Leftists of California start secede process

Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

No one would like any of those data. I know several people that moved to Las Vegas and they are not happy.
When it comes to what happiest state? California #10. Nevada is #36. Spare me your bullshit.
Not sure where you got the 18 languages but I speak 6 so I better start cracking up.
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

No one would like any of those data. I know several people that moved to Las Vegas and they are not happy.
When it comes to what happiest state? California #10. Nevada is #36. Spare me your bullshit.
Not sure where you got the 18 languages but I speak 6 so I better start cracking up.

You don't seem to know anything outside your worthless opinion. Here's some evidence for you. I know for fact agencies can't maintain 2 languages never mind 16. But you know Ca., entertain chaos and fuck shit up in the name of chaos (i.e., "inclusion") is their motto:
CalFresh Home
Charwin should do some homework and use HIS brain instead of reciting force-fed BS, such as the liberal provided map. Look dude, I've watched Ca. grow from a great state to "progress"ive decay. Sure you can't see this on your fossil hungry boat, beings you're excited, but just take a walk down near any street. It's mostly a Zombie apocalypse. The people are stoned, they're fat, lazy and dirty. Filth is everywhere, and it literally stinks. Too many rules, too many regulations, too much tax and most things chaotic. On top of that the state is ironically burning up.

How you portrayed California is pure dishonesty and hatred. You can find any of those garbages anywhere in this country.

We are NOT drugiest, most crime, dumbest, alcoholic states. California CANNOT eeeeeeven come close despite with all these foreigners.

Let's see what Nevada has to offer:
Dumbest state is Hawaii followed by Nevada. Poorest state is Mississippi #50 Nevada #29, California #9, Maryland #1 as the richest. Drunkest state is New Hampshire #1, Nevada is #5.
Most dangerous states #1 Alaska #2 Nevada, California #17 ( see link).
Nevada population is 2.8 millions but 557,807 are on welfare (see link).
Most fattest or obese states #1 Arkansas, Nevada #35, California #47.
Drugiest states with heroin are Northeast. Meth are Midwest.
These are just comparisons with Nevada but other states are FAR FAR WORST than California despite with all these foreigners.

Sandoval: Despite improved economy, more poor people in Nevada - Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun Mobile

The Most Dangerous States in America
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

No one would like any of those data. I know several people that moved to Las Vegas and they are not happy.
When it comes to what happiest state? California #10. Nevada is #36. Spare me your bullshit.
Not sure where you got the 18 languages but I speak 6 so I better start cracking up.

You don't seem to know anything outside your worthless opinion. Here's some evidence for you. I know for fact agencies can't maintain 2 languages never mind 16. But you know Ca., entertain chaos and fuck shit up in the name of chaos (i.e., "inclusion") is their motto:
CalFresh Home

You live in Nevada and your telling about California where I live. You don't know shit asshole.
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

No one would like any of those data. I know several people that moved to Las Vegas and they are not happy.
When it comes to what happiest state? California #10. Nevada is #36. Spare me your bullshit.
Not sure where you got the 18 languages but I speak 6 so I better start cracking up.

You don't seem to know anything outside your worthless opinion. Here's some evidence for you. I know for fact agencies can't maintain 2 languages never mind 16. But you know Ca., entertain chaos and fuck shit up in the name of chaos (i.e., "inclusion") is their motto:
CalFresh Home

Worthless opinion? Everything is just coming out from your ass and hatred.
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

No one would like any of those data. I know several people that moved to Las Vegas and they are not happy.
When it comes to what happiest state? California #10. Nevada is #36. Spare me your bullshit.
Not sure where you got the 18 languages but I speak 6 so I better start cracking up.

You don't seem to know anything outside your worthless opinion. Here's some evidence for you. I know for fact agencies can't maintain 2 languages never mind 16. But you know Ca., entertain chaos and fuck shit up in the name of chaos (i.e., "inclusion") is their motto:
CalFresh Home

You live in Nevada and your telling about California where I live. You don't know shit asshole.

