Legal pot in Colorado claims it's first victim

There's always been potheads behind the wheel, however once you legalize it either medically or recreationally, the availability will mean more use and therefore more impaired drivers.
That will depend entirely on the effectiveness of the public education program, which should include saturation publicizing of DUI pot arrests and punishments.

Public education is the way cigarette smoking was decreased by more than 50% -- in spite of the fact that cigarette addiction is more tenaciously addictive than heroin! I know this from personal experience because I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and public education convinced me to quit, which I did in 1985.

It should be some consolation for the Reefer Madness group to know there is a significant difference in the effects of DUI marijuana and DUI alcohol -- as any experienced highway cop will attest. Drunk drivers are aggressive, they drive erratically, and they speed. Stoned drivers are not aggressive, they are able to control their vehicle, but they tend to drive below the speed limit -- which is how the cops pick them out. (They drive slow and are smiling.)

There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.

Do you have any proof if this? I have been driving stoned since the 60s and have never been in an accident when stoned.
That will depend entirely on the effectiveness of the public education program, which should include saturation publicizing of DUI pot arrests and punishments.

Public education is the way cigarette smoking was decreased by more than 50% -- in spite of the fact that cigarette addiction is more tenaciously addictive than heroin! I know this from personal experience because I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and public education convinced me to quit, which I did in 1985.

It should be some consolation for the Reefer Madness group to know there is a significant difference in the effects of DUI marijuana and DUI alcohol -- as any experienced highway cop will attest. Drunk drivers are aggressive, they drive erratically, and they speed. Stoned drivers are not aggressive, they are able to control their vehicle, but they tend to drive below the speed limit -- which is how the cops pick them out. (They drive slow and are smiling.)

There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.

DD....even if they did a study and compared the 2 groups and it was proven Pot smokers are way less likely to cause a you think they would let it be known?...

About 15 years ago they were doing research for a roadside test for pot. They scrapped the project out of frustration because no one drove worse, and some people drove better. They hid the results until the WHO found out about it and raised hell. Even then it was barely mentioned.
Sometimes, pot can induce fear and paranoia.

As in "do my parents know I'm toking" Or "I hope the cashier can't smell it!" Or "Damn. Its the cops!! I know I'm getting busted!"

Fear and paranoia can destroy the mind. Keep Pot illegal! Help save kids from mental anguish!!:badgrin:
The guy wasn't hallucinating that his wife was a fat ugly lazy sack of shit. Pot just helped him see that clearly. So he shot her. :D
That will depend entirely on the effectiveness of the public education program, which should include saturation publicizing of DUI pot arrests and punishments.

Public education is the way cigarette smoking was decreased by more than 50% -- in spite of the fact that cigarette addiction is more tenaciously addictive than heroin! I know this from personal experience because I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and public education convinced me to quit, which I did in 1985.

It should be some consolation for the Reefer Madness group to know there is a significant difference in the effects of DUI marijuana and DUI alcohol -- as any experienced highway cop will attest. Drunk drivers are aggressive, they drive erratically, and they speed. Stoned drivers are not aggressive, they are able to control their vehicle, but they tend to drive below the speed limit -- which is how the cops pick them out. (They drive slow and are smiling.)

There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.

Do you have any proof if this? I have been driving stoned since the 60s and have never been in an accident when stoned.

There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.

DD....even if they did a study and compared the 2 groups and it was proven Pot smokers are way less likely to cause a you think they would let it be known?...

About 15 years ago they were doing research for a roadside test for pot. They scrapped the project out of frustration because no one drove worse, and some people drove better. They hid the results until the WHO found out about it and raised hell. Even then it was barely mentioned.

is that when they released "Wont get Fooled Again"?....
There's no doubt that alcohol impaired individuals are going to be aggressive as opposed to the docile pot smokers. However, as far as driving goes impairment is impairment and both can be dangerous on the hiway.

Do you have any proof if this? I have been driving stoned since the 60s and have never been in an accident when stoned.


So THIS is the guy I always get stuck behind ....
Doing 14 mph in the fast lane of the freeway....
Let's be honest, most people that smoke pot are either minorities, slackers, shitlibs, or some kind of assorted faggot.

Or the 1%,

or white middle class people

every demographic smokes pot.


You obviously have never stood in line outside a recreational marijuana store in Colorado.

