usually finds fire.
1. "Mushroom management, also known as Pseudo-Analysis or Blind Development, is a mocking term used to describe the running of a company where the communication channels between the managers and the employees do not work properly.[1] The term may well have originated from the proverbial way mushrooms are grown: "Keep them in the dark and feed them with s**t".
Mushroom management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seems that not only do the Left's simpleton supporters accept this......but they line up and mutter 'please sir, may I have some more?'

Was there any one who didn't, know exactly why those people in the Orlando nightclub were slaughtered as soon as they heard the news????

And the same for San Bernardino????

2. But the house organ of the Democrats still can't figure it out.
"The radical Islamist terrorist responsible for the attack in an Orlando nightclub that killed at least 49 people called a local television station during his rampage with a chilling message.

“I’m the shooter. It’s me,” the terrorist told News 13 in Orlando. “I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State,” he said, according to a Washington Post account of the call.

.....today’s lead editorial in the New York Times. The NYT editorial board, you see, is having some real trouble figuring out who’s responsible for what happened in Orlando. And they cannot figure out what the heck the motive was."
New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

The New York Times Can’t Figure Out The Orlando Terrorist’s Motive
"I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State."
The Orlando killer was a gay American. Hardly a radical Islam terrorist. Get your facts straight.
Silly boy/girl...He was an Islamic terrorist who happened to be American.

Can an American be an Islamic terrorist in your mind?
Islamic terrorists are not gay, they oppose homisexuality.
Yes they most certainly do hate homosexuals and a lot of other kinds of people, but this nut job Islamist must have been very conflicted.

Apparently you think only heterosexuals can be Islamic terrorists. This subhuman killer does not fit your description.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.
1. "Mushroom management, also known as Pseudo-Analysis or Blind Development, is a mocking term used to describe the running of a company where the communication channels between the managers and the employees do not work properly.[1] The term may well have originated from the proverbial way mushrooms are grown: "Keep them in the dark and feed them with s**t".
Mushroom management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Seems that not only do the Left's simpleton supporters accept this......but they line up and mutter 'please sir, may I have some more?'

Was there any one who didn't, know exactly why those people in the Orlando nightclub were slaughtered as soon as they heard the news????

And the same for San Bernardino????

2. But the house organ of the Democrats still can't figure it out.
"The radical Islamist terrorist responsible for the attack in an Orlando nightclub that killed at least 49 people called a local television station during his rampage with a chilling message.

“I’m the shooter. It’s me,” the terrorist told News 13 in Orlando. “I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State,” he said, according to a Washington Post account of the call.

.....today’s lead editorial in the New York Times. The NYT editorial board, you see, is having some real trouble figuring out who’s responsible for what happened in Orlando. And they cannot figure out what the heck the motive was."
New York Times Can't Figure Out Orlando Terrorist's Motive

The New York Times Can’t Figure Out The Orlando Terrorist’s Motive
"I did it for ISIS. I did it for the Islamic State."
The Orlando killer was a gay American. Hardly a radical Islam terrorist. Get your facts straight.
Silly boy/girl...He was an Islamic terrorist who happened to be American.

Can an American be an Islamic terrorist in your mind?
Islamic terrorists are not gay, they oppose homisexuality.
Yes they most certainly do hate homosexuals and a lot of other kinds of people, but this nut job Islamist must have been very conflicted.

Apparently you think only heterosexuals can be Islamic terrorists. This subhuman killer does not fit your description.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
McCain: Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando massacre
"Barack Obama is directly responsible for it because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama's failures -- utter failures, by pulling everybody out of Iraq, thinking that conflicts end just because you leave. So the responsibility for it lies with President Barack Obama and his failed policies," McCain told reporters on Capitol Hill."
John McCain: Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando - CNNPolitics.com
McCain: Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando massacre
"Barack Obama is directly responsible for it because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama's failures -- utter failures, by pulling everybody out of Iraq, thinking that conflicts end just because you leave. So the responsibility for it lies with President Barack Obama and his failed policies," McCain told reporters on Capitol Hill."
John McCain: Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando - CNNPolitics.com
I don't much care for Crazy Johnny, but in this instance he is correct. Why are not more Americans speaking out like this?
McCain: Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando massacre
"Barack Obama is directly responsible for it because when he pulled everybody out of Iraq, al Qaeda went to Syria, became ISIS, and ISIS is what it is today thanks to Barack Obama's failures -- utter failures, by pulling everybody out of Iraq, thinking that conflicts end just because you leave. So the responsibility for it lies with President Barack Obama and his failed policies," McCain told reporters on Capitol Hill."
John McCain: Obama 'directly responsible' for Orlando - CNNPolitics.com
I don't much care for Crazy Johnny, but in this instance he is correct. Why are not more Americans speaking out like this?

