Leftists harassing Christian baker AGAIN

“What we have is the state of Colorado blatantly ignoring key portions of what the Supreme Court just said to them,” Mr. Campbell said. “The Supreme Court might not take very kindly to that, and so it very well might end up at the nation’s highest court again.”

What I want is a case where doctors are called on the stand to testify about the truth about “transgender”. Under oath to not lie. :popcorn:
Actually, a pink cake, maybe strawberry with blue icing just isn't that big a deal. This time. Bake the cake. Next time it might be white cake with chocolate frosting. That would be real trouble.
What the heck is wrong with the baker, does he not remember the words of Jesus, some men are created eunuchs. He is a pick and choose Christian.
Actually, a pink cake, maybe strawberry with blue icing just isn't that big a deal. This time. Bake the cake. Next time it might be white cake with chocolate frosting. That would be real trouble.
The issue is that the baker was informed by/baited on purpose by the lgbt activist that the cake was for perversion. If the dude had just said “I want a pink cake with blue frosting”, he would’ve gotten it. What the lgbt cult wants is to force people of faith or who are otherwise conscientiously opposed to HAVE to celebrate the church of lgbt’s dogmatic perversions. It’s one faith trying to use courts to force people to celebrate their edicts without choice.....using “public accommodation” as leverage.

Meanwhile Colorado was warned not to make lgbt their official religion by refusing to punish likewise gay bakers who wouldn’t bake cakes customers wanted with slogans rejecting lgbt.
Note to bakers....

It’s just a freak’n cake

Stop being such assholes
C'mon baker. Wise up. Bake the cake. Just make it a lousy cake maybe using exlax instead of chocolate or salt instead of sugar. They won't come back.
What is the problem exactly? The write up doesn't say. Is the person wanting their new name written on top of the cake? If yes, they can always do that part themselves. The baker would pretty much only be like a teacher then who is giving a student paper and crayons for them to draw their own picture.

God bless you and the baker always!!!

He should be allowed to refuse service to anyone he wishes. For any reason.


Yup. And for any reason. Let the free market decide if his business practices are rewarded or not. Why would I want to give my money to someone that doesn’t want nor deserve it?

If you serve the public, everyone is included where he likes it or not. I believe in the Separation of Church and State, and if you do not , move to Saudi Arabia. Take the baker with you.
It appears that members of Christian groups like this one want to limit their contacts with general society. Other groups have done this: the Amish, Hasidic Jews, and other religious groups who wanted to pursue a particular lifestyle. Guys like this one need to figure out what they want.

I used to live in a neighborhood that had a market that operated from Thursday thru Saturday. The Amish and Mennonite brought down products from their homes in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and sold them. Cheeses, meats, pretzels, jams, etc. Obviously they hired drivers to bring them down, as they don't drive. This guy obviously does not want to circulate in general society. He needs to organize his religious community similar to the Amish that might give his community some legal outs . Otherwise, he gets only what the rest of us get.
He should be allowed to refuse service to anyone he wishes. For any reason.


Yup. And for any reason. Let the free market decide if his business practices are rewarded or not. Why would I want to give my money to someone that doesn’t want nor deserve it?

If you serve the public, everyone is included where he likes it or not. I believe in the Separation of Church and State, and if you do not , move to Saudi Arabia. Take the baker with you.

False dipshit.

I can hang a sign right outside my business "no redheads will be served here" and that's legal.

See, discrimination is not illegal, these stupid laws only make SOME discrimination illegal. Which is, of course, a violation of the 14th Amendment in that the law does not give equal protection.

Not to consider the obvious, how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe the customer has a right to service rather than the business having the right to choose who they wish.

And then of course there is the clincher, silly liberals denying service to cops and Trump supporters and that's cool and funny but don't you dare refuse service to a gay.

Proving, once again, that liberals are dishonest and unprincipled.

The reality is all businesses should be free to reject ANY business they don't want.

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