You should thank me, because today "YOU'RE" more knowledgeable than you were yesterday. Unless of course you embrace ignorance.
What are California's weapons of choice in this liberal revolution to secede? I have some ideas:

1. Crack cocaine

2. STDs

3. Taxes

4. Regulations

5. Liberal rhetoric, and more liberal rhetoric. When you think you've had enough even more liberal rhetoric, until your brain is as soft as a babies ass. Don't underestimate the power of tormenting persuasion.

6. Fashion

7. Pollution

8. Great big lesbians

9. Fake tits (you don't know what's in there right? "Come on baby take a ta-ta...Oh yeah, you're dead.").

10. Investigations and interviews using lots of lisp.

11. Fabulous terms, like fabulous.

12. I cut you man.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Go get some help Dude and wipe that foaming off your mouth.
All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. I think you are a miserable person.
Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass.
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

No one would like any of those data. I know several people that moved to Las Vegas and they are not happy.
When it comes to what happiest state? California #10. Nevada is #36. Spare me your bullshit.
Not sure where you got the 18 languages but I speak 6 so I better start cracking up.

You don't seem to know anything outside your worthless opinion. Here's some evidence for you. I know for fact agencies can't maintain 2 languages never mind 16. But you know Ca., entertain chaos and fuck shit up in the name of chaos (i.e., "inclusion") is their motto:
CalFresh Home

You live in Nevada and your telling about California where I live. You don't know shit asshole.

You should thank me, because today "YOU'RE" more knowledgeable than you were yesterday. Unless of course you embrace ignorance.

Dude.... you didn't tell me anything. All you've told is just pure crap, hatred, dishonest, ignorance, stupidity and disgusting. But nice to know what kind of person you are.
California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole

Southern California already is a 3rd world shit-hole. The number of low class humans here from the south is staggering...everything they touch turns to filth...they are literally destroying every community and neighborhood they settle in. Southern California is the new Tijuana

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Read my post #220 & 223. Maybe you are stuck crossing the border that you cant compare Southern California with other states. Go get a job.
What are California's weapons of choice in this liberal revolution to secede? I have some ideas:

1. Crack cocaine

2. STDs

3. Taxes

4. Regulations

5. Liberal rhetoric, and more liberal rhetoric. When you think you've had enough even more liberal rhetoric, until your brain is as soft as a babies ass. Don't underestimate the power of tormenting persuasion.

6. Fashion

7. Pollution

8. Great big lesbians

9. Fake tits (you don't know what's in there right? "Come on baby take a ta-ta...Oh yeah, you're dead.").

10. Investigations and interviews using lots of lisp.

11. Fabulous terms, like fabulous.

12. I cut you man.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Go get some help Dude and wipe that foaming off your mouth.
All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. I think you are a miserable person.
Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Ha ha....Good one. Those who know me or are good judges of character see me as honest to a fault. You're not qualified. If that's abuse, how do you say so fucking sorry in Spanish?

Go get some help Dude: I won't be needing that thanks. Independence is my nature.

And wipe that foaming off your mouth. Make up your mind. Should I seek help or do you want to act smart while projecting?

All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. You should concentrate on the English language. Once you've embraced that, then study these other languages, because your points are all over the map. Take it from a guy whose formal education ended with the 4th grade, this belongs with your first point.

I think you are a miserable person. And I think you're a butt-hurt liberal.

Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass. Reference my fourth response above.

Yeah, just wait for all these Blue states that are in the black in their budgets, decide they are tired of carrying a bunch of the Red states that are sucking on the Federal funding. The U. S. would be so fucked.

Do you actually believe that the non city portions of the states would go as well? The cities with all the leftist elites would be on their own, with no resources to feed, or supply water food or fuel to their people.

Good Luck with that
Here you go blind proponents of California welfare/chaos/decay. Not sure how you could be so stupid, but that's my error. Your welfare logic makes no sense, because it's a complete lie, and that's something you can really appreciate. Most of you have no idea how welfare works. Some federal $, some state $ and some local $. What's California's budget status? There's one hint. Some is required federal spending, ever hear of economies of scale? Of course short-sighted liberals don't consider facts or reality.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Exploding the left’s red state myths
Red State, Blue State: Which States Have Received the Most Federal Funds Since 2000?
State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts

Dude I'm very familiar with these bullshit link. Read your link again and tell me what is wrong with your link. Especially how it's worded.