Not that the double standard need be proven....but just imagine, had the GOP

1. cleared the field for ISIS, creating a power vacuum
2. take the spotlight off of ISIS by declaring them the JV
3. seen innocent American citizens ambushed by ISIS apparatchiks....in the homeland
4.....and even had the administration's own CIA directer rfute the President's claims that we are beating ISIS

...imagine the field-day the press would have had
Now that John McCain has walked back his statement destroying your meme, consider this:

You think Obama was responsible for Orlando? You're an idiot. A lot of factors caused Orlando and focusing on the ones that boost your argument makes you a non serious thinker.
McCain Says He 'Misspoke' When He Blamed Obama for Orlando
The Orlando killer was a gay American. Hardly a radical Islam terrorist. Get your facts straight.
Silly boy/girl...He was an Islamic terrorist who happened to be American.

Can an American be an Islamic terrorist in your mind?
Islamic terrorists are not gay, they oppose homisexuality.
Yes they most certainly do hate homosexuals and a lot of other kinds of people, but this nut job Islamist must have been very conflicted.

Apparently you think only heterosexuals can be Islamic terrorists. This subhuman killer does not fit your description.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?
Silly boy/girl...He was an Islamic terrorist who happened to be American.

Can an American be an Islamic terrorist in your mind?
Islamic terrorists are not gay, they oppose homisexuality.
Yes they most certainly do hate homosexuals and a lot of other kinds of people, but this nut job Islamist must have been very conflicted.

Apparently you think only heterosexuals can be Islamic terrorists. This subhuman killer does not fit your description.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?

"Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?"

No, silly.

I'm saying....for the umpteenth time, that you are an ignorant moron.

You have no knowledge of the Q'ran, of Islam, of human nature, history, politics, or anything else that informs your erroneous worldview.

Now...if my scholarly posts on the subject of pederasty, homosexuality, in the culture under question isn't enough....

...here, from Gary Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

See if it fills in some of your well noted lacunae:

"Shiraz, reportedly just as full of beautiful females. Nevertheless, even my uncaring eye had to admire what it saw in Kashan. The boys and youths were not dirty or pimply or spotty; they were immaculately clean, with glossy hair, brilliant eyes, clear and almost translucent complexions. They were not sullen of demeanor or slouching of posture; they stood straight and proud, and their gaze was forthright. They were not mumbly and slovenly of speech; they spoke articulately and intelligently. One and all, and of whatever class, they were as comely and attractive as girls—and girls of high birth, well cared for, well brought up and well mannered.

The smaller boys were like the exquisite little Cupids drawn by Alexandrian artists. The larger lads were like the angels pictured in the panels of the San Marco Basilica. Though I was honestly impressed, and even a little envious of them, I made no vocal acknowledgment of that. After all, I flattered myself that I was no inferior specimen of my sex and age. But my three companions did exclaim.

“Non persiani, ma prezioni,” my uncle said admiringly.

“A precious sight, yes,” said my father.

“Veritable jewels,” said Nostril, casting a leer about.

“Are they all young eunuchs?” asked my uncle. “Or fated to be?”

"Oh, no, Master Mafio,” said Nostril. “They can give as good as they get,
if you take my meaning. Far from being impaired in their virile parts, they are improved in their other nether region. Made more accessible and hospitable, if you take my meaning. Do you comprehend the words fa‘il and mafa’ul? Well, al-fa‘il means ‘the doer’ and al-mafa’ul means ‘the done-to.’ These Kashan boys are bred to be beautiful and trained to be obedient and they are physically, er, modified—so that they perform equally delightfully as fa‘il or mafa’ul.”
Gary Jennings, "The Journeyer," p. 108-109

Wise up, you dunce.
Last edited:
Islamic terrorists are not gay, they oppose homisexuality.
Yes they most certainly do hate homosexuals and a lot of other kinds of people, but this nut job Islamist must have been very conflicted.

