Leftists of California start secede process

Yes you are.

LIke I said, less talking, more leaving.

Just thing how you can throw open the border with Mexico, and with the flood of low skilled labor, turn California into a high tech utopia and show US stupid rubes how it is done.

I wish you all the best.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Yep, sure I am... Keep denying it. You have zero credibility. :dance:

listen, I'm the first to admit that sometimes you lefties blur together on me.

It's no shame if the same happens to you.

I don't really give a damn about Hillary doing time. She is crushed enough by losing. I'm happy with her fate.

Trade and Immigration are what I have been CONSTANTLY harping on for this entire election.

Yeah right... back track now, you have more in common with Trump than you realize. :dance:

Dude. You are mistaking me for someone else. Try to be less smug, especially when you are completely wrong.

Good try boss, denial denial denial. Keep it up and like Trump we can settle out of court later for big bucks without you admitting "guilt." :dance:

You are pathetic.
Ain't gonna happen.

Maybe it could if we all supported their decision. Of course, they'll take the electoral votes and millions of illegal votes with them. The Dem politicians would go ape shit.

It's clear to me why you guys elected a financially inept retard into the Presidency. You have no financial bone in your body, and you can't see why Trump is a financial disaster, and you can't see why California becoming its own country would be a financial disaster as well...

What's next? Washington? Oregon? yeah let's let them join the liberal California... bye bye liberals! Oh no... we lost an entire coastline! Well, at least we have a stronger conservative base.......

Yeah, like California will leave, what a bunch of BS. Isn't this the BS that went on about Texas?

People are really, really stupid.
California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
It's not even that.

CA could not function as an independent country. If CA secedes it will turn into an official third world shithole

Southern California already is a 3rd world shit-hole. The number of low class humans here from the south is staggering...everything they touch turns to filth...they are literally destroying every community and neighborhood they settle in. Southern California is the new Tijuana
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?
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Here you go blind proponents of California welfare/chaos/decay. Not sure how you could be so stupid, but that's my error. Your welfare logic makes no sense, because it's a complete lie, and that's something you can really appreciate. Most of you have no idea how welfare works. Some federal $, some state $ and some local $. What's California's budget status? There's one hint. Some is required federal spending, ever hear of economies of scale? Of course short-sighted liberals don't consider facts or reality.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Exploding the left’s red state myths
Red State, Blue State: Which States Have Received the Most Federal Funds Since 2000?
State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts

Dude I'm very familiar with these bullshit link. Read your link again and tell me what is wrong with your link. Especially how it's worded.

When I finish my degree in Criminal Justice in May, can you help me get a job in Cali? I'd love to move to a state that cares about its residents and has beliefs closer to mine.
Can you afford to live there?
Here you go blind proponents of California welfare/chaos/decay. Not sure how you could be so stupid, but that's my error. Your welfare logic makes no sense, because it's a complete lie, and that's something you can really appreciate. Most of you have no idea how welfare works. Some federal $, some state $ and some local $. What's California's budget status? There's one hint. Some is required federal spending, ever hear of economies of scale? Of course short-sighted liberals don't consider facts or reality.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Exploding the left’s red state myths
Red State, Blue State: Which States Have Received the Most Federal Funds Since 2000?
State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts

Dude I'm very familiar with these bullshit link. Read your link again and tell me what is wrong with your link. Especially how it's worded.

When I finish my degree in Criminal Justice in May, can you help me get a job in Cali? I'd love to move to a state that cares about its residents and has beliefs closer to mine.
Can you afford to live there?

Sure, in the back of a moving van like some of the tech employees.
Lol...Cali already succeeded. Its now northern mexico. I cant wait to get the hell out of here.
Seriously, do people really believe Safe Space California twits are gonna lead a successful Revolution? They're gonna take on the military might of the Federal Government? Safe Spacers? Really?

Sorry, not gonna happen folks. To lead a successful Revolution, you have to have real guts and are willing to sacrifice. And those are two qualities Safe Space Moochers just don't possess. California ain't goin nowhere. It is what it is.

Seriously..... who said anything about revolution?

Secession is tantamount to Revolution. Y'all Safe Spacer Communists ready to take on the US Military? Somehow i don't think so. Just a hunch anyway. :)
California would be Venezuela within 5 years of leaving. Taxes there would so huge to pay for all the liberal policies they love and get paid for by the taxpayers of all the other states that anyone with money would leave before CA formed its own country.
California isn't going anywhere. It's too strong a financial powerhouse for the United States.

You all are idiots if you'd be willing to let California go for political reasons. Yeah, let's give up our highest GDP state by a large margin... cause we hate valley girls!
You're getting upset over something that will never happen? Interesting.

FWIW, the reason California is a "financial powerhouse" is because private American companies. If California seceded, do you really think those companies would go with them or would they relocate in the USA?
Here you go blind proponents of California welfare/chaos/decay. Not sure how you could be so stupid, but that's my error. Your welfare logic makes no sense, because it's a complete lie, and that's something you can really appreciate. Most of you have no idea how welfare works. Some federal $, some state $ and some local $. What's California's budget status? There's one hint. Some is required federal spending, ever hear of economies of scale? Of course short-sighted liberals don't consider facts or reality.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Exploding the left’s red state myths
Red State, Blue State: Which States Have Received the Most Federal Funds Since 2000?
State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts

Dude I'm very familiar with these bullshit link. Read your link again and tell me what is wrong with your link. Especially how it's worded.