When I finish my degree in Criminal Justice in May, can you help me get a job in Cali? I'd love to move to a state that cares about its residents and has beliefs closer to mine.
If you graduate with a CJ degree that could mean you're motivated, educated, intelligent and possibly well spoken.
Unfortunately, California despises your type; you must be lazy, uneducated, iQ challenged and barely speak english to be "cared about" here.
Being smart and all like you may be, I also don't think you'd share the general "resident belief" here.
You see, they believe they're entitled to do less and receive more...They think the government owes them.
They believe that wealthy, smart, hard working folks should fund their nine person families since their landscaping gig can't cover all their living expenses.

Your beliefs with California is full of enmity and purely ludicrous.
What's funny about this is they are trying to secede because they can't force their will on the rest of the nation. If they simply advocated for limited federal government with strong individual states rights they could do as they please in California and the rest of us wouldn't care
What are California's weapons of choice in this liberal revolution to secede? I have some ideas:

1. Crack cocaine

2. STDs

3. Taxes

4. Regulations

5. Liberal rhetoric, and more liberal rhetoric. When you think you've had enough even more liberal rhetoric, until your brain is as soft as a babies ass. Don't underestimate the power of tormenting persuasion.

6. Fashion

7. Pollution

8. Great big lesbians

9. Fake tits (you don't know what's in there right? "Come on baby take a ta-ta...Oh yeah, you're dead.").

10. Investigations and interviews using lots of lisp.

11. Fabulous terms, like fabulous.

12. I cut you man.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Go get some help Dude and wipe that foaming off your mouth.
All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. I think you are a miserable person.
Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Ha ha....Good one. Those who know me or are good judges of character see me as honest to a fault. You're not qualified. If that's abuse, how do you say so fucking sorry in Spanish?

Go get some help Dude: I won't be needing that thanks. Independence is my nature.

And wipe that foaming off your mouth. Make up your mind. Should I seek help or do you want to act smart while projecting?

All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. You should concentrate on the English language. Once you've embraced that, then study these other languages, because your points are all over the map. Take it from a guy whose formal education ended with the 4th grade, this belongs with your first point.

I think you are a miserable person. And I think you're a butt-hurt liberal.

Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass. Reference my fourth response above.

And what are you taking about it again? You don't know shit what you are talking about. Now you come down to insult.
My butt doesn't hurt Dude. I was just trying to educate your stupidity and ignorance.
Judge you? Based from your post is full of lies, abusive and dishonest. That is how I judge you.
Democrats top leaders ... :lol:

Nancy Pelosi .. ultra left wing darling of the 1% ers and screw over the working class to the coastal left.


Chuck Schumer .. ultra left wing darling of the 1% ers and continue to screw over the working class to the other coastal left.

As I said... RIP .. Democratic Party .. the race baiting, pro-slavery, flag burning, rioting, sanctuary cities, open borders, baby parting, war losing, soul less, politically wimpy .. etc. etc. is quickly becoming a nightmare of America's past...

Good morning and have a wonderful day ... :coffee:

temporary set back, now the real news as who is dying off!! great news in the long run!!! :laugh2::itsok: :bye1:

Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?

We've Reached the End of White Christian America

There is something that you just don't get. . . . Something that you have never gotten.

The globalists have naturally imported many different people from all over the world, to try to lessen the power of the folks that built the nation.

But WHY do folks want to come here? Do they want to come here to remain who they are? Or do they want to become. . . AMERICANS?

Trump got enough votes from women, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Jews and every other groups that shares in a vision of America that these "white chisters" that you hate so much. None of these disparate groups, alone, will ever have a greater percentage stake hold than the 45% white christers that you hate so much, that will never, ever change.

