Leftists harassing Christian baker AGAIN

What's about harassment of non-christian bakers?No one leftist dares
Actually some conservatives in Colorado went to gay businesses & tried to get them to make items with slogans offensive to lgbt cult. Colorado allowed those businesses to opt out without punishment. This is why the USSC Wrist-slapped Colorado last time. This time it’s going to be a trip to behind the woodshed.

Colorado isn’t allowed to favor a deviant sex cult over other faiths.
Just what does some reference to some "kneegrow," whatever that is, have to do with Jesus, whatever a person thinks Jesus was? These arguments obviously have nothing to do with religion in any form.

Listen you little kneegrow..never mind..


"Kneegrow" is a stupid term that displays the user's ignorance.
I see that you like the orange whore's floozy. She's had sex with him, you know. He he.
It is not the requirement of an american citizen to ignore their own morals and their own right to free exercise without a compelling government interest. Even in those cases government has to use the least restrictive method of resolving the issue.

This incident was a trap, because the person in question could have just asked for the cake, but went on to explain why the cake was to be made as such. And when the baker denied the cake requested by the Church of Satan people, (Satan blowing a dildo) he showed his consistency on the matter of his beliefs.

Again, non-timely, non-nessasary, contracted services do not meet the requirement of a compelling government interest.

But for people like you it isn't about tolerance, it's about forced acceptance via government fiat.

What small miserable people you must be.

There are compelling state interests in facilitating commerce and in eradicating discrimination. Everybody is "forced" to do something by a government entity. There are no exceptions.
I, taxpayer, was forced to pay for providing services to people who accepted tax exemptions, even though they were de facto political parties, to pay for "abstinence education," including obscenely telling young people that sex made them dirty like used chewing gum on the floor, the invasion of Iraq, etc. Who do you think was forced to pay for that moron jeffress to go to Jerusalem to shame the American people at the opening of the unnecessary embassy? Who do you think is forced to pay salaries to trump and his troop of whores like sanders, devos, huber?

Now the orange whore wants us taxpayers to pay for his wall, even though the 'ho said that the Mexicans would pay for it.

Moreover, we don't know how many Americans were forced to give birth by government fiat.

We, The People, have always lived under government fiat.

There is no compelling interest when a single baker doesn't want to do a single type of transaction. If they were the only baker for 100 miles, or if all the bakers in an area decided to do the same thing, then government would probably have an interest. Even then what the government should do is require the cake to be baked without anything that would indicate the position the baker found offensive.

And that you have to go beyond the crux of this argument to rant "ORANGE MAN BAD" shows you have no real argument.

You still are trying to transfer responsibility onto unsuspecting consumers from licensed and incorporated business people who know, or should know, the rules for doing business in this country. Why should the consumers waste their time and gas driving around?

Some people have to go to local government agencies, like people seeking marriage licenses. Some of them met up with that bitch who refused to do her job and sent them driving around. There is no evidence that the state ever reimbursed these people for their time, effort, and gas.

For consumer goods, like cakes, I have done some searching around, too. I have not seen one advertisement by bakers that mentioned on their websites that there were some restrictions on what they offered. They lied on their websites. One said that their "romantic" location was the perfect place to hold a special occasion, then refused to book a same-sex occasion, proving that their advertisement was a lie.

Again, any rules that violate the constitution are not viable.

And I don't see in the constitution where people are guaranteed what they want from other citizens.

And government is a different story, not relevant to this discussion.

Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

LIke most progressives, it's all about "me me me"
Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

Nope. Not in 66 years, until these crazy bitches showed up trying to be "religious" with some "religion" that they make up all the time and feel some bizarre need to spread all over general society. Before this time, religious people had dignity, and each religion let everyone, regardless of religion or lack thereof, alone.

Apparently, you think that I should support ISIS. I don't.

The change wasn't in them, the change was the entire concept of same sex marriage, which has only even been a thought for less than 3 decades.

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