Leftists harassing Christian baker AGAIN

I don't feel sorry for this clown. He's had his 15 minutes of fame.
Its the fact that the state of Colorado keeps harassing him that keeps him in the spotlight! He has done nothing wrong but practice his religion.

He is so darn stupid. He loves the attention.
Actually through his attorney he has said he just wants to be left alone to bake cakes and this shit was done LITERALLY the same day the supreme court ruled in his favor its all a stunt by more mentally ill people to stir up trouble.
I don't feel sorry for this clown. He's had his 15 minutes of fame.
Not to mention that he probably doesn`t have a Christian bone in his body. There`s nothing Christian about hating gays.
Sodom and Gomorrah

August West is correct, there is nothing Christian about hating gays, that's a Muslim thing.

Where he is, of course, incorrect , is that you don't have to hate someone to not want to do business with them. That was projection on his part, because the liberals who are refusing service to Trump supporters, they most certainly do hate those Trump supporters.[/QUO BS. Don't drag the Muslims into this. It's the phony "Christians" here who hate LGBTs. What if someone had a public business and refused to serve someone from focus on the family or sandra fuckabee sanders? I would not want to do business with such an inferior class of people, but the law is the law.
He should be allowed to refuse service to anyone he wishes. For any reason.


Yup. And for any reason. Let the free market decide if his business practices are rewarded or not. Why would I want to give my money to someone that doesn’t want nor deserve it?

If you serve the public, everyone is included where he likes it or not. I believe in the Separation of Church and State, and if you do not , move to Saudi Arabia. Take the baker with you.

False dipshit.

I can hang a sign right outside my business "no redheads will be served here" and that's legal.

See, discrimination is not illegal, these stupid laws only make SOME discrimination illegal. Which is, of course, a violation of the 14th Amendment in that the law does not give equal protection.

Not to consider the obvious, how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe the customer has a right to service rather than the business having the right to choose who they wish.

And then of course there is the clincher, silly liberals denying service to cops and Trump supporters and that's cool and funny but don't you dare refuse service to a gay.

Proving, once again, that liberals are dishonest and unprincipled.

The reality is all businesses should be free to reject ANY business they don't want.

Have you read about the loyalty oath to Israel , they just refused to hire someone in TX due to she refused to sign it.

Christians are not special. Nor are Jews, nor Muslims, nor atheists. Can you spell DISCRIMINATION! he should be fined heavily.
Religious Freedom protects ALL religions not just one. Funny how these clowns NEVER try this stunt in a Jewish or Muslim bakery!
I don't feel sorry for this clown. He's had his 15 minutes of fame.
Not to mention that he probably doesn`t have a Christian bone in his body. There`s nothing Christian about hating gays.
Sodom and Gomorrah

August West is correct, there is nothing Christian about hating gays, that's a Muslim thing.

Where he is, of course, incorrect , is that you don't have to hate someone to not want to do business with them. That was projection on his part, because the liberals who are refusing service to Trump supporters, they most certainly do hate those Trump supporters.
People can do what they want, The problem is, is when they try to force other people to have the same views as them that don’t.
Some people think LGBT absolutely repugnant, I personally think it’s a mental disorder but that’s me.

I tend to have a libertarian views on the subject, I will never excepted as normal though.
Yup. And for any reason. Let the free market decide if his business practices are rewarded or not. Why would I want to give my money to someone that doesn’t want nor deserve it?

If you serve the public, everyone is included where he likes it or not. I believe in the Separation of Church and State, and if you do not , move to Saudi Arabia. Take the baker with you.

False dipshit.

I can hang a sign right outside my business "no redheads will be served here" and that's legal.

See, discrimination is not illegal, these stupid laws only make SOME discrimination illegal. Which is, of course, a violation of the 14th Amendment in that the law does not give equal protection.

Not to consider the obvious, how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe the customer has a right to service rather than the business having the right to choose who they wish.

And then of course there is the clincher, silly liberals denying service to cops and Trump supporters and that's cool and funny but don't you dare refuse service to a gay.

Proving, once again, that liberals are dishonest and unprincipled.

The reality is all businesses should be free to reject ANY business they don't want.
Are you still in pain over the water cooler thing? The nerve of those darkies to drink from the same water cooler that the drooling racist pigs drink from. Ouch!