Apparently you think only heterosexuals can be Islamic terrorists. This subhuman killer does not fit your description.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?

"Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?"

No, silly.

I'm saying....for the umpteenth time, that you are an ignorant moron.

You have no knowledge of the Q'ran, of Islam, of human nature, history, politics, or anything else that informs your erroneous worldview.

Now...if my scholarly posts on the subject of pederasty, homosexuality, in the culture under question isn't enough....

...here, from Gary Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

See if it fills in some of your well noted lacunae:

"Shiraz, reportedly just as full of beautiful females. Nevertheless, even my uncaring eye had to admire what it saw in Kashan. The boys and youths were not dirty or pimply or spotty; they were immaculately clean, with glossy hair, brilliant eyes, clear and almost translucent complexions. They were not sullen of demeanor or slouching of posture; they stood straight and proud, and their gaze was forthright. They were not mumbly and slovenly of speech; they spoke articulately and intelligently. One and all, and of whatever class, they were as comely and attractive as girls—and girls of high birth, well cared for, well brought up and well mannered.

The smaller boys were like the exquisite little Cupids drawn by Alexandrian artists. The larger lads were like the angels pictured in the panels of the San Marco Basilica. Though I was honestly impressed, and even a little envious of them, I made no vocal acknowledgment of that. After all, I flattered myself that I was no inferior specimen of my sex and age. But my three companions did exclaim.

“Non persiani, ma prezioni,” my uncle said admiringly.

“A precious sight, yes,” said my father.

“Veritable jewels,” said Nostril, casting a leer about.

“Are they all young eunuchs?” asked my uncle. “Or fated to be?”

"Oh, no, Master Mafio,” said Nostril. “They can give as good as they get,
if you take my meaning. Far from being impaired in their virile parts, they are improved in their other nether region. Made more accessible and hospitable, if you take my meaning. Do you comprehend the words fa‘il and mafa’ul? Well, al-fa‘il means ‘the doer’ and al-mafa’ul means ‘the done-to.’ These Kashan boys are bred to be beautiful and trained to be obedient and they are physically, er, modified—so that they perform equally delightfully as fa‘il or mafa’ul.”
Gary Jennings, "The Journeyer," p. 108-109

Wise up, you dunce.
In other words, you cannot áit that I right. Gary Jennings? You might be halfways intelligent after all. I am occasionally wrong though. It happened once a couple of years ago.
Yes they most certainly do hate homosexuals and a lot of other kinds of people, but this nut job Islamist must have been very conflicted.

Apparently you think only heterosexuals can be Islamic terrorists. This subhuman killer does not fit your description.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?

"Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?"

No, silly.

I'm saying....for the umpteenth time, that you are an ignorant moron.

You have no knowledge of the Q'ran, of Islam, of human nature, history, politics, or anything else that informs your erroneous worldview.

Now...if my scholarly posts on the subject of pederasty, homosexuality, in the culture under question isn't enough....

...here, from Gary Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

See if it fills in some of your well noted lacunae:

"Shiraz, reportedly just as full of beautiful females. Nevertheless, even my uncaring eye had to admire what it saw in Kashan. The boys and youths were not dirty or pimply or spotty; they were immaculately clean, with glossy hair, brilliant eyes, clear and almost translucent complexions. They were not sullen of demeanor or slouching of posture; they stood straight and proud, and their gaze was forthright. They were not mumbly and slovenly of speech; they spoke articulately and intelligently. One and all, and of whatever class, they were as comely and attractive as girls—and girls of high birth, well cared for, well brought up and well mannered.

The smaller boys were like the exquisite little Cupids drawn by Alexandrian artists. The larger lads were like the angels pictured in the panels of the San Marco Basilica. Though I was honestly impressed, and even a little envious of them, I made no vocal acknowledgment of that. After all, I flattered myself that I was no inferior specimen of my sex and age. But my three companions did exclaim.

“Non persiani, ma prezioni,” my uncle said admiringly.

“A precious sight, yes,” said my father.

