Leftists harassing Christian baker AGAIN

Does this standard apply to everyone else or just gays?

Although I agree this baker has a right to refuse service to "the queers" I would be interested to know how he feels about men who have anal sex with their wives .

Get back to us when men who do anal with their wives form an Identity Politics group and try to force bakers to make cakes celebrating the act.

Now how do you know that those wives who take it in the ass don't self identify as males making those men who have anal sex sex with them gay? How dare you make assumptions like that.

I don't care what other people do in their bedrooms as consenting adults. I just don't want to be forced into participating as an unwilling voyeur. There's a very good reason why normal people don't turn their kinks into political agendas.

Fags aren't normal. I say we throw them off of tall buildings. Don't forget to shout "allahaluaackbar" as they fall to their deaths.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I have no desire to play God with someone else's life. Something about throwing stones and all that.
Although I agree this baker has a right to refuse service to "the queers" I would be interested to know how he feels about men who have anal sex with their wives .

Get back to us when men who do anal with their wives form an Identity Politics group and try to force bakers to make cakes celebrating the act.

Now how do you know that those wives who take it in the ass don't self identify as males making those men who have anal sex sex with them gay? How dare you make assumptions like that.

I don't care what other people do in their bedrooms as consenting adults. I just don't want to be forced into participating as an unwilling voyeur. There's a very good reason why normal people don't turn their kinks into political agendas.

Fags aren't normal. I say we throw them off of tall buildings. Don't forget to shout "allahaluaackbar" as they fall to their deaths.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I have no desire to play God with someone else's life. Something about throwing stones and all that.

Um I was making a joke?
Get back to us when men who do anal with their wives form an Identity Politics group and try to force bakers to make cakes celebrating the act.

Now how do you know that those wives who take it in the ass don't self identify as males making those men who have anal sex sex with them gay? How dare you make assumptions like that.

I don't care what other people do in their bedrooms as consenting adults. I just don't want to be forced into participating as an unwilling voyeur. There's a very good reason why normal people don't turn their kinks into political agendas.

Fags aren't normal. I say we throw them off of tall buildings. Don't forget to shout "allahaluaackbar" as they fall to their deaths.

Here's a little story about that: No.

I have no desire to play God with someone else's life. Something about throwing stones and all that.

Um I was making a joke?

Not a very funny one, bub.

But peace.
And SCOTUS has already ruled on several occasions that businesses enjoy Constitional [sic] protections.

Freedom of the press. Explicitly affirmed in the First Amendment. At the time it was written, it would have really only applied to newspapers, since that was the form that “the press” took.

Back then, were newspapers published by businesses, or only by individual people?

It seems to me that back then, freedom of the press would have been rather meaningless, if we assumed that the First Amendment only protected the rights of individuals, and not of businesses, such as newspaper publishers.
dick sucking? (1) if you voted for trump you have demonstrated your willingness to do so. By using the term, you know that use of this term demonstrates the failure of the user's parents to provide a proper upbringing.

This idea that everyone from any religion can do anything they want to and thumb their noses at larger society is absurd. All it would do is create chaos. We are not all members of whatever cult.

Who said anything about being "able to do anything"? He serves anyone when it comes to either point of sale items, or items that do not impact his moral code.

I'm sorry, but having to spend 15 minutes finding and going to another baker for a wedding cake will not "create chaos."

And if you can't stand the heat, bitch, may I suggest the Hello Kitty message board as being more your speed?

You stupid little boy, this is not just about cakes, it's about consumer goods and services in general. You are trying to transfer the responsibility onto consumers because some business people are liars. It is not the responsibility of the American consumer to go chasing around town or county over some little creep's "beliefs." A "belief" can be anything an individual, however addled, says it is.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution of the United States.
Go join Hello Kitty. It's more your speed, since you never grew up.

BTW: this incident involves a birthday cake that this little bitch-boy refused to bake, not a wedding cake. When are you little boys in short pants going to grow up. There still is the prospect of becoming a man.

How did you feel about that restaurant that refused to serve Sarah Sanders?

Simple question that you refuse to answer because well we know why. Moron.