Sure, their young may turn to atheism, humanism, or agnosticism. . . for a while. But they will remember the old religion of the grand parents when hopelessness and corruption of the state makes all seem lost. Love is what makes the world go round.

You think this is about racism, it isn't. The elites are the one that have poisoned your mind, they have used this divide and conquer bullshit so long on you, that you think it is what got Trump elected. It isn't. It's the economy stupid. If Trump can't turn it around, he'll lose. Then someone else will come to power.

That is silly, people from all over the world have been coming here since the Pilgrims..very entertaining though.


So true...though the difference is simple.
"People" use to come here and offer a positive contribution...NOW people come here with a sad face, an anchor baby to drop and their hand held out and Libtard minded ignorance thinks it's a good idea to keep that hand full, allow these bottom feeders to continue recreating themselves and wave more in by the millions. Good job Liberal Loonys!

Read your history book dumb dumb..............................


California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole

Southern California already is a 3rd world shit-hole. The number of low class humans here from the south is staggering...everything they touch turns to filth...they are literally destroying every community and neighborhood they settle in. Southern California is the new Tijuana

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Read my post #220 & 223. Maybe you are stuck crossing the border that you cant compare Southern California with other states. Go get a job.
I read your posts and good for you...you've done a great job self manipulating and pretending this place is amazing. Your perception of what's "good" is different than mine. One's perception is one's reality...right?
I've also read your resume that you posted about your lavish lifestyle in La Jolla and Palm Springs. Like you, I live in a very nice exclusive area so I'm able to blind myself from what's just down the road from me most of the time. But the truth is when I leave my little safe haven I have to shop with the filth, get fuel with the filth, work near the filth, drive through the ghettos and barrios where beer cans and trash line the streets, where graffiti is everywhere you look, where pit bull's and chihuahua's run wild, where uninsured and or under insured drivers run a muck, where there's degenerate pedestrian traffic all over, where off ramps always have someone begging for a free hand-out...Don't pretend this isn't happening.
I've lived here my whole life...born and raised here. I've watched it morph from a beautiful place full of like-minded friendly people who speak the same language and respect one another to the shit-hole it has become...California, "the place" is still beautiful all over but the people here SUCK and make it the armpit / shit-hole it is today.
What are California's weapons of choice in this liberal revolution to secede? I have some ideas:

1. Crack cocaine

2. STDs

3. Taxes

4. Regulations

5. Liberal rhetoric, and more liberal rhetoric. When you think you've had enough even more liberal rhetoric, until your brain is as soft as a babies ass. Don't underestimate the power of tormenting persuasion.

6. Fashion

7. Pollution

8. Great big lesbians

9. Fake tits (you don't know what's in there right? "Come on baby take a ta-ta...Oh yeah, you're dead.").

10. Investigations and interviews using lots of lisp.

11. Fabulous terms, like fabulous.

12. I cut you man.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Go get some help Dude and wipe that foaming off your mouth.
All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. I think you are a miserable person.
Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass.

You are a dishonest and abusive person. Ha ha....Good one. Those who know me or are good judges of character see me as honest to a fault. You're not qualified. If that's abuse, how do you say so fucking sorry in Spanish?

Go get some help Dude: I won't be needing that thanks. Independence is my nature.

And wipe that foaming off your mouth. Make up your mind. Should I seek help or do you want to act smart while projecting?

All you are showing is pure hatred with your fellow Americans. You should concentrate on the English language. Once you've embraced that, then study these other languages, because your points are all over the map. Take it from a guy whose formal education ended with the 4th grade, this belongs with your first point.

I think you are a miserable person. And I think you're a butt-hurt liberal.

Read my my post that I just posted to educate yourself instead blurting something from your ass. Reference my fourth response above.

And what are you taking about it again? You don't know shit what you are talking about. Now you come down to insult.
My butt doesn't hurt Dude. I was just trying to educate your stupidity and ignorance.
Judge you? Based from your post is full of lies, abusive and dishonest. That is how I judge you.