“Veritable jewels,” said Nostril, casting a leer about.

“Are they all young eunuchs?” asked my uncle. “Or fated to be?”

"Oh, no, Master Mafio,” said Nostril. “They can give as good as they get,
if you take my meaning. Far from being impaired in their virile parts, they are improved in their other nether region. Made more accessible and hospitable, if you take my meaning. Do you comprehend the words fa‘il and mafa’ul? Well, al-fa‘il means ‘the doer’ and al-mafa’ul means ‘the done-to.’ These Kashan boys are bred to be beautiful and trained to be obedient and they are physically, er, modified—so that they perform equally delightfully as fa‘il or mafa’ul.”
Gary Jennings, "The Journeyer," p. 108-109

Wise up, you dunce.
In other words, you cannot áit that I right. Gary Jennings? You might be halfways intelligent after all. I am occasionally wrong though. It happened once a couple of years ago.

", you cannot áit that I right (sic)."

Anyone reading that will see the problem immediately.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?

"Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?"

No, silly.

I'm saying....for the umpteenth time, that you are an ignorant moron.

You have no knowledge of the Q'ran, of Islam, of human nature, history, politics, or anything else that informs your erroneous worldview.

Now...if my scholarly posts on the subject of pederasty, homosexuality, in the culture under question isn't enough....

...here, from Gary Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

See if it fills in some of your well noted lacunae:

"Shiraz, reportedly just as full of beautiful females. Nevertheless, even my uncaring eye had to admire what it saw in Kashan. The boys and youths were not dirty or pimply or spotty; they were immaculately clean, with glossy hair, brilliant eyes, clear and almost translucent complexions. They were not sullen of demeanor or slouching of posture; they stood straight and proud, and their gaze was forthright. They were not mumbly and slovenly of speech; they spoke articulately and intelligently. One and all, and of whatever class, they were as comely and attractive as girls—and girls of high birth, well cared for, well brought up and well mannered.

The smaller boys were like the exquisite little Cupids drawn by Alexandrian artists. The larger lads were like the angels pictured in the panels of the San Marco Basilica. Though I was honestly impressed, and even a little envious of them, I made no vocal acknowledgment of that. After all, I flattered myself that I was no inferior specimen of my sex and age. But my three companions did exclaim.

“Non persiani, ma prezioni,” my uncle said admiringly.

“A precious sight, yes,” said my father.

“Veritable jewels,” said Nostril, casting a leer about.

“Are they all young eunuchs?” asked my uncle. “Or fated to be?”

"Oh, no, Master Mafio,” said Nostril. “They can give as good as they get,
if you take my meaning. Far from being impaired in their virile parts, they are improved in their other nether region. Made more accessible and hospitable, if you take my meaning. Do you comprehend the words fa‘il and mafa’ul? Well, al-fa‘il means ‘the doer’ and al-mafa’ul means ‘the done-to.’ These Kashan boys are bred to be beautiful and trained to be obedient and they are physically, er, modified—so that they perform equally delightfully as fa‘il or mafa’ul.”
Gary Jennings, "The Journeyer," p. 108-109

Wise up, you dunce.
In other words, you cannot áit that I right. Gary Jennings? You might be halfways intelligent after all. I am occasionally wrong though. It happened once a couple of years ago.

", you cannot áit that I right (sic)."

Anyone reading that will see the problem immediately.
Used to love Gary Jennings easy read historical novels. Do not think that I would use anything that he wrote is a serious argument though.
You did not read what I said. A homosexual would not be Islamic.

Why did you feel it necessary to prove you are a moron???
I already proved it.

Need to see it again?


The distinction between pederasty (sex with boys) and sodomy (penetration of "males") was commonly, albeit not universally maintained throughout the ancient world, and indeed survived throughout most of the history of Islam until at least the nineteenth century (in spite of the futile objections of some medieval scholars). Apparently, boy-love was considered okay by many people because, like "natural eunuchs," adolescent boys were also thought to lack the "desire/skill that belongs to adult males" (sexual potency with women, or at any rate fertility). The Qur'an itself gives support to pederasts in its glimpses of paradise:

52:24 And they shall have boys [غِلْمَانٌ] who will walk around among them, as if they were hidden pearls.