No. I don't refuse to answer. There is no evidence that the restaurant refused to serve white, heterosexual, Christian women. She was refused service only because of the political deals, contracts, and contacts that she chose to make. She freely chose her associates, whether the mafia or trump.

I bet that there were white, heterosexual, Christian women in the same dining room who were served and enjoying their dinners.

So you stupidly acknowledge that you are okay with SOME discrimination, but not others...... That is a DIRECT violation of the 14th Amendment ALL Americans are guaranteed EQUAL protection of the law, meaning in truth ALL discrimination should be illegal or none should be.

You are just stupid and don't understand this.

There was no discrimination against sarah fuckabee on any innate basis. Only her, and her poor choices. This does not come under the 14th Amendment. Other people with the same immutable characteristics as hers (and who are Christians, religion being a choice) were served.
Although I agree this baker has a right to refuse service to "the queers" I would be interested to know how he feels about men who have anal sex with their wives .
How the hell would anyone even know that? The refusal of service to two men wont be supported. However, it’s the notion of forcing another to celebrate a ritual representative of a behavior that is intolerant to that person’s moral code. If two gay men are hungry, feed them. If they want you to produce something to celebrate their “wedding”, just say no.

How would anyone know? Because you fucking moron, these queers are purposely going into places where they know the owners are Christians and demanding cakes to celebrate their queerness. IOW they are purposely looking to cause trouble.

It's pathetic

Stop trying to identify these people with the Christian faith. Nothing in this anti-LGBT movement has the least bit to do with Jesus' teachings or people's faith in them. This is the result of some cult.
Sorry......but you must run your business according to local laws

Those laws cover hours you can operate, public safety, how you treat your employees and how you treat your customers

Nobody is forcing you to open a business

Sorry, but the 1st amendment trumps local laws.

Especially when it comes to a non timely, non nessasary, contracted service.
First amendment applies to people
Not business

As a person, you can hate who you want
As a business, you can’t

The supreme Court said you are full of shit .

Sorry......but you must run your business according to local laws

Those laws cover hours you can operate, public safety, how you treat your employees and how you treat your customers

Nobody is forcing you to open a business

Sorry, but the 1st amendment trumps local laws.

Especially when it comes to a non timely, non nessasary, contracted service.
First amendment applies to people
Not business

As a person, you can hate who you want
As a business, you can’t

The supreme Court said you are full of shit .


No. It didn't. Otherwise, we would have chaos.

Why the picture of the orange whore's latest floosie?
So you believe that government can force people to go against their moral code for any reason?

So the rights of the LGBT person to get a cake from THAT baker overrides their free exercise of religion?

Please note that he does not refuse service to gay people altogether, only custom cakes for Same sex weddings. He also doesn't do halloween cakes, and other cakes that go against his religion.

Also, see below for another article on the topic. Also note what other cakes were asked for (and refused)

The State Of Colorado Is Still Trying To Destroy Jack Phillips

So all of us Americans have to bow down to anyone's and everyone's "moral code." There are many. The "free exercise of religion" is secondary to the rule of law and does not trump the rights of others. Each and every one of us has to abide by the law.

Incidentally, what this phillips jerk is doing has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith, which he is out to shit all over. Why are these nuts trying to destroy the Christian faith? They are pigs.

How is having to go to another baker "bowing down" to their moral code?

Why does he have to "bow down" to either the couple in question or the government? It's not like he denies service completely to gay people, just in this one specific instance.

If they asked for a generic birthday cake, he would make it. As my link shows, when asked by a Church of Satan idiot to make a cake with Satan sucking off a real dildo, he refused that as well.

A business person who is delivering the goods or services he or she has openly advertised is "bowing down" to his or her customers??? This jackass chooses a business license. If he doesn't want it, he can surrender it and stop advertising, or just sell cupcakes, brownies, cookies, and sandwich rolls.

Anyway, if his business is incorporated, the business is legally an "it," not a human individual capable of holding religious beliefs, and there is no reason to give him the benefit of being shielded from personal liability while also allowing him to have it both ways.