I've watched Ca. grow. May come as a shock in your big world, but I've had the opportunity to hang in Cals! top end. Call it a birth right, but they live a completely different life than me, and my close family. Sure there are beautiful areas in Ca., I've seen a lot of them. After all, you have one of the best climates. What was once a wonderful state, the larger part of Ca. is in a corrosive state by population, taxes, regulations and climate. For the most part I try to avoid the place.

BTW, no where did I say that it matters how you judge me. Yeah, I'm a liar. Ha ha ha ha ha! You need some more time on your boat.

There is something that you just don't get. . . . Something that you have never gotten.

The globalists have naturally imported many different people from all over the world, to try to lessen the power of the folks that built the nation.

But WHY do folks want to come here? Do they want to come here to remain who they are? Or do they want to become. . . AMERICANS?

Trump got enough votes from women, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Jews and every other groups that shares in a vision of America that these "white chisters" that you hate so much. None of these disparate groups, alone, will ever have a greater percentage stake hold than the 45% white christers that you hate so much, that will never, ever change.

Sure, their young may turn to atheism, humanism, or agnosticism. . . for a while. But they will remember the old religion of the grand parents when hopelessness and corruption of the state makes all seem lost. Love is what makes the world go round.

You think this is about racism, it isn't. The elites are the one that have poisoned your mind, they have used this divide and conquer bullshit so long on you, that you think it is what got Trump elected. It isn't. It's the economy stupid. If Trump can't turn it around, he'll lose. Then someone else will come to power.

That is silly, people from all over the world have been coming here since the Pilgrims..very entertaining though.


So true...though the difference is simple.
"People" use to come here and offer a positive contribution...NOW people come here with a sad face, an anchor baby to drop and their hand held out and Libtard minded ignorance thinks it's a good idea to keep that hand full, allow these bottom feeders to continue recreating themselves and wave more in by the millions. Good job Liberal Loonys!

Read your history book dumb dumb..............................


California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole

Southern California already is a 3rd world shit-hole. The number of low class humans here from the south is staggering...everything they touch turns to filth...they are literally destroying every community and neighborhood they settle in. Southern California is the new Tijuana

REALLY? I mean REALLY? Read my post #220 & 223. Maybe you are stuck crossing the border that you cant compare Southern California with other states. Go get a job.
I read your posts and good for you...you've done a great job self manipulating and pretending this place is amazing. Your perception of what's "good" is different than mine. One's perception is one's reality...right?
I've also read your resume that you posted about your lavish lifestyle in La Jolla and Palm Springs. Like you, I live in a very nice exclusive area so I'm able to blind myself from what's just down the road from me most of the time. But the truth is when I leave my little safe haven I have to shop with the filth, get fuel with the filth, work near the filth, drive through the ghettos and barrios where beer cans and trash line the streets, where graffiti is everywhere you look, where pit bull's and chihuahua's run wild, where uninsured and or under insured drivers run a muck, where there's degenerate pedestrian traffic all over, where off ramps always have someone begging for a free hand-out...Don't pretend this isn't happening.
I've lived here my whole life...born and raised here. I've watched it morph from a beautiful place full of like-minded friendly people who speak the same language and respect one another to the shit-hole it has become...California, "the place" is still beautiful all over but the people here SUCK and make it the armpit / shit-hole it is today.

Understand and I'm very sorry to hear that you had not taking advantage of the growth and golden opportunities that Ca. is offering. Currently California economy is very good.
How you describe California is almost the same like everywhere. Traffic, trash, graffiti, prostitution, drugs, crimes etc etc etc. But California is far far far better than any states on every categories. Maybe you have not seen other poor city or states? Try Detroit or Chicago just to name a few.
If you are born in the same area and has not progressed or move then you failed. So you better find something quick bc it's gonna get worst.
I did not manipulate about the situation and I don't pretend....... it is what it is California is a lot better than what you think.
I don't like posting where I live and I only did that because people like you portraying California as a hell hole......... and ITS NOT.

Here's the latest that just came out the other day. Americas best place to live. California #15 that means 35 states are worst than Ca.

America’s Best States to Live In

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