Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim


We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.
I don't wish to offend you but you obviously have been effectively brainwashed by Reefer Madness propaganda -- probably during your military career. I can't know how deeply imbedded the effect of your conditioning has been, but hopefully it hasn't made you immune to common sense reasoning.

First, any commercially available tobacco product, especially cigarettes, has been contaminated with a number of chemicals intended to enhance their effect and to hasten the addictive effect of nicotine. Cigarette contaminants - SourceWatch Most of these chemicals are known to be carcinogenic.

If you will closely examine the paper which commercially marketed cigarettes are rolled in you will see a progression of faint grey circles. These circles are dried potassium nitrate which is there to keep the cigarette burning. The residue from burned potassium nitrate is extremely carcinogenic. If you doubt any of this there is plenty of information about it available via Google. And if you're wondering how FDA can allow this product to be sold you'll need to ask your Congressional representative about that.

Next, the average cigarette addict smokes from twenty to thirty cigarettes a day. The average marijuana user smokes one to two joints in a given day (depending on potency) and most do not smoke every day. More important, unless the marijuana one smokes has been contaminated with carcinogenic pesticides and growth-inducing hormones, which is common to illegally grown marijuana crops, the plant is absolutely benign, producing none of the "tars" contained in cigarette smoke, and the paper that a marijuana cigarette is rolled in is not ringed with potassium nitrate.

The bottom line to all this is even a daily marijuana smoker does not come close to the health risk imposed on the average cigarette smoker. So please don't be misled by nonsensical Reefer Madness propaganda.

If you are interested in learning the facts about marijuana you can access Jack Herer's excellent book, The Emperor Wears No Clothes, free of charge by clicking on this link: The Book «
Umm....Didn't you just post that 2 pages ago? Are you looking for a response or are you so busy eating Cheetos and toking up that you forgot? :lol:

Jesus, you make it too easy.... :D
Umm....Didn't you just post that 2 pages ago? Are you looking for a response or are you so busy eating Cheetos and toking up that you forgot? :lol:

Jesus, you make it too easy.... :D
It's not like you're going to listen but someone should tell you that your right to talk shit about marijuana smokers was preserved for you by the legalization of marihuana.


Do you enjoy your freedom? Thank a pot grower.
Umm....Didn't you just post that 2 pages ago? Are you looking for a response or are you so busy eating Cheetos and toking up that you forgot? :lol:

Jesus, you make it too easy.... :D
Actually you are a convenient drum to pound on for the benefit of those who need to know the truth and who are receptive to it.

So, thanks for the opportunity.
if the people vote it in Randall what you gonna do?...i knew lots of Conservatives on my route who wanted Medical Pot and they want it Decriminalized.....and a lot said they smoked it in the past and know it is not as bad as the anti-pot people are making it out to be.....i delivered to 3 area cops who wanted it Decriminalized.....

Beer is NOT a schedule 1 Narcotic.

as many deaths as it is responsible for it should be.....

Then the "people" should send Represenatives to Washington DC to do just that. Oh, that's right, they did. The president, The House and the Senate were Democrat controlled. They did NOT repeal the law. Matters NOT what happens at the state level. State law does not trump federal law.

If a person (as those in Colorado) smokes pot every day - They WILL do harm to their bodies over the long run. Just like tobacco. Only a complete and utter fool wouldn't understand that. If you smoke weed a couple of times a month, probably not so much.

The problem? When weed wasn't readily available, most folks smoked every now and again. Now that you can go (basically) to a 7-11 type place and purchase it anytime - the logical conclusion is that you will smoke more and you will do it more often. the logical outcome? Death from respiratory disease.

We, as a people, denounce smoking tobacco because there is irrefutable proof that it will kill you. Weed, over time, just like tobacco, will kill you. I have no doubt whatsoever that the results will be conclusive in time. So, instead of banning the "Marlboro Man" - we will eventually have to ban Cheech and Chong.

i smoked Pot for at least 30 years pretty steadily and i know a handful of others who did too.....everyone is fine....i go to the Doctor every 6 months for type 2 Diabetes and he has given me a full physical including a Lung X-Ray....he said Lungs look good for a guy my age....and the other people are doing just fine themselves....