Making a cake for a customer when one openly advertises the business makes cakes does not involve any "moral code."

Phillips is just another dumb piece of trash seeking fame.

Why does he have to be the one to bow down? Why does his right to free exercise in this specific case get outweighed by the gay couples right to commerce?

And the whole business is an "it" thing is a cop out, its a person still doing the work, and in this case the owner doing the work.

Typical progressive, anyone that doesn't share your worldview is "trash"

It must make you feel like a big person to support the government's right to ruin someone over a fucking cake.

What a tough guy.

He is trash. Sorry, but he chooses to be so. He chooses to ruin himself. Crap like him doesn't get to run society. He can move to Saudi Arabia, or Guyana if he wants to drop out of society.

So someone who believes in Jesus Christ is trash now?

What are you a Satan worshiper?

Who said anything about being "able to do anything"? He serves anyone when it comes to either point of sale items, or items that do not impact his moral code.

I'm sorry, but having to spend 15 minutes finding and going to another baker for a wedding cake will not "create chaos."

And if you can't stand the heat, bitch, may I suggest the Hello Kitty message board as being more your speed?

You stupid little boy, this is not just about cakes, it's about consumer goods and services in general. You are trying to transfer the responsibility onto consumers because some business people are liars. It is not the responsibility of the American consumer to go chasing around town or county over some little creep's "beliefs." A "belief" can be anything an individual, however addled, says it is.

Go join Hello Kitty. It's more your speed, since you never grew up.

BTW: this incident involves a birthday cake that this little bitch-boy refused to bake, not a wedding cake. When are you little boys in short pants going to grow up. There still is the prospect of becoming a man.

It is not the requirement of an american citizen to ignore their own morals and their own right to free exercise without a compelling government interest. Even in those cases government has to use the least restrictive method of resolving the issue.

This incident was a trap, because the person in question could have just asked for the cake, but went on to explain why the cake was to be made as such. And when the baker denied the cake requested by the Church of Satan people, (Satan blowing a dildo) he showed his consistency on the matter of his beliefs.

Again, non-timely, non-nessasary, contracted services do not meet the requirement of a compelling government interest.

But for people like you it isn't about tolerance, it's about forced acceptance via government fiat.

What small miserable people you must be.

There are compelling state interests in facilitating commerce and in eradicating discrimination. Everybody is "forced" to do something by a government entity. There are no exceptions.
I, taxpayer, was forced to pay for providing services to people who accepted tax exemptions, even though they were de facto political parties, to pay for "abstinence education," including obscenely telling young people that sex made them dirty like used chewing gum on the floor, the invasion of Iraq, etc. Who do you think was forced to pay for that moron jeffress to go to Jerusalem to shame the American people at the opening of the unnecessary embassy? Who do you think is forced to pay salaries to trump and his troop of whores like sanders, devos, huber?

Now the orange whore wants us taxpayers to pay for his wall, even though the 'ho said that the Mexicans would pay for it.

Moreover, we don't know how many Americans were forced to give birth by government fiat.

We, The People, have always lived under government fiat.

There is no compelling interest when a single baker doesn't want to do a single type of transaction. If they were the only baker for 100 miles, or if all the bakers in an area decided to do the same thing, then government would probably have an interest. Even then what the government should do is require the cake to be baked without anything that would indicate the position the baker found offensive.

And that you have to go beyond the crux of this argument to rant "ORANGE MAN BAD" shows you have no real argument.

You still are trying to transfer responsibility onto unsuspecting consumers from licensed and incorporated business people who know, or should know, the rules for doing business in this country. Why should the consumers waste their time and gas driving around?

Some people have to go to local government agencies, like people seeking marriage licenses. Some of them met up with that bitch who refused to do her job and sent them driving around. There is no evidence that the state ever reimbursed these people for their time, effort, and gas.

For consumer goods, like cakes, I have done some searching around, too. I have not seen one advertisement by bakers that mentioned on their websites that there were some restrictions on what they offered. They lied on their websites. One said that their "romantic" location was the perfect place to hold a special occasion, then refused to book a same-sex occasion, proving that their advertisement was a lie.

