Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.
Great, someone finally puts numbers behind the rhetoric. So let’s use your numbers... 1 hired gun per every 100 students...

There are approximately 76 million students in the U.S. ...

Fast Facts

Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

At any rate, I doubt you really care about protecting our children. This simply falls in line with your hatred of the Second Amendment. We can keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people, but you want to practically take guns out of the hands of every law abiding citizen. Because emotions.

That is a lie and you are aware that it is a lie. Why are you lying?
No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.
Great, someone finally puts numbers behind the rhetoric. So let’s use your numbers... 1 hired gun per every 100 students...

There are approximately 76 million students in the U.S. ...

Fast Facts

Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

At any rate, I doubt you really care about protecting our children. This simply falls in line with your hatred of the Second Amendment. We can keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people, but you want to practically take guns out of the hands of every law abiding citizen. Because emotions.

That is a lie and you are aware that it is a lie. Why are you lying?

Actions speak louder than words, LL. Care to prove me wrong? Or would you rather call me "tubby" again?
So boring. I don't waste time with morons. I engage. When they persist in being morons, they get mocked.

When someone has a superior argument you can't counter, you resort to name calling and mockery. You aren't engaging anyone. You're blindly attacking them.

You don't have a superior argument.

Apparently I do, because you can't present one of your own. You just like calling people "morons" and the like. I have never once seen in any debate where calling names and such was the superior argument. But hey, just keep showing how clueless you are about this topic. I'll continue taking you down.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...
This is the pass out guns at the door approach.
Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

Uh, and? Aren't our children worth that and more? Here you are more concerned about the cost than the children. Typical of you. We as a society should spare no expense in protecting our children in school. In order for gun control to work, the gun control must work, which as evidenced in many a shooting across the country each day, shows that it is very ineffective at preventing gun crime.

Laws are nothing but words written on paper. If you can't make laws like gun control work 100% of the time, they are quite useless in saving life.
Moron... Cruz, an apparently mentally ill individual, was able to legally purchase an AR-15. We need laws to prevent that.
So boring. I don't waste time with morons. I engage. When they persist in being morons, they get mocked.

When someone has a superior argument you can't counter, you resort to name calling and mockery. You aren't engaging anyone. You're blindly attacking them.

You don't have a superior argument.

Apparently I do, because you can't present one of your own. You just like calling people "morons" and the like. I have never once seen in any debate where calling names and such was the superior argument. But hey, just keep showing how clueless you are about this topic. I'll continue taking you down.

I will ask you once.

Do you believe that I want to protect mass shooters like the asshole in Parkland.

Yes...or no....?
So boring. I don't waste time with morons. I engage. When they persist in being morons, they get mocked.

When someone has a superior argument you can't counter, you resort to name calling and mockery. You aren't engaging anyone. You're blindly attacking them.

You don't have a superior argument.

Apparently I do, because you can't present one of your own. You just like calling people "morons" and the like. I have never once seen in any debate where calling names and such was the superior argument. But hey, just keep showing how clueless you are about this topic. I'll continue taking you down.

I will ask you once.

Do you believe that I want to protect mass shooters like the asshole in Parkland.

Yes...or no....?

I don't make assumptions. You tell me.
So boring. I don't waste time with morons. I engage. When they persist in being morons, they get mocked.

When someone has a superior argument you can't counter, you resort to name calling and mockery. You aren't engaging anyone. You're blindly attacking them.

You don't have a superior argument.

Apparently I do, because you can't present one of your own. You just like calling people "morons" and the like. I have never once seen in any debate where calling names and such was the superior argument. But hey, just keep showing how clueless you are about this topic. I'll continue taking you down.

I will ask you once.

Do you believe that I want to protect mass shooters like the asshole in Parkland.

Yes...or no....?

I don't make assumptions. You tell me.

Really? That is a tough one for you? Please give it the old college try.

And...you make assumptions constantly. It is why your arguments are built on such shaky ground so often.
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Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.
Great, someone finally puts numbers behind the rhetoric. So let’s use your numbers... 1 hired gun per every 100 students...

There are approximately 76 million students in the U.S. ...

Fast Facts

Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

At any rate, I doubt you really care about protecting our children. This simply falls in line with your hatred of the Second Amendment. We can keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people, but you want to practically take guns out of the hands of every law abiding citizen. Because emotions.
^^^ utter nonsense. I do not hate the 2nd Amendment despite your bizarre rhetoric. I own a gun myself and have never called for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment or a confiscation of all firearms.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...
This is the pass out guns at the door approach.
Which would only result in more students being shot.
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

When they are done explaining that, maybe they'll explain what went wrong in Chicago, DC and everywhere else that has ubner-strict gun laws?
The biggest apology we nee to get from these Moon Bats is why were they so stupid as to elect Democrats who voted down the Grassley Cruz bill that would have strengthen the NICS background check system and would have increased the mentally ill reporting.

The blood of Parkland is on their hands. As is the blood of the Texas church shooting and the DC and Las Vegas shootings.
Maybe every kid can be given a gun when they enter fifth grade. That way when school shootings happen, everyone can unload on the "shooter" and we can have 5 - 10 times as many casualties!!

The grand master of hyperbole.

No, I'm pretty sure to be the grand master, his hyperbole would have to make at least some vague sort of sense.

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