People equate pot smoking with smoking tobacco, not realizing how much less pot that you smoke.
Smoking pot almost surely carries some health hazards. Our lungs are not designed to be filled with smoke.

That said, and as others have pointed out, it is likely that marijuana smoking carries far less risk than cigarette smoking. Even ignoring that cigarettes may contain more carcinogens, a cigarette smoker will generally be smoking far more frequently than a pot smoker.
That isn't much comfort to the survivors when one pothead takes out a family of five.

it aint much comfort to family of 5 coming home from a family get together when one of your drunken friends plows into their car going the wrong way on a freeway is it?....ill tell you what Katz you list all the people killed by people driving doing Pot....ill list all the Drunk driving fatalities.....if you reach 30 ill ban myself for a month.....if i reach 30 you do the same.....lets see who is here next

The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

There are field sobriety tests for pot.

Randall i think anyone who has smoked Pot will tell you that a person who is high will get in less accidents then one who is drunk....and i notice that in all those car accidents no one ever mentions if the person was also doing something other than Pot....Katz is big on that type of shit.....she will report a guy who gets in an accident who has been drinking,doing Speed,Bath Salts and he smoked a joint....Katz will just report that the guy was doing Pot....and i believe i posted a link up top somewhere about Synthetic Pot which was just recently made illegal...and it will FUCK YOU UP and it will make you hallucinate and get violent....the guy who did the story on it said many of these stories coming out are probably because of this stuff.....because it is still out there and many HS and College kids are still getting it....right now its hard to discern this from real pot in the bloodstream....but he said they are formulating tests that will distinguish the is an excerpt....


That is a very important point. It hadn't occurred to me so I'm glad you posted it.

If I'm not mistaken, this synthetic pot is called "bath salts." If I'm wrong I'll appreciate being corrected. And I'll be interested in hearing from anyone who has used this synthetic marijuana.

People get into accidents when they are not stoned. If a person has an accident when they are stoned, it does not necessarily mean that it was daused by the weed.
Smoking pot almost surely carries some health hazards. Our lungs are not designed to be filled with smoke.

That said, and as others have pointed out, it is likely that marijuana smoking carries far less risk than cigarette smoking. Even ignoring that cigarettes may contain more carcinogens, a cigarette smoker will generally be smoking far more frequently than a pot smoker.
People need to know the facts but it's mostly just wishful thinking. Cannabis does not have the same cancer-causing chemicals, preservatives and additives that are used to prolong shelf-life for tobacco cigarettes. Smoking anything can be bad for you, but let's be honest: if smoking marijuana causes cancer then every doctor would have their medical license revoked for knowingly prescribing marijuana to cancer patients which would accelerate their cancer. Doctors do not get fired for recommending Cannabis for cancer patients because marijuana does not cause cancer.

These are the two most important websites in the drug war:

The National Institutes of Health which says that marijuana is medicine that fights cancer:
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

and the DEA which promotes the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 which states that marijuana is a dangerous narcotic that cannot be used as medicine.
DEA / Drug Scheduling

There are too many ways to prove the 1970 Controlled Substances Act wrong but the cancer website is the most credible because it's from the same US Federal government which has said since 1970 that marijuana is not medicine.

It's time for Americans to be shown these facts so that the general public can make an informed decision on this subject.
And I see as usual, the very first post after the OP, points fingers at alcohol :lol:

There's an increase in pot related auto fatalities (but but but but alcohol...........)

Legalizing pot will increase the availability to children ( but but but but alcohol..........)

Pot will increase an individuals risk to a heart attack (but but but but alcohol............)

Well, not to belabor the point, but it's always easier to excuse bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior.

My point has always been the same. in this screwed up world that we live in, do we need yet ANOTHER way to be inebriated?

Conservatives hate it when the mayor of New York City bans large sugary drinks, but it is OK to say that I cannot smoke pot.
it aint much comfort to family of 5 coming home from a family get together when one of your drunken friends plows into their car going the wrong way on a freeway is it?....ill tell you what Katz you list all the people killed by people driving doing Pot....ill list all the Drunk driving fatalities.....if you reach 30 ill ban myself for a month.....if i reach 30 you do the same.....lets see who is here next

The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

There are field sobriety tests for pot.