I have.

Whilst waiting to make my first and only purchase of edibles (they are extraordinarily expensive compared to, say, a nice bottle of wine) the mutant beside me noted "You do not look like the type to be using."

I just agreed with him.
I'll be long dead before age 77. On the off chance I make it that far, I plan to eat a shotgun on my 60th birthday.

How old are you now? And why the dismal outlook?

What's so bad?

My chances of seeing age 60 are slim. My chances of seeing it without being a wheelchair-bound cripple and/or in an advanced state of senility are zero. I already have two bad knees, back problems, broken ribs that never healed properly, and after many concussions, I honestly wonder if I am in the early stages of CTE.
DD....even if they did a study and compared the 2 groups and it was proven Pot smokers are way less likely to cause a you think they would let it be known?...

About 15 years ago they were doing research for a roadside test for pot. They scrapped the project out of frustration because no one drove worse, and some people drove better. They hid the results until the WHO found out about it and raised hell. Even then it was barely mentioned.

is that when they released "Wont get Fooled Again"?....

They have been getting fooled ever since Reefer Madness. Fools will always be fooled.
I'll be long dead before age 77. On the off chance I make it that far, I plan to eat a shotgun on my 60th birthday.

How old are you now? And why the dismal outlook?

What's so bad?

My chances of seeing age 60 are slim. My chances of seeing it without being a wheelchair-bound cripple and/or in an advanced state of senility are zero. I already have two bad knees, back problems, broken ribs that never healed properly, and after many concussions, I honestly wonder if I am in the early stages of CTE.

I never thought I would see thirty - that was sorry of the common belief among the young back then. I have more than doubled that, so yeah, it was a bit of a surprise to hit 31, but there you go.

Look, someone wants to toke up every day for the rest of their life - I couldn't care less. It matters not to me. But for those fools who contend that it will never hurt them, they are as stupid as those folks who say that "drinking a fifth every day is good for you" or "Hell, I only smoke a pack a day - I'm good".

The old idea that "we're all gonna die - might as well go out happy" is the biggest cop out in the history of man. But hey! If that's anyone's plan - go for it!! :lol:
Seventeen people have been treated for overdosing on "synthetic" pot. I wonder if that's doublespeak for reinvented pot dna with certain links on the DNA strengthened? Oh, well, here's the story I found:

17 people treated for overdosing on synthetic marijuana

The Austin-American Statesman reports that 17 people are being treated after they overdosed on a strain of synthetic marijuana dubbed "K2."
As of 3 p.m., Austin-Travis County EMS had treated 17 people in the past 55 hours for health issues related to the use of the drug. Some had seizures while others lost consciousness. Many became disoriented, and EMS said some became violent. [The Austin-American Statesman]

There are suspicions that the drug — which is usually made by spraying feel-good chemicals on herbs — may have been laced with something a little stronger than THC.
- - Ryu Spaeth
17 people treated for overdosing on synthetic marijuana - The Week
Super THC? Enhanced THC? Who did this?

Seventeen people have been treated for overdosing on "synthetic" pot. I wonder if that's doublespeak for reinvented pot dna with certain links on the DNA strengthened? Oh, well, here's the story I found:

17 people treated for overdosing on synthetic marijuana

The Austin-American Statesman reports that 17 people are being treated after they overdosed on a strain of synthetic marijuana dubbed "K2."
As of 3 p.m., Austin-Travis County EMS had treated 17 people in the past 55 hours for health issues related to the use of the drug. Some had seizures while others lost consciousness. Many became disoriented, and EMS said some became violent. [The Austin-American Statesman]

There are suspicions that the drug — which is usually made by spraying feel-good chemicals on herbs — may have been laced with something a little stronger than THC.
- - Ryu Spaeth
17 people treated for overdosing on synthetic marijuana - The Week
Super THC? Enhanced THC? Who did this?


synthetic pot is not "pot"....

Synthetic Marijuana (Cannabis) Spice / K2 -
Anybody who knows anything about anything knows that "synthetic pot", such as "spice ", is NOT Marijuana.

Anybody who knows anything about anything knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE to overdose on Marijuana.

Anybody who knows anything about anything also knows that the active ingredient in Marijuana, THC, is NOT a hallucinogen. It's nothing like LSD or Psilocybin Mushrooms.

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