Quit the bullshit they are targeting him and you know it

There is no compelling interest when a single baker doesn't want to do a single type of transaction. If they were the only baker for 100 miles, or if all the bakers in an area decided to do the same thing, then government would probably have an interest. Even then what the government should do is require the cake to be baked without anything that would indicate the position the baker found offensive.

And that you have to go beyond the crux of this argument to rant "ORANGE MAN BAD" shows you have no real argument.

You still are trying to transfer responsibility onto unsuspecting consumers from licensed and incorporated business people who know, or should know, the rules for doing business in this country. Why should the consumers waste their time and gas driving around?

Some people have to go to local government agencies, like people seeking marriage licenses. Some of them met up with that bitch who refused to do her job and sent them driving around. There is no evidence that the state ever reimbursed these people for their time, effort, and gas.

For consumer goods, like cakes, I have done some searching around, too. I have not seen one advertisement by bakers that mentioned on their websites that there were some restrictions on what they offered. They lied on their websites. One said that their "romantic" location was the perfect place to hold a special occasion, then refused to book a same-sex occasion, proving that their advertisement was a lie.

Again, any rules that violate the constitution are not viable.

And I don't see in the constitution where people are guaranteed what they want from other citizens.

And government is a different story, not relevant to this discussion.

Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

LIke most progressives, it's all about "me me me"
Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

Nope. Not in 66 years, until these crazy bitches showed up trying to be "religious" with some "religion" that they make up all the time and feel some bizarre need to spread all over general society. Before this time, religious people had dignity, and each religion let everyone, regardless of religion or lack thereof, alone.

Apparently, you think that I should support ISIS. I don't.

I definately think that dumb old hippy turned authoritarians like you need to hurry up and die off so the rest of us can try to reign in the government.

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck

Sorry......but you must run your business according to local laws

Those laws cover hours you can operate, public safety, how you treat your employees and how you treat your customers

Nobody is forcing you to open a business

Sorry, but the 1st amendment trumps local laws.

Especially when it comes to a non timely, non nessasary, contracted service.
First amendment applies to people
Not business

As a person, you can hate who you want
As a business, you can’t

The supreme Court said you are full of shit .


No. It didn't. Otherwise, we would have chaos.

Why the picture of the orange whore's latest floosie?

Uhm your are not that bright are you?

Citizens United..

God you are stupid

You still are trying to transfer responsibility onto unsuspecting consumers from licensed and incorporated business people who know, or should know, the rules for doing business in this country. Why should the consumers waste their time and gas driving around?

Some people have to go to local government agencies, like people seeking marriage licenses. Some of them met up with that bitch who refused to do her job and sent them driving around. There is no evidence that the state ever reimbursed these people for their time, effort, and gas.

For consumer goods, like cakes, I have done some searching around, too. I have not seen one advertisement by bakers that mentioned on their websites that there were some restrictions on what they offered. They lied on their websites. One said that their "romantic" location was the perfect place to hold a special occasion, then refused to book a same-sex occasion, proving that their advertisement was a lie.

Again, any rules that violate the constitution are not viable.

And I don't see in the constitution where people are guaranteed what they want from other citizens.

And government is a different story, not relevant to this discussion.

Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

LIke most progressives, it's all about "me me me"
Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

Nope. Not in 66 years, until these crazy bitches showed up trying to be "religious" with some "religion" that they make up all the time and feel some bizarre need to spread all over general society. Before this time, religious people had dignity, and each religion let everyone, regardless of religion or lack thereof, alone.

Apparently, you think that I should support ISIS. I don't.

I definately think that dumb old hippy turned authoritarians like you need to hurry up and die off so the rest of us can try to reign in the government.

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".
Again, any rules that violate the constitution are not viable.

And I don't see in the constitution where people are guaranteed what they want from other citizens.

And government is a different story, not relevant to this discussion.

Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

LIke most progressives, it's all about "me me me"
Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

Nope. Not in 66 years, until these crazy bitches showed up trying to be "religious" with some "religion" that they make up all the time and feel some bizarre need to spread all over general society. Before this time, religious people had dignity, and each religion let everyone, regardless of religion or lack thereof, alone.