Colorado plans media blitz warning against driving stoned - CBS News

Perhaps you should do a little reading
The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

There are field sobriety tests for pot.

Colorado plans media blitz warning against driving stoned - CBS News

Perhaps you should do a little reading

Perhaps you should read a little better. It mentions field sobriety tests, so what is your point.
And I see as usual, the very first post after the OP, points fingers at alcohol :lol:

There's an increase in pot related auto fatalities (but but but but alcohol...........)

Legalizing pot will increase the availability to children ( but but but but alcohol..........)

Pot will increase an individuals risk to a heart attack (but but but but alcohol............)

The test they conduct is for the residual cannabidiol stored in the bodies fat cells.

Parents need to be responsible for their own children.

Long term studies on Jamacians (who smoke an awful lot of spleaf) do not indicate an increase risk for cardiovascular disease. But then again many other factors such as diet and exercise should be considered. Americans generally need to eat less and get more exercise. Stay away from the Indica. A nice heady Sativa and a good work out will do you good. Then later, have some of that Kush.

Not heart disease, an attack itself. In the first hour of smoking pot the risk of having a heart attack increases to five times that of non-smokers.
Smoking pot almost surely carries some health hazards. Our lungs are not designed to be filled with smoke.

That said, and as others have pointed out, it is likely that marijuana smoking carries far less risk than cigarette smoking. Even ignoring that cigarettes may contain more carcinogens, a cigarette smoker will generally be smoking far more frequently than a pot smoker.

So yeah, since it's less of a health hazard than cigarettes, let's go ahead and mainstream it !!
This way, just in case there's no cigarette smoke lingering in the air, we can have pot smoke !
Brilliant !
The only way you can make that argument is to legalize pot and the check the stats 30 years later.

In the first three weeks after pot was "legalized" in Colorado, there were numerous auto accidents in Colorado that were attributed to "DWH" Driving high. One crash involved a high person crashing into a Denver PD patrol car. Unfortunately, the officers had no way to conduct field sobriety tests (no such thing) for pot so they weren't charged as such. The Bullshit legislature NOW has made DWH a moving violation. Go figure.

There are field sobriety tests for pot.

Colorado plans media blitz warning against driving stoned - CBS News

Perhaps you should do a little reading

Yep, they know there's going to be an increase now of impaired drivers.
Drunk driving was bad enough, once a state legalizes pot, they'll now have a new issue to deal with. Pot users behind the wheel.
There are field sobriety tests for pot.

Colorado plans media blitz warning against driving stoned - CBS News

Perhaps you should do a little reading

Yep, they know there's going to be an increase now of impaired drivers.
Drunk driving was bad enough, once a state legalizes pot, they'll now have a new issue to deal with. Pot users behind the wheel.
Because before legalization, nobody ever drove on pot? How many people were arrested for being impaired on pot? Any?
Smoking pot almost surely carries some health hazards. Our lungs are not designed to be filled with smoke.

That said, and as others have pointed out, it is likely that marijuana smoking carries far less risk than cigarette smoking. Even ignoring that cigarettes may contain more carcinogens, a cigarette smoker will generally be smoking far more frequently than a pot smoker.

So yeah, since it's less of a health hazard than cigarettes, let's go ahead and mainstream it !!
This way, just in case there's no cigarette smoke lingering in the air, we can have pot smoke !
Brilliant !

No, it is already fairly 'mainstream'. It should be legalized or decriminalized because, beyond the basic idea that an adult should be allowed to do what they wish with their own body, marijuana seems to have pretty minor health risks.
FYI calling POT a narcotic is like calling a shot of milk a shot of everclear mooonshine.

I cannot believe people are still so ignorant as to use the word narcotic to describe the only non toxic medicine in mankind's materia medica
Hmm...would filling a bong with LSD-spiked water work?

Work for what? You'd have to drink it to feel the effects of the acid.

Inhaling the vapor wouldn't do it?

It might. The first trip of the scientist who first extracted it had it absorbed through his skin. I'm not sure what the evaporation point of LSD is, but I think spiking the bong water with it would be a waste of LSD. Better to spike your OJ and make some Orange Sunshine.
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