Leftist Rep. Jayapal is Ok With a Little Bit of Rape Action by Hamas

It is bizarre that you don't know that you are also a fascist, Jew-hating POS.
Oh, I know what I am and I also know what you are. You are a stupid, dumbass troll who couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag. That's why you cannot address anything Congresswoman Jaypal said. She spoke the truth and you don't even have the balls to discuss it.

Go fuck yourself, Lord Fuck You Bus!
Oh, I know what I am and I also know what you are. You are a stupid, dumbass troll who couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag. That's why you cannot address anything Congresswoman Jaypal said. She spoke the truth and you don't even have the balls to discuss it.

Go fuck yourself, Lord Fuck You Bus!
Jayapal, The Heinous One, spoke in such a way so as to intentionally diminish what Hamas had done to those innocent Jewish women and children. That is despicable and speaks volumes as to what a POS she is. She does not want to get into a "hierarchy of oppression"? Really??? REALLY????? That is the core of the leftist belief system!!

You and Jayapal are both despicable POS vile Jew-haters. Debating trash like you gives you too much legitimacy as a human being, as opposed to the worms you are.
She said if you don’t push in past the head then it’s more romance than rape.
Jayapal, The Heinous One, spoke in such a way so as to intentionally diminish what Hamas had done to those innocent Jewish women and children. That is despicable and speaks volumes as to what a POS she is. She does not want to get into a "hierarchy of oppression"? Really??? REALLY????? That is the core of the leftist belief system!!

You and Jayapal are both despicable POS vile Jew-haters. Debating trash like you gives you too much legitimacy as a human being, as opposed to the worms you are.
all the faggot left talks about is oppression and white supremacy ... and now she doesnt want to talk about the hierarchy of oppression ... unbelievable ..
The Hamas cowards also shot female Israeli soldiers in their vaginas and breasts. Not coincidentally. The intimate areas were targeted. Many of the women died in agony from that torture. Others had the heads essentially shot off.

Israel is entirely right: every bit of Hamas must be utterly destroyed.
The Hamas cowards also shot female Israeli soldiers in their vaginas and breasts. Not coincidentally. The intimate areas were target. Many of the women died in agony from that torture. Others had the heads essentially shot off.

Israel is entirely right: every bit of Hamas must be utterly destroyed.

Not to weigh in heavily in this discussion or to attempt to insult. Perhaps it is that time of year, but does Pramila Jayapal look a bit like Mr. Potter from It's a Wonderful Life?

"Well Mr. Bailey, the bank is going to foreclose on Israel and Hamas is going to run Bedford Falls."
Had he not instigated J6, he would have a chance to get back into the White House. Not now.
Donald Trump is kicking Biden's ass in every poll that matters.

No one believes the leftard bullshit anymore.

Trump will be your president again in a year.

And this time, those who fund racial riots will get their heads cracked.

America is done with leftards. Leftards fuck up everything they touch
aha ! finally a gender confused idiot marxist tells the truth ! its all political ! banana republic politics !
Are you telling me you fail whites are being beaten by banana republic politics? 😄 OK. I'll you at your word. 😄

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