Apparently, you think that I should support ISIS. I don't.

I definately think that dumb old hippy turned authoritarians like you need to hurry up and die off so the rest of us can try to reign in the government.

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?

Again, any rules that violate the constitution are not viable.

And I don't see in the constitution where people are guaranteed what they want from other citizens.

And government is a different story, not relevant to this discussion.

Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

LIke most progressives, it's all about "me me me"
Your issue is you probably think religious people are crazy, and since you can't empathize with them, they can go fuck themselves.

Nope. Not in 66 years, until these crazy bitches showed up trying to be "religious" with some "religion" that they make up all the time and feel some bizarre need to spread all over general society. Before this time, religious people had dignity, and each religion let everyone, regardless of religion or lack thereof, alone.

Apparently, you think that I should support ISIS. I don't.

I definately think that dumb old hippy turned authoritarians like you need to hurry up and die off so the rest of us can try to reign in the government.

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

Oh wait you think Catholics are not Christian ?

How stupid are you?

You forgot the Church of LGBTQ etc. Their faith can’t make others play along with their deviant rituals.
I definately think that dumb old hippy turned authoritarians like you need to hurry up and die off so the rest of us can try to reign in the government.

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?

I definately think that dumb old hippy turned authoritarians like you need to hurry up and die off so the rest of us can try to reign in the government.

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?


Why do you think that any other Christians, or any people of other faiths, or no faith, would want to adopt your unhappy lifestyle? The rest of us are not all that nuts. Go "marry" your 15-year-old cousin. Then the rest of us will will have to care for her when she and the babies forced upon her have to flee.


  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life. Moderation may act on obvious Stalking and Harassment of members on the forums.
  • No Attacks on family members.
  • No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia
"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?

"[R]ein in the goverment from what, exactly? The trump government is all about constraining Americans and our rights. Moreover, the trump administration has welcomed the right-wing "Christian" cults into its sphere to attack the rights of Americans. Care to explain? What are these thugs doing in government?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?


Why do you think that any other Christians, or any people of other faiths, or no faith, would want to adopt your unhappy lifestyle? The rest of us are not all that nuts. Go "marry" your 15-year-old cousin. Then the rest of us will will have to care for her when she and the babies forced upon her have to flee.


  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life. Moderation may act on obvious Stalking and Harassment of members on the forums.
  • No Attacks on family members.
  • No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia

"Report" for what reason? There are people here in the United States who claim some sort of "right" to sexually importune on teenage girls. To "marry" and impregnate girls of a certain age. This is pedophilia. The poster implied that he is one of them.

Nothing to be reported. Some people are sick enough to do this to children.
Last edited:
We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?

We are a Christian nation you dumb fuck


We are nothing of the sort. Never was, dumb fuck. Even if it were appropriate to identify an entire nation by one religion, which it is decidedly NOT, why would you think that Americans would follow the likes of graham, jeffress, focus on the family, perkins, family research council? Amongst the multitude of Christians who flourish here, along side our Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, Hindu, and Pagan fellow Americans, are plenty of Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Quakers, etc.

Please explain what you think is "Christian".

The Constitution is based on the Bible, pull out a dollar bill out of your wallet..

What does it say?

So in your world you think a bunch of sand kneegrows founded this country?


Why do you think that any other Christians, or any people of other faiths, or no faith, would want to adopt your unhappy lifestyle? The rest of us are not all that nuts. Go "marry" your 15-year-old cousin. Then the rest of us will will have to care for her when she and the babies forced upon her have to flee.


  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life. Moderation may act on obvious Stalking and Harassment of members on the forums.
  • No Attacks on family members.
  • No Accusations of other members relating to bestiality or pedophilia

"Report" for what reason? There are people here in the United States who claim some sort of "right" to sexually importune on teenage girls. To "marry" and impregnate girls of a certain age. This is pedophilia.

So you don't know the rules here at USMB?

You are implying I am a pedophile because I am a Christian .

I will give it like 30 minutes, if the mods don't do anything I will flame the hell out of you..


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