56:22-23 And dark-eyed ones [حُوْرٌ عِيْنٌ], the like of hidden pearls

76:19 And boys never altering in age [وِلْدَانٌ مُتَخَلَّدُوْنَ] will circulate among them, when you see them you will count them as scattered pearls.

2:25 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in [the gardens] ...

4:57 And they shall have immaculate partners [اَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ] in them ...

I must admit, I enjoy slicing an dicing you Liberals.

Now....be sure to take notes:

Mohammed promised his followers seven heavens in which:

They are to cohabit with demure virgins...as beauteous as corals and rubies...full-breasted maidens for playmates...in the gardens of delight.... They're to lie face to face on jewelled couches, and be serviced by immortal youths...young boys, their personal property, as comely as virgin pearls.... We created the houris [dancing girls] and made them virgins, carnal playmates for those on the right hand.... We are going to wed them to dark-eyed houris. [The Koran 55:56; 55:58; 78:33; 56:12; 52:16-17, 24; 56:35-38; 52:20]

Each Muslim man, in exchange for a lifetime of mindless obedience, was to be rewarded after death with an unspecified number of pretty boys to bugger, plus eight heavenly houris, each more phallus-raising than the others and each endowed with the capacity to grow a new hymen after each bout of sexual recreation. The male chauvinist Muslim could thus satisfy his virginity fetish by deflowering them over and over again, for eternity. When one compares Mohammed's gardens of delight with the Christian heaven of harps and celibacy, it becomes apparent why significant numbers of Christian men turn Muslim while conversions the other way are almost non-existent. William Harwood, Mythology's Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus, p. 248

Bet you're starting to wish you had an actual education, huh?
Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?

"Are you saying that's Muslims have no problem with homosexuality, although it is illegal in most if their countries?"

No, silly.

I'm saying....for the umpteenth time, that you are an ignorant moron.

You have no knowledge of the Q'ran, of Islam, of human nature, history, politics, or anything else that informs your erroneous worldview.

Now...if my scholarly posts on the subject of pederasty, homosexuality, in the culture under question isn't enough....

...here, from Gary Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

See if it fills in some of your well noted lacunae:

"Shiraz, reportedly just as full of beautiful females. Nevertheless, even my uncaring eye had to admire what it saw in Kashan. The boys and youths were not dirty or pimply or spotty; they were immaculately clean, with glossy hair, brilliant eyes, clear and almost translucent complexions. They were not sullen of demeanor or slouching of posture; they stood straight and proud, and their gaze was forthright. They were not mumbly and slovenly of speech; they spoke articulately and intelligently. One and all, and of whatever class, they were as comely and attractive as girls—and girls of high birth, well cared for, well brought up and well mannered.

The smaller boys were like the exquisite little Cupids drawn by Alexandrian artists. The larger lads were like the angels pictured in the panels of the San Marco Basilica. Though I was honestly impressed, and even a little envious of them, I made no vocal acknowledgment of that. After all, I flattered myself that I was no inferior specimen of my sex and age. But my three companions did exclaim.

“Non persiani, ma prezioni,” my uncle said admiringly.

“A precious sight, yes,” said my father.

“Veritable jewels,” said Nostril, casting a leer about.

“Are they all young eunuchs?” asked my uncle. “Or fated to be?”

"Oh, no, Master Mafio,” said Nostril. “They can give as good as they get,
if you take my meaning. Far from being impaired in their virile parts, they are improved in their other nether region. Made more accessible and hospitable, if you take my meaning. Do you comprehend the words fa‘il and mafa’ul? Well, al-fa‘il means ‘the doer’ and al-mafa’ul means ‘the done-to.’ These Kashan boys are bred to be beautiful and trained to be obedient and they are physically, er, modified—so that they perform equally delightfully as fa‘il or mafa’ul.”
Gary Jennings, "The Journeyer," p. 108-109

Wise up, you dunce.
In other words, you cannot áit that I right. Gary Jennings? You might be halfways intelligent after all. I am occasionally wrong though. It happened once a couple of years ago.

", you cannot áit that I right (sic)."

Anyone reading that will see the problem immediately.
Yes, the problem is that I am in my studio typing on my phone because I am bored waiting for paint to dry. And even with my keyboard mistakes, I make you look stupid.

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