When I finish my degree in Criminal Justice in May, can you help me get a job in Cali? I'd love to move to a state that cares about its residents and has beliefs closer to mine.
If you graduate with a CJ degree that could mean you're motivated, educated, intelligent and possibly well spoken.
Unfortunately, California despises your type; you must be lazy, uneducated, iQ challenged and barely speak english to be "cared about" here.
Being smart and all like you may be, I also don't think you'd share the general "resident belief" here.
You see, they believe they're entitled to do less and receive more...They think the government owes them.
They believe that wealthy, smart, hard working folks should fund their nine person families since their landscaping gig can't cover all their living expenses.
Here you go blind proponents of California welfare/chaos/decay. Not sure how you could be so stupid, but that's my error. Your welfare logic makes no sense, because it's a complete lie, and that's something you can really appreciate. Most of you have no idea how welfare works. Some federal $, some state $ and some local $. What's California's budget status? There's one hint. Some is required federal spending, ever hear of economies of scale? Of course short-sighted liberals don't consider facts or reality.

Articles: The Myth of Red State Welfare
Exploding the left’s red state myths
Red State, Blue State: Which States Have Received the Most Federal Funds Since 2000?
State Welfare Spending Rank for 2016 - Charts

Dude I'm very familiar with these bullshit link. Read your link again and tell me what is wrong with your link. Especially how it's worded.

When I finish my degree in Criminal Justice in May, can you help me get a job in Cali? I'd love to move to a state that cares about its residents and has beliefs closer to mine.
If you graduate with a CJ degree that could mean you're motivated, educated, intelligent and possibly well spoken.
Unfortunately, California despises your type; you must be lazy, uneducated, iQ challenged and barely speak english to be "cared about" here.
Being smart and all like you may be, I also don't think you'd share the general "resident belief" here.
You see, they believe they're entitled to do less and receive more...They think the government owes them.
They believe that wealthy, smart, hard working folks should fund their nine person families since their landscaping gig can't cover all their living expenses.
I think Lew would fit right in. ;)
Say leftists, any leftist will do. Remind me, why is California "going to" secede?
What are California's weapons of choice in this liberal revolution to secede? I have some ideas:

1. Crack cocaine

2. STDs

3. Taxes

4. Regulations

5. Liberal rhetoric, and more liberal rhetoric. When you think you've had enough even more liberal rhetoric, until your brain is as soft as a babies ass. Don't underestimate the power of tormenting persuasion.

6. Fashion

7. Pollution

8. Great big lesbians

9. Fake tits (you don't know what's in there right? "Come on baby take a ta-ta...Oh yeah, you're dead.").

10. Investigations and interviews using lots of lisp.

11. Fabulous terms, like fabulous.

12. I cut you man.
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The breakup of the United States has started.
The break up hasn't started. The 1861-1865 civil war and estimated death toll of 750,000 has shown what happens if states choose to leave the United States. Bottom line, it isn't allowed, regardless of any votes or cries from states citizens.
The breakup of the United States has started.
The break up hasn't started. The 1861-1865 civil war and estimated death toll of 750,000 has shown what happens if states choose to leave the United States. Bottom line, it isn't allowed, regardless of any votes or cries from states citizens.

Repugs hate California so much that they might not care. And this time, the "traitors" who want to secede would be the good guys. That wasn't the case in 1861, when a bunch of evil Southern fucks seceded to protect slavery.
The breakup of the United States has started.
The break up hasn't started. The 1861-1865 civil war and estimated death toll of 750,000 has shown what happens if states choose to leave the United States. Bottom line, it isn't allowed, regardless of any votes or cries from states citizens.

Repugs hate California so much that they might not care. And this time, the "traitors" who want to secede would be the good guys. That wasn't the case in 1861, when a bunch of evil Southern fucks seceded to protect slavery.

Californians are the good guys now? Say, you know ISIS thinks they're the good guys too?
Sure Charwin, I live in Nevada. We've gone liberal because of the California exodus. They weren't happy there, so they come here with the ideas they were running from.

Apparently you don't like data. Here's more. BTW, did you know the State of California entertains I believe 18 different languages? You know, it's politically correct to do so. It's also expensive and an invitation for chaos and abuse.

Is California the welfare capital?

The whole world knew that California is a welfare state. My friends and business associates from Asia, Europe all the way central/south America are fully aware of these welfare benefits.
However......... This is my home. I live very nicely, comfortably and successfully here in Southern California. Life is very good I can't complain. Business is good. Economy is good new houses and buildings are popping up all over the place.
Do I hate all these foreigners running taking advantage all the welfare benefits? Heck yes. But I'm not going to loose any blood cells for something I can't control. Even though it's where I make money.......... I am more worried about people getting sick all over the country.

Palm Spring and La Jolla, Ca is where I live. Does it look like a shit hole to you?



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