The fuck are you talking about ? I don't care about water coolers.
It sounds like you want to turn the clock back 6 decades. Desegregation happened. Live with it.

Only b/c you're an idiot. Are you morons simply unable to process logical thought

Let me make it simple for you retard.

I don't wish to participate in gay marriage. But the government damn sure shouldn't beg able to tell gay people they can't get married.


I don't wish to participate in discrimination, but the government damn sure shouldn't have the right to tell a business they can't discriminate.

That you are too stupid to differentiate between defending someone's rights and participating in those rights yourself is not my problem.

Yup. And for any reason. Let the free market decide if his business practices are rewarded or not. Why would I want to give my money to someone that doesn’t want nor deserve it?

If you serve the public, everyone is included where he likes it or not. I believe in the Separation of Church and State, and if you do not , move to Saudi Arabia. Take the baker with you.

False dipshit.

I can hang a sign right outside my business "no redheads will be served here" and that's legal.

See, discrimination is not illegal, these stupid laws only make SOME discrimination illegal. Which is, of course, a violation of the 14th Amendment in that the law does not give equal protection.

Not to consider the obvious, how fucking retarded do you have to be to believe the customer has a right to service rather than the business having the right to choose who they wish.

And then of course there is the clincher, silly liberals denying service to cops and Trump supporters and that's cool and funny but don't you dare refuse service to a gay.

Proving, once again, that liberals are dishonest and unprincipled.

The reality is all businesses should be free to reject ANY business they don't want.

Have you read about the loyalty oath to Israel , they just refused to hire someone in TX due to she refused to sign it.

Christians are not special. Nor are Jews, nor Muslims, nor atheists. Can you spell DISCRIMINATION! he should be fined heavily.
Religious Freedom protects ALL religions not just one. Funny how these clowns NEVER try this stunt in a Jewish or Muslim bakery!
They are hypocrites
So many issue in this nation could be solved by people minding their fucking business. Busybodies and control freaks are such silly creatures.

No doubt, how did this become an issue? My God, there are thousands of bakeries in this country. Someone turns down my business, I spend with their competitor, which hurts them , not me.

Not if the person who turned down your business not only had a business license requiring them to do business with the general public as a matter of law, but also lied in his/her advertising. "Beautiful and delicious cakes for all occasions"! Sounds like a lie.

Unfortunately you are trying to lay the blame on shoppers, rather than where it belongs: with the advertisers.
I don't feel sorry for this clown. He's had his 15 minutes of fame.
Its the fact that the state of Colorado keeps harassing him that keeps him in the spotlight! He has done nothing wrong but practice his religion.

He is so darn stupid. He loves the attention.
Actually through his attorney he has said he just wants to be left alone to bake cakes and this shit was done LITERALLY the same day the supreme court ruled in his favor its all a stunt by more mentally ill people to stir up trouble.

The real "fascist assholes" part is that a few miles away is a prominent award winning LGBT baker who was yapped about in all the LGBT mags... Oh and there's another baker across the parking lot that's totally cool with same sex wedding cakes.

I remember these types on the religious right. Now it's the "religious" left. Same shitty smell, different fucking assholes.
So many issue in this nation could be solved by people minding their fucking business. Busybodies and control freaks are such silly creatures.

No doubt, how did this become an issue? My God, there are thousands of bakeries in this country. Someone turns down my business, I spend with their competitor, which hurts them , not me.

Not if the person who turned down your business not only had a business license requiring them to do business with the general public as a matter of law, but also lied in his/her advertising. "Beautiful and delicious cakes for all occasions"! Sounds like a lie.

Unfortunately you are trying to lay the blame on shoppers, rather than where it belongs: with the advertisers.

No. I lay the blame right where it belongs. On the morons who beieve the solution to people you disagree with is to get the government to pounce on them.

I have laid out 3 very logical explanations for why the so called public accommodation laws are a violation of our Constitution and not one person has argued that I am wrong, instead preferring to call names and insist that in the US it is perfectly acceptable for some people to force some other people to work for them.
I mean I personally think it's silly for baker not to bake a cake for a gay, or for a restaurant not to serve a Trump supporter, but that's really irrelevant, what IS relevant is the principle of rights, and I just fail to see how anyone in this country could believe they have the right to make another person work for them against their will... That used to be called slavery

I thinks those are very foolish business practices that I would never employ, but that’s the kicker...it is what *I* would do. Who the hell am I to tell another person how to run their business?

I mean the ridiculous part is the very people who want the government to FORCE these people to do business with gays are the very same people who exploded with righteous anger when those same people wanted to use the government to FORCE gays to not beg able to marry. You would think they would be the VERY last people who would want to use the government to force their choices on anyone else, but here they stupidly are "hey yall let's make these Christian bastards do what we want them to do" Goddamned it would be hilarious if it wasn't so scary.

Who FORCED you to not marry your intended of whatever sex? Were you two refused a marriage license or something?
It appears that members of Christian groups like this one want to limit their contacts with general society. Other groups have done this: the Amish, Hasidic Jews, and other religious groups who wanted to pursue a particular lifestyle. Guys like this one need to figure out what they want.

I used to live in a neighborhood that had a market that operated from Thursday thru Saturday. The Amish and Mennonite brought down products from their homes in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and sold them. Cheeses, meats, pretzels, jams, etc. Obviously they hired drivers to bring them down, as they don't drive. This guy obviously does not want to circulate in general society. He needs to organize his religious community similar to the Amish that might give his community some legal outs . Otherwise, he gets only what the rest of us get.

The Mennonites probably drove the Amish. The former drive, the latter do not.

And I'll bet those products were of the highest quality. Not many beat the Amish when it comes to quality.
I mean I personally think it's silly for baker not to bake a cake for a gay, or for a restaurant not to serve a Trump supporter, but that's really irrelevant, what IS relevant is the principle of rights, and I just fail to see how anyone in this country could believe they have the right to make another person work for them against their will... That used to be called slavery

I thinks those are very foolish business practices that I would never employ, but that’s the kicker...it is what *I* would do. Who the hell am I to tell another person how to run their business?

I mean the ridiculous part is the very people who want the government to FORCE these people to do business with gays are the very same people who exploded with righteous anger when those same people wanted to use the government to FORCE gays to not beg able to marry. You would think they would be the VERY last people who would want to use the government to force their choices on anyone else, but here they stupidly are "hey yall let's make these Christian bastards do what we want them to do" Goddamned it would be hilarious if it wasn't so scary.

Who FORCED you to not marry your intended of whatever sex? Were you two refused a marriage license or something?

WTF are you talking about ? God you people are stupid.
I don't feel sorry for this clown. He's had his 15 minutes of fame.
Its the fact that the state of Colorado keeps harassing him that keeps him in the spotlight! He has done nothing wrong but practice his religion.

He is so darn stupid. He loves the attention.
I say bake the cake, And be creative with the ingredients… what they don’t know will not hurt them

Or say, "We include a Bible verse on every cake we make. Which one would you like"?
Jack Phillips, Christian baker, hit with new complaint over transgender birthday cake

These pieces of shit never learn do they!? Its time to get this back to the supreme court with 2 new justices!
Maybe the freaks should find a new business if they can’t follow the law, hack

hmm where have I heard this argument before... "maybe the [gay] freaks should have given up on marriage if they couldn't follow the law."

Do you people even engage your brains when you speak?
Jack Phillips, Christian baker, hit with new complaint over transgender birthday cake

These pieces of shit never learn do they!? Its time to get this back to the supreme court with 2 new justices!
Maybe the freaks should find a new business if they can’t follow the law, hack

Seems to me that Colorado was told they couldn't enforce that law.

But I digress, I suppose you're one of the idiots who agrees that people you don't like should not be allowed to discrimnate for some reasons, but if people discriminate against folks you don't like,t hat's okay
I don't feel sorry for this clown. He's had his 15 minutes of fame.
Its the fact that the state of Colorado keeps harassing him that keeps him in the spotlight! He has done nothing wrong but practice his religion.

He is so darn stupid. He loves the attention.
I say bake the cake, And be creative with the ingredients… what they don’t know will not hurt them

Or say, "We include a Bible verse on every cake we make. Which one would you like"?

I mean they are clearly being assholes by declining to bake their cakes, but being an asshole isn't illegal. If it were there be zero liberals